BioA: Bart, Mr./Mrs. James (Gold Anniv - 1909)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: BART
----Source: LOYAL TRIBUNE (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) 11/12/1909
Bart, Mr./Mrs. James (Gold Anniv - 7 NOV 1909)
A rare and happy event was celebrated Saturday, Nov. 6, 1910, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bart in this village (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.), when the aged couple renewed their marriage vows made just fifty years ago on last Sunday.
The impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. Joseph Stenz at the Catholic Church, after the eight o'clock mass in the morning and was witnessed by a large number of invited guests. The venerable bride was made a present of a solid gold ring and the groom a solid gold chain and they were also made the recipients of other handsome gifts by their children and others.
After the ceremony the invited guests assembled at the residence of the venerable couple and enjoyed a fine dinner. The time was passed in partaking of the bountiful hospitality and in social pastime. The times of years ago were recalled, which the old settlers seemed to enjoy thoroughly.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart were married at Chilton on Nov. 7, 1859, and came to Clark County, Wis. twenty-eight years ago and located on a farm about three miles south of this village and lived there up to eight years ago, when they moved to this village, where they have since resided. Mr. Bart is seventy five years of age and his worthy wife is two years his junior. May they continue to enjoy the connubial felicity which is indeed one of God's blessings.
Those present who were married fifty years were Mr. and Mrs. John Castner, Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Pickett of Unity.
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