Obit: Dankemyer, Freeman W. (1882 -1974)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Dankemyer, Krause, Seif, Berg, Loos, Beil, Montag, Eppers, Doehr,
Farnsworth, Cain, Helgerson, Anderson
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 8/29/1974
Dankemyer, Freeman W. (5 April 1882 – 16 August 1974)
Funeral services for a Town of Fremont native, Freeman W. Dankemyer, 92, who
died August 16, at Riverview Manor, Wisconsin Rapids, were held August 19, from
the Hansen Chapel in Marshfield. The Rev. Peter K. Anderson, associate pastor of
Faith Lutheran Church, Marshfield, officiated and burial followed in the Yolo
Cemetery at Chili.
Mr. Dankemyer was born April 5, 1882, in the Town of Fremont, and was educated
in area schools. He attended dairy school at the University of Minnesota in
1907, to obtain his cheesemaker’s license. For 40 years, he was employed as
cheesemaker at the Riverside Cheese Factory in Fremont, and later farmed in the
Chili area.
His marriage to the former Elsie Krause took Place February 16, 1911, in
Granton. Mrs. Dankemyer preceded her husband in death on January 29, 1963. Mr.
Dankemyer, who was a resident of Riverview Manor for the past two years, was a
member of Faith Lutheran Church, Marshfield.
Surviving are a son Gerald, Neillsville; three daughters, Miss Natalie Dankemyer
of Wisconsin Rapids, Mrs. Chester (Dorothy) Seif of Augusta, and Mrs. Robert
(Ruth) Berg of Amarillo, Tx.; three brothers: Martin and William, both of Chili,
and Leo of Neenah; a sister, Mrs. Hannah Loos of Mayo, Md.; eight grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were Arvin Beil, Harold Montag, Arnold Eppers, Lyle Doehr, Ervin
Farnsworth, and Manford Cain.
Duane Helgerson, soloist, was accompanied by Mrs. Peter K. Anderson, at the
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