1926 Clark County, Wisconsin
Business Directory
Contributed by Todd Braun & Transcribed by Stan Schwarze.
[Trades] [Estimated Pecuniary Strength]
[Abbotsford] [Amber] [Atwood] [Chili] [Columbia] [Curtiss] [Dorchester] [Eidsvold] [Globe] [Granton] [Greenwood] [Humbird] [Longwood] [Loyal] [Lynn] [Neillsville] [Owen] [Redville] [Reseburg] [Schilling] [Shortville] [Spokeville] [Thorp] [Tioga] [Veefkind] [Willard] [Withee]
Estimated Pecuniary Strength |
General Credit |
Rating |
Amount |
High |
Good |
Fair |
Limited |
A A |
Over $1,000,000 |
A1 |
1 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
A+ |
Over $750,000 |
A1 |
1 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
A |
$500,000 to $700,000 |
A1 |
1 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
B+ |
$300,000 to $500,000 |
1 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
B |
$200,000 to $300,000 |
1 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
C+ |
$125,000 to $200,000 |
1 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
C |
$75,000 to $125,000 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
3 |
D+ |
$50,000 to $75,000 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
3 |
D |
$35,000 to $50,000 |
1 1/2 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
3 |
E |
$20,000 to $35,000 |
2 |
2 1/2 |
3 |
3 1/2 |
F |
$10,000 to $20,000 |
2 1/2 |
3 |
3 1/2 |
4 |
G |
$5,000 to $10,000 |
▬ |
3 |
3 1/2 |
4 |
H |
$3,000 to $5,000 |
▬ |
3 |
3 1/2 |
4 |
J |
$2,000 to $3,000 |
▬ |
3 |
3 1/2 |
4 |
K |
$1,000 to $2,000 |
▬ |
3 |
3 1/2 |
4 |
L |
$500 to $1,000 |
▬ |
▬ |
3 1/2 |
4 |
M |
Less than $500 |
▬ |
▬ |
3 1/2 |
4 |
Farm machinery, General hardware, Heaters, House Furnishing, Tin, Ranges, Stoves, Agricultural Implements, Pumps, Windmills, Guns, Sporting goods, Tool dealers, Tractors Well Drillers, Awnings, Brooms and brushes | ■ |
Foundries, Castings, Steam forges, Machinery, Engines, Boilers, Car Wheels, Metals, Machinists, Metal she workers, Mill Supplies, Miners' supplies, Oil well supplies, Radiators, Railroad supplies, Sheet metal workers, Manufacturers, , Tools, Valves, Welding, Junk, Sewing machines, Washing machines, Smelting | V |
Plumbers, Plumbers' supplies, Lead Pipe, Steam and Gass Fitters, Heating and Ventilation | O |
Carriages, Wagonmakers, Wheelwrights, Blacksmiths and Livery | S |
Cloths, Clothing, Tailors, Men's furnishings, Hats and Caps, Dyers | † |
Dry goods, Artificial flowers, Brassieres, Cloaks & suits, Cotton goods, Corsets, Dresses, Embroidery, Gloves, Hosiery, Knitted goods, Knitting mills, Mittens, Neckwear, Silks, Sweaters, Underwear, Women's wear, Women's & Children's wear, Women's Furnishings, Women's Tailors, Womne's Tailors trimmings, Women's apparel, Women's read-to-wear, Yarns, Carpets, Rugs, Smallwares, Notions, Millinery, Furriers, Furs, Furs and skins, Hair Goods | ▲ |
Furniture, Undertaking, Caskets, Undertakers supplies, Upholstering, Matresses | ∩ |
Lumber dealers, Saw mills, Shingles and Shingle mills, Planing mills, Loggers, Timber, Pulpwood, Coopers, Veneer | ┐ |
Coal, Wood, Ice, Refrigerators | │ |
Boots, Shoes, Tanners, Hides, Leather, Findings | ● |
Saddlery hardware, Harness, Manufacturers, Leather goods, Trunks | ▬ |
Groceries, Provisions, Ship Chandlers, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Delicatessen, Butchers, Meat, Sea Food | ┬ |
Jewelers, Watchmakers, Opticians | ♦ |
Brewers, Maltsters, Distillers | □ |
Drugs, Patent medicines, Chemicals, Chemists, Dental supplies | Z |
Flour and Grist mills, Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed dealers, Chopping mill | ║ |
Cigars, Tobacco | / |
Books, Paper, Stationers, Printers, Publishers, Lithographers, Paper Boxes, Bookbinders | ═ |
Nurserymen, Florists, Fertilizers, Seeds | U |
Wine and Liquor dealers, Beverages, Bottlers, Hotels, Restaurants, Saloons, Billiards, Cider and Vinegar, Mineral water, Aerated waters | C |
Crockery, China, Glassware | ‡ |
Pianos, Organs, Music, Musical instruments, Phonographs | > |
Fancy goods, Varieties, Novelties, Toys, 5 cent and 10 cent stores | ⌂ |
Painters, Pain and oil dealers, Varnishes, Paperhanging, Decorators, Interior decorators, Refiners | X |
General stores, Department stores, General merchandise | * |
Caprenters, Contractores, Engineers, Roofers, Buidlers, Builders' supplies, Granite, Marble, Masons, Doors, blinds,, Sash and doors,Woodworkers | L |
Automobile manufacturers, Dealers, Supplies, Garges and repairs, Gasonline, Gasoline stations, Filling stations, Service stations, Bicycles, motorcycles, Vulcanizing | ☺ |
Bakers, Confectioners | X |
Wholesale and retail produce, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Creameries, Fruit and vegetable canners, Evaporators, Poultry | P |
Batteries, Electric and gas fixtures, Electrical supplies, Electricians, Radio supplies, Storage batteries, Telephones | E |
Aerated Water | C |
Argicultural Implements | ■ |
Artificial Flowers | ▲ |
Automobiles | ☺ |
Auto Supplies, Etc. | ☺ |
Awnings | ■ |
Bakers | % |
Batteries | E |
Beverages | C |
Bicycles | ☺ |
Billiards | C |
Blacksmiths | L |
Blinds | L |
Boilers | V |
Books | ═ |
Bookbinders | ═ |
Boots and Shoes | ● |
Bottlers | C |
Brassieres | ▲ |
Brewers | □ |
Brooms | ■ |
Brushes | ■ |
Builders | L |
Builders' Supplies | L |
Butcher | T |
Butter | P |
Canners | P |
Carpenters | L |
Carpets | ▲ |
Carriages | S |
Car Wheels | V |
Caskets | ∩ |
Castings | V |
Cheese | P |
Chemicals | Z |
Chemists | Z |
China | ‡ |
Chopping Mill | ║ |
Cider and Vinegar | C |
Cigars and Tobacco | ∕ |
Cloaks and Suits | ▲ |
Clothing | ┼ |
Cloths | ┼ |
Coal | │ |
Confectioners | % |
Contractors | L |
Coopers | ┐ |
Corsets | ▲ |
Cotton Goods | ▲ |
Creameries | P |
Crockery | ‡ |
Decorators | X |
Delicatessen | T |
Dental Supplies | Z |
Department Stores | * |
Distillers | □ |
Doors | L |
Dresses | ▲ |
Drugs | Z |
Dry Goods | ▲ |
Dyers | ┼ |
Eggs | P |
Electric Light Fixtures | E |
Electrical Supplies | E |
Electricians | E |
Embroidery | ▲ |
Engineers | L |
Engines | V |
Evaporators | P |
Fancy Gods | ⌂ |
Farm Machinery | █ |
Feed Dealers | ║ |
Fertilizers | U |
Filling Station | ☺ |
Florists | U |
Flour Dealers | ║ |
Flour Mills | ║ |
Foundries | V |
Fruit | P |
Furniture | ∩ |
Furriers | ▲ |
Furs | ▲ |
Furs and Skins | ▲ |
Garages | ☺ |
Gasfitters | O |
Gas Fixtures | E |
Gasoline | ☺ |
Gasoline Station | ☺ |
General Hardware | □ |
General Mechandise | * |
General Stores | * |
Glassware | ‡ |
Gloves | ▲ |
Grain | ║ |
Granite | L |
Grist Mills | ║ |
Groceries | T |
Guns | ■ |
Hair Goods | ▲ |
Hardware | ■ |
Harness | ═ |
Hats and Caps | ┼ |
Hay | ║ |
Heaters | ■ |
Heating | O |
Hides | ● |
Hosiery | ▲ |
Hotels | C |
House Furnishing | ■ |
Ice | │ |
Interior Decorators | X |
Jewelers | ◊ |
Junk | V |
Knitted Goods | ▲ |
Knitting Mills | ▲ |
Lead Pipe | O |
Leather | ● |
Leather Findings | ● |
Leather Goods Manufacturers | ▬ |
Liquor Dealers | C |
Lithographers | ═ |
Livery | S |
Loggers | ┐ |
Lumber Dealers | ┐ |
Machinery | V |
Machinests | V |
Machinists' Supplies | V |
Malsters | □ |
Marble | L |
Masons | L |
Mattresses | ∩ |
Meat | ┬ |
Men's Furnishings | ┼ |
Metals | V |
Millinery | ▲ |
Mills Supplies | V |
Mineral Water | C |
Miners' Supplies | V |
Mittens | ▲ |
Motorcycles | ☺ |
Music | > |
Musical Instruments | > |
Neckwear | ▲ |
Notions | ▲ |
Novelties | ⌂ |
Nurserymen | U |
Oil Dealers | X |
Oil Well Supplies | V |
Opticians | ♦ |
Organs | > |
Paint Dealers | X |
Painters | X |
Paper | ═ |
Paper Boxes | ═ |
Paperhanging | X |
Patent Medicines | Z |
Phonographs | > |
Pianos | > |
Planing Mills | ┐ |
Plumbers | O |
Plumbers' Supplies | O |
Poultry | P |
Printers | ═ |
Produce | P |
Provisions | ┬ |
Publishers | ═ |
Pulpwood | ┐ |
Pumps | ■ |
Radiators | V |
Radio Supplies | E |
Railroad Supplies | V |
Ranges | ■ |
Refiners | X |
Refrigerating | │ |
Restaurants | C |
Roofers | L |
Rugs | ▲ |
Saddlery Hardware | ─ |
Saloons | C |
Sash and Doors | L |
Saw Mills | ┐ |
Sea Food | ┬ |
Seeds | U |
Service Station | ☺ |
Sewing Machines | V |
Sheet Metal Workers | V |
Shingles | ┐ |
Shingle Mills | ┐ |
Ship Chandlers | ┬ |
Silks | ▲ |
Smallwares | ▲ |
Smelting | V |
Spices | ┬ |
Sporting Goods | ■ |
Stationers | ▬ |
Steamfitters | O |
Steam Forges | V |
Storage Batteries | E |
Stoves | ■ |
Suits | ▲ |
Sweaters | ▲ |
Tailors | ┼ |
Tanners | ● |
Teas and Coffees | ┬ |
Telephones | E |
Timber | ┐ |
Tin | ■ |
Tool Dealers | ■ |
Tool Manufacturers | V |
Toys | ⌂ |
Tractors | ■ |
Trunks | ▬ |
Undertakers' Supplies | ∩ |
Undertaking | ∩ |
Underwear | ▲ |
Upholstering | ∩ |
Valves | V |
Varieties | ⌂ |
Varnishes | X |
Vegetables | P |
Veneer | ┐ |
Ventilating | O |
Vulcanizing | ☺ |
Wagonmakers | S |
Welding | V |
Well Drillers | ■ |
Wheelwrights | S |
Windmills | ■ |
Wine Dealers | C |
Women's Apparel | ▲ |
Women's and Children's Wear | ▲ |
Women's Furnishings | ▲ |
Women's Ready-to-wear | ▲ |
Women's Tailors | ▲ |
Women's Tailors' Trimmings | ▲ |
Wood | │ |
Woodworkers | L |
Yarn | ▲ |