28 Feb 2014
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
BioA: Halbrader, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
(Silver - 1971)
BioM: Jake, Blanche M. (1971)
BioM: Krall, Kathleen Ellen (1971)
BioM: Sandberg, Karen Jean (1971)
BioM: Winkel, Debra Dawn (1971)
News: Granton (9 Sep 1971)
News: Greenwood (9 Sep 1971)
News: Neillsville Locals (9 Sep 1971)
School: Greenwood H.S. Class of 1951
(20 Year Reunion - 1971)
New Records posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Harlow, Louisa (1864 – 1944)
Obit: Hunt, Clarence N. (1875 – 1949)
Obit: Krokson, Axel Ferdinand (1874
– 1942)
Obit: Meek, Mary (1873 – 1942)
Obit: Merkel, Margaret (1881 – 1943)
Obit: Meyer, Louise (1859 – 1949)
Obit: Mikottis, Agatha (1892 – 1959)
Obit: Potter, William (1887 – 1941)
Obit: Shields, Chester Albert (1885
– 1959)
Obit: Siegert, Lena (1893 – 1946)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Contonis, Debra M.
Dahlke, Shawn Lee
Decker, Bernard A.
DeGroote, Charles J.
DeGroote, Mae
Demmer, John P.
Dessloch, Nathan L.
Dessloch, Nola L.
Dickinson, Mary
Drier, Kenneth C.
Drier, Ruth C.
Elpert, Arnold
Firnstahl, James S.
Firnstahl, James S. - Military
Firnstahl, Makayla Elizabeth
Firnstahl, Margaret E.
Flynn, Betty H.
Flynn, Paul
Foster, Anita C.
Foster, James J.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Carl, Harland L. (R.O.T.C. Training
- 1952)
Bio: Krultz, Mike Jr. (Clerks' Meeting
- Jul 1952)
Bio: Olson, Dehne, Alice (Mother of
Jan. 1 Trio Dies-2013)
News: Greenwood Area (03 Jul 1952)
Obit: Barrett, Duane #2 (1932 - 1952)
Obit: Bond, Georgia (1876 - 1952)
Obit: Heintz, Matt #2 (1890 - 1952)
Obit: Heintz, Matt #3 (1890 - 1952)
Obit: Shrimpton, Frank #1 (1874 - 1952)
Obit: Shrimpton, Frank #2 (1874 - 1952)
21 Feb 2014
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Downer, Ross (Citizen of the Year
- 1971)
Bio: Lezotte, Christopher (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Steltenpohl, Airman Jerold A. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioM: Casler, Cheryl Ann (1971)
BioM: Geldernick, Peggy L. (1971)
News: Humbird (9 Sep 1971)
News: Pleasant Ridge (2 Sep 1971)
News: Willard (9 Sep 1971)
Obit: Bredesen, Mabel #2 (1894 - 1971)
Obit: Klein, Ray (? - 1971)
Obit: Vine, Algie #2 (1895- 1971)
New Records posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Armstrong, Glen (1885 – 1944)
Obit: Barnes, Alberta (1912 – 1942)
Obit: Busch, Fred Ludwig (1894 – 1949)
Obit: Bye, Esther Leonore (1895 – 1949)
Obit: Chamberlin, Arthur (1883 – 1943)
Obit: Clute, Helen A. (1864 – 1947)
Obit: Clute, Leon (1892 – 1946)
Obit: Corbin, William (1898 – 1939)
Obit: Decker, Herman (1868 – 1949)
Obit: Gosse, Minnie (1870 – 1949)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Bowser, Edward Francis
Bowser, Eleanor (Nellie)
Bowser, Theresa
Brey, Marilyn A.
Brey, Marilyn A.
Brey, Daniel John
Brown, Charles H.
Brown, Rita P.
Brown, Sharon L.
Bruesewitz, Elaine R.
Brunker, Jean M.
Brunker, Leland W.
Budde, Eleanor
Budde, Frank
Budde, Johanna M.
Bushman, George H.
Bushman, Lena
Chesmore, Catherine
Chesmore, Oliver J.
Clark, Michael Thomas
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Jun 1952)
Bio: Decker/Godell Reunion (1952)
Bio: Neuenfeldt, Jerry (New Resort -
Bio: Perman, Victor (Award - 1952)
BioA: Horn, Mr./Mrs. Hubert (Silver
- 1952)
BioA: Lindner, Mr./Mrs. Casper (Silver
- 1952)
BioA: Seibold, Mr./Mrs. John (Silver
- 1952)
Church: Greenwood Our Savior's (Egge
- 22 Jun 1952)
Church: Willard Holy Family (1st Communion
- 1952)
Obit: Stapel, Paul M. (1874 - 1952)
17 Feb 2014
New Photos contributed by Betty Comstock
History: Watkins'
Tours 15 May 1940 from Greenwood, Wisconsin
History: Watkins'
Tours 16 Jul 1940 from Greenwood, Wisconsin
Leon Konieczny if you can
identify any of the people in either
of these new photos. |
14 Feb 2014
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Burris, Timothy S. (Military Notes
- 1971)
Bio: Carteron, Sgt. Ronald E. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Kollmansberger, Pvt. Jimmy L. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Ridpath, Airman Bradley J. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioA: Carleson, Mr. and Mrs. Brule G.
(Golden - 1971)
BioA: Klapatauskas, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
(Silver - 1971)
BioA: Wieting, Mr. and Mrs. Tony (Golden
- 1971)
News: Chili (24 Jun 1971)
News: Globe (24 Jun 1971)
News: Greenwood (24 Jun 1971)
News: Humbird (24 Jun 1971)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Bergman, Gary J. (1947 - 2013)
Obit: Draeger, Reinhard A. (1925 - 2013)
Obit: Fink, Victor K. (1920 - 2013)
Obit: Koffler, Laura Emily (1936 - 2013)
Obit: Lilteich, Dawne L. (1964 - 2013)
Obit: Lindgren, Ronald #2 (1940? - 2013)
Obit: McCumber, Bernice C. (1913 - 2013)
Obit: Schneider, Florence E. #2 (1921
- 2013)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Bender, Alice R.
Bender, Brice H.
Berg, Phyllis M.
Berg, Warren M.
Edward J.
Beyer, Edward J. - Military
Irene L.
Beyer, Julia A.
Beyer, M. John
Beyer, Martin E.
Beyer, Juanita J.
Beyerl, Jacob Alphonse "Jim"
Beyerl, Rosemary J.
Beyerl, Joseph
Blank Family Stone
Blank, Anna
Blank, Elmer
Blank, Louis A.
Blume, Casey Lee
Bowser Family Stone
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Olson, John P. (College Graduation
- 1952)
BioM: Page, Patricia M. (1952)
BioM: Riechling, Mary F. (1952)
BioM: Vollrath, Elveira (1952)
Obit: Briski, Joseph F. (1885 - 1952)
Obit: Dunn, Albert (1880 - 1952)
Obit: Henk, Gerald A. (1947? - 1952)
Obit: Karsten, Bertha #4 (1882 - 1952)
Obit: Noah, Annie K. #2 (1913 - 1952)
Obit: Noah, Mathilda #2 (1874 - 1952)
10 Feb 2014
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Good Old Days
8 Jan 2014
07 Feb 2014
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
News: Chili (26 Aug 1971)
News: Granton (26 Aug 1971)
News: Humbird (26 Aug 1971)
News: Jackson: Thunder Museum (10th
Ann. - 26 Aug 1971)
Obit: Allbaugh, George Everett (1886
- 1971)
Obit: Doehr, Werner H. (? - 1971)
Obit: Gall, Alex Luis (1911- 1971)
School: Granton H.S. Class of 1961(10
Year Reunion - 1971)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Ensign, Ethan (Honors List - 2013)
Bio: Haufe, Lily Marie (Birth - 2013)
Bio: Haupt, Emerson David (Birth - 2013)
BioM: Zopfi, Kayla Lynn (12 Oct 2013)
News: Abbotsford (Eastern Star Installation
- 1951)
News: Unity (Bank Burglary - 1951)
Obit: Ogorzalek, John Victor #2 (1921
- 2013)
Obit: Pernsteiner, Lillian T. (1920
- 2013)
Obit: Schulz, Ellen R. (1928 - 2013)
Obit: von Helms, Lorraine (1939? - 2013)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Apfelbeck, Hildagard
Apfelbeck, Leo
Apfelbeck, Leo R. Jr.
Arends, Andrew A.
Arends, Andrew Jr.
Arends, Anna H.
Arends, Leona H.
Arends, Margarth A.
Barr, Howard M.
Barr, Linda Margaret
Barr, Mercedes M.
Bartnik, Agnes M.
Bartnik, Frank
Bartnik, Mattie
Barts, Harvey Jr.
Barts, Mabel
Baumgarten, Mark
Beck, Alice Marie
Beck, Anthony Joseph "Tony"
Berg, Warren M. Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioA: Buker, Mr./Mrs. Art (35th - 1952)
BioM: Johnson, Vera M. #2 (1952)
Church: Greenwood St. Mary's (First
Communion - 1952)
News: Greenwood (01 May 1952)
Obit: Klingeberger, Rev. John C.#1 (1891
- 1952)
Obit: Klingeberger, Rev. John C.#2 (1891
- 1952)
Obit: Rondorf, Matt #2 (1870 - 1952)
Obit: Warner, Sue #1 (1879 - 1952)
Obit: Warner, Sue #2 (1879 - 1952)
Obit: Weiher, Mathilda (1860 - 1952)
03 Feb 2014
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Good Old Days
1 Jan 2014