School: Colby H.S.
Skills USA Team Medals (2021)
Surnames: Becker, Stuttgen, Heeg, Boyer, Halverson, Hoppe, Koehler
Source: Tribune-Phonograph (Abbotsford, WI) 15 Dec 2021
The Colby High School team of Alaina Becker, Logan Stuttgen, Jazmine Heeg, Jacob
Hoppe, Brezlyn Boyer and Jaylin Halverson participated in the District 2
SkillsUSA competition on Dec 10.
Stuttgen, Hoppe and Heeg teamed up together for the Team Engineering challenge,
and finished the challenge with the farthest distance of creating a cantilever
from a post.
The team of Becker, Halverson and Boyer earned the bronze medal for the same
competition. Boyer worked double duty, also participating in the CO2 car
competition, which she placed with a silver metal. The CO2 competition was
judged on speed as well as the aesthetics and presentation.
“We are very proud of the Colby team, and the bravery it took to overcome the
harsh weather to get there,” said SkillsUSA advisor Kevin Koehler, industrial
tech instructor at Colby High School.
The next competition is at North Central Technical College in Wausau for the
regional competitions during February of 2022.
The team looks forward to the state competition, which will be held this coming
April at the Alliance Center in Madison.
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