BioA: Aberg, Mr./ Mrs. John (Golden - 1939)

Contact:  Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Aberg, Hokenson, Nelson, Leirmo, Hendrickson, Brudof, Sjosprom, Torgeson

----Sources: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) Thurs., 1 June 1939

Aberg, Mr./Mrs. John (Golden - 29 May 1939)

Seventy relatives and friends gathered at the Fremont Lutheran Church Sunday to celebrate the Golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Aberg of conducted the services. After the ceremony a 1:30 dinner was served in the basement of the church.

The tables were decorated with flowers and a bride and a groom’s cake made by Ed Nelson, Calumet, Mich., who is a brother of Mrs. Aberg. After the dinner a program was given by the grandchildren and the rest of the afternoon was spent socially. A purse of money was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Aberg as a remembrance of the occasion.

All of their children were present of the occasion with the exception of one son, Albert of Greenwood.

John Aberg was born in Norway, September 12, 1864, and Mrs. Aberg nee Karie Nelson, was born in Norway, December 1, 1865.

The couple was married May 29, 1889, at West Prairie, Vernon County, where they engaged in farming. Mr. Aberg was a member of the Vernon County board for 14 years and chairman of the town of Sterling for three years.

They came to Greenwood from West Prairie in 1919 and settled on the present farm six miles north of Greenwood, in the town of Longwood. Mr. Aberg was treasurer of the town of Longwood for three years and chairman of the town board for three years. They are active members of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Longwood.

They have three sons and three daughters; Clarence and Albert at home; Arthur and Mrs. Christ (Clara) Leirmo of Ferryville and Mrs. Peter (Nora) Hendrickson and Mrs. George (Mable) Brudof of West Prairie.

Those who attended the celebration besides the relatives living in the vicinity of West Prairie were the honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Aberg and son, Clarence and Mr. and Mrs. John *mer Johnson and daughter, Marie, of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson and family of Calumet, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sjosprom and family of Minneapolis and Mrs. Anna Torgeson of La Crosse.

*Not sure what this was suppose to be. Maybe a miss print in the original actual.



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