30 Oct
2015 |
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 08 Jul 2015 |
Bio: Bensen, Ralph (Hobby -
Sawyer - 2015) |
Tombstone Photos provided by
Ellen Johnson |
Mentor Township Cemetery |
Abersold, Carl |
Abersold, Fred |
Abersold, Marie |
Aebersold, Donald |
Aebersold, Regina |
Aebersold, William |
Aebly, Henry |
Aebly, Rachel |
Aeschbacher, Fred |
Aeschbacher, Grace |
New Records posted by Janet
Schwarze |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: King, John F. (Kicked by
Horse - Oct 1870) |
BioM: Bester, Fannie E. (1873) |
BioM: Lambert, Clara #2 (1873) |
BioM: Marshall, Dora (1873) |
BioM: Zendal, Maria #2 (1873) |
History: Easton Twp. - Greenwood
(1873) |
Obit: Carl, LaVade Duan (1934
- 2015) |
Obit: Counsell, Jennie (1873
- 1873) |
Obit: Fennessy, James Michael
Jr. (1937 - 2015) |
Obit: Jenkins, Isaac (1813?
- 1873) |
Obit: Pernsteiner, Lucille Doris
(1924 - 2015) |
Obit: Rosandich, Delores "Lorrie"
(1950 - 2015) |
Obit: Thompson, Lewis #2 (1806
- 1873) |
Obit: Yorkston, Archibald (?
- 1870) |
29 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Columbia (4 Apr 1974)
News: Granton (4 Apr 1974)
News: Willard (4 Apr 1974)
Obit: Darling, Minnie #2 (1887
- 1974)
Obit: Haugen, Freeman P. (Frank)
(1885 - 1974)
Obit: Marden, Nora C. (1917
- 1974)
Obit: Matousek, Ruzena #2 (1892
- 1974)
Obit: Peterson, Carl Frederick
(1893 - 1974)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Zukowski, Verna
Zurakowski, Frances
Zurakowski, John
Zurakowski, John - Military
Zuzelski, Andrew
Zuzelski, Jerome
Zuzelski, Joseph
Zuzelski, Martha
Zuzelski, Regina "Virginia"
New Records posted by Janet
Rogalski / Janet Schwarze
Bio: Bart, William (31 Aug 1923
- 21 Mar 1986)
Bio: Bart, William - Memories
Bio: Ramberg, Charles & Thea
(1900 Census)
Bio: Ramberg, Ole & Mary (1900
Bio: Yaeger, Joseph Fred (1893
- 1956)
BioM: Ramberg, Julia Ovida (1902)
Obit: Sommer, William Herman
(1877 - 1953)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Erickson, Kathryn Marie
(Engagement - Jun 1970)
BioA: Horn, Mr./Mrs. Elmer (Gold
- 1970)
BioA: Seeger, Mr./Mrs. Herman
#2 (Gold - 1970)
BioA: Voight, Mr./Mrs. Percy
(Gold - 1970)
BioM: Jagielo, Janice Estelle
BioM: Kuester, Clarice (1970)
BioM: Mechelke, Bonnie Lou #2
BioM: Myre, Nancy Beth (1970)
BioM: Nelson, Beverly (1970)
Obit: McMahon, Morel (1907 -
28 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Dux, Michael Eugene (Baptism
- 1974)
Bio: Hagedorn, John W. (Military
- 1974)
Bio: Hagen, Connie Marie (Baptism
- 1974)
Bio: Hill, James Francis (Baptism
- 1974)
News: Butler (4 Apr 1974)
News: Greenwood (4 Apr 1974)
News: Neillsville (4 Apr 1974)
Obit: Klauer, Paul (1882 - 1974)
Obit: Matousek, Ruzena (1892
- 1974)
Obit: Yankee, Carl A. (1885
- 1974)
New Records from Ellen Johnson
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Wynimko, Wanda M.
Zaborowski, Adeline I.
Zaborowski, Edward W.
Zajack, Anna Josephine
Zajack, Chester A.
Zajack, Chester A. - Military
Zajack, Ruth Marie
Zmyslony, Mary E.
Zmyslony, Stanley J.
Zukowski, Bernadine
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Andrews, Harriet (Birth
- 8 June 1904)
Bio: Barrett, Geneva (25 Yrs.
Teaching at Greenwood - 1970)
Bio: Kavanaugh, Kay S. (Arizona
Univ. Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Rodgers, Irene (25 Yrs.
Teaching at Greenwood - 1970)
Bio: Rueth, Family Reunion (1970)
Bio: Simmons, John P. (Attempted
Suicide - 1904)
BioM: Arch, Karyn Ann (1970)
BioM: Neville, Katherine M.
(4 May 1904)
BioM: VanNess, Suzanne Stephanie
Obit: Prehn, Earl (1900? - 1904)
27 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Columbia (28 Mar 1974)
News: Greenwood (28 Mar 1974)
News: Washburn (28 Mar 1974)
News: Willard (28 Mar 1974)
Obit: Darling, Minnie (1887?
- 1974)
Obit: Franz, Theodore H. (1905
- 1974)
Obit: Grum, Tony (1901 - 1974)
Obit: Gysen, Godfreid (1884
- 1974)
Obit: Hubing, Anton Edward #3
(1906 - 1974)
Obit: Wagner, Arthur C. (1884
- 1974)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Trybula, George H.
Trybula, Goldie Agnes
Tylka, Dolores L.
Tylka, Leon M.
Vrkljan, Anton
Vrkljan, Mary
Waichulis, Dawn E.
Waichulis, Joseph A.
Welciek, Mary A.
Welciek, Stanley T.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Mallory / Mallary / Mallery,
James Peter (1833 - 1917)
BioM: Anderson, Theresa Jane
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Demuth, William Michael
(Birth - 14 Jun 1970)
Bio: Hium, Jo Ann C. (WSU -
Eau Claire Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Oestreich, Arnold - S/Sgt.
(Apollo 13 Involvement - 1970)
Bio: Schecklman, Lori Jane (Baptism
- 20 Jun 1970)
Bio: Schlagenhaft, Cheryl (Whitewater
Honors - May 1970)
Bio: Woodkey, Dennis James (Baptism
- 20 Jun 1970)
BioA: Christie, Mr./Mrs. Floyd
(Gold - 1970)
BioM: Loos, Rosemary (1970)
News: Loyal (25 Jun 1970)
Obit: Burnett, Bernard "Ben"
(1891 - 1970)
26 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Moczarny Chester B. - Lt.
Col. (Service Notes - 1974)
Bio: Woodcock, William Thayer
(Birth - 1974)
BioM: Jones, Sharon K. (1974)
News: Butler (28 Mar 1974)
News: Granton (28 Mar 1974)
News: Neillsville (28 Mar 1974)
News: Pleasant Ridge (28 Mar
Obit: Mott, Murel Allen (1898
- 1974)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Wiernasz, Fern A.
Wiernasz, John A.
Wincek, Joseph Sr.
Wincek, Richard E. - Military
Wincek, Sophie
Wojtkiewicz, William F.
Wolowik, Steve
Wyczawksi, Anna
Wyczawksi, Val
Wynimko, Edward J.
New Records posted by Ellen
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Castner, Martha (90th Birthday
- 14 Jun 1970)
Bio: Dragon, Steven Neal (Birth
- 10 Jun 1970)
Bio: Fleming, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Garrett (Birth - 15 Jun 1970)
Bio: Mawson, Steven William
(Birth - 2 Jun 1970)
Bio: Thompson, Shirley (Honorable
Mention - 1970)
BioM: Baxter, Colleen Frances
BioM: Cole, Sharon (1970)
BioM: Francis, Jacqueline Sue
BioM: Knudsen, Rosalie Ann (1970)
BioM: Olsen, Sue Ann (1970)
23 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 01 Jul 2015
News: Clark Co. Historical Society
(50 Years - 2015)
Obit: Gamel, Evelyn June (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Naedler, Marvin E. (1928
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Barnett, Janet B. (1930
- 2015)
Obit: Blasel, Elmer G. (1927
- 2015)
Obit: Fletcher, Verna E. (1917
- 2015)
Obit: Forbes, Jerre L. (1938
- 2015)
Obit: Harder, Delores M. #2
(1925 - 2015)
Obit: Kaat, Betty Jane (1931
- 2015)
Obit: Meyer, Rita R. (1926 -
Obit: Pabich, Donna M. (1952
- 2015)
Obit: Prestien, Harlan Everett
(1928 - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Szerlong, Michael
Telford, Alexandra E.
Tomczak, Clarence D.
Tomczak, Katherine J.
Tomczak, Theodore S. - Military
Tomkowiak, Frank E.
Tomkowiak, Harriet
Truckey, Anna E.
Truckey, Louis A.
Truse, Gertrude V.
New Records posted by Janet
Rogalski/Janet Schwarze
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Andrew, Rosie (1926 -
Obit: Dahl, Genevieve W. "Jean"
(1937 - 2015)
Obit: Haas, Gerald Firman (1936
- 2015)
Obit: Kauffman, Dorothy L. "Nitty"
(1935 - 2015)
Obit: Kuehn, Elaine June (1923
- 2015)
Obit: Langfeldt, Herbert G.
(1938 - 2015)
Obit: Markee, Lorraine Zula
(1944 - 2015)
22 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Schrader, Jacquelyn Sue
News: Granton (21 Mar 1974)
News: Greenwood (21 Mar 1974)
News: Greenwood (28 Mar 1974)
Obit: Hoesly, Baltz (1888 -
Obit: Hubing, Anton Edward (1906
- 1974)
Obit: Knoop, Lettie (1894 -1974)
Obit: Ott, Ernest Fred (1894
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Kilty, Carston Donald (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Wagner, Makayla Elizabeth
(Birth - 2015)
Church: Dorchester Peace UCC
(Ice Cream Social - 2015)
News: Clark Co. - Central Wis.
(Tornado - 1971)
Obit: Harder, Delores M. (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Hoffman, Gerald Dale #2
(1934? - 2015)
Obit: Stephan, Ivalyn Linda
(1917 - 2015)
Obit: Wright, Rodger C. (1944
- 2015)
Obit: Zastrow, Wilma M. (1944
- 2015)
School: Colby H.S. of 1968 (47
Year Reunion - 2015)
School: Colby High School (Site
Selection - 1954)
School: Dorchester High All
Class (Reunion - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Swierkowski, Anton
Swierkowski, Rose
Swierkowski, Victoria
Sylla, Ralph S.
Sylla, Violett E.
Szczech, John J.
Szczech, Julia
Szczech, Louis
Szymnaski, John
Szymanski, Louise
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Auld, Lawrence Patrick
(Birth - 6 Jun 1970)
Bio: Christophersen, Ardis (Eau
Claire Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Langholz, John D. (50th
Anniv. of Ordination - 1970)
Bio: Mills, Glenn R. (Master's
Degree - 1970)
Bio: Rohde, Gil Jr. (Eau Claire
Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Rossow, Sandra (Eau Claire
Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Steffen, Linda (Eau Claire
Graduate - 1970)
Church: Willard - Holy Family
(Slovenian Program - 1970)
News: Loyal - John Rueth Memorial
Dedication (14 Jun 1970)
Obit: Nowack, Emma (1881 - 1970)
21 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Hizer, Carol (1948? - 1971)
Bio: Tobola, Ruth Thielke (100th
- 2015)
News: Clark Co. - College Notes
(14 Oct 2015)
News: Neillsville - Am. Legion
Auxiliary Honors Harrington
News: Neillsville - Restored
Piano (New Home - 2015)
Obit: Austad, Kay J. #2 (1960
- 2006)
Obit: Beier, Roger C. (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Gosse, Frances D. #3 (1929
- 2015)
Obit: Hizer, Marie M. (1921
- 1990)
Obit: Lavey, David Glen (1932
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Braun, Leona (1920 - 2015)
Obit: Hoeper, Donna F. (1933
- 2015)
Obit: Jablonicky, Kathleen Ann
#2 (1935 - 2015)
Obit: Johnson, Harley L. (1940
- 2015)
Obit: Krueger, Carol Helen #2
(1944 - 2015)
Obit: Lewis, Cecelia Louise
#2 (1913 - 2015)
Obit: Lindberg, John David (1932
- 2015)
Obit: Michlig, Anthony F. #2
(1940 - 2015)
Obit: Rothamer, Eugene K. (1932
- 2015)
Obit: Zocher, Hilbert F. (1929
- 2015)
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Anderson, Lena (1874 -
Bio: Spieles, Jesse Julius (1900
- 1979)
Bio: Wiskow, Benard Friedrich
(1889 - 1968)
Obit: Anderson, Ole (1840 -
Obit: Spieles, Jesse Julius
(1900 - 1979)
Property: Beaver Cheese Factory,
Beaver Twp., Wis.
School: Beaver Twp. Clark, Wis.,
Darton / Sunnyside (1880 - 1926)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Boock, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
David (Birth - 7 Jun 1970)
Bio: Clouse, Judith Rose (Engagement
- Jun 1970)
Bio: Lyon, Deborah (Engagement
- May 1970)
Bio: Malinowski, Norine (Nursing
School Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Olsen, Sue Ann (Whitewater
Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Schweiger, Kevin Lionel
(Baptism - 31 May 1970)
Bio: Volovsek, LaVerne S. (UW
Madison Graduate - 1970)
Church: Spencer St. John's Lutheran
(Confirmation - 1970)
Obit: Horner, Anna (1891? -
School: Greenwood H.S. - 3 Generations
of Valedictorians (1970)
20 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Daniels, Tina Marie (Baptism
- 1974)
Bio: Hagen, Connie Marie (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Ulesich, Jason Scott (Baptism
- 1974)
Bio: Weirich, Baby Boy (Birth
- 1974)
News: Columbia (21 Mar 1974)
News: Greenwood (21 Mar 1974)
News: Lynn (21 Mar 1974)
News: Neillsville Locals (21
Mar 1974)
News: Washburn (21 Mar 1974)
News: Willard (21 Mar 1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Bunkelman, Aubrey Christine
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Haas, Levi Vernon (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Hoover, Kevin (Birth -
Bio: Schwarze, Stan and Jan
(16 Sep 2015)
Bio: Zarnke, Alainna Renne (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Zarnke, Jackson Douglas
(Birth - 2015)
Obit: Hoffman, Gerald Dale (1934?
- 2015)
Obit: Kara, Deloris I. #2 (1924
- 2013)
Obit: Leach, Bonnie L. (1941
- 2014)
Obit: Teclaw, Alicia #2 (1929*
- 2013)
School: Abbotsford H.S. Class
of 1956 (59 Year Reunion - 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Slowiak, Vincent Gabriel
Slowiak, Vincent Gabriel - Military
Sobol, Agnes
Sobol, Eva
Sobol, Joseph
Sobol, Louise
Sobolewski, Anton
Sobolewski, Katherine
Sokolowski, Bernard "Ben"
Sokolowski, Leo
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Boh, Karen Marie (Stevens
Point Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Johnson, Ray (River Falls
Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Krause, Larry, (St. Norbert's
Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Lawrenz, Lon and Kathleen
(Marquette Graduates - 1970)
Bio: Luchterhand, Bryce (Award
- 1970)
Bio: Luchterhand, Carl A. (Eau
Claire Voc. Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Meinholdt, Idagene (UW
Madison Graduate - 1970)
BioM: Kauffman, Jean Frances
Obit: Roycraft, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Richard (1970 -1970)
School: Greenwood H.S. Alumni
Banquet (1970)
19 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Degenhardt, Dinna Mary
(Engagement - 1974)
Bio: Olson, Scott Edward (Birth
- 1974)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (14
Mar 1974)
BioM: Statz, Cathy (1974)
News: Butler (21 Mar 1974)
News: Granton (14 Mar 1974)
News: Humbird (14 Mar 1974)
News: Neillsville Locals (14
Mar 1974)
News: Washburn (14 Mar 1974)
News: Willard (14 Mar 1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Bruce, Vicar Donald (Installation
- 2015)
Bio: Ploeckelman, Titus Tommy
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Schjoneman, Ramsey (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Solberg, Miles George (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Streckert, E. H. (Airport
Land - 1954)
Church: Stetsonville Zion Lutheran
(Mission Fest - 2015)
News: Abbotsford (23 Sep 1954)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Siegienski, Garfield M.
Siegienski, Helen
Siegienski, Marcella H.
Skwierczynski, Anna
Skwierczynski, Frances V.
Skwierczynski, Ignace (Nick)
Skwierczynski, Ronald L.
Slowiak, Leo F.
Slowiak, Loretta E.
Slowiak, Marie V.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Batterton, Troy Edward
(Baptism - 23 May 1970)
Bio: Egbert, Edwin C. (Air Force
Academy Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Mech, Vicki (Finalist-Alice
in Dairyland -1970)
Bio: Meyer, Daniel (River Falls
Graduate - 1970)
BioA: Neuman, Mr./Mrs. Duane
(15th - 1970)
Church: Greenwood St. Mary's
(Mother/Daughter Banquet - 1970)
Church: Spencer Trinity Lutheran
(Confirmation - 1970)
Obit: Frye, Earl C. (1898? -
Obit: Kraatz, Louisa (1876 -
School: Greenwood H.S. Honor
Students (1970)
16 Oct
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 24 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Robert
News: Abbotsford (Dutch Elm
Disease - 1962)
News: Colby (23 Sep 1954)
News: Colby (Hotel Colby Ownership
- 1978)
News: Colby (Murder Suspect
- 21 Sep 1968)
Obit: Larson, Edna May (1932?
- 2015)
Obit: Seubert, David A. (1935
- 2015)
Obit: Williams, Alice M. (1924
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Przybylski, Anton
Przybylski, Frances
Przybylski, Mary M.
Przybylski, Michael F. Sr.
Przyblylski, Richard F.
Ringquist, Jane
Rogus, Connie J.
Rzetelmy, Martin
Schmitz, James Arthur
Schmitz, James Arthur - Military
Schmitz, Laverne "Evie"
New Records posted by Janet
Rogalski/Janet Schwarze
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Gadke, Louis J. Sr. (1930
- 2015)
Obit: Gosse, Frances D. #2 (1929
- 2015)
Obit: Hardrath, Howard Robert
(1917? - 2015)
Obit: Rueth, Bernard P. "Bun"
(1925 - 2015)
Obit: Smith, Joy Ann (1960 -
Obit: Williams, Verna M. (1914
- 2015)
15 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Becker, Mark Raymond (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Binder, Melissa Bernice
(Birth - 1974)
Bio: Dallman, Benjamin Allan
(Birth - 1974)
Bio: Friske, Kelly Kyleen (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Hill, James Francis (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Lockington, Jason William
(Birth - 1974)
Bio: Nuendorf, Sue (Bride Elect
- 1974)
Bio: Volovsek, Beverly Ann (Engagement
- 1974)
BioM: Looker, Janet Darlene
BioM: Marriage Licenses (March
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Hierlmeier, Henry G. (1927
- 2013)
Obit: Hierlmeier, Marvin F.
(1922 - 2007)
Obit: Lansing, Kermit (1929
- 2015)
Obit: Mayer, Anna M. (1926 -
Obit: McRoberts, Kenneth E.
(1923 - 2015)
Obit: Potocnik, Edward Lee #2
(1923 - 2015)
Obit: Spieles, June E. (1918
- 2015)
Obit: Taylor, Mary D. L. (1934
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Paczkowski, Victoria E.
Panek, George
Panek, George - Military
Panek, Katherine
Panek, Rose
Panke, Rose - Military
Piekarz, Blanche
Piekarz, George
Pletka, Berniece
Pletka, Joseph, Sr.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Becker, Mary Margaret (Engagement
- Sep 1968)
Bio: Gries, Linda Marie (Birth
- Oct 1968)
Bio: Heindl, Elizabeth Rose
(Birth - 5 Oct 1968)
Bio: Neitzel, LaVonne Rae (Birth
- 6 Oct 1968)
Bio: Pflanzer, Ted (Barn Fire
- 14 Oct 1968)
Bio: Westphal, Beverly Ann (Engagement
- Sep 1968)
BioM: Carroll, Maryanne (1968)
BioM: Kilty, Sandra J. (1968)
Obit: Bleichroth, Anna (1885
- 1968)
Obit: DeKarske, Albert E. (1904?
- 1968)
Obit: Roy, Kerry Lynn (1968
- 1968)
14 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Becker, Alan M. - Cadet
(Service Notes - 1974)
Bio: Becker, Harold R. - USAF
S/Sgt. (Service Notes - 1974)
Bio: Thomas, Guy R. - Airman
(Service Notes - 1974)
News: Butler (14 Mar 1974)
News: Chili (14 Mar 1974)
News: Columbia (14 Mar 1974)
News: Greenwood (7 Mar 1974)
Obit: Haavisto, Adolph K. #2
(1905 - 1974)
Obit: Klueger, Bertha (1908
- 1974)
Obit: Korman, Henry (1891? -
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: South Pine Valley (28
Nov 1918)
News: Pleasant Ridge (21 Nov
News: Shortville (28 Nov 1918)
News: Tioga (28 Nov 1918)
News: East Weston (28 Nov 1918)
Obit: Van Hise, C.R. (? - 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Osowski, Alice H.
Osowski, John J.
Osowski, John J. - Military
Osowski, Laurencia
Osowski, Thomas Robert
Osowski, Thomas Robert - Military
Pabich, Mary L.
Pabich, Peter A.
Petrulis, Anna
Petrulis, Fred
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bauer, Brenda Jean (Birth
- 6 May 1970)
Bio: Hagen, Mary Esther (Baptism
- 10 May 1970)
Bio: Schoonover, Vicki Lynne
(Baptism - 10 May 1970)
Bio: Seebandt, Joanne (Honor
Society - 1970)
BioA: Weyer, Mr./Mrs. Robert
(Silver - 1970)
BioM: Hansen, Susan Grace #2
News: Loyal (07 May 1970)
Obit: Johnson, Elizabeth (1885
- 1970)
School: Greenwood H.S. Music
(Four 1st's at Eau Claire -
School: Loyal H. S. Band (Receives
Honors - 1970)
13 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bohac, Caroline (“Swing
Those Arms” - 2005)
Bio: Bohac, Caroline (Jackson
Co. Women in History - 2005)
BioA: Kuechenmeister, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest (Golden - 1974)
News: Greenwood (7 Mar 1974)
News: Humbird (7 Mar 1974)
News: Washburn (7 Mar 1974)
News: Willard (7 Mar 1974)
Obit: Luedtke, Raymond (1951
- 1974)
Obit: Schutz, Violet (1894 -
Obit: Syth, Emma E. #2 (1877
- 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Christie (28 Nov 1918)
News: Clark Co. - Wis. State
News (28 Nov 1918)
News: West Eaton (28 Nov 1918)
News: Globe (28 Nov 1918)
News: North Grant (28 Nov 1918)
News: Janesville Settlement
(28 Nov 1918)
News: Levis (28 Nov 1918)
News: Neillsville (28 Nov 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Nowicki, Anton
Ogurek, Frank Joseph
Ogurek, Mary A.
Olejiniczak, Irene Florence
Olejiniczak, Joseph Paul
Oleksiewicz, Julia
Oniszcuk, Carl
Oniszcuk, Carl - Military
Oniszcuk, Stella
Osowski, John J. - Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Borchardt, Myron R.J. (Birth
- 29 Jul 1902)
Bio: Goetz, Philip (94th Birthday
- 1970)
Bio: Hannan, Nancy Carol (Baptism
- 3 May 1970)
Bio: Jepson, Alyce Marie (Engagement
- May 1970)
Bio: Johnson, Linda A. (Granton
H.S. Valedictorian - 1970)
Bio: Morley, Joanne C. (Granton
H.S. Salutatorian - 1970)
Bio: Poehnelt, Renee Marie (Engagement
- Apr 1970)
Bio: Redig, Charlotte & Charlene
(Baptism - 26 Apr 1970)
Bio: Stumpner, Mark Anthony
(Baptism - 26 Apr 1970)
Obit: Borchardt, Hulda (1872
- 1902)
12 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Waltemate, Myles Braxton
(Baptism -2015)
Obit: Chapiesky, Duane “Chip”
(1939? - 2015)
Obit: Chose, Kaia Deborah (1963
- 2015)
Obit: Collins, Nathan Michael
(1977 - 2015)
Obit: Hagenson, Kelsey “Bug”
(1997 - 2015)
Obit: Rueth, Leonard Joseph
“Lenny” (1925 - 2015)
Obit: Wold, Katharine L. (1928
- 2010)
School: Neillsville H.S. Class
of 1953 (62 Year Reunion - 2015)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Hewett (21 Nov 1918)
News: Janesville Settlement
(21 Nov 1918)
News: Levis (21 Nov 1918)
News: East Lynn (21 Nov 1918)
News: Pine Valley (21 Nov 1918)
News: Tioga (21 Nov 1918)
News: East Washburn (21 Nov
News: East Weston-West York
(21 Nov 1918)
News: Southeast Weston (21 Nov
Obit: Jorenby, Mrs. Carl (?
- 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Moskiewicz, Frances
Moskiewicz, John
Mozinski, Elizabeth
Mozinski, Mike
Mroz, Feliz
Mroz, Ramie
Niedzwiecki, Jacob Sr.
Niedzwiecki, Patronella
Niedzwiecki, Theophil N. - Military
Obrochta, Albert
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Cook, Barry James (Birth
- Apr 1970)
Bio: Luchterhand, Patsy Jean
( Engagement - Apr 1970)
Bio: Olson, Diane E. (Engagement
- Apr 1970)
Bio: Schmidt, Todd Robert (Baptism
- 19 Apr 1970)
Bio: Sischo, Robin Rae & Perry
Neal (Baptism - 19 Apr 1970)
BioM: Hardrath, Fay Eileen #2
Church: Loyal Trinity Lutheran
(Confirmation - 1970)
Obit: Thurber, Clara (1881 -
School: Greenwood H.S. Prom
Royalty (1970)
School: Loyal H.S. Prom (25
Apr 1970)
09 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 17 Jun 2015
Bio: Wisniewski, Abigail (Concordia
Workshop; - 2015)
News: Neillsville -1897 Clark
Co. Jail Museum (August - 2015)
News: Neillsville - Am. Legion
Honors VandeBerg /Harrington
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Augustine, Andrew (Severely
Injured - 1918)
Bio: Peterson, George H. (Fifty
Years a Cobbler - 1918)
Bio: Rowell, Rev. W.A. (Change
in Pastorate Position - 1918)
News: Chili (21 Nov 1918)
News: Christie (21 Nov 1918)
News: Dells Dam (21 Nov 1918)
News: West Eaton (21 Nov 1918)
News: Fremont (21 Nov 1918)
News: Globe (21 Nov 1918)
News: North Grant (21 Nov 1918)
New Record posted by Allan Wessel
BioM: Potocnik, Eileen K. #2
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Meske, Anna F.
Meske, Frank A.
Mikolainis, Bernice
Mikolainis, Darlene
Mikolainis, Donald
Mikolanis, Donald #2
Mizerka, John P.
Mizerka, Josephine
Mizerka, Leonard
Mizerka, Tillie M.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Baty, Baby of Mr./Mrs.
(Birth - 10 Apr 1904)
BioM: Ives, Grace (1904)
Obit: Boehning, Raymond G.E.
(1925 - 2015)
Obit: Christy, Benjamin (1859?
- 1870)
Obit: Dergance, Mary (1920 -
Obit: Martens, Hilbert J. "Bert"
(1934 - 2015)
Obit: Reber, Elmeda (1859 -
1874) Expanded
Obit: Redmond, Livonia (1824
- 1904) Expanded
Obit: Standiford, Richard D.
"Red" (1930 - 2015)
08 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Backus, Holly Ann (Baptism
- 1974)
Bio: Krohn, Shawn Patrick (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Pozega, Jason Andrew (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Schell, Jodi Lynn (Birth
- 1974)
Bio: Trunkel, Christine Marie
(Baptism - 1974)
Bio: Trunkel, Lori Lea (Baptism
- 1974)
News: Butler (7 Mar 1974)
News: Chili (7 Mar 1974)
News: Granton (7 Mar 1974)
News: Neillsville (7 Mar 1974)
News: Willard (7 Mar 1974)
Obit: Haavisto, Adolph (? -
Obit: Irwin, Daniel John (1948
- 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Wade, Mrs. (Arrested for
Arson - 1918)
Bio: Wall, Charles (Victim of
Influenza - 1918)
Bio: Winegaard, W.W. (Fatal
Fall - 1918)
Bio: Woolford, Henry E. (Killed
In Action - 1918)
Bio: Zentner, Augusta (Burning
Death - 1918)
Bio: Ziervogel, Leo (Badly Burned
- 1918)
BioM: Barrial du Breuil, Marguerite
BioM: Young, Ida Sairman (1918)
News: Neillsville (21 Nov 1918)
News: Neillsville (21 Nov 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Markowski, Alexander Norbert
Markowski, Anne C.
Maslowski, Anton
Maslowski, Elizabeth C.
Maslowski, Helen
Maslowski, John S.
Mendalski, Conrad
Mendalski, Josephine Viola
Mendalski, Mary
Mendalski, Peter
Mendalski, Thomas
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Fetting, Ruth #2 (Engagement
- Mar 1970)
Bio: Foth, Jennifer Lynn (Birth
- 5 Apr 1970)
Bio: Mech, Vicki (Dean's List
- 1st Semester 1669-70)
Bio: Melander, Michelle Renee
(Baptism - 22 Mar 1970)
Bio: Scherer, Roger (Outstanding
Athlete - 1979)
Bio: Troka, Eugene (Barn Fire
- Mar 1970)
BioA: Oelrich, Mr./Mrs. Frank
(60th - 1970)
BioM: Burich, Mary (1970)
School: Loyal H.S. Class of
1970 (Class Trip)
School: Loyal H.S. Prom Court
07 Oct 2015
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Herman, Laurence M. - USAF
Sgt. (Military Notes - 1974)
Bio: Holman, Robert L. (Military
Notes - 1974)
Bio: Johnson, Nathaniel David
(Birth - 1974)
Bio: Rooney, Thomas Keith (Military
Notes - 1974)
Bio: Stark, Allen P. - U.S.A.F.
Staff Sgt. (Military Notes -
News: Greenwood (28 Feb 1974)
Obit: Grabara, Mary #3 (1903
- 1974)
Obit: Hagen, Nora #2 (1907 -
Obit: Reber. Walter #2 (1901
- 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Adamson, A.B. (Death -
Bio: Crandon, Mamie Thorbahn
(Arrested for Arson - 1918)
Bio: Fogarty, George (Serious
War Injuries - 1918)
Bio: Hodgdon, James (Drowning
Death - 1918)
Bio: Hodgdon, William (Drowning
Death - 1918)
Bio: Keller, Sebastian (Death
- 1918)
Bio: McCarey, A.J. (Military
Appointment - 1918)
Bio: McDermott, John (Serious
War Injuries - 1918)
Bio: Peske, Harry (Serious War
Injuries - 1918)
Bio: Stoppenbach, Frank (Military
Promotion - 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Sokolowski, Frank Joseph
Strzok, Andrew C.
Strzok, Chester Edward
Strzok, Delores A.
Strzok, Josephine B.
Strzok, Julia L.
Strzok, Michael J.
Sumiec, John
Sumiec, Sophie
Suski, Matt
New Records posted by Janet
Peroshek, David F. (Pfc)
News: Greenwood, Wis., Lucas
Grove Picnic (1909)
New Photo Added by Janet Schwarze
BioM: Krultz, Dorothy Ann (1961)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bloy, Albert E. (90th Birthday
- 1970)
Bio: Degnitz, Patricia Elaine
(Engagement - Mar 1970)
Bio: Fabian, Jody Lynn (Baptism
- 15 Mar 1970)
Bio: Gropp, Kimberly Sue (Baptism
- 21 Mar 1970)
Bio: Haslow, Paul Joseph (Baptism
-15 Mar 1970)
Bio: Jacobitz, Vickie Rae (Birth
- 10 Mar 1970)
Bio: Jakobi, Craig Allen (Baptism
- 1 Mar 1970)
Bio: Weyer, Edward R. (Commissioned
to 2nd Lt. - 1970)
BioM: Muehl, Deborah Susan (1970)
News: Twenty-Six Road (19 Mar
06 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Ulesich, Jason Scott (Birth
- 1974)
BioM: Dux, Debra Ann (1974)
BioM: Partridge, Sally Marie
News: Neillsville (14 Feb 1974)
Obit: Grabara, Mary #2 (1903
- 1974)
Obit: Holub, Elsie #2 (1919
- 2015)
Obit: Janke, Orin Duane #3 (1923
- 2015)
Obit: Krosinski, Howard Larry
(1945 - 2015)
Obit: Manthey, Jerry “Frog”
L. (1943 - 2015)
Obit: Schneider, Jerome “Jerry”
E. (1939 - 2015)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Neillsville (14 Nov 1918)
News: Pleasant Ridge (14 Nov
News: South Pine Valley (14
Nov 1918)
News: Tioga (14 Nov 1918)
News: East Washburn (14 Nov
News: East Weston (14 Nov 1918)
Obit: Kapka, Clara (Kurth) (1886
- 1918)
Obit: Lloyd, Louis A. (? - 1918)
Obit: McIntyre, Clarence (1915
- 1918)
Obit: Pollnow, Louis #2 (1893
- 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Luptak, Stephen
Maier, Edmund F. "Ed" - Military
Malecki, Frances
Malecki, Richard M.
Malecki, Richard M. - Military
Malecki, Stanley M
Malecki, Vivian L.
Marek, Sophie F.
Marek, Walter A.
Markowski, Alexander N. -
Response from Ellen Johnson
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: DeWald, Julia Ann (Engagement
- Feb 1970)
Bio: Goodbrand, Sandra Kay (Engagement
- 1970)
Bio: Hinkelmann, Nancy Jean
(Engagement - Feb 1970)
Bio: Needham, Scott (Wins Math
Contest - Feb 1970)
Bio: Quast, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Allen (Birth - 26 Feb 1970)
Bio: Raab, Earl D. - Colonel
(Military Award - 1970)
Bio: Thomas, Janice (Dean's
List - Feb 1970)
Bio: Trindal, Sheila (Badger
Girls State - 1970)
News: Loyal (05 Mar 1970)
Obit: Spiegelberg, David H.
(1949 - 1970)
05 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Butler (28 Feb 1974)
News: Greenwood (28 Feb 1974)
News: Pleasant Ridge (28 Feb
News: Washburn (28 Feb 1974)
News: Willard (28 Feb 1974)
Obit: Phillips, Clarence (1891
- 1974)
Obit: Syth, Emma (1877 - 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Clithero, Thomas (Death
from Pneumonia - Nov 1918)
Bio: Goodnight, Rev. Thomas
Henry (Heart Failure -
Nov 1918)
News: Christie (14 Nov 1918)
News: County Farm Corners (14
Nov 1918)
News: Dells Dam (14 Nov 1918)
News: West Eaton (14 Nov 1918)
News: Janesville Settlement
(14 Nov 1918)
News: Levis (14 Nov 1918)
News: East Lynn (14 Nov 1918)
News: Neillsville (14 Nov 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Lesniewski, Adam
Lesniewski, Frank E.
Lesniewski, Lorraine A.
Lesniewski, Mary R.
Leszewski, Stella
Lewien, Agnes V.
Lewien, Peter F.
Losiewicz, Harriet
Losiewicz, Felix
Lubicz, Sam
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Amundson, Nancy (Engagement
- Feb 1970)
Bio: Bauer, Douglas Paul (Baptism
- 22 Feb 1970)
Bio: Degenhardt, Roseann (Baptism
- 22 Feb 1970)
Bio: Hinker, Kevin Paul #2 (Baptism
- 15 Feb 1970)
Bio: Olsen, Sue (Whitewater
Honor Student - 1970)
Bio: Toburen, Ray (Whitewater
Honor Student - 1970)
News: York (19 Mar 1970)
Obit: Afkend, Clayton (1908
- 1970)
Obit: Haas, Alfred (1894 - 1970)
Obit: Hoops, Lloyd (1927 - 2015)
Obit: Kommer, Erma M. (1919
- 2015)
Obit: Ludwigson, Arthur (1898?
- 1970)
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 10 Jun 2015
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Sawtell, Emma (Leaving
for Government Job - Nov 1918)
Bio: Snell, John F. (Espionage
Act Violations - Nov 1918)
Bio: Snyder, Rev. Howard E.
(Chaplain Reporting for Duty
- Nov 1918)
Bio: Wagneski, Kgnagv (Espionage
Act Violations - Nov 1918)
BioM: Wendt, Anna (1918)
News: York Center (7 Nov 1918)
Obit: Campbell, Althea (1841
- 1918)
Obit: Ehlert, George W. #2 (1890
- 1918)
Obit: Rabenstein, Carl #3 (1887
- 1918)
Obit: Radue, August Frederick
(1859 - 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Lato, Alice L.
Lato, Agnes Cecilia
Lato, Anna
Lato, Bruno
Lato, David P.
Lato, Joe A.
Lato, John Joseph
Lato, Paul P. - Military
Lato, Theodore
Lendosky, Dolores A.
Lendosky, Stanley F.
New Records posted by Janet
New Records posted by Stan
BioA: Bush, Mr./Mrs. Leonard
(48th - 1968)
BioM: Potts, Marian Jane (1968)
BioM: Schindler, Marie Louise
News: Colby (05 Dec 1968)
News: Unity (05 Dec 1968)
Obit: Gosse, Louis (1885 - 1968)
Obit: Misener, Mary #2 (1915
- 1968)
Obit: Woik, Pauline #3 (1892
- 1968)
School: Loyal H.S. Class of
1960 (55 Year Reunion - 2015)
01 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Gile, Robert E. (Real Estate
Broker’s License - 1974)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (28
Feb 1974)
BioM: Patrick, Laurie (1974)
News: Greenwood (28 Feb 1974)
News: Hatfield - Dedication
of Two Bridges (28 Feb 1974)
News: Lynn (28 Feb 1974)
News: Neillsville - No Remorse,
Just a Horse (28 Feb 1974)
News: Willard (28 Feb 1974)
Obit: North, Herman Edward “Pete”
(1880 - 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Elliott, Linda (Traffic
Fatality - Nov 1918)
Bio: Heskey, Frank (Arrested
for Killing a Fawn - Nov 1918)
Bio: Homrig, Frank (Killed in
Train Wreck - Nov 1918)
Bio: Joyce, Edward (Death from
Pneumonia - Oct 1918)
Bio: Ladwig, W.A. (Capt. in
Army Medical Corps - Nov 1918)
Bio: Miller, Romayne (Community
Service - Nov 1918)
Bio: Pap, Nic (German Deserter
Released from Jail - Nov 1918)
Bio: Pollnow, Louis (Death from
Pneumonia - Nov 1918)
Bio: Rau, Fred - Lieut. (Wounded
in Action - Nov 1918)
Bio: Richards, Henry (Found
Dead - Nov 1918)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
New St. Hedwig's Cemetery (Thorp)
Krzyzanowski, Bernice S.
Krzyzanowski, Walter G.
Kubera, Andrew M. Sr.
Kubera, Andrew R. Jr.
Kubera, Marjorie D.
Kubera, Myrtle
Kulawiec, Thomas
Langiewicz, Alexander
Langiewicz, Eva
Laski, Jerome A.
Expanded by Stan Schwarze
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Jacobson, Tim (Outstanding
Service Award - 1968)
Bio: Krueger, Sandra Jean (Engagement
- Nov 1968)
Bio: Misener, Scott Allen (Baptism
- 24 Nov 1968)
Bio: Wilhelmi, Amy Lynn (Birth
- 21 Nov 1968)
BioM: Fecker, Gloria Jean (1968)
BioM: Hilber, Barbara Ann #2
BioM: Miller, Mary Jean (1968)
BioM: Stumpner, Carolyn (1968)
BioM: Thompson, Judith Jane
Obit: Jantsch, Louis Frank (1913
- 1968)