Recent Updates
18 Dec
2015 |
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon |
Good Old Days 23 Sep 2015 |
Obit: Backus, Walter Frank (1921
- 2015) |
Obit: Springer, Raymond James
(1951 - 2015) |
Obit: Svetlik, Ann Martha (1916
- 2015) |
New Records posted by Robert
Lipprandt |
Obit: Adams, Tammy L. (1957
- 2015) |
Obit: Albrecht, Mary Ann (1936
- 2005) |
Obit: Albrecht, Rosella Magdaline
(1918 - 2010) |
Obit: Czech, Richard Donald
(1932 - 2015) |
Obit: Hodge, Dorothy J. (1928
- 2015) |
Obit: Peachey, Irene (1929 -
2015) |
Obit: Zinkowich, Allen Lee (1951
- 2013) |
Obit: Zinkowich, Darrell H.
(1946 - 2007) |
Obit: Zinkowich, Eleanor M.
(1927 - 2002) |
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson |
Mentor Township Cemetery |
Greub, Christina |
Greub, John |
Greub, John Sr. |
Gysin, Anna L. |
Gysin, Gottfried |
Hackey, Audrey J. |
Hackey, John P. Sr. |
Hahn, Albert Frederick
Hahn, Mae L. |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: Barr, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Jake (Birth - 15 Apr 1957) |
Bio: Hinker, Jerome (Army Discharge
- 1957) |
Bio: Van Keueren, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Robert (Birth - 15 Apr 1957) |
BioA: Irvine, Mr./Mrs. Quinton
(Silver - 1957) |
Church: Greenwood - Our Savior's
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1957) |
Church: Greenwood - Zion E &
R (Confirmation -1957) |
Church: Longwood - Emmanuel
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1957) |
Church: Warner Twp. - Immanuel
E & R (Confirmation - 1957) |
Obit: Bartsch, Delmar Lloyd
(1924 - 2015) |
Obit: Morrow, Esther (1897 -
1957) |
Obit: Smith, Theodore H. (1876
- 1957) |
17 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital
(Apr/May 1974)
Bio: Johnson, Shawn Lynn (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Nemitz, Jeanine Rene/Julie
Ann (Twins Baptized - 1974)
Bio: Waldburger, Sara Pearl
(Birth - 1974)
BioM: Schmitz, Pauline E. (1974)
Church: Neillsville - Calvary
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1974)
News: Neillsville (9 May 1974)
News: Washburn (9 May 1974)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Gorst, Susie B.
Green, Anna M.
Green, Fletcher Dighton
Green, Gladys
Green, Herbert
Green, Ted F.
Green, Zelda I.
Greub, Carl
Greub, Effie
Cemetery broken links identified
by Allan Wessel
Greenwood Cemetery (Within specific
letter groups)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bredesen, Leo (Returns
from Eastern Trip - 1957)
Bio: Bushman, Mary (House Fire
- 5 Apr 1957)
Bio: Dillenbeck, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Harold (Birth - 18 Mar 1957)
Bio: Rueth, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Leonard (Birth - 11 Mar 1957)
Bio: Rust, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Richard (Birth - 26 Mar 1957)
Bio: Wolstenholme, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Eugene (Birth - 29 Mar 1957)
Bio: Zilk, Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen (Birth - 29 Mar 1957)
Church: Greenwood - St. Mary's
(First Communion - 1957)
Obit: Routar, Anna #2 (1889
- 1957)
Obit: Rust, Bernard (1878 -
16 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Ratsch, Jacob Russell (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Svetlik, Frank (Heart Attack
- 1974)
Church: Granton - Zion Lutheran
(New Pastor - 1974)
News: Butler (9 May 1974)
News: Neillsville - Canoeist
Search Ends (May 1974)
Obit: Horn, Jerome Ronald #2
(1938 - 1974)
Obit: Kalsow, Carl W. #2 (1881
- 1974)
Obit: Letsch, Barbara C. #2
(1894 - 1974)
Obit: Stabnow, Walter S. #2
(1885 - 1974)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Gerber, Emma M.
Gerber, Herman R.
Gillett, Anna Barbara
Gleason, Elizabeth
Gleason, George W. - Military
Gleason, William L.
Gliddon, Edward
Gliddon, Thomas O.
Gliddon, Velma A.
Groth, Carline
Expanded Bio provided by William
Bio: Brockway, Eustace L. (1826
- 1901)
New Records provided by William
Bio: Brockway, Fred Riggs (Birth-1864)
BioM: Brockway, Ada M. #2 (1872)
BioM: Smith, Harriett (1892)
Obit: Brockway, Melvin (1852
- 1893)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Krahn, Ellen Louise (Birth
- 6 Sep 1970)
Bio: Rucker, Linda Lou (Engagement
- Sep 1970)
Bio: Zorman, Diane Lea (Baptism
- 6 Sep 1970)
BioM: Hium, Jo Ann C. #2 (1970)
News: Loyal (10 Sep 1970)
News: Twenty Six Road (10 Sep
News: Unity (10 Sep 1970)
News: York (10 Sep 1970)
Obit: Bruesewitz, Agnes (1892
- 1970)
School: Loyal H.S. Class Officers
15 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bayuk, Richard (Ordained
- 1974)
BioM: Jake, Christine (1974)
BioM: Trybula, Darlene M. (1974)
News: Chili (2 May 1974)
News: Greenwood (02 May 1974)
News: Neillsville (2 May 1974)
News: Willard (2 May 1974)
Obit: Burgrave, Anna (1915 -
Obit: Schweinler, M. C. “Doc”
(1908 - 1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Neumann, Maja (Engagement
- 2015)
Church: Colby First UCC (Advent
Vespers - 2015)
News: Colby (Highway 13 Construction
- 1985)
Obit: Albrecht, Julie K. (1961
- 2011)
Obit: Peterson, James A. (1955
- 2015)
Obit: Pope, David (1959 - 2015)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Fristad, Rena Betsy
Fristad, Nordahl
Fristad, Ruth
Fritsche, Verona
Gaston, Ruth
Gaston, William
Gearing, Gordon W.
Gerber, Bertha
Gerber, Brenda Ann
Gerber, Christian
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Denk, Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard (Birth - 12 Mar 1957)
Bio: Horn, Darlene (Officer
of FBLA - 1957)
Bio: Horn, Darrel (Farm Short
Course - 1957)
Bio: Horn, Lloyd (Farm Short
Course - 1957)
Bio: Kesler, LeRoy (Farm Short
Course - 1957)
Bio: Perko, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Ed (Birth - 4 Mar 1957)
Bio: Stewart, Helen (Greenwood
H.S. DAR Recipient - 1957)
Obit: Janezich, Mary (1888 -
Obit: Scheuerman, Edna Maude
#2 (1894 - 1957)
School: Greenwood H.S. (Top
Students - 1957)
14 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Dahlke, Billy John #2
(1946- 2015)
Obit: Schultze, Carol M. (1944
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Brager, Marian Elizabeth
(1926 - 2015)
Obit: Broeske, Carmen R. (1926
- 2015)
Obit: Colby, Evelyn (1922? -
Obit: Kundingo, Patsy L. (1934?
- 2015)
Obit: McNamar, Sharon M. (1938
- 2015)
Obit: Zinkowich, Carol M. (1916
- 2015)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Frank, Henry
Frank, Ludwig
Frank, Sophia
Frank, Willie
Franklin, Aaron B.
Franklin, Aaron B. - Military
Franklin, Caroline M. "Carra"
Freeman, Rufus Clyde
Fristad, Agnes
Fristad, Barbara
Broken Cemetery links identified
by Allan Wessel
Fremont Yolo
Weston West - J
Greenwood City
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Brandt, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Nyle (Birth - 11 Feb 1957)
Bio: Hoehne, Jeff (Merit Scholarship
- 1957)
Bio: Huntzicker, Wendy Jean
(Birth - 15 Feb 1957)
Bio: Lindner, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Frank (Birth - 16 Feb 1957)
Bio: Offord, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Arlys (Birth - 5 Feb 1957)
Bio: Olson, Janet (Engagement
- Mar 1957)
Bio: Schweinler, Francis (Promoted
to Colonel - 1956)
BioM: Guth, Katherine (1957)
Obit: Curley, Cecelia (1909
- 1957)
Obit: Schmit, Harold (1908 -
11 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 09 Sep 2015
Obit: Dachel, Dolores H. (1924
- 2015)
Obit: Elliott, Deloris Ann (1944
- 2015)
Obit: Nowak, Leonard William
(1927 - 2015)
Obit: Reynolds, Claudette A.
(1953 - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Albrecht, Joseph (1913
- 2012)
Obit: Dahlvig, Ione Joyce (1928
- 2015)
Obit: Denfeld, Florence M. (1939
- 2015)
Obit: Denfeld, Harold C. (1927
- 2003)
Obit: Elliott, Deloris A. #2
(1944 - 2015)
Obit: Moscoso, Elivigia G. (1936
- 2015)
Obit: Peissig, Dell F. (1950
- 2015)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Flood, Angus A.
Flood, Verna M.
Fradenburg, Abram D. - Military
Fradenburg, Archie E.
Fradenburg, Clara A.
Fradenburg, George Henry
Fradenburg, Madge T.
Fradenburg, Mary Leona
Fradenburg, Peter
Fradenburg, Willis A.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Boe, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Joseph (Birth - 12 Feb 1957)
Bio: Carl, Lynne Dhea (Baptism
- 3 Feb 1957)
Bio: Hempel, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Paul (Birth - 5 Feb 1957)
Bio: Herdrich, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Wayne (Birth - 7 Feb 1957)
Bio: Lang, Daughter of Mrs.
And Mrs. Roger (Birth - 10 Feb
Bio: O'Donnell, Daughter of
Mr./Mrs. Douglas (Birth - 3
Feb 1957)
Bio: Rondorf, Janet (Betty Crocker
Homemaker - 1957)
BioM: Powell, Susan (1957)
News: Greenwood - Wuethrich's
Entertains Employees (Feb 1957)
School: Greenwood Area School
Reorganization (Feb 1957)
Obit: Dahlke, Billy John (1946
- 2015)
10 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Kalsow, Carl W. - Killed
by Backhoe Injury (1974)
Bio: Quenelle, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Mike (Birth - 1974)
Bio: Zilk, Kathleen (Engagement
- 1974)
News: Greenwood (2 May 1974)
News: Pleasant Ridge Homemakers
(2 May 1974)
News: Washburn (2 May 1974)
News: Willard (2 May 1974)
Obit: Davel, Florence (1880
- 1974)
Obit: Kalsow, Carl W. (1881
- 1974)
Obit: Letsch, Barbara C. (1894
- 1974)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Fitzmaurice, Ada L.
Fitzmaurice, Alice B.
Fitzmaurice, Genevieve R.
Fitzmaurice, John David
Fitzmaurice, Leroy J. Sr.
Fitzmaurice, Leroy J. Sr. -
Fitzmaurice, Levi T.
Fitzmaurice, Mildred M.
Fitzmaurice, Phillip J. - Military
Fitzmaurice, Samuel F.
New Articles provided by William
BioM: Pesick, Annie (1892)
BioM: Pischer, Amelia Rea (1904)
BioM: Pischer, Mary (1871)
BioM: Thayer, Augusta Maria
BioM: Wicker, Mary (1874)
BioM: Witek, Eleanor (1958)
Obit: Cheney, Alice Jane Yates
(1849 - 192x)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Jackson, David Michael
(Birth - 20 Jan 1957)
Bio: Novobielski, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Bernard (Birth - 31 Dec 1956)
Bio: Thomas, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Dale (Birth - 17 Jan 1957)
Bio: Warrell, Marion Elizabeth
(Engagement - Jan 1957)
Bio: Yeager, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Burnell (Birth - 17 Jan 1957)
Church: Warner Twp. - Immanuel
E & R (Annual Meeting - 1957)
News: Greenwood Gleaner (67
Years Old - 1957)
News: Seif & Hendren (03 Jan
Obit: Denk, William J. Sr. (1889
- 1957)
Obit: Reineke, Lizzie #4 (1884
- 1957)
09 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Payleitner, Val (Heart
Attack - 1974)
Bio: Schlinsog, Marjorie Esther
(Engagement - 1974)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (May
BioM: Petersen, Marjorie (1974)
BioM: Voigt, Jeanine M. (1974)
BioM: Wavrunek, Kathleen Marie
News: Butler (2 May 1974)
News: Columbia (2 May 1974)
News: Lynn (2 May 1974)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Fitzmaurice, Annie G.
Fitzmaurice, Evylin M.
Fitzmaurice, Frank
Fitzmaurice, Gerald D.
Fitzmaurice, Gerald D. - Military
Fitzmaurice, Helen Amanda
Fitzmaurice, Jacob E.
Fitzmaurice, Jake S.
Fitzmaurice, Lewis Samuel
Fitzmaurice, Viola M.
New Articles provided by William
BioM: Gerber, Ottilie Christine
BioM: King, Lizzie M. (1871)
BioM: Langworthy / Longworthy,
Eunice (1867)
BioM: Lam, Nettie A. (1897)
BioM: Lautinbach, Bertha Emilie
BioM: Lustig, Helena Susana
BioM: Lustig, Pauline Caroline
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Stange, Michelle Lynn (Baptism
- 18 Feb 1968)
Bio: Sterzinger, Russell Mark
(Baptism - 18 Feb 1968)
Obit: Geiger, Anna (1881 - 1968)
Obit: Hebert, Ruby (1935 - 1968)
Obit: Muehler, Della (1896 -
Obit: Ravy, Clarence (1884 -
Obit: Sazama, Mary (1897 - 1968)
Obit: Wiese, Frank (1880 -1968)
Obit: Will, Hazel (1890 - 1968)
Obit: Witt, Julius T. (1919
- 1968)
08 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Aden, Lynnette Lea (Engagement
- 1974)
Bio: Brady, Rev. Charles D.
(Retires - 1974)
Bio: Carl, Bonnie (Engagement
- 1974)
Bio: Fortuna, Charlotte (Engagement
- 1974)
Bio: Nemitz, Jeanine Rene and
Julie Ann (Twin Births - 1974)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Apr
BioM: Reinart, Judy Ann (1974)
News: Humbird (25 Apr1974)
News: Willard (25 Apr 1974)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Fenske, August A.
Fenske, Bertha
Fenske, Raymond Clarence
Finch, Beatrice
Finch, Tom
Fitzmaurice, David Samuel
Fitzmaurice, Dennis Earl
Fitzmaurice, Mary C.
Fitzmaurice, Thomas
Fitzmaurice, Welthy Ann
New Records provided by William
Bio: Slowatyniec, Mary H. (1917
- 2002)
Bio: Swim, Charles (1876 - 1919)
Bio: Zastrow, Arnold Adolph
(1897 - 1965)
Bio: Zupanc, Mary - Mrs. Frank
(1879 - 1964)
BioM: Deets, Hronettie "Nettie"
BioM: Kayhart / Hoeffer, Emma
BioM: Fisher, Tina Marie Ann
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Horacek, Sherri Kay (Baptism
- 11 Feb 1968)
Bio: Nikolay, Joan Ellen (Baptism
- 18 Feb 1968)
Bio: Sterzinger, Russell Mark
(Birth - 12 Feb 1968)
Bio: Waldhart, Margaret Ruth
(Birth - 3 Feb 1968)
BioM: Timm, Frances (1968)
Obit: Brunner, William (1893
- 1968)
Obit: Greaser, George F. (1881
- 1968)
Obit: Hollins, Mrs. Arthur (1895?
- 1968)
Obit: Lueloff, Ida (1881 - 1968)
Obit: Tesmer, William (1886
- 1968)
07 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Gregorich, Mary (90th Birthday
- 1974)
Bio: Radue, Karline Ann (Engagement
- 1974)
Bio: Schultz, Kevin Douglas
(Birth - 1974)
BioA: Bills, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
#2 (Golden - 1974)
News: Granton (25 Apr 1974)
News: Greenwood (25 Apr 1974)
News: Lynn (25 Apr 1974)
News: Washburn (25 Apr 1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Schmitt, Janessa (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Viegut, Auden Scott (Birth
- 2015)
News: Unity (Bank Robbery -
Obit: Albrecht, Cecelia (1909
- 2003)
Obit: Gilles, Bonita L. (1933
- 2015)
Obit: Hurth, Patricia A. (1930?
- 2015)
Obit: Lemmer, Mark G. (1950
- 2004)
Obit: Lemmer, Robert A. (1948
- 2010)
Obit: Patterson, Linda S. (1950
- 2015)
Obit: Walley, Marianna Elsie
(1929 - 2015)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Eisberner, Family Stone
Eisberner, Mary K.
Eisberner, Sarah J.
Eisenhardt, Christan Jacob
Elger, John
Elger, Minnie I.
Farnsworth, Adabell
Farnsworth, Horace B.
Fees, Charles W.
Fees, Lillian D.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Gallegos, Scott (Birth
- 30 Oct 1967)
Bio: Horn, Katrina (Birth -
9 Jul 1970)
Bio: Lato, Julia Ann (Engagement
- Jul 1970)
Bio: Lezotte, Donald J. - Sp./4
(Good Conduct Medal - 1970)
Bio: Stafen, Patricia Mary (Engagement
- Jul 1970)
Bio:Voss, Gerald Kenneth (Birth
- 20 Jul 1970)
Bio: Wilde, October Page (Birth
- 26 Oct 1967)
BioM: Drews, Sharon Lee (1970)
News: Twenty Six Road (23 Jul
Obit: Wieland, Mary (1884 -
04 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 19 Aug 2015
Obit: Drescher, Jerry Rex (1937
- 2015)
Obit: Lewis, Robert Harris ‘Bob’
(1924 - 2015)
Obit: Welsh, Dorothy (1923 -
Obit: Zuelke, Leon A. ‘Lee’
(1932 - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Dallmann, Lucille Elizabeth
(1923 - 2015)
Obit: Ehlert, Gene D. (1947
- 2015)
Obit: Hrobsky, Patricia A. (1937
- 2015)
Obit: Lemmer, Frances H. (1914
- 2005)
Obit: Lemmer, Margaret (1916
- 2009)
Obit: Peche, Richard L. (1942
- 2015)
Obit: Rasmussen, Jean E. (1948
- 2015)
Obit: Wetterau, Verna M. (1926
- 2015)
Obit: Witkowski, Marlene J.
(1938 - 2015)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Duerkop, Elmer A.
Duerkop, Margaret S.
Duerkop, Myron Ivan
Duerkop, Ramona J.
Durham, Alvin F. - Military
Durham, Charlette
Durham, George Franklin
Durham, Jennie
Durham, Nadine E.
Eisberner, Alfred
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Ashbeck, Rodger A. (1950
- 2015)
Obit: Fischer, Marion M. (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Kademan, Leonard A. (1918
- 2015)
Obit: Lindner, Arlene Jean (1938
- 2015)
Obit: Peterson, Wilmer Earl
(1933 - 2015)
Obit: Zinsli, Shirley M. (1930
- 2015)
03 Dec
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Granton Future Farmers of America
Celebrate 75 Years (2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Bonkowski, Irene (1920
- 2015)
Obit: Jaeger, Dolores Rae (1931
- 2015)
Obit: Knapp, Merceda Elizabeth
(1931 - 2015)
Obit: Lemmer, Victoria L. (1946
- 2015)
Obit: Nyberg, Eveline L. (1916
- 2015)
Obit: Ried, Evelyn Helen (1920
- 2015)
Obit: Shannon, Jeffrey T. (1962
- 2015)
Obit: Thieme, Leroy H. (1938
- 2015)
New Records provided by William
Bio: Proctor, Forest & Helen
P. Sample
Bio: Pudlas, Dorothy (1915?
- 1934)
Bio: Richardson / Richarson
/ Richerson, Silas Ward (1863
- aft. 1910?)
Bio: Ruppricht, Frank (1861
- 1910)
Bio: Salisbury / Salisbury /
Sallsury, William W. (1819 -
Bio: Sample, Floyd Wilson (1876
- 1960)
Bio: Sample, Margaret Murray
- Floyd, Mrs. (1872 - 1954)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Dignin, Erma L.
Dignin, Katherine E.
Dignin, Michael C.
Dignin, Michael C. - Military
Dignin, Robert Jerome - Military
Dignin, William Sidney
Dimmitt, Mary Adese
Dimmitt, William E.
Dorobiala, Robert J.
Doty, Hulda J.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Schuh, Gerald - Rev. (40th
Ord. Anniversary. - 1968)
BioM: Feldbruegge, Agnes (1967)
Obit: Blake, Charles E. (1875?
- 1968)
Obit: Bremer, Marie (1887 -
Obit: Colby, William O. (1887
- 1968)
Obit: Hanson, Louis (1878 -
Obit: Klemm, William (1884 -
Obit: Miller, Fred (1892 - 1968)
Obit: Scidmore, Ella (1885 -
Obit: Witzke, Edward (1886 -
02 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Henke, Sister Alice (70
Years Service - 2015)
Bio: Marsch, Mike - Brings Home
Gold Medal (2015)
News: Neillsville - Vets Presented
with Quilts (Nov - 2015)
Obit: Suda, Gertrude Rose #2
(1937 - 2015)
Obit: Zacharias, Philip Eugene
(1982 - 2015)
New Identifications provided
by Catey Devine Barnish
School: Owen, Wis., High School
Football Team (1948)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Delano, Silas H.
Delano, Thirza
Delong, James C.
Delong, Lydia
Delong, Sarah E.
Desaulniers, Hallie C. - Military
Dextel, August
Dignin, Daryl
Dignin, Jerome L.
Dignin, Laura B.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Kellogg, Henry Bernard
& Eunice Elizabeth Langworthy
Bio: King, George W. (1822 -
Bio: Lebeck, Alice Kristianson
(1877 - 1941)
Bio: Naumann, Mathilda ( 1890
- 1954)
Bio: Pischer, Gottlieb & Bertha
Emilie Lautinbach
Bio: Pischer, Gottlieb & Ottilie
Christine Gerber
Bio: Poulton, Ora / Ara Dillard
(1882 - 1968)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Archambo, John Michael
(Baptism - 7 Jan 1968)
Bio: Meinhardt, Ronald (European
Trip Return - 1970)
Bio: Morrow, Debra Ann (Birth
- 7 Jan 1968)
Bio: Rueth, Patricia Jo (Engagement
- Aug 1970)
Bio: Singstock, Deanna Sue (Baptism
- 7 Jan 1968)
BioM: Anderson, Susan (1970)
BioM: Richert, Carolyn K. (1970)
BioM: Wozniak, Carol (1968)
Obit: Colby, Carl #2 (1881 -
Obit: Zaborowski, Charles (1891
- 1968)
01 Dec
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Alger Family (Four Generations
- 2015)
Bio: Frederickson, Shandyll
(Scholarships - 2015)
News: Neillsville - Filas Brothers
Honored (Legacy Ceremony - 2015)
Obit: Radtke, Gladys Monica
(1923 - 2015)
Obit: Sischo, Richard Ernest
Jr. ‘Buck’ (1955 - 2015)
Obit: Sowinski, Geraldine Lorraine
(1929 - 2015)
Obit: Van Kirk, Annette Marie
(1948 - 2015)
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Crandell, Laura
Creviston, Francis A. (Frank)
Creviston, Sarah Ann
Creviston, Vena M
Creviston, William Henry
Cummings, Andrea Lee
Cusick, Perry Noble - Military
Cusick, Richard Noble - Military
Davis, Alta R.
Delano, Georgia E.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Bailey, George Parsons
(1830 - 1865)
Bio: Cheney, Abel (1826 - 1915)
Bio: Collier, Carrie Martha
(Birth 1901)
Bio: Collier, Edward M. & Emma
Kayhart Hoeffer
Bio: Collier, Hiram & Martha
(1870 - 1900 Census)
Bio: Eysnogle, Hronettie "Nettie"
Deets (1861 - 1950)
Bio: Hicks / Hix, John L. (1819
- 1879)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bentzler, Carol Ann (Engagement
- Aug 1970)
Bio: Catlin, Anna Family (Reunion
- 1970)
Bio: Davel, Florence (90th Birthday
- 1970)
Bio: McNeely, Lana (Nursing
Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Messer, Kirsten Rebecca
(Birth - 15 Aug 1970)
Bio: Schmidtke, Bill (Granton
Citizen of the Year - 1970)
Bio: Witt, Martha (90th Birthday
- 1970)
BioM: Erickson, Kathryn Marie
BioM: Maass, Kathleen #2 (1970)
News: Twenty Six Road (27 Aug
News: Unity (20 Aug 1970)