Bio: Buker, Tillie (Indian Ministry – 1971)
Transcriber: Ronald Olson
Surnames: Buker
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 18 Feb 1971
On January 24, 1971, the Winnebago Indian Mission Church, Black River Falls,
Wisconsin, held their annual meeting. At that meeting I was one of the three
members who were elected to be representatives to the National Council of
American Indian Ministry of North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
The first meeting I attended was in Bismarck, North Dakota on January 30-31. On
Friday the two other representatives and I flew from Eau Claire to the Twin
Cities and on to Bismarck. What a cold and windy day. We arrived at the Grand
Pacific Hotel, where we stayed.
The conference room (Little Ponderosa) was in the basement of the same building,
also the lunchroom and dining rooms. It was all very pleasant and all new and
exciting to me.
I had met most of the council members at a meeting in Black River last summer
when I was just a visitor.
This council is composed of nine members, three youth representatives, one from
each area, the Executive Director and a Liaison consultant UCBHM, New York.
In February 1970, a meeting of Indians and white United Church leaders agreed
upon a plan by which the Indian people can take the initiative in developing and
administering future programs for the American Indians. The members, all Indians
from North and South Dakota Reservations, and Wisconsin.
They are to handle all monies coming in and designated to Indian Ministry, for
pastors salaries and to keep up the churches. This money is also used for youth
and scholarships for those who otherwise cannot afford to go on to school after
graduating from high school.
Rural areas where the people may form cooperatives, where they may sell their
baskets and beadwork and wood carvings or any other sorts of art that has been a
tradition of our people.
Being a new member of this council, things are very new to me and I have so much
to learn, but it is all very interesting. This report is a very brief and
rewarding experience to me.
Our next meeting will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 17-18.
(The above article has been submitted by Mrs. Tillie Buker, who is a Green Light
worker at the Greenwood Community Schools – Clark Co., Wis.).
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