School: Greenwood HS – Prom Royalty (1947 or 1948)
Surnames: Duda, Syth, Heilman, Klinke, Degas, Mlada, Jolivette, Noah, Trindal, Williams, Olson, Plunkett, Severson
----Source: Virginia Wehrman Gehrt scrapbook 1940’s
Once again it is time for the Junior Prom. It will be held at the Greenwood High School Gymnasium, Friday evening, April 18th. Music will be furnished by Emil and his band of Colby.
Out high school juniors are busily making myriads of American Beauty Roses for the annual Junior Promenade to be held April 18th. The plans call for a beautiful white ceiling from which are hung several giant roses, and a silver reflecting moon shining down upon the dancers from the stage.
The various committees responsible for the success of the prom are: Decorations; Audrey Duda, Earl Syth, Lenore Hellman. Program: Jean Klinke. Punch: Caroline Degas. Invitations: Margaret Mlada. Orchestra: Dale Jolivette. Checkroom: Norman Noah. Advisors: Miss Trindal and Mrs. Williams.
John Olson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Olson, was honored by receiving the title of Prom King. He has chosen Alice Plunkett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plunkett, as his queen. The two are pictured above. Pat Plunkett and Alice Severson are to be honorary King and Queen.
Press your suits, shake out your formal and come to the prettiest prom Greenwood
has ever had.
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