30 Jun 2015 |
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Kenyon |
Bio: Beaver, Marla J. (Engagement -1973) |
Bio: Dale, Elaine Marie (Engagement
- 1973) |
BioM: York, Ingrid L. (1973) |
News: Greenwood (15 Nov 1973) |
News: Humbird (15 Nov 1973) |
News: Willard (22 Nov 1973) |
Obit: Devos, Alta A. (? - 1973) |
Obit: Loos, Steven M. (? - 1973) |
New Post Card provided by Cane |
Bio: Will, Herman & Edna (1910 Census) |
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt |
Bio: Osness, Jack (President’s List
- 2015) |
Bio: Peters, Bettina (Dean’s List -
2015) |
Bio: Pospyhalla, Savanna Leigh (Birth
- 2015) |
Bio: Pospyhalla, Shyanne Marie (Birth
- 2015) |
Bio: Schade, Lester A. - Capt. (Remains
Identification - 2015) |
Bio: Servi, Justin Allen (Birth - 2015) |
Bio: Steinke, Samantha (Graduation -
2015) |
Bio: Stencil, Tasha (Graduation - 2014) |
Bio: Urmanski, Connie (Engagement -
2015) |
Bio: Williams, Justin (Dean’s List -
2015) |
Obit: Zassenhaus, John F. #2 (1946 -
2015) |
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Englebretson |
Abbotsford |
Smazal, Billy J. |
Smazal, Charles E. |
Smazal, Clara A. |
Smazal, Scott Allen |
Smazal, William J. |
Smith Family Stone |
Smith, Birdie S. |
Smith, John Elander |
Smith, Birdie S. |
Smith, Lloyd J. |
Smith, Lloyd J. - Military |
Sossaman, Claude "Corky" - Military |
Sossaman, Ruby J. |
Sossaman, Darrell F. - Military |
Soyk, Lillian |
Soyk, Orville |
Speck, Carl |
Speck, Elaine E. |
Speck, Howard M. |
Speck, Howard M. - Military |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: Ciszewski, Jean Marie (Birth -
14 Apr 1966) |
Bio: Krahn, Allan (Dean's List - 1966) |
Bio: Rohland, Sandra (Capping Ceremony
- 1966) |
Bio: Zielinski, Ronald G. - USCG (Completes
training - 1966) |
BioA: Williams, Mr./Mrs. Harry (Gold
- 1966) |
News: Curtiss (28 Apr 1966) |
News: South Green Grove (05 May 1966) |
News: Owen (28 Apr 1966) |
Obit: Bublitz, Amelia (1869? - 1966) |
Obit: Lupient, Clara (? - 1966) |
29 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Beschta, Carter James (Birth -
News: Clark Co. - College Notes (24
Jun 2015)
News: Neillsville (24 Jun 2015)
Obit: Buttke, Donna Mae (1948 - 2015)
Obit: Dahl, Erlin A. #2 (1931 - 2015)
Obit: Giwojna, Edward A. (1929 - 2015)
Obit: Hicks, Elaine Teresa (1929 - 2015)
Obit: Kacer, Mitchell V. #2 (? - 2015)
Obit: Schier, Grace Violet (1933 - 2015)
Obit: Wittek, Shirley D. #2 (1929 -
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Chadwick, Emily (Dean’s List -
Bio: Dahl, Richard J. - PFC (Military
- 1972)
Bio: Ellenbecker, Thomas (Dean’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Hiebl, Jonathan (Graduation - 2014)
Bio: Krause, Andrea (Dean’s List - 2015)
Bio: Kroening, Katherine (Graduation
- 2015)
Bio: Kuhnmuench, Charles - Capt. (Deployment
- 2015)
Bio: Lemmer, Caitlin (Dean’s List -
Bio: Ludkey, Kaycie (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Newkirk, Brian (Graduation - 2014)
Bio: Nowak, Adam (Graduation - 2014)
Bio: Omelian, Brandon (Graduation -
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Schmidt, Frank J. "Franz"
Schraufnagel, Elmer M.
Schraufnagel, Emil R.
Schraufnagel, Louise M.
Schraufnagel, Margaret E.
Schreiber, Allen J.
Schreiber, Debra G.
Schreiber, Kenneth
Schreiber, Madeline
Schreiner, Theresia
Schuchard, Julie Ann
Schultz, Elizabeth
Schultz, Emma L.
Schultz, George A.
Schultz Jean T.
Schultz, Julia
Schultz, Wallace
Scotch, Jason Mark
Sebold, Joseph F.
Sebold, Laura
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Cramer, Terry Lee (Birth - 23 Apr
Bio: Hingiss, William (80th Birthday
- 1966)
Bio: Krause, Neil G. - Pvt. (Advanced
Inf. Training - 1966)
Bio: Madsen, Gerald A. (Dean's List
- 1966)
Bio: Maki, Son of Mr./Mrs. Roger #2
(Birth - 24 Apr 1966)
Bio: Pietrowski, Thomas Allen #2 (Birth
- 7 Apr 1966)
News: Withee (28 Apr 1966)
Obit: Ward, Clyde (1901 - 1966)
Obit: Wolter, Tena Alvina (1900 - 1966)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Prom (1966)
26 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Good Old Days 18 Feb 2015
Bio: Drescher, Clint Austin (Birth -
Bio: Vornholt, Mark (Junior Kiwanian
- 1973)
BioM: Wilke, Catherine Marie (1973)
News: Humbird (8 Nov 1973)
News: Lynn (8 Nov 1973)
News: Neillsville - MMC Aux. Thrift
Shop (Support - 2015)
Obit: Schultz, Paul August (1880 - 1973)
Obit: Sladich, Alvin (1912- 1973)
Obit: Soeller, Alex W. (1896 - 1973)
Obit: Theiler, Emma (1905 - 1973)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Hayden, Michelle (Graduation -
Bio: Heil, Alivia Hope (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Heiser, Sheila (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Hodowanic, Cody (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Johnson, Sabrina LeAnn (Birth -
Bio: Keefe, Samantha (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Olson, Sam (Promotion - 2015)
Bio: Sawdey, Denise (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Thums, Sebastian Joshua (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Weibel, Mariah (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Wells, Brittany (Graduation - 2015)
Obit: Czeshinski, Myrtle M. (1914 -
Obit: Hawkey, Carol A. (1936 - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Scheibe, Arthur H.
Scheibe, Arthur H. - Military
Scheibe, Delia E.
Scheibe, Edwin Gotleib
Scheibe, Verna C.
Schelling, Noel E.
Schelling, Noel E. - Military
Schelling, Nora F.
Schertler-Weber, Agnes
Schertler, Louis
Scheuerman, Carl J.
Scheuerman, Hattie
Schiferl, Felix H.
Schiferl, Frances
Schigley, Earl
Schigley, Sophie
Schimek, James
Schindler, Cecelia A.
Schindler, Fred W.
Schindler, Michael "Mike"
New Records Posted by Janet Schwarze
Bio: Steuerwald, Frederick & Helen Prigge
BioA: Steuerwald, Frederick & Helen
Obit: Steuerwald, Helen Prigge (1870
- 1943)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Frelka, Kelly Ann (Birth - 10 Mar
Bio: Kaz, Candace (WEAU Style Show -
BioA: Rabska, Mr./Mrs. Richard (Gold
- 1966)
Church: Owen St. Katherine's (Confirmation
- 1966)
News: South Green Grove (24 Mar 1966)
Obit: Colby, James Lyman #2 ( 1891 -
Obit: Dahl, Erlin A. (1931 - 2015)
Obit: Davidson, Anna #2 (1891- 1966)
Obit: Green, Minnie #3 (1872 - 1966)
Obit: Hasz, Lois J. (1927 - 2015)
Obit: Kacer, Mitchel V. (1952 - 2015)
Obit: Kieser, Joann T. (1931? - 2015)
Obit: Koffarnus, Clarence #2 (1911 -
Obit: Raymond, Harry P. (? - 1966)
Obit: Yeager, Dorothy J. (1931 - 2015)
25 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Cormican, Bruce A. - Airman (Military
Notes 1973)
Bio: Sischo, Terry Gene (Master Degree
- 1973)
Bio: Venzke, Steven D. - Pfc. (Military
BioA: Logue, Rev. and Mrs. David (Silver
- 1973)
BioM: Schultz, Kay (1973)
News: Clark County Historical Society
(8 Nov 1973)
News: Granton (15 Nov 1973)
News: Greenwood (15 Nov 1973)
Obit: Berg, Ethel (1891 - 1973)
Obit: Hillert, Lydia (1886 - 1973)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Becker, Zachariah (Graduation -
Bio: Borman, Jacob (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Duvall, Nicole (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Eggert, Marilyn (Educator of the
Year - 2015)
Bio: Freiboth, Augusta (Volunteer of
the Year - 2015)
Obit: Schwarz, Jenny (1928 - 2015)
Obit: Webster, Valerie Julianne (1925
- 2015)
School: Gilman High School (Graduation
- 2015)
School: Medford Area High School (Graduation
- 2015)
School: Rib Lake High School (Graduation
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Ruppert, Erva
Ruppert, Harold
Rusk, Viola
Schade, Ernest F.
Schade, Lester A.
Schade, Margaret
Schade, Marguerite Elizabeth
Schade, Richard A.
Schaefer, Charles H.
Schaefer, Charles H. - Military
Schaefer, Elizabeth T.
Schaefer, Lorna A.
Schaefer, Reinhold W.
Schalk, Mary J.
Schalk, Robert W.
Schecklman, Richard "Dick"
Scheel, Alfred E.
Scheel, Mary A.
Scheeler, Herman G.
Scheeler, Mary
New Records Posted by Janet Schwarze
News: Loyal (15 May 1903)
News: Loyal (12 Jun 1903)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Erickson, Arnold (Home from Vietnam
- Mar 1966)
Bio: Fredricks Family Reunion (12 Mar
Bio: Karow, Janet (Highest Honors -
Bio: Miller, Justin Lee (Birth - 21
Mar 1966)
Bio: Nevala, Lynn - SP/4 (Home on Leave
- Mar 1966)
Bio: Sommer, Mark Robert (Baptism -
20 Mar 1966)
Bio: Wendt, James - Ensign (Solo Flight
- Mar 1966)
Obit: Fischer, Kenneth (1920? - 1966)
Obit: Madsen, Bertha (1901 - 1966)
Obit: Maki, Selma Rose (1893 - 1966)
24 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
BioM: Borgeson, Jacalyn (1973)
BioM: Sternitzky, Gloria Ann (1973)
News: Granton (8 Nov 1973)
News: Lynn (15 Nov 1973)
News: Neillsville Locals (8 Nov 1973)
News: Willard (15 Nov 1973)
Obit: Ambrozic, Rev. Bernard (1892 -
Obit: Johnson, Robert L. (? - 1972)
Obit: Orheim, Jeffery (? - 1973)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Hewett (26 Sep 1918)
News: Janesville Settlement (26 Sep
News: Levis (26 Sep 1918)
News: Neillsville (26 Sep 1918)
News: North Pine Valley (26 Sep 1918)
News: Pleasant Ridge (26 Sep 1918)
News: Tioga (26 Sep 1918)
News: East Weston-West York (26 Sep
News: Southeast Weston (26 Sep 1918)
News: North York (26 Sep 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
BioA: Schultz, Lloyd & Mary (Wedding
Anniversary - 2014)
Church: Athens St. Anthony’s (2014)
Church: Athens Trinity Lutheran (Christmas
Events - 2014)
Church: Edgar Hope Lutheran (Christmas
Events - 2014)
Church: Edgar St. John’s ELCA (Christmas
Events - 2014)
News: Athens (Diedrich Fire - 08 Dec
Obit: Braun, John E. (1933 - 2014)
Obit: Chojnowski, Sylvester J. (1928
- 2015)
Obit: Nowacki, Delores A. #2 (1935 -
New Records posted by Marsha Hofeld
Obit: Whipple, Linda Gering (1889 -
Obit: Whipple, Robert O. (1879 - 1956)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Albert, Mr./Mrs. Darrel (University
Graduates - 1965)
Bio: Jensen, Shirley J. (Scholarship
- 1965)
Bio: Zawadski, Gabriel (University Graduate
- 1965)
BioA: Buss, Mr./Mrs. Henry (Silver -
BioM: Markowski, Delores E. #2 (1965)
News: Clark Co. - Historical Society
Formed (1965)
Obit: Colvin, Floyd L. "Butch" (1961
- 2014)
Obit: Davidson, Eugene "Gene" (1881
- 1965)
Obit: Buss, Frank #2 (1902 - 1965)
Obit: Zivney, Mary J. (1889 - 1965)
23 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Oct
Bio: Steiner, Francis (FFA Honoree -
BioM: Koerner, Vicky (1973)
BioM: Ratsch, Lola Jean (1973)
BioM: Struensee, Carol Ann (1973)
News: Granton (18 Oct 1973)
News: Neillsville - Piano Sold (But
not by owner - 1973)
News: Willard (1 Nov 1973)
Obit: Nickel, Herbert #2 (1905 - 1973)
Obit: Palmer, Harvey (1901? - 1973)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Bruhy, Harvey A. (Killed in Airplane
Accident - 1918)
Bio: Capener, George (Wounded in War
- 1918)
Bio: Couillard, Jay (Guilty of Murder
- 1918)
Bio: Getts, Clark (Court-martialed -
Bio: Haugen, Otto (Story of Death -
Bio: Miller, Charles J. - Capt. (Promotion
to Major - 1918)
Bio: Tolf, Carl W. (Severely Injured
- 1918)
News: Chili (26 Sep 1918)
News: Dells Dam (26 Sep 1918)
News: Globe (26 Sep 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Polacek, Grant Logan (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Strasser, Kaden Lee #2 (Birth -
Church: Medford St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran
(Confirmation - 2015)
Church: Stetsonville Zion Lutheran (Confirmation
- 2015)
News: Medford Forest Fire (16 May 1940)
Obit: Balciar, Margaret M. (1927 - 2015)
Obit: Gustafson, Richard - MSgt. (?
- 2015)
Obit: Kaczmarczyk, Albert Fredereck
(1936 - 2015)
Obit: Kenyon, Linda L. (1936 - 2015)
Obit: Mushel, Ronald Leon Sr. (1944
- 2015)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Havelin, Mary (90th Birthday -
Bio: Ludwig, Donald (College Graduate
- 1966)
Bio: Markowski, Mary #2 (Engagement
- Mar 1966)
Bio: Pyle, Linda (Dean’s List - 1966)
BioA: Mauel, Mr./Mrs. Henry B. (Gold
- 1966)
News: Curtiss (24 Mar 1966)
News: Owen (24 Mar 1966)
News: Withee (24 Mar 1966)
Obit: Hansen, Anna E. (1878 - 1966)
Obit: Schottler, Phillip (1875? - 1966)
22 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
News: Clark Co. - College Notes (03
June 2015)
News: Clark Co. - College Notes (17
Jun 2015)
News: Neillsville Dairy Breakfast (Boon
Farms - 2015)
News: Neillsville (17 Jun 2015)
Obit: Beauchesne, Maren R. (1972 - 2015)
Obit: Gress, Viva R. (1913 - 2015)
Obit: Hainz, Lulu Eleanor (1913 - 2015)
Obit: Ringstad, Marilyn Ann (1929 -
Obit: Wolfe, Joan Frances (1929 - 2015)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Levis (19 Sep 1918)
News: Neillsville (26 Sep 1918)
News: North Pine Valley (19 Sep 1918)
News: South Pine Valley (19 Sep 1918)
News: Pleasant Ridge (19 Sep 1918)
News: Shortville (19 Sep 1918)
News: Tioga (19 Sep 1918)
News: East Weston-West York (19 Sep
News: North York (19 Sep 1918)
Obit: Kubat, Mary (1880 - 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Bartnik, Lee (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Dallas, Jase Conner (Birth - 2014)
Bio: Eisner, Parker Roland (Birth -
Bio: Emmerich, Rylee Jo (Birth - 2014)
Bio: Ried, Sierra (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Smith, Waylon Kenneth (Birth -
Bio: Stokes, Eveline Jane (Birth - 2014)
News: Abbotsford (21 May 1925)
News: Medford (21 Sep 1939)
Obit: Brinkman, Donald L. (1924 - 2015)
Obit: Broeske, Larry (1951 - 2015)
School: Athens High School (Graduation
- 2015)
School: Colby High School (Graduation
- 2015)
School: Edgar High School (Graduation
- 2015)
School: Falcon Enterprises Alternative
H. S. (Graduation - 2015)
New research posted by Ellen Johnson
Bio: Juedes, Melvin B. (1918 - 2003)
New Record posted by Gina Bower
Obit: Bower, Bruce H. (1945? - 2000)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Helberg, Bradley Robert (Birth
- 15 Feb 1966)
Bio: Kuester, Tom Bruce (Birth - 3 Feb
Bio: Moore, Kathleen (Engagement - Feb
Bio: Peissig, Clyde F. - Sgt. (AF Commendation
- 1966)
Bio: Untiedt, Jerome A. - Pvt. (Power
Gen Course - 1966)
Bio: Vater, Helen M. (Dean’s List -
News: South Green Grove (17 Feb 1966)
Obit: Berry, Warner F. #2 (1909 - 1966)
Obit: Bjorn, Jennie S. (1926 - 1966)
Obit: Hahm, William M. "Bill" (1921
- 2015)
Obit: Heinzel, Clara #2 (1886 - 1966)
Obit: Juedes, Floyd M. (1947 - 2015)
Obit: Wittek, Shirley (1929 - 2015)
19 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Good Old Days 11 Feb 2015
Bio: Bertz. Garth (Military - 1973)
Bio: Volovsek, Jodi Renee (Birth - 1973)
Bio: Witt, David J. - Sgt. (Military
Notes -1973)
BioM: Eskildsen, Virginia Kay (1973)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (8 Nov 1973)
BioM: Mueller, Marlene M. (1973)
News: Butler (8 Nov 1973)
News: Columbia (8 Nov 1973)
News: Greenwood (8 Nov 1973)
News: Willard (8 Nov 1973)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Armitage, Adelbert (Killed in Action
- 1918)
Bio: Joyce, Clarence (Body Found - 26
Sep 1918)
Bio: Krueger Family History (26 Sep
Bio: Krueger, Ennis (Killed in Confrontation
- 1918)
News: Chili (19 Sep 1918)
News: Dells Dam (19 Sep 1918)
News: Dells Dam (19 Sep 1918)
News: Fremont (19 Sep 1918)
News: Globe (19 Sep 1918)
News: North Grant (19 Sep 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Aldrich, Adela Raye (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Blasel, Hanna Rose (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Cota, Mason Keith (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Hernandez, Tasha (Graduation -
Bio: Kayhart, Terry (Award - 2015)
Bio: Kleiber, Warren (Fire Victim -
Bio: Niedzwiecke, Stephanie (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Raether, Dextyn Daniel (Birth -
Bio: Schmudlach, Lila Viola Carol (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Smith, Bill (Award - 2015)
Bio: Spor, Jenni (Graduation - 2015)
News: Medford (11 May 1915)
Obit: Ingles, Lillian Marie (1945 -
Obit: Kleiber, Warren P. (1953 - 2015)
Obit: Kunze, Gilbert E. (1930 - 2015)
Obit: Obenhoffer, Claire F. (1925 -
Obit: Vander Kamp, Leo B. Jr. (1954
- 2015)
New Photos provided by Judith Cowell
Bio: Umlauft, Frank (1847 - 1915)
Obit: Kadonsky, Amelia (1877 - 1963)
Obit: Umlauft, Anna Zechel (1849 - 1926)
Obit: Umlauft, Joseph Henry (1874 -
Obit: Umlauft, Rudolph (1876 - 1948)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bruchert, Emma (80th Birthday -
5 Feb 1966)
Bio: Heideman, Sharon (D.A.R. Award
- 1966)
Bio: Moore, Darlene (Homemaker Honor
- 1966)
Bio: Roberts, Jerry (Dean’s List - Feb
Obit: Molle, Adolph A. #2 (1892 - 1966)
Obit: Ristola, Gunilla (1880 - 1966)
Obit: Strohkirch, Lois J. (1912 - 1966)
Obit: Swierczynski, Anna #2 (1879? -
Obit: Watson, Pearl (1888 - 1966)
Obit: Winkel, William H. #2 (1885 -
18 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
BioM: Smart, Diane E. (1973)
News: Butler (1 Nov 1973)
News: Granton (1 Nov 1973)
News: Neillsville (1 Nov 1973)
Obit: Durst, Raymond Lightfoot (1924
- 2015)
Obit: Gasper, Rev. Peter L. (1850 -
Obit: Klein, Barbara (1948 - 2015)
Obit: Larsen, Royce L. #3 (1923 - 2015)
Obit: Mickelson, Kristi Marie (1965
- 2015)
Obit: Poeschel, Myrna Janice (1933 -
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Krueger, Frank (Violent Shootout
- 1918)
Bio: Kutcher, Peter (Guilty of Assault
- 1918)
Bio: Larson, William (Drowning Death
- 1918)
Bio: Mayville, Edward - Capt. (Hospitalized
in France - 1918)
Bio: McInnis, John A. - Private (Prisoner
of War - 1918)
BioA: Hollenstein, Mr./Mrs. John (50th
- 1918)
News: Neillsville (19 Sep 1918)
News: Neillsville (19 Sep 1918)
News: Shortville (12 Sep 1918)
Obit: Sauerberg, Fred #2 (? - 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Butt, Maclain Matthew (Birth -
Bio: McCauley, Ashley (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Strasser, Kaden Lee (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Woik, Elise (Graduation - 2015)
Church: Athens Trinity Lutheran (Confirmation
- 2015)
Church: Milan St. Thomas Catholic (1st
Communion - 2006)
Obit: Betzner, Dorothy A. (1934 - 2015)
Obit: Ellenbecker, Kenneth A. (1935
- 2015)
Obit: Kubitz, Marlene J. (1937 - 2015)
Obit: Ostrowski, Anthony J. (1976 -
Obit: Pawelko, Gladys Merle (1922 -
Obit: Rau, Harold J. (1944 - 2015)
Obit: Zenner, Claire K. (1920 - 2015)
New Records provided by Judith Cowell
Bio: Block, Charles (75th Curtiss, WI
Ann. Speech, 1957)
Obit: Moore, Anna ( 1866 - 1945)
Obit: Moore, Frank (1868 - 1946)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Burhop, Diane A. (Dean’s List -
Feb 1966)
Bio: Centgraf, Judith Ellen (Engagement
- Feb 1966)
Bio: Chovan, Kathleen Susan (Engagement
- Feb 1966)
Bio: Hendricks, Nancy (Engagement -
Feb 1966)
Bio: Krahn, Allan (Dean’s List - Feb
News: Curtiss (27 Jan 1966)
Obit: Harvey, Lulu Lee (1882 - 1966)
Obit: Kovar, Adolph (1883 - 1966)
Obit: Lukowicz, Leo J. (1920 - 1966)
Obit: Wagner, William S. #2 (1896 -
17 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Dwyer, James D. - Airman (Service
Notes - 1973)
Bio: Handke, Jennifer Lynn (Baptism
- 1973)
Bio: Sollberger, Mrs. William (Trip
to Milwaukee - 1973)
BioA: Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul (59th
BioM: Lerche, Nancy L. #2 (1973)
News: Butler (25 Oct 1973)
News: Columbia (25 Oct 1973)
News: Humbird (25 Oct 1973)
News: Lynn (25 Oct 1973)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Burns, James E. (Killed in Action
- 1918)
Bio: Burns, John E. (Killed in Action
- 1918)
Bio: Cassidy, Sarah (Victim of Typhoid
Fever - 1918)
Bio: Cloud, John (Failure to Register
- 1918)
Bio: Conway, Rev, James (Severely Injured
- 1918)
Bio: Falk, Oscar - Capt. (Severely Wounded
- 1918)
Bio: Foraco, Emelio (Killed in Action
- 1918)
Bio: Harris, Arthur C. (Arrested - 1918)
Bio: Herron, Willis E. (Fire Chief Resigns
- 1918)
Obit: Whipple, Mrs. Robert (? - 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Gunderson, Brooklyn (Valedictorian
- 2015)
Bio: Leiby, Aaron (Salutatorian - 2015)
Bio: Strebe, Maximus Alexander (Birth
- 2015)
Obit: Anderson, Donald G. (1945 - 2015)
Obit: Goessl, Donna S. (1934 - 2015)
Obit: Griesbach, Julius W. Jr. (1926
- 2015)
Obit: Masephol, Richard A. (1954 - 2015)
Obit: Pernsteiner, Anola Mae (1932 -
Obit: Perushek, Jeanette G. (1929 -
Obit: Thieme, Norman A. (1947 - 2015)
School: Abbotsford High School (Graduation
- 2015)
Photo provided by Loyal Historical Society
(Diane Schuette); research by Ellen
Bio: Wepfer, Emil Albert (1897 - 1973)
News: Loyal, Wis. Tribune 53rd Anniversary
Obit: Wepfer, Emil Albert (1897 - 1973)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Frane, Kevin Joseph (Birth - 17
Jan 1966)
Bio: Hoffmann, Stella Louise (Engagement
- Jan 1966)
Bio: Weidman, Donald A. - Sgt. 1st Class
(Promotion - Jan 1966)
Bio: Westendorf, Jane (Selected for
Role - Jan 1966)
BioA: Zasoba, Mr./Mrs. John (60th -
News: South Green Grove (27 Jan 1966)
News: Owen (27 Jan 1966)
News: Withee (27 Jan 1966)
Obit: Johnson, Julius (1885 - 1966)
Obit: Kobs, Ella (1904? - 1966)
16 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Foster, John - Am. Legion Honors
Military Service (2015)
Bio: Mahr, Shelby (Academic All-District
- 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights (UW
La Crosse - 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights (UW
Madison - 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights (UW-Madison
- 2015)
Obit: Izydorek, Donald Raymond “Izzy”
(1936 - 2015)
Obit: Klewicki, Margaret M. #3 (1917
- 2015)
Obit: Zukowski, Robert Kenneth “Bob”
#2 (1930 - 2015)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Neillsville (5 Sep 1918)
News: Neillsville (12 Sep 1918)
News: Neillsville (12 Sep 1918)
News: North Pine Valley (5 Sep 1918)
News: North Pine Valley (12 Sep 1918)
News: Shortville (5 Sep 1918)
News: East Weston-West York (12 Sep
News: North York (5 Sep 1918)
Obit: Dewhurst, George K. #2 (1829 -
Obit: Schwichtenberg, Fred (1845 - 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Gosse, Ron (Retirement - 2015)
Bio: Pinter, Eric (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Roehl, Brett, (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Seefeld, Nick (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Stiglich, Carmen (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Zawislan, Brandi (President’s List
- 2015)
News: Abbotsford (23 Apr 1925)
News: Stetsonville (Arraignment - 1929)
Obit: Allar, Gordon Lee #2 (1944 - 2015)
Obit: Canfield, Elizabeth Grace #2 (1916
- 2015)
Obit: Hoeck, Karen E. (1938 - 2015)
Obit: Kern, John E. (1919 - 2015)
Obit: Knudtson, William A. (1944 - 2015)
Obit: Larsen, Royce L. #3 (1923 - 2015)
Photo/information provided by Judith
Cowell, researched by Ellen Johnson
BioM: Baumann, Veronica (2 Aug 1886)
Obit: Fiedler, Veronika Baumann #2 (1835
- 1904)
Obit: Kipp, Anna Block (1906 - 1967)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Carlson, Carol (Engagement - Jan
Bio: Hardrath, Sheryl (Engagement -
Jan 1966)
Bio: Jensen, Marvin R. (Letter - Jan
Bio: Ludwig, Dawn Marie (Birth - 5 Jan
BioA: Olsen, Mr./Mrs. Andrew (Gold -
BioM: Coleman, Susan Irene (1966)
Obit: Anderson, Roy O. (1898 - 1966)
Obit: Larson, Leo Ronald #2 (1941 -
Obit: Peterson, Alganie (1879 - 1966)
Obit: Schwandt, Glenn L. (1895 - 1966)
15 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Barager, James V. - Capt.
(Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Chaltry, Susan Marie (Engagement
- 1973)
Bio: Drescher, Martha (Car accident
- 1973)
Bio: Geiger, John P. - Sp.5 (Military
Notes - 1973)
Bio: Koontz, Robert G. - Airman (Military
Notes - 1973)
Bio: Ludwig, Terrance A. - Airman
(Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Lyon, Gary A. - Airman (Military
Notes - 1973)
Bio: Prior, Ray (90th Birthday - 1973)
News: Granton (18 Oct 1973)
News: Neillsville - Piano Sold (But
not by owner - 1973)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Hake, Walter (Draft Evader - 1918)
Bio: Haugen, Otto (Died in France -
Bio: Schroeder, Carl John (Arrested
- 1918)
News: Chili (5 Sep 1918)
News: West Eaton (5 Sep 1918)
News: West Eaton (12 Sep 1918)
News: Fremont (12 Sep 1918)
News: Globe (5 Sep 1918)
News: North Grant (5 Sep 1918)
News: Levis (5 Sep 1918)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Altergott, Rosalee Grace (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Burns, Christopher (President’s
List - 2015)
Bio: Frankewicz, Jennifer (President’s
List - 2015)
Bio: Hoernke, Lisa (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Horacek, Christina (President’s
List - 2015)
Bio: Houle, Michelle (Graduation - 2015)
Bio: Kunze, Rebecca (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Larson, Rebecca (Engagement - 2015)
Bio: Marcott, Nicole (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Mergen, Joseph Patrick (Birth -
Bio: Schreiner, Ashley Marie #2 (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Sneddon, Rev. J. B. (20 Apr 1915)
Bio: Stahnke, Megan Jean (Engagement
- 2015)
Obit: Behrens, Thomas F. #2 (1930 -
Obit: Bunkelman, Lyle (1931? - 2015)
Obit: Cammers, Earl J. #2 (1937 - 2015)
Obit: McCluskey, Joan G. (1932 - 2015)
Obit: Poppe, Donald (1927 - 2015)
Obit: Rueth, Paul F. Sr. #2 (1957? -
Obit: Shinkle, Albert L. #3 (1938? -
New cemetery photos provided by Kathy
Longwood Emmanuel Lutheran
Karlen, Wilton - Military
Kolpanen, Gertrude B.
Needham, Richard J.
Needham, Richard - Military
Niemi, Edythe M.
Niemi, Janet Lee
Niemi, Wiliam E.
Sorenson, Lee
Twait, Elizabeth
Twait, Nels
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Dearth Family Reunion (25 Dec 1965)
Bio: Ewert, Rhonda Marie (Baptism -
26 Dec 1965)
Bio: Toraason, Dr. Clifford (Eulogized
- Jan 1966)
BioA: Capes, Mr./Mrs. Jesse (Gold -
BioM: Phillips, Patricia Ann (1965)
News: Curtiss (30 Dec 1965)
Obit: Foelsch, Beulah V. (1926 - 2015)
Obit: Haaya, Johanna (1885 -1965)
Obit: Hopperdietzel, Alice (1923 - 2015)
Obit: Klewicki, Margaret M. (1917 -
Obit: Lindgren, Vaner H. (1904 - 1966)
Obit: Shelley, Erland A. (1939 - 2015)
Obit: Stenman, Mathilda Maria (1883
- 1966)
Obit: Toraason, Clifford M. (1888 -
12 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Good Old Days 28 Jan 2015
Bio: Frank, Kari Lynn (Engagement -
Bio: Gunderson, Joy (Engagement - 1973)
Bio: Szepanski, Mathew Donald (Birth
- 1973)
BioA: Schlinsog, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
(Golden - 1973)
BioM: Brekke, Bonnie Ann (1973)
BioM: Kipp, Lola (1973)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (1 Nov 1973)
BioM: Sniegowski, Cynthia Victoria (1973)
News: Neillsville Locals (1 Nov 1973)
News: Pleasant Ridge (1 Nov 1973)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Johnson, Jodi (Appointment - 2015)
Bio: Kloth, Callyn Scott (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Lastofka, Louis (Accidental Shooting
- 1965)
Bio: Quednow, Danika Mae (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Zahn, Rev. Thomas (Founder, Northland
Lutheran HS)
BioM: Kayhart, Jenna (2014)
News: Medford (14 Apr 1915)
Obit: Bauman, Gerald A. (1940 - 2015)
Obit: Kleparski, Sophia (1920 - 2015)
Obit: Schwantes, Dale Elroy (1931 -
Obit: Tomfohrde, Kelly Carol -A1C (1992
- 2015)
Obit: Zimmerman, Virginia A. #2 (1915
- 2015)
New photo provided by Judith Cowell,
researched by Ellen Johnson
Bio: Bass, Charles (1825 - 1915)
Obit: Bass, Emma Knecht (1857 - 1923)
BioM: Bloch / Block, Anna (1895)
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Resech, Glendon G. - Military
Ridderbusch, Carol J.
Ridderbusch, Dale E.
Ridderbusch, Fred A.
Ridderbusch, Fred A. - Military
Ridderbusch, Viola N.
Riehle, Elizabeth
Riehle, Leonard Joseph
Riehle, Ricky D.
Rilling Family Stone
Rilling, Althea
Rilling, Jacob Dr.
Rilling, Mae L.
Roth, Leona V.
Roth, Roland F.
Rudesill, Ernest
Rueden, Arthur
Rueden, Bertha
Ruppert, Edward
Ruppert, Louise
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kraut, Bunee (Engagement - Dec
Bio: Nelson, Betty Jean (Engagement
- Dec 1965)
Bio: Nelson, Lisa Ann (Birth - 23 Dec
Bio: Pabich, Ann Marie (Birth - 18 Dec
BioM: Lew, Shirley Adeline (1965)
News: Owen (30 Dec 1965)
News: Withee (30 Dec 1965)
Obit: Frey, William Henry (1878 - 1965)
Obit: Heard, Alice (1888 -1965)
Obit: Nowak, Tony (1926 - 1965)
11 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Decker, Jennifer Alice (Baptism
- 1973)
Bio: Ladd, Robert (Honored for Military
Service - 2015)
Bio: Noah, Melissa Dawn (Birth - 1973)
Bio: Quicker, Jessi (May 2015 Junior
Bio: Thomas, Steven Michael (Birth -
Bio: Weyer, Carolyn Sue (Birth - 1973)
School: Neillsville Grads (Medical Degrees
- 2015)
School: Reed School Visit Teaches History
(Memories - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Lueth, Elizabeth (Graduation -
Bio: Wagner, Jim (New Police Officer
- 2015)
News: Abbotsford (16 Apr 1925)
Obit: Arkola, Kenneth R. (1934? - 2015)
Obit: Gass, Fred A. (1936 - 2015)
Obit: Hart, Gregory L. (1916 - 2015)
Obit: Hart, Patricia M. (1929 - 2009)
Obit: Reich, Woodrow R. II (1945 - 2015)
Obit: Schmitz, Leroy Clarence #2 (1931
- 2015)
Obit: Voge, Dorothy E. (1929 - 2015)
Obit: Zank, Rev. Marvin (1928 - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Radeztsky, Henry
Radeztsky, Wilhelmina
Rand, Alvah M.
Rasmussen, Shirley M.
Rayner Family Stone
Rayner, Angela F.
Rayner, Charles F.
Rayner, Charles F. - Military
Rayner, Charles M.
Rayner, Charles R.
Rayner, Lorinda
Reeves, Harold E.
Reeves, Ronald Eldred - Military
Reeves, Rose
Reichersamer, John Loys
Reichersamer, Ethel M.
Reichersamer, Ludwig
Reichersamer, Roy
Resech, Glendon G. "Glen"
Resech, Mary Ellen
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Driscoll, Cornelius (Barn Burns
- Dec 1965)
Bio: Leibki, Lori Lee (Baptism - 12
Dec 1965)
BioA: Shattuck, Mr./Mrs. George (Silver
- 1965)
BioM: Clark, Susan (1965)
BioM: Poppe, Paulette Ann (1965)
Church: Withee St. John’s (Votes for
New Church - Dec 1965)
News: Clark County - Historical Society
(Dec 1965)
Obit: Hansen, Walter (1898? - 1965)
Obit: Juntunen, Frank I. (1883 - 1965)
Obit: Wendt, Anna E. (1878 - 1965)
10 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Sep
Bio: Hendricks, Robert W. - Pvt (Military
Notes - 1973)
Bio: Wentland, Baby Girl (Birth - 1973)
Bio: Wiand, Scott James (Birth - 1973)
BioA: Dux, Mr./Mrs. Louis (Silver -
BioA: Musich, Mr./Mrs. Joseph (35th
- 1973)
BioM: Kuehn, Bonnie Lou (1973)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Oct 1973)
News: Greenwood (11 Oct 1973)
News: Willard (11 Oct 1973)
New Record provided by Dick Adler
News: Greenwood Veteran Monument Dedication
(03 Jun 2015)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Albers, Marie (Award - 2015)
Bio: Babic, Nikola (Foreign Exchange
Student - 2015)
Bio: Burghaus, Rich (Award - 2015)
Bio: DeChatelets, Patricia (Award -
Bio: Grard, Romain (Foreign Exchange
Student - 2015)
Bio: Hrdina, Donna (Award - 2015)
Bio: Matthais, Toni (Award - 2015)
Bio: Pai, Jessica (Foreign Exchange
Student - 2015)
Bio: Rogers-Hartl, Laurie (Award - 2015)
Bio: Shaw, Greg (New Aspirus-Medford
CFO - 2015)
Bio: Webster, Brooke (Good Citizen Award
- 2015)
Obit: Brahmer, Marjorie June (1927 -
Obit: Coyle, Bryan #2 (1971 - 2015)
Obit: Hanson, Sheila R. (1934 - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Polnaszek, Frances M.
Polnaszek, Richard P. Sr.
Polnaszek, Richard P. Sr. - Military
Polzin, Bernard H.
Polzin, Douglas L.
Polzin, Lois M.
Polzin, James E.
Prestin, Carl
Prestin, Dorothea
Prestin, Mary
Prien, Milton W.
Prien, Sigrid "Sally"
Pudleiner, Douglas James
Pupp, Elsie M.
Pupp, Eugene E.
Pupp, William
Rabehl, Adolph E.
Rabehl, Opal A.
Radeztsky, Emil
Radeztsky, Germaine
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Buchanan, Sharee Janette (Birth
- 11 Nov 1965)
Bio: Bulgrin, Linda Pyle (Serves as
Officer - 1965)
Bio: Feldman, Sarah Lee (Birth - 29
Nov 1965)
Bio: Fritz, Donna Mae (Engagement -
Nov 1965)
Bio: Wachsmuth, Bruce (Birth - 17 Nov
News: Curtiss (25 Nov 1965)
News: Owen (02 Dec 1965)
News: Withee (02 Dec 1965)
Obit: Draheim, Adela #2 (1888 - 1965)
Obit: Hamel. Gaylord E. (1897 - 1965)
09 Jun 2015
New Photos provided by Judith Cowell
Obit: Bass, Albert D. (1854 - 1895)
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
BioA: Kosik, Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Golden
- 2015)
News: Thorp Historical Society/Telephone
Museum (Opens - 2015)
Obit: Embke, Fredrick Christian (1853
- 1930)
Obit: Hansen, Richard A. (1932 - 2015)
Obit: Harder, Donna Rae #2 (1935 - 2015)
Obit: Hink, John H. #2 (1935 - 2015)
Obit: Kuzjak, Joyce (1941 - 2015)
Obit: Lewandowski, Vernon Stephen (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Przybylski, Irene M. (1950 - 2015)
Obit: Zukowski, Robert K. (1929? - 2015)
New Holy Family Cemetery Photos provided
by Mary Urban
Koschak, Johanna "Jennie"
Koschak, Louis
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Berndt, Devan (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Boehm, Mitchell (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Copas, Brady (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Dahlke, Hannah (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Dittman, Wesley (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Germain, Ian Douglas (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Hakala, Marissa (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Hall, Alan (President’s List -
Bio: Knetter, Louise (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Kroening, Katherine (Chancellor’s
Award - 2014)
Bio: Kuyoth, Joan (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Kuyoth, Michael (Graduation - 2014)
Bio: Kuyoth, Michael (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Lindner, Andrew (President’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Mann, Andilyn Louise (Birth - 2015)
Bio: Pietrowski, Terry (President’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Schilling, Taylor (President’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Zachary, Emily (Fellowship Award
- 2015)
Obit: Bergemann, Martha W. (1926 - 2015)
Obit: Jochimsen, Beth L. (1965 - 2015)
Obit: Schreiner, Esther O. (1924 - 2015)
Obit: Williams, Ralph James (1931 -
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Petrie, Mary A.
Pflanzer, Myrtle E.
Pflanzer, Theodore J.
Phaneuf, Gordon J.
Phaneuf, Gordon J. - Military
Phaneuf, Lila Ruth
Pietrowski, Tammy
Pietrowski, Tim J.
Pinter, Constance Marie
Pinter, Gerald Allan "Potz"
Pinter, Gerald Allan- Military
Pinter, John
Pinter, Olivia
Pinter, Ruby A.
Ploof, Hester
Ploof, Joseph
Ploof, Melvina
Ploof, Olive G.
Poehnelt, Dorothy E.
Pollack, Pauline (Appolina)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Gay, Carol Ann (Engagement - Nov
Bio: Henke, Dennis - Pvt. (Advanced
Training - Oct 1965)
Bio: Laabs, Dana Lee (Birth - 28 Oct
Bio: Lukowicz, John (Fireman Retirement
- 1965)
Bio: Neff, Elba (95th Birthday - 1965)
Bio: Zaborowski, Laurie Lynn (First
Communion - 1965)
BioM: Kuehn, Ruth Ann (1965)
News: Curtiss (28 Oct 1965)
News: South Green Grove (11 Nov 1965)
Obit: Telin, Maria #2 (1885 - 1965)
08 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Bio: Koschak, Steven J. (Military -
Bio: Schmidt, Jeff (Military - 1973)
BioA: Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bergen #2
(Golden - 1973)
News: Chili (25 Oct 1973)
News: Granton (25 Oct 1973)
News: Greenwood (25 Oct 1973)
News: Neillsville Locals (25 Oct 1973)
Obit: Gaulke, Otto #2 (1883 - 1973)
Obit: Huntzicker, Maud #2 (1893 - 1973)
Obit: Stamcar, Rose (1910 - 1973)
New Record provided by Pat Braun
BioM: Stewart, Patricia Lee (1965)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Colby-Schwantes, Trisha (President’s
List - 2015)
Bio: Henseler, Ashley (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Jannene, Natalyn (Recognition Award
- 2015)
Bio: Kocian, Marshal (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Schreiner, Ashley Marie (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Valdez, Jose (Graduation - 2014)
Bio: Valdez, Jose (President’s List
- 2015)
Bio: Webb, Traci (Engagement - 2015)
News: Abbotsford Tribune (30 April 1925)
Obit: Judnic, Ronald L. (1945 - 2015)
Obit: Pawlowski, Phyllis M. (1948 -
Obit: Schumacker, Lorin A. (1940 - 2015)
Obit: Stange, Gerald D. (1952 - 2015)
Obit: Stock, Alisa Ann (1962 - 2015)
Obit: Strobach, Bernard L. (1922 - 2015)
Obit: Thomas, Gertrude Marcella (1929
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy
Pabich, Donna M
Pabich, Frank T.
Pabich, Frank T. - Military
Pabich, Mary J.
Pacholke, Edward
Pacholke, Mary
Pals, Anna
Pals, Wesley
Parker, Estel Kent
Pascoe, Edward C.
Pascoe, Frances Violet
Patitz, Elroy G.
Pautstenbach Family Stone
Paustenbach, Catherine "Tena"
Paustenbach, Joseph A.
Pecher, John M.
Pecher, Maria A.
Pecher, Martha
Perry Hoffman, Lynette
Peterson, Anna
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Carlson, Mark Lee (Baptism - 9
Oct 1965)
Bio: Hansen, Carole Jean (Engagement
- Oct 1965)
Bio: McNeely, Ray (Barn Burns - 5 Oct
BioA: Peissig, Mr./Mrs. Arthur (30th
BioM: Wendt, Carol Jean (1965)
News: Owen (28 Oct 1965)
News: Withee (28 Oct 1965)
Obit: Andelin, Frank (1888 - 1965)
Obit: Anderson, Ethel I. (1918? - 2015)
Obit: Johnson, Eugene W. (1929 - 1965)
Obit: Rossow, Charley J. #2 (1880 -
Obit: Schubert, Dorothy L. (1924 - 2015)
Obit: Volovsek, Virginia A. (1930 -
Obit: Zimmerman, Marlin (1936 - 2015)
05 Jun
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 14 Jan 2015
Bio: Patey, Dan (FBI School
- 1973)
BioA: Nemitz, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
(Silver - 1973)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (25
Oct 1973)
News: Washburn (25 Oct 1973)
News: Willard (25 Oct 1973)
Obit: Chase, Ina Marie #2 (1896
- 1973)
Obit: Miller, Josephine (1892
- 1973)
Obit: Nickel, Herbert (1905-
Obit: Vobora, Marie A. (1897
- 1973)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Beard, Sarah Jean (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Steevens, Henry Marvin
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Zimmerman, Bryce Ray (Birth
- 2015)
Obit: Burkholder, Bentley Kade
(2015 - 2015)
Obit: Burkholder, Cheryl Dawn
(1989 - 2015)
Obit: Luchterhand, Earl Elder
#2 (1925 - 2015)
Obit: Lumley, Leonard (1947
- 2015)
Obit: Moen, Donald Ervin (1934
- 2015)
Obit: Rohland, Emil Edward (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Salisbury, Joseph Travis
#2 (1994 - 2015)
Obit: Schutte, Vivian Agnes
#2 (1920 - 2015)
Obit: Slack, Lila (1928? - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Olsen, Norman Victor - Military
Olson, Charles Dell
Olson, Charles Dell - Military
Olson, Einar
Olson, Harry A.
Olson, John H.
Olson, Josephine
Olson, Margaret Albertine
Olson, Mary A.
Olson, Mildred M.
Olson, William A.
Orth, Martha R.
Orth, Myron M.
Orth, Shirley
Ouimette, Victor
Ourada, Joseph
Ourada, Winifred
Ovans, John Leo
Ovans, Phyllis M.
Ovans, John Leo - Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Fricke, Susan Carol (Engagement
- Oct 1965)
Bio: Hintzman, Dixie Lee (Engagement
- Oct 1965)
Bio: Smith, Kurt Allen (Baptism
- 3 Oct 1965)
Bio: Timmler, Tamary Jo (Baptism
- 26 Sep 1965)
BioM: Klemetson, Judy Ann Doris
BioM: Milawski, Antonette #2
BioM: Smith, Beverly Jean (1965)
BioM: Unger Janet (1965)
Obit: Phillips, William W. (1896
- 1965)
Obit: Telford, Mary #2 (1902
- 1965)
04 June
Response from Sharon Scott
Bio: Tuttle, Stephen Decatur
(1938 - 1908)
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Ormond, Barbara Ann (Engagement
- 1973)
Bio: Pachal Family (Reunion
- 1973)
BioA: Wendt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
(40th - 1973)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (10
Oct 1973)
News: Butler (4 Oct 1973)
News: Greenwood (4 Oct 1973)
Obit: Bremer Howard H. #2 (?
- 1973)
Obit: Christopherson, Alma (1892
- 1973)
Obit: Siewert, Sadie (1898 -
Obit: Wapp, Mary #2 (? - 1973)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Wegner, Reighlynn Shae
(Birth - 2015)
Obit: Buchholz, Phyllis (1927
- 2015)
Obit: Juedes, Mildred A. (1927
- 2015)
Obit: Kalmon, Claire Charles
(1931 - 2015)
Obit: Malovrh, Virginia Agnes
(1925 - 2015)
Obit: Thorson, Donald K. (1928
- 2015)
Obit: Tkachuk, Lydia Mary (1923
- 2015)
Obit: Wicklund, Edith Eleanor
(1928 - 2015)
Obit: Zahn, Rev. Thomas (1950
- 2015)
Obit: Zenner, Elaine E. (1926
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Nikolay, Marian M.
Nikolay, Melvin
Nikolay, Melvin - Military
Nixdorf, Lorna M.
Nixdorf, Walter F.
Noonan, Edward Francis Anthony
Noonan, John Waldron
Nowalk, Joephine
Nyhus, Kassidy N.
Oehler, Alice
Oehler, Cecil
Oehler, Donald
Oelke, Gustav
Oelke, Pauline
Olsen, Augusta
Olsen, Evelyn Faye
Olsen, John P.
Olsen, Laura L.
Olsen, Norman Victor
Olsen, Troy
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: George, Tara Alayne (Baptism
- 15 Aug 1965)
Bio: George, Thomas (Promoted
to Captain - Sep 1965)
Bio: Laakso, Michael T. - A3/C
(Training - Sep 1965)
Bio: Pribbernow, Duane R. -
A3/C (Training - Sep 1965)
BioM: Borchardt, Janet Mary
News: Curtiss (30 Sep 1965)
News: South Green Grove (30
Sep 1965)
News: Owen (30 Sep 2015)
News: Withee (30 Sep 1965)
Obit: Wesneski, John P. (1909
- 1965)
03 Jun
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Whisner, Kathy Lynn (Bachelor’s
Degree - 2015)
News: Thorp - Museum Musings
( 27 May 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights
(27 May 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights
(27 May 2015)
Obit: Klapatauskas, Julius E.
#2 (1923 - 2015)
Obit: Pawlowski, Gladys (1917
- 2015)
Obit: Phillippi, Ilah Mae (1939
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Drake, Karter Daniel (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Eisner, Alyssa Autumn (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Kaifesh, Krystle (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Mohr, Kaylee Dawn (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Novak, Dillon (Student
of Quarter - 2015)
Bio: Pontbriand, Dawson Timothy
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Preuss, Owen Andrew (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Sweda, Joseph (Biography
- 2015)
Bio: Thiede, Kurt (Appointment
- 2015)
Bio: Thielke, Trigg (Hired -
Obit: Mueller, JoAnn (1945 -
Obit: Tomczak, Torrie A. (1995
- 2015)
Obit: Trimner, Scott James (1956
- 2015)
School: Medford AHS (NHS Members
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Nelson, Isaac E.
Nelson, John J. - Military
Nelson, Nels
Nemesch, Emma Gisella
Netzer, Mary A.
Netzer, Robert G.
Nikolay Family Stone #1
Nikolay Family Stone #2
Nikolay, Alfred Jacob
Nikolay, Alfred Jacob - Military
Nikolay, Anna B.
Nikolay, Frank L.
Nikolay, Frank L. - Military
Nikolay, George R.
Nikolay, Helen L.
Nikolay, Jacob
Nikolay, John "Jack"
Nikolay, Mary E.
Nikolay, Pauline M.
Nikolay, Katherine
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Feldman, Arthur A. (Master’s
Degree - 1965)
BioA: Stadler, Mr./Mrs. Arthur
(Gold - 1965)
BioM: Auberg, Sharon Kay (1965)
BioM: Chudyk, Marjorie Ann (1965)
BioM: Lebiecki, Linda (1965)
BioM: Levin, Marilyn Joyce (1965)
BioM: Thorson, Karen Ann (1965)
News: Owen - Haselow Hardware
(30th Anniversary - 1965)
Obit: Steinke, Esther (1903
- 1965)
Obit: Zowal, Paul (1946 - 1965)
02 Jun
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Barager, James V.
- Capt. (Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Chaltry, Susan Marie (Engagement
- 1973)
Bio: Drescher, Martha (Car accident
- 1973)
Bio: Geiger, John P. - Sp.5
(Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Koontz, Robert G. - Airman
(Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Ludwig, Terrance A. - Airman
(Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Lyon, Gary A. - Airman
(Military Notes - 1973)
Bio: Miller, Sidney (NHS Salutatorian
- 2015)
Bio: Mohr, Alexander (NHS Valedictorian
- 2015)
Bio: Neville Family (Five Generations
- 2015)
Bio: Prior, Ray (90th Birthday
- 1973)
Bio: Scaletta, Tim (Exemplary
Soloist - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
News: Abbotsford (26 Mar 1925)
Obit: Buchholz, Karl W. (1933
- 2015)
Obit: Christoffersen, Robert
Harold (1936 - 2015)
Obit: Hanke, Eleanor Florence
(1922 - 2015)
Obit: Huber-Werner-Steffen,
Irene Mae (? - 2015)
Obit: Kremsreiter, Roger A.
(1943 - 2015)
Obit: Lingen, Helen E. (1923
- 2015)
Obit: Packenham, Jeanne M. (1946
- 2015)
Obit: Sweda, Joseph (1926 -
Obit: Vircks, Barton C. (1943
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Mueller, Ronald
Mueller, Verena
Multauf, Eunice M.
Naatz, Friedrich
Naatz, Wilhelmine
Nagel, Franciska
Nagel, Mary
Nagel, William
Neidhold, Dorothy
Neidhold, Ellenora
Neidhold, Frederick W.
Neidhold, Frederick W. - Military
Neidhold, John A.
Nelson Family Stone
Nelson, Andrew T.
Nelson, Anna
Nelson, Emma
Nelson, Grace
Nelson, Henry Tellof
Nelson, John J.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Mildbrand, Ed (Cheesemaker
Honored - 12 Aug 1965)
Bio: Miller, Ruth (Engagement
- Aug 1965)
BioA: Stuve, Mr./Mrs. Howell
(Gold - 1965)
BioM: Bulgrin, Linda Marie #2
News: Curtiss (26 Aug 1965)
News: Owen (26 Aug 1965)
News: Withee (26 Aug 1965)
Obit: Anderson, Alfred (1885
- 1965)
Obit: Frost, Christian S. (1886
- 1965)
School: Owen H.S. Class of 1954
(Reunion 1965)
01 Jun
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
School: Granton, Wisconsin 2015
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights
(20 May 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights
(20 May 2015)
News: Washburn (1 Nov 1973)
Obit: Bardeleben, Emma Hulda
(1896 - 1973)
Obit: Kaczmarczyk, Albert Fredereck
#2 (1936 - 2015)
Obit: Kobylarczyk, James E.
“Kuby” (1945 - 2015)
Obit: Miller, Josephine #2 (1892
- 1973)
Obit: Rendmeister, Yvonne G.
(1936 - 2015)
Greenwood Veterans Monument
Photos provided by Dick Adler
News: Greenwood Veteran Monument
Dedication (25 May 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Gates, Kathryn Sue (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Lomatsch, Alfred (Sawing
Accident - 1940)
Bio: Nichols, Dayson James (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Olson, August Dale (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Smith, Geo. (Appendicitis
- 1915)
Bio: Stahnke, Dalton (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Szemraj, Jase Samuel (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Venzke, Catherine (Graduation
- 2015)
Bio: Woods, Angela (Engagement
- 2015)
Bio: Zalinzniak, Maddox Rockwell
(Birth - 2015)
BioM: Williams, Michelle Marie
(4 Oct 2014)
Church: Medford St. Paul’s Lutheran
(New Church - 1965)
Obit: Burmeister, Barbara J.
(1934 - 2015)
Obit: Burmeister, Henry B. (1919
- 2009)
Obit: Dahlke, Brenda Jean (1957
- 2015)
Obit: Kriehn, Catherine E. (1929
- 2015)
Obit: Thiel, Esther C. (1919
- 2011)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Morrow, Anne Marie
Morrow, Joseph Walter
Morrow, Mary Ellen
Morrow, Shirley & Sharon
Mroczenski, Alex I.
Mroczenski, Alex I. - Military
Mroczenski, Vivian V.
Mueller, Alfred L.
Mueller, Baby daughter
Mueller, Betty Lou
Mueller, Caroline
Mueller, Clarence
Mueller, Diane
Mueller, Elmer S.
Mueller, Herman F. - Military
Mueller, Hilda
Mueller, John
Mueller, Paulette Mae
Mueller, Robert J.
Mueller, Robert J. - Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Anderson, Roy Family Reunion
(14 Aug 1965)
Bio: Devine, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Burt (Birth - 12 Aug 1965)
Bio: Jalling, Ricky Dean (Baptism
- 15 Aug 1965)
Bio: Rinehart Family Reunion
(14 Aug 1965)
BioA: Maurina, Mr./Mrs. Edward
(Gold - 1965)
BioM: Fritsch, Jacqueline Ann
(7 Aug 1965)
BioM: Telin, Susan Ellen (1965)
Obit: Hodnett, Henry (1919 -
Obit: Puro, Hanna (1884 - 1965)
Obit: Scherf, Floyd (1906 -