School: Dorchester H. S. (Staff of 1939)
Transcriber: Robert Lipprandt
Surnames: Doda, Johnson, Kinyon, McVey, Mason, Rinka, Roycraft
----Source: Public Records
Teaching Staff: Durward McVey, Principal; Harriet Doda; Robert Johnson; Harold
Kinyon; Maxine R. Mason; Chester Rinka; Jean Roycraft;
Dorian Yearbook Sponsors: Abby Beauty Shoppe, Abbotsford; Buehrens Co.,
Dorchester; The NewColby Theater, Colby; Colby Beauty Shop, Colby; Dorchester
Co-op Produce Association, Dorchester; Doyle Studio, Medford; Erickson Hardware
Company, Dorchester; Inter-Collegiate Press, Wausau; Dr. Foley, M.D.,
Dorchester; Friendship Beauty Shoppe, Dorchester; Fuchsbruber Funeral Service,
Dorchester; Genrich Implement Company, Dorchester; Hardt’s Tailor Shop,
Dorchester; Jaeger’s Bakery, Wausau; J. W. Kramer, Heating and Plumbing,
Medford; Mike Kraska Shoe Shop, Dorchester; Kraut Funeral Home, Dorchester;
McCarron Ice Cream, Medford; Medford Laundry, Medford; Newburg’s Clothing Store,
Medford; O & N Lumber, Dorchester; The Pals Eat Shop, Medford; Edgar Paulson
Ford Garage, Dorchester; Pechstein’s Shoe Store, Medford; Rutzky’s Quality
Merchandise, Dorchester; Scheiber’s Star Meat Market, Dorchester; Dr. A. W.
Schief, Dentist, Dorchester; Sebold Chevrolet Garage, Dorchester; Seidel Bros.
D-X Service, Dorchester; Vircks Barber Shop, Dorchesster; Weix Drug Store,
Dorchester; Edward Werner Cloverfarm Store, Dorchester; A. F. Zillmer Company
Department Store, Colby.
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