31 Jan 2014 |
New Records posted by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon |
BioM: Frenette, Joan Marie (1971) |
BioM: Noll, Carol (1971) |
BioM: Richmond, Joyce (Vandeberg) (1971) |
News: Greenwood (19 Aug 1971) |
News: Humbird (19 Aug 1971) |
News: Lynn (19 Aug 1971) |
Obit: Littlewolf, Nellie Amber (Nacge)
(1981- 2010) |
Obit: Reichenbach, Kathleen M. (1936
- 2010) |
Obit: Stillman, Paul (1898 - 1971) |
New Photo provided by
Don & Janet Rogalski |
Bio: Rogalski Brothers |
New Record posted by
Betty Comstock |
Bio: Schwarze, Grandpa Herman (91st
Birthday- Jun 1941) |
New Obituary photos
by Ellen Johnson |
Obit: Cohoon, Barbara J. #1 (1950? -
2012) |
Obit: Delo, Marjorie M. #1 (1919 - 2013) |
Obit: Gregorich, LaVerne (1939 - 2012) |
Obit: Hebert, Terry (1939 - 2012) |
Obit: Schwantes, William W. (1930 -
2012) |
Obit: Wagner, Margaret Louise (1931
- 2012) |
New Cemetery Photos
by Kathy Englebretson |
Colby St. Mary's |
Abney, Andrew C. |
Allmann, Lawrence |
Allmann, Marie |
Altenberger Family Stone |
Altenberger, Clara |
Altenberger, Eleanor |
Altenberger, Joseph |
Altenberger, Pauline Monica |
Altenberger, William |
Anderson, Erma N. |
Anderson, John E. |
Andrew, Cunigunda |
Andrew, Leo |
Andrew, Leo - Military |
Andrew, Ralph A. |
Andrew, Rosie R. |
Anules, Mary |
Apfelbeck, Francis J. |
Apfelbeck, Francis J. - Military |
Apfelbeck, Leo - Military |
New Records posted by
Stan Schwarze |
Bio: Hemmersbach, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Alphonse (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Klinke, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Al
(Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Lyon, Son of Mr./Mrs. Melvin (Birth
- 1952) |
Bio: Malnar, Mathew (Valedictorian -
1952) |
Bio: Niemi, Pfc. Wm. (Military Graduation
- 1952) |
Bio: Reineke, Beverly (Honors - 1952) |
Bio: Richardson, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Glen (Birth - 1952) |
Bio: Worchel, Bonnie (Salutatorian -
1952) |
Bio: Worden, Son of Mr./Mrs. Warren
(Birth - 1952) |
Obit: Kippenhan, John (1873 - 1952) |
27 Jan 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days
25 Dec 2013
24 Jan 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Duerkop, Krista Lynn (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Michels, Patrick John (Birth -
News: Neillsville Locals (18 Dec 2013)
Obit: Danielewicz, Alice B. (1921 -
Obit: Daniels, Larry Lee (? - 2013)
Obit: Lamovec, Ann Evelyn #2 (1920 -
Obit: Malaszuk, Rose June #2 (1924 -
Obit: Scholtz, Frank R. #2 (1888 - 1971)
Obit: Taylor, Ricky A. (1990 - 2013)
Obit: Vanderhyden, Wilfred G. (1894
- 1971)
New Records
posted by Ann Stevens
News: Sydney (6 Jul 1916)
News: North Weston (06 Jul 1916)
News: North Weston (20 Jul 1916)
News: York Center (27 Jul 1916)
Obit: Barnett, Sylvia Velona #2 (1840
- 1916)
Obit: Boon, James M. #2 (1845 - 1916)
Obit: Hubing, Mike #2 (1848 - 1916)
Obit: Krejci, Mrs. Joseph (? - 1916)
Obit: Larson, James (1837 - 1916)
Obit: Schoengarth, Edward #2 (1881 -
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
West Spencer
Missling, Robert O.
Missling, Wilhelmina C.
Mondloch, Leonora F.
Mondloch, Mathias J.
O'Brien, James L. Sr.
O'Brien, Lila
Oelrich, Sophia
Oelrich, William
Pietsch, Elizabeth
Reigel, Ila Mae
Rizzi, Jacob
Rizzi, Louise A.
Rychlicki, Louis F.
Sautner, James J.
Sautner, James J. - Military
Sautner, John B.
Sautner, Rachel E.
Sautner, Suzanne L.
Seefeld, Louis F.
Seefeld, Winifred
Siebarth, Albert
Siebarth, Ida
Sook, Donald Edward
Sook, Flossie B.
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Hare, Corrine ("A" Rating - 19
Apr 1952)
Bio: Vollrath, Larry (College Choir
- Mar 1952)
BioA: Hatton, Mr./Mrs. Evan (Silver
- 1952)
BioM: Harris, Ethel D. (1952)
News: Greenwood (03 Apr 1952)
Obit: Anderson, F.W. (1875 - 1952)
Obit: Howard, O.J. (1869 - 1952)
Obit: Rear, Oscar #1 (1891 - 1952)
Obit: Rear, Oscar #2 (1891 - 1952)
School: Greenwood H.S. (Junior Prom
- 18 Apr 1952)
20 Jan 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days
18 Dec 2013
17 Jan 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Helwig, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
(40th - 1971)
BioA: Koschak, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Silver
- 1971)
BioM: Galetka, Nancy Lynn (1971)
BioM: Hess, Betty L. (1971)
BioM: Koranda, Rosalie Ann (1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Aug 1971)
Obit: Halle, Sylvia (1915 - 1971)
Obit: Siems, Mina May #2 (1903 - 1971)
Obit: Wallace, Darwin (1888 - 1971)
Obit: Wucki, Mary T. (1890 - 1971)
New Obit
Photo from Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Scholze, Janet Louise (1933 -
New Records
posted by Ann Stevens
News: Dells Dam (20 Jul 1916)
News: Globe (06 Jul 1916)
News: Globe (20 Jul 1916)
News: Globe (27 Jul 1916)
News: North Grant (6 Jul 1916)
News: Levis (6 Jul 1916)
News: North Pine Valley (27 Jul 1916)
News: Pleasant Ridge (20 Jul 1916)
News: Pleasant Ridge (27 Jul 1916)
News: Shortville (20 Jul 1916)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
West Spencer
Cook, Charles Wesley
Cook, Linda Marie
Damon Family Stone
Damon, Joseph S.
Drews, Elsie I.
Drews, Harold Otto Max
Engel, Becky Jean
Engel, Marvin "Mike"
Engel, Nina
Luce, Alfred L.
Luce, Pearl B.
Lydiksen, Donald G.
Lydiksen, Lucille E.
Lydiksen, Lynette L.
Lydiksen, Paulette
Matter, Bertha
Matter, Edward
Miller, Hannah
Miller, Jacob
Pietsch, Catherine
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Plautz, Jeanette (President of
W.S.N.A. - Mar 1952)
Bio: Plunkett, Alice (Picture in Health
Journal - Mar 1952)
BioA: Plank, Mr./Mrs. Sylvester #2 (Gold
- 1952)
BioM: Nelson, Myrtle #2 (1952)
BioM: Shupe, Mary Ann #2 (1952)
Obit: Berger, Arvid W. (1926 - 2014)
Obit: Capes, Mark A. (1949 - 2014)
Obit: Green, Dever E. (1915 - 2014)
Obit: Huntzicker, Belle #3 (1873 - 1952)
Obit: Kramerich, Mathew #2 (1880 - 1952)
Obit: Perkins, Chalmer #2 (1884 - 1952)
Obit: Perkins, Chalmer #3 (1883 - 1952)
Obit: Trybula, Katherine M. #2 (1952
- 1952)
Obit: Waldhauser, Ruby J. (1936 - 2014)
Obit: Wojcik, Joan M. (1958 - 2014)
16 Jan 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Backus, Air Force Sgt. Wm. W. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Gray, Air Force Sgt. Douglas G.
(Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Olsen, Air Force Sgt. James A.
(Military Notes - 1971)
BioM: German, Rose Mary (1971)
BioM: Thomas, Janice Marie (1971)
News: Globe (5 Aug 1971)
News: Greenwood (5 Aug 1971)
Obit: Lueck, Elsie B. #2 (1891 - 1971)
Obit: Nowack, Clarence (1901 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Andrews, Dimple (Memorial - 1916)
Bio: Dixon, Lorraine (Gored by Cow -
Bio: Schoengarth, Ed H. (Responding
to Accusation - 1916)
Bio: Youmans, G.C. (Elected Alderman
- 1916)
BioM: Brooks, Vivian (1916)
BioM: Buddinger, Clara #3 (1916)
BioM: Garbush, Laura (1916)
BioM: Kaudy, Edna #2 (1916)
BioM: Manthey, Helen (1916)
BioM: Prock, Katherine (1916)
BioM: Weber, Ida #2 (1916)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
West Spencer
Bymers, Ethel E.
Bymers, Paul
Cook, Marvin Charles
Faber, Joseph
Faber, Larry
Faber, Leona M.
Fischer, Ralph J.
Graves, Bernice L.
Graves, Kenneth D.
Graves, Michael D.
Hanson Family Stone
Hanson, Alice
Hanson, Marvin D.
Hanson, Mary Elladore
Hanson, Sophia
Hayward, John F.
Hoff, Helen C.
Hoff, John A.
Hoff, Kathryn
Hoffman, James A.
New Obituary/Photo
by Tom Burns
Obit: Nonhof, Henry Alvin (1870 - 1934)
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Briski, Joseph Jr. (Joins Marines
- 1952)
Bio: Humke, Jeanette D. (High Honors
- Mar 1952)
Bio: Standiford, Justin (Receives Honors
- Mar 1952)
Bio: Swieso, Wilbert (Accident - 23
Feb 1952)
News: Greenwood (06 Mar 1952)
Obit: Behrens, Clyde #2 (1893 - 1952)
Obit: Huntzicker, Belle #2 (1873 - 1952)
Obit: Ingham, Elizabeth (1870 - 1952)
Obit: Lund, Leonard #3 (1888 - 1952)
Obit: Sheets, Ida (1874 - 1952)
15 Jan 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Kallberg, Pvt. Gary B. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Marcott, Pvt. Lenis C. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jul-Aug 1971)
News: Granton (29 Jul 1971)
Obit: Dusso, Donald L. #3 (1914 - 1971)
Obit: Johnson, Bertha Marie (1892 -
Obit: Woodford, Raymond Lee (1906 -
Obit: Zickert, Bertha (1898 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Ann Stevens
Obit: Brown, Laura #2 1853 - 1916)
Obit: Gates, Jane #2 (1828 - 1916)
Obit: Jahr, Alfred #2 (1858 - 1916)
Obit: McIntyre, James #2 (1855 - 1916)
Obit: Welsh, Nettie (1856 - 1916)
Obit: Wing, Mary #2 (1834 - 1916)
Obit: Wing, Mary Jane #3 (1834 - 1916)
School: Neillsville New Teachers (1916)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Suckow, Curt Donovan
Tennis, Edna
Tennis, Jerome Allen
Westberg, Andrew
Westberg, Anna M.
Westberg, Clara M.
Westberg, Orville P.
Wiedenhoeft, Edythe H.
Wiedenhoeft, Erma Ruth
Wiedenhoeft, Gilbert J.
Wieland, Albert
Wieland, Lillian F.
Wieland, Tina
Wieland, Walter Carl
Willecke, Bertha
Willecke, Karl
Williamson, Frances L.
Williamson, Orin Donald
Williamson, William E.
Winkler, Agnes Amelia
Winkler, Karen K
Winkler, Norman E.
Winkler, Robert E.
Witte, Bonnie L.
Wootos, Malinda Victoria
Wootos, Peter E.
by Paula Palmer
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Elmer, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Everett
(Birth - 1952)
Bio: Hare, Son of Mr./Mrs. George (Birth
- 1952)
Bio: Noah, Norman (Committee - 1952)
Bio: Sloniker, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Ed (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Vine, Elizabeth (80th Birthday
- 1952)
Bio: Vinger Family (Return from Trip
- 1952)
BioM: Podobnik, Berne J. #2 (1952)
News: Greenwood - Looking back
- 18 Apr 1912 (28 Feb 1952)
News: Greenwood - Looking back -
06 Jun 1912 (14 Feb 1952)
Obit: Looker, Emma #4 (1866 - 1952)
14 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Golberg, Warren R. (Farmer’s
Store Vice Pres - 1971)
BioA: Aspen, Mr. and Mrs. Ole
(Golden - 1971)
BioM: Bauer, Mary Jane (1971)
BioM: Hilligas, Doris Irene
News: Greenwood (22 Jul 1971)
News: Humbird (22 Jul 1971)
News: Lynn (22 Jul 1971)
Obit: Schlinkert, Herbert T.
(? - 1971)
Obit: Sievert, Harold (? - 1971)
Obit: Sonderegger, Laura Jane
(1917 - 1971)
Obit: Susa, John Michael #2
(1892 - 1971)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Hewettville (1 Jun 1916)
News: Levis (1 Jun 1916)
News: Pleasant Ridge (1 Jun
News: Pleasant Ridge (22 Jun
News: Pleasant Ridge (29 Jun
News: Shortville (22 Jun 1916)
News: Sydney (1 Jun 1916)
News: East Washburn (22 Jun
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity, Wisconsin Trinity Lutheran
Rydberg, Gustave E.
Safemaster, Eileen Beverly
Safemaster, Elsie C.
Safemaster, Godfrey
Safemaster, Jeremy James
Safemaster, Lester L.
Safemaster, Lester L.
Safemaster, Nels G.
chjoneman, Edith M.
Schjoneman, Ernest E.
Schjoneman, John L.
Schneider, Marvin M.
Schneider, William Albert
Snowberg, Carl H.
Snowberg, Carl O.
Sorenson, John E.
Sorenson, Ruth
Stark, Ella C.
Stark, Samuel J.
Steinke, E. Isabel
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Atcherson, Daughter of
Mr./Mrs. Wilfred (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Brux, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Harland (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Klinke, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Frank (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Koch, Rev. Charles (Installation
Service - 1952)
Bio: Kokaly, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Edward (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Tompkins, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Nyle (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Warner, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Harold "Dick" (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Ziegler, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Harold (Birth - 1952)
News: Greenwood (07 Feb 1952)
News: Greenwood (Shopping on
Main St. - 14 Feb 1952)
13 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Aumann, Irban & Leona (80th
Birthdays - 2014)
News: Neillsville Area (8 Jan
Obit: Hansen, Camille “Connie”
(1923 - 2014)
Obit: King, Esther Clara #2
(1928 - 2014)
Obit: Lindgren, Ronald (? -
Obit: Lutz, Elaine D. (1924
- 2014)
Obit: Miller, Craig S. (1961
- 2013)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Bast, John (Winning Pitcher
- 1916)
Bio: Ver Kuilen, John (Board
Chairman Re-election - 1916)
BioM: Kearney, Katherine (1916)
BioM: MacBride, Beatrice Mary
BioM: Reindel, Alma #2 (1916)
News: Clark Co. - Candidates
Now Training (1916)
News: Clark County News Letter
News: Globe (22 Jun 1916)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity, Wisconsin Trinity Lutheran
Olson, Esther Victoria
Olson, Pastor John A.
Peterson, Carl Albert
Peterson, Ina E.
Ringquist, Anton Edward
Ringquist, Anton E.
Ringquist, August P.
Ringquist, Charlotte
Ringquist, Gust P.
Ringquist, Gustav W.
Ringquist, Gustava
Ringquist, Joyce E.
Ringquist, Julia R.
Ringquist, Ole U.
Rogers, Dustin Scott
Rogers, Gary D.
Rogers, Gaylen A.
Rogers, Hillary Lynn
Rogers, Lois V.
Rydberg, Emma W.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Hartung, Rev. Edward (Birthday
- 1952)
Church: Greenwood Zion E & R
(Elect Officers - 1952)
Church: Warner Immanuel E. &
R (Elect officers - 1952)
Obit: Cramer, John A. C. (1889
- 1952)
Obit: Gardner, Floyd L. #2 (1889
- 1952)
Obit: Pfunder, Dr. Malcolm C.
(1898? - 1952)
Obit: Smith, Samuel J. ( 1867
- 1952)
Obit: Weishaar, Simon P. (1868
- 1952)
School: Greenwood St. Mary's
School Notes (07 Feb 1952)
School: Greenwood St. Mary's
Open House (10 Feb 1952)
Obit: Annen, Caroline A. (1941
- 2014)
Obit: Gehrke, Orin (1929 - 2013)
Obit: King, Esther C. (1928
- 2014)
Obit: Schneider, Florence E.
(1921 - 2014)
Obit: Spuhler, Inez E. (1931
- 2013)
Obit: Suda, Anthony V. (1938
- 2014)
Obit: Wellner, Marion D. (1909
- 2013)
10 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 4 Dec 2013
News: Greenwood (15 Jul 1971)
News: Humbird (15 Jul 1971)
Obit: Catlin, Anna (1897 - 1971)
Obit: Gardner, Adelbert (1896
- 1971)
Obit: Grottke, Fred (1885 -
Obit: Hales, Roy O. (1888 -
School: Greenwood H.S Class
of 1936 (35 Yr Reunion - 1971)
School: Neillsville H.S. Class
of 1961(10 Yr Reunion - 1971)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Cukla, Anna Mary (1915
- 2013)
Obit: Gorichs, Henry (1943 -
Obit: Haskins, Donald E. (1935
- 2013)
Obit: Hoeve, Herbert Eugene
(1938 - 2013)
Obit: Koenig, Richard W. (1960
- 2013)
Obit: Nemitz, Terry Louis (1964
- 2013)
Obit: Schmidt, Verna A. (1916
- 2013)
Obit: Zimmerman, Seth D. (2000?
- 2013)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Nickel, Anna Charlotte Dorothy
Nickel, Dora Ernestine
Nickel, George
Nickel, Leonard Edward
Nilson, Lisa C.
Nilson, Nils
Nowack, Franklin A.
Nowack, Hulda
Oleson, Bessie M.
Oleson, Ole
Olson, Alma C.
Olson, Anders Gustaf
Olson, Anna
Olson, Anna Brdget
Olson, Anna Christina
Olson, Edward
Olson, Ellen M.
Olson, Jeannine
Olson, John
Olson, Martin W.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioA: Artac, Mr./Mrs. Mike (45th
– 30 May 1952)
BioA: Hubert, Mr./Mrs. William
(Gold - 1952)
Church: Warner Immanuel Confirmation
(1 Jun 1952)
News: Greenwood (05 Jun 1952)
Obit: Debevec, Randall F. (1952
- 1952)
Obit: Noah, Annie K. (1913 –
Obit: Rogers, Eunice (? - 1952)
School: Greenwood H.S. Alumni
Banquet (30 May 1952)
School: Greenwood Students Graduate
River Falls (1 Jun 1952)
School: Greenwood St. Mary's
(School Dedication - 1952)
09 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Barritt, Kimberly Rose
(1991- 2013)
Obit: Crothers, Marcia N. #2
(1919 - 2013)
Obit: Cukla, Anna Mary #2 (1915
- 2013)
Obit: Grobe, Carola #2 (1925
- 2013)
Obit: Jensen, Mark Lee (1968
- 2013)
Obit: McDonough, Mathilda (1916
- 2013)
Obit: Ogorzalek, John Victor
(1921 - 2013)
Obit: Peterson, Thomas M. #2
(1947 - 2013)
Obit: Phillips, Janice K. #2
(1937 - 2013)
Obit: Schultz, Valerie Jean
(1956 - 2013)
Obit: Zwaschka, Joanne Clara
#2 (1949 - 2013)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Decker, Betty L. #2 (1933
- 2013)
Obit: Hardrath, Marjorie Ruth
(1922 - 2013)
Obit: Hawkey, Leo T. #2 (1934
- 2013)
Obit: Lapp, Eugene Raymond (1931?
- 2013)
Obit: Larsen, Albert M. (1924
- 2013)
Obit: Ross, Verlyn D. (1927
- 2013)
Obit: Sandgren, Gwendolyn Marie
Nada (1916 - 2013)
Obit: Tischendorf, Gerald E.
#1 (1946 - 2013)
Obit: Witucki, Norman Thomas
(1941 - 2013)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Melander, Gust
Melander, Hannah
Mellgren Family Stone
Mellgren, Carl Eric
Mellgren, Esther
Mellgren, Mary M.
Messer, Ansel Edward
Messer, Myri L.
Meyer, Kenneth
Meyer, Louise
Meyer, Otto
Miller, George W.
Miller, Jennie
Monness, Edwin M.
Monness, Edwin M. Military
Monness, Lois L.
Nelson, Charles
Nelson, Charles J.
Nelson, Gerda
Nickel Family Stone
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Elmer, Lester (2nd Lt.
Commission - 1951)
Bio: Koch, Rev. Charles (First
Sermon - 1952)
Bio: Schneider, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Robert (Birth - 1951)
Bio: Vollrath, Elvera E. (Engagement
- 1951)
BioM: Bruss, Marcia Frances
#2 (1951)
BioM: Drake, Joan L. (1951)
News: Greenwood (03 Jan 1952)
Obit: Gosse, Ernest J. #3 (1884
- 1951)
Obit: Schwarze, William Joseph
#2 (1875 - 1952)
Obit: Schwarze, William Joseph
#3 (1875 - 1952)
08 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Harris Reunion (15 Jul
Bio: Kolbo, Airman Jesse P.
(Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Olson, Pvt. John R. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioM: Brewer, Frances (1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (July
- 1971)
BioM: Peters, Janice (1971)
BioM: Sepp, Diane Marie (1971)
News: Globe (15 Jul 1971)
News: Greenwood (8 Jul 1971)
News: Greenwood (15 Jul 1971)
School: NHS Class of 1946 (25
Year Reunion - 1971)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Esselman, Edward (Baptism
- 1967)
BioA: Sternitzky, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo (Gold – 1967)
BioM: Bell, Connie Kay (1967)
Church: Loyal Methodist (Confirmation
Obit: Cook, Peter (abt. 1948
– 1967)
Obit: Fabian, Ella #2 (1891
– 1967)
Obit: Gardner, Peggy #1 (1950
– 1967)
Obit: Gardner, Peggy #2 (1949
– 1967)
Obit: Kusa, Ida (1884 - 1967)
Obit: Weyhmiller, Otto (1887
– 1967)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Kilty, Florence M.
Kilty, Myrtle A.
Kilty, William T.
Kollmansberger, Ervin John
Kollmansberger, Maybelle
Korntved, Margaret "Maggie"
Korntved, Peter
Landwehr, Janice L.
Losurdo, Audrey
Losurdo, Paul R.
Losurdo, Paul R.
Loughead, Fred
Loughead, Fred
Loughead, Neola
Matson, Anna Caroline
Matson, Clarence V.
Matson, Erland
Matson, Victor Joseph
Melander, Edward
Melander, Gertrude
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
News: Janesville Settlement
(04 Nov 1926)
News: Longwood (28 Oct 1926)
News: Longwood (04 Nov 1926)
News: Mead (28 Oct 1926)
News: Mead (11 Nov 1926)
News: Seif & Hendren (04 Nov
News: Seif & Hendren (11 Nov
News: West Side (28 Oct 1926)
News: Willard (28 Oct 1926)
News: Willard (04 Nov 1926)
News: Willard (11 Nov 1926)
07 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Pleasant Ridge (1 Jul
Obit: Aumann, Claude John (1908
- 1971)
Obit: Buchholz, Frederick Richard
(1956 - 1971)
Obit: Gerhardt, Walter C. (?
- 1971)
Obit: Hogan, Dora E. (1882 -
Obit: Hudec, Victor (1901 -
Obit: McKevitt, Ronald Michael
(1951 - 1971)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Alger, Kim M. #2 (1962
- 2013)
Obit: Alger, Richard L. #2 (1930
- 2013)
Obit: Bohman, Daniel Phillip
(1947 - 2013)
Obit: Danielewicz, Alice Belle
#2 (1921 - 2013)
Obit: Hannewald, Florence Helene
(1921 - 2013)
Obit: Holtzheimer, Waunda J.
(1967 - 2013)
Obit: Mediger, Monte (1971?
- 2013)
Obit: Withbroe, Mary Jo (1921
- 2013)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Justman, Charles
Justman, Delores
Justman, Dennis
Justman, Emma
Justman, Emma Jane
Justman, Fred W.
Justman, Hilda E.
Justman, Infant Daughter
Justman, Marvin LeRoy
Justman, Merlin Elroy
Justman, Phillip W.
Justman, Roy E.
Justman, Roy James Jr.
Justman, Theresa
Kaufmann, Anna
Kaufmann, Fred
Kilty, Donald E.
Kilty, Helen Elsie
Kilty, Kenneth R. Sr.
Kilty, Virginia Irene
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Korntved, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Soren (Birth - 1926)
News: Braun Settlement (28 Oct
News: Eaton - East Side (11
Nov 1926)
News: Eaton Center (11 Nov 1926)
News: Gorman (04 Nov 1926)
News: Gorman (11 Nov 1926)
News: Greenwood (28 Oct 1926)
News: Hemlock (04 Nov 1926)
News: Hemlock (11 Nov 1926)
News: Hendren & Foster (11 Nov
News: Janesville Settlement
(28 Oct 1926)
06 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Adamec, Anna (100th Birthday
- 2013)
Obit: Cerven, Janice “Kay” (1947
- 2013)
Obit: Daniels, Larry Lee #2
(1947 - 2013)
Obit: Francis, Lorraine M. #2
(1926 - 2013)
Obit: Hawkey, Leo T. (1934 -
Obit: Wolf, Alice Marie (1922
- 2013)
New Record posted by Janet Schwarze
Obit: Fauser, Lorraine M. (1924
– 2004)
New Records posted by Janet
Obit: Degnitz, Angeline (1925
- 2013)
Obit: Poehnelt, Evelyn E. (1929
– 2013)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Johnson, Edythe Olivia
Johnson, Isabelle
Johnson, John W.
Johnson, Justus V.
Johnson, Marvin
Johnson, Milton C.
Johnson, Oscar E.
Johnson, Oscar W.
Johnson, Salem John
Johnson, Signe C.
Johnson, Wilhelmena
Johnson, Wilhelmina
Josephson, Edgar
Josephson, Emma
Josephson, Lucille
Josephson, Victor
Jost, Joanne
Jost, Leon Robert
Jost, Leon R.
Justman, Alfred W.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Cook, Janet M. (1928 -
Obit: Crothers, Marcia N. (1919
- 2013)
Obit: Dommer, Milton G. (1926
- 2014)
Obit: Miller, Diann R. (1937
- 2013)
Obit: Peterson, Thomas M. (1947
- 2013)
Obit: Phillips, Janice K. (1937
- 2013)
Obit: Schiller, Edward H. (1937
- 2013)
Obit: Tischendorf, Gerald E.
#2 (1946 - 2013)
Obit: Walter, Franklin J. (1924
- 2013)
Obit: Zwaschka, Joanne C. (1949
- 2013)
03 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 27 Nov 2013
Obit: Embke, William (1883 -
Obit: Hiles, Robert (1900 -
Obit: Johnson, Nancy Jane (1939
- 2013)
Obit: Meske, Joseph A. (? -
Obit: North, William Frederick
(1886 - 1971)
Obit: Prokopiak, David Edward
(1964 - 2013)
Obit: Schield, Carroll N., Dr.
#2 (1917 - 2013)
Obit: Scholtz, Frank R. (1888
- 1971)
Obit: Thompson, Della Mae (1940
- 2013)
Obit: Wolfe, Rodney J. (1942
- 2013)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Kunze, Jaxen Dominic (Birth
- 2013)
Bio: Mohan, Rhiannon (Dean’s
List - 2013)
Bio: Orth, Layden James (Birth
- 2013)
Bio: Reinhart, Michael Christopher
(Birth - 2013)
BioM: Bedroske, Amanda Marie
Obit: Cwikla, Paul R. Sr. (1941
- 2013)
Obit: Erdman, Kathleen B. (1942
- 2012)
Obit: Gerstberger, Elsie C.
(1923 - 2013)
Obit: Kowalczyk, Zenita M. (1917
- 2013)
Obit: May, Dorothy S. (1921
- 2013)
Obit: Prokopiak, David E. #2
(1964 - 2013)
Obit: Winger, Irmgard Erieka
Helena (1925 - 2012)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Johnson, Alpha E.
Johnson, Anna
Johnson, Bertha
Johnson, Charley
Johnson, Charlie
Johnson, Dorothy Katherine
Johnson, Elmer
Johnson, Emil A.
Johnson, Emil
Johnson, Eric J
Johnson, Erjkaders
Johnson, Evert
Johnson, Forrest Loren
Johnson, Forrest Military
Johnson, Genevieve Mildred
Johnson, Gilbert
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Ida Emelia
Johnson Family Stone (John)
Johnson, John W.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
News: Braun Settlement (14 Oct
News: Eaton Center (30 Sep 1926)
News: Gorman (07 Oct 1926)
News: Greenwood (30 Sep 1926)
News: Hemlock (23 Sep 1926)
News: Hemlock (07 Oct 1926)
News: Janesville Settlement
(14 Oct 1926)
News: Seif & Hendren (23 Sep
News: Willard (30 Sep 1926)
News: Willard (14 Oct 1926)
02 Jan
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Mitchell, Airman 1st Class
Stephanie A. (Military - 2013)
Obit: Bingham, Roland H. (1927
- 2013)
Obit: Dern, Anton H. (1945 -
Obit: Gault, Marcia B. (1917
- 2013)
Obit: Haas, Jacob Ryan (1977
- 2013)
Obit: Kaszubowski, Stanley Adam
#3 (1915 - 2013)
Obit: Melzer, Theresa Alma (1945
- 2013)
Obit: Osowski, Ronald John #2
(1951 - 2013)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Luber, Mrs. August (Royal
Neighbor 50 yr Pin - 1967)
BioA: Brown, Bert, Mr. and Mrs.
(Gold - 1967)
BioM; Gnacinski, Linda (1967)
Obit: Bodisch, Selma (1895 –
Obit: Emerson, Kathryn (1876
– 1967)
Obit: Holmes, Inez #2 (1885
– 1967)
Obit: Lindner, John (1886 –
Obit: Macksan, Adeline #2 (1903
– 1967)
Obit: Otto, Mathilda (1883 –
Obit: White, Ethel (1904 – 1967)
New Record posted by Betty Comstock
Bio: Godden Family Name
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Unity Trinity Lutheran
Hendrickson, Anna K.
Hendrickson, Joseph
Holubetz, Ferdinand W.
Holubetz, Olga
Holubetz, Wilhelmina
Jablonicky, Pearl B.
Johnson Family Stone
Johnson, Adolph G.
Johnson, Albert W.
Johnson, Andrew, Jr.
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Anna Louise
Johnson, Annashfia
Johnson, Axel F.
Johnson, Carl
Johnson, Carl O.
Johnson, Carl O.
Johnson, Carlton A. (Carl Jr.)
Johnson, Mina (Wilhelmina)
Johnson, Sophie C.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
News: West Beaver (09 Sep 1926)
News: Eaton - East Side (09
Sept 1926)
News: Eaton - East Side (16
Sep 1926)
News: Eaton Center (09 Sep 1926)
News: Eaton Center (16 Sep 1926)
News: Gorman (23 Sep 1926)
News: Hemlock (09 Sep 1926)
News: Hemlock (16 Sep 1926)
News: Janesville Settlement
(16 Sep 1926)
News: Willard (23 Sep 1926)
Obit: Decker, Betty L. (1933
- 2013)
Obit: Francis, Lorraine M. (1926
- 2013)
Obit: Grobe, Carola A. (1925
- 2013)
Obit: Nirva, Chester W. (1928
- 2013)
Obit: Olson-Dehne, Alice R.
(1923 - 2013)
Obit: Schmidt, Janet "Jan" (1944
- 2013)
Obit: Stiemann, Henry J. (1932
- 2013)