Obit: Capelle, Martha (1901 – 1974)
Surnames: Capelle, Humlie, Blado, Campbell, Herdrich
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 18 Jul 1974
Capelle, Martha (1 MAR 1901 – 15 JUL 1974)
Mrs. Phillips (Martha) Capelle, 73, Division Street, Loyal (Clark Co., Wis.),
died at 6:05 a.m., July 15, 1974 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield, of
complications due to a hip injury suffered a a car door bumped her Sunday
evening, July 7.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 17 at Trinity Lutheran
Church, Loyal, with burial in the Lutheran Cemetery. The Rev. William Humlie
The Rinka Funeral Home, Loyal, was in charge of arrangements.
The former Martha Blado was born March 1, 1901, in the Town of Loyal and
received her education in Loyal schools and also the Dodgeville Schools.
She was married on December 22, 1921 to Phillip Capelle, who preceded her in
death February 22, 1971. They operated a farm in the Loyal area until their
retirement in 1961, when they moved to the city of Loyal.
She was a member of the ALCW of the Trinity Lutheran Church.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William (Ada) Campbell, Eau Claire, and
Mrs. Bob (Dorothy) Herdrich, Eau Claire; two sons, Delmer, R. 1, Loyal, and
Calvin, Eau Claire, and eight grandchildren.
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