School: Medford H. S. Class of ’63 (55th Reunion - 2018)
Transcriber: Robert Lipprandt
Surnames: Anderson, Bergmann, Bobowicz, Born, Brehm, Cullen, Cypher, Czarnezki,
Draeger, Duellman, Dunkel, Emmerich, Fiebke, Frischman, Frosch, Frosh, Gardner,
Gallistel, Goessl, Gorichs, Guziak, Habeck, Harris, Henrichs, Hessefort,
Hofmann, Jones, Kellerman, Kleutsch, Kolosa, LaBerg, Leary, Liske, Lord, Ludwig,
Malchow, Meerstein, Metz, Meyer, Neuendorf, Noland, Olson, Pashalian, Paur,
Pepke, Perkins, Pernsteiner, Piller, Radtke, Reigert, Resech, Ruesch, Schnorr,
Schroeder, Seidel, Sperl, Storch, Strebig, Tylka, Vos, Way, Wuethrich, Ziembo,
----Source: The Star News (Medford, WI) 10/04/2018
Our former class president Carol (Czarnezki) Way welcomed 43 classmates and 31
guests to our 55th Class Reunion on September 15, 2018, at the Chelsea
Conservation Club. She thanked the reunion committee: Kay Ludwig, Donna Seidel,
Karen Frosch, Herman Pernsteiner, Larry Born, Elva Storch and Mary Jo Henrichs.
Our many Veterans from the various branches of service were introduced, and we
had a moment of silence in remembrance of our 37 deceased classmates.
Carol took us down memory lane and we had a fond look back at everyday life and
how much things have changed over the past 55 years. Helen (Meerstein) Kellerman
led us in prayer, and we enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal. We closed with an
appropriate reunion poem submitted by Dixie (Zuleger) Noland. A class picture
was taken and then we continued visiting and reminiscing. A good time was had by
Attending the reunion were Bob and Juliane Anderson, Galen Bergmann, Larry and
Barb Born, Cordell Brehm, Don and Jill Cullen, Carol (Czarnezki) and Jerry Way,
Clarice (Draeger) Pashalian, Patsy (Duellman) and John Schnorr, Barbara (Dunkel)
Lord, Claire and Janyce Frischman, Ed and Sylvia Gardner, Judy (Goessl) and Bill
Strebig, Jim and Betsy Gorichs, Mike and Margie Guziak, Todd Harris, Sandy (Hessefort)
Kolosa, Jerry and Kathy Kleutsch, Bill and Debby LaBerg, Mike Leary and Becky
Tylka, Steve and Claire Malchow, Helen (Meerstein)
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