School: Greenwood
H.S. – 1-Act Play Goes to State (2021)
Surnames: Travis, Johnson, Elmer
Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Abbotsford, WI) 01 Dec 2021
Greenwood’s 1-act play advanced through district and sectional competition to be
able to compete at the State Festival held at the UW-Steven Point campus on Nov.
Greenwood performed a play titled “Bang Bang You’re Dead” by William
Mastrosimone. The play took on the subject of school shootings, exploring
bullying, mental illness, and the aftermath of violence.
Josh is confronted by the five victims from his shooting rampage at the school.
They have returned to confront him and relive the events that led up to the
moment. Josh contemplates suicide, but then chooses to take out his aggression,
anger, and depression on others. Ultimately behind bars, Josh realizes what he
has done, as the victims mourn the loss of their lives and futures.
Greenwood won the Critic’s Choice award, which is the highest award available to
win at the state level and the first time since 2013 for Greenwood.
Greenwood also won the Ensemble award (working as a cohesive group), Technical
award (for sound, lights, costumes, and props), best actor for Rogan Travis and
best actress for Braelynn Johnson, and Jo Elmer won the director’s award for the
second year in a row.
Returning to in-person performances for 2021, after 2020 when performances were
virtual with masks, Greenwood put on a successful performance with great
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