School: Thorp H.S. Class of 1958 (10 Year Reunion – 1968)
Surnames: Przybylski, Othman, Kaminski, Amundson, Hankey, Micke, McDermott,
Dudansky, Hallanger
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 05 Sep 1968
The Owen Country Club was the scene for the reunion of Thorp High School Class
of 1958 on August 31, 1968. After a delicious meal of ham and chicken, the group
of 85 enjoyed a program which consisted of the reading of the class quips,
prophecy, and a letter from a classmate, Estella Przybylski Othman, in Baghdad,
Iraq. Greetings were received at the Country Club from Louis Kaminski, who
called from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The class was particularly pleased to have
present, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Amundson and Mrs. and Mrs. Floyd Hankey, former class
advisors. Mrs. Carol Micke McDermott received the price for having traveled the
farthest distance, Las Vegas, Nevada. Each class member received a booklet, "A
Night to Remember," containing pertinent information of each member . During a
short business meeting, it was decided to hold another reunion in five years, as
this social endeavor was so enjoyable. Special thanks go to Miss Geraldine
Dudansky for coordinating the plans. The reunion was adjourned by the Master of
Ceremonies, Hal M. Hallanger.
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