Bio: Hagen, Peter (1868 - 1932)
Transcriber: History Buffs
Surnames: Gullickson, Gullikson, Haakon, Hagen, Hnsen, Sigri, Ure, Yorkston
----Source: Photo contributed by Steve Roberts from his personal collection; Clark Co., WI Naturalization Records; Wikipedia, Federal Census, Wisconsin marriage records
Naturalization, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wisconsin
Peter Hagen b. 27 Sep 1868 in Norway
Immigrated from Christina, Norway 14 Apr 1890 to Quebec, CA & then by rail to La
Crosse, WI 8 May 1893 by Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul railway to La Crosse
Renounced Haakon VII, King of Norway 8 May 1893
Prince of Norway (ca 1906)
Gudbrand Valley includes the most arid area in Norway. At Skjåk the average annual precipitation is only 278 mm. Gudbrand Valley sits in the rain shadow of the mountains West (including Jotunheimen), North and East of the valley. The valley is less incised than the valleys of western Norway. Farming is mostly confined to the relatively narrow valleys. Gudbrandsdalen and adjacent valleys are surrounded by wide uplands and mountain plateaus traditionally used as summer farms. Wikipedia
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Wife: Helen
Oscar b. 13 Jun 1905, Pine Valley
Theodore b. 13 Oct 1906, Pine Valley
Erna b. 25 Sep 1909, Pine Valley
Witnesses: Anton Unger (Merchant, Neillsville, WI) & Oscar Schoengarth (Co.
Judge, Neillsville, WI)
Date of Petition: 1 Jan 1904
Clerk: Geo. A. Ure
Deputy Clerk: Leslie Yorkston
Oath of Alligence, 16 May 1914
BioM: Gullickson / Gullikson, Tarbary Helen (4 May 1904)
Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Groom: Peter Hagen, white American male, b. Norway
Marriage Date: 4 May 1904
Location: Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Father's Name: Ole Hagen
Mother's Name: Hans Sigri
Bride: Tarbary Helen Gullickson, white female, b. Norway
Father's Name: Andrew Gullickson
Mother's Name: Tumena Hansen
Peter Hagen arrived in Minnesota in 1893 where he worked on farms. He later purchased land in Neillsville and developed a very nice farm; where he made his home. May 4, 1904, he and Helen Gullikson / Gullickson were married at Neillsville and immediately set up housekeeping on his farm.
Photo contributed by Steve Roberts from his personal collection
1926 Map, Sec. 10,
Pine Valley twp., Clark Co., WI
1920 Federal Census,
Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Peter Hagen Head Male 51 Norway, general farmer
Helen Hagen Wife Female 37 Norway
Oscor Hagen Son Male 14 Wisconsin
Theodore Hagen Son Male 13 Wisconsin
Anna Hagen Daughter Female 10 Wisconsin
Esther Hagen Daughter Female 2 Wisconsin
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