BioA: Draper, Mr./Mrs. Horace (Gold Anniv - 1916)

Transcriber: Stan

Surnames: DRAPER

----Source: LOYAL TRIBUNE (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) 11/23/1916

Draper, Mr./Mrs. Horace (Gold Anniv - 23 OCT 1916)

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Draper recently returned from a several weeks trip. While away they celebrated, on Oct. 23, 1916, their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They visited relatives and friends in Caneadea, N.Y., in Ohio, Ind., and Ill., and besides having a pleasant visit with old time friends, visited many places of note. Mr. and Mrs. Draper were married in Caneadea, N.Y. Oct. 23, 1866.

In 1872 they came to Clark County, Wis., living in the town of Beaver the first winter and the following winter moved on the farm that they have occupied ever since. The farm was at that time all woods and the village of Loyal consisted of but a few houses. The next winter Mr. Draper taught in the first school house in this vicinity, a log school house, standing east of the A. K. Church farm, west of this village. He continued to teach winters in an around this vicinity for about thirty years.

Mr. and Mrs. Draper have always taken an active part in church and temperance work in this vicinity. They are enjoying good health and it is the wish of their many friends that they celebrate many more wedding anniversaries.



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