News: Curtiss (29 Dec 1966)
Surnames: Podgorski, Mahlstadt, Anderson, Ostenson, Lien, Konik, Schaus, Johnson
---------Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 29 Dec 1966
Mrs. Eleanor Podgorski of Winnetka, Ill. Spent the Christmas holidays at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Grandma Mahstadt.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ostenson Jr. and family of Bloomer were Christmas Day guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Lien.
Miss Sandra Konik of Racine is spending the Christmas vacation at the home of
her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schaus and daughters of Kaukauna arrived here Sunday to spend
Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johnson.
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