BioA: Borden, Mr./Mrs. Ebenezer (Gold Anniv-1908)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: BORDEN
----Source: LOYAL TRIBUNE (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) 11/12/1908
Borden, Mr. & Mrs. Ebenezer (Gold Anniv - 5 NOV 1908)
On last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. E. Borden celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They began their married life on a farm near Shake-hollow, Wis. and many years ago came to Clark County, Wis. and settled on the farm they now occupy on the outskirts of this village (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.), when it was nothing but wilderness. They reared a family that is a pride and pleasure to them in their old age. By strict economy, careful management and hard work they surrounded themselves with peace, happiness and contentment.
Theodore Parker has wisely said that men and women, and especially young people, do not know that it takes years to marry completely, two hearts, even of the most loving and well-sorted. But nature allows no sudden change. We slope very gradually from the cradle to the summit of life. Marriage is gradual, a fraction of us at a time. A happy wedlock is a long falling in love. We know young persons that think love belongs only to brown hair and plump, round, crimson cheeks. So it does for its beginning, just as Mount Washington begins at Boston Bay. But the golden marriage is a part of love, which the bridal day knows nothing of. Youth is a tassel and silken flower of love, age is full corn, ripe and solid in ear. Beautiful is the morning of love with its prophetic crimson, violet purple and gild, with its hopes of days that are to come. Beautiful also is the evening of love, with its glad remembrances, and its rainbow side turned toward heaven as well as earth.
The celebration was attended by many friends who have grown up with Clark County in company with Mr. and Mrs. Borden. There were four couples present, Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, Mr. and Mrs. M. Visgar and Mr. and Mrs. John Salsbury, who had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, something very unusual.
The sixteen oldest in years present were M. Mack 84, Mrs. McKenzie 84, John Salsbury 82, Eben Borden 81, , William Welsh 78, George Barker 78, H. Sitts 78, N. Hallock 76, P. A. Greeley 76, E. Welsh 75, M. Visgar 75, Jane Visgar 74, Mrs. G. Barker 73, H. Philpott 72, Kate Borden 69, J. Rodgers 69, whose combined age was 1224 years, an average of 76 1/2 years each.
Those present enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and left as a token of their regard and esteem a silver set and wished them many more years of happy wedded life.
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