School: Thorp FFA Alumni
(Retirees - 2012)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Lewien, Frinack, Hamel, Lewandowski
----Source: Thorp Courier, (Thorp, Clark Co., WI) 2/22/2012
FFA Alumni (2011-2012 Officers Retire – 18 February 2012)
On Saturday, February 18, the four officers of the Thorp FFA Alumni retired from
their 2010-2011 positions-making room for new members to take their place later
this spring. President Mike Lewien, Vice President Ginny Frinack, Treasurer Ed
Hamal, and Secretary Laurie Jo Lewandowski ended their year on Saturday at the
annual Thorp FFA Alumni Banquet at the Thorp American Legion Hall.
Pictured: Mike Lewien and Ed Hamel with their plaques given to them from the
Thorp FFA Alumni Association. Missing from photo: Laurie Jo Lewandowski and
Ginny Frinack. Submitted photo
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