Obit: Kallberg, Jenny E. (1883 – 1969)
Surnames: Kallberg, Luetkehoelter, Johnson, Braithwaite, Thess, Lindgren,
---------Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 11 Sep 1969
Kallberg, Jenny E. (5 JUN 1883 – 4 SEP 1969)
Funeral services were held Sunday, September 7, 1969 at 2:00 p.m. at the Hoeper
and Kraut Funeral Home for Jenny Emelia Kallberg, 86, who passed awa September
4, 1969 at the Medford Hospital due to the complications of age. Rev. H.W.
Luetkehoelter officiated and burial was made at the Riverside Cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers were Robert Johnson, Ross Braithwaite, Herb Thess, Axel
Lindgren, Fred Thess and John Burtardt.
Jenny Kallberg was born June 5, 1883 in Sweden and was married to Gust Kallberg
on February 2, 1905 in Chicago, Illinois. They worked in Chicago until they
moved to Green Grove Township (Clark Co., Wis.) in 1918. They lived there until
she entered the Nursing HOme in 1963.
Survivors include two sons, Helmer, route 1, Withee, and Lester, route 2, Owen,
and one daughter, Myrtle of Owen, and two grandchildren.
Her husband preceded her in death in April 1954.
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