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Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI April 29, 1993, Page 27 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Good Old Days" Articles |
Spring—sunshine—60 plus degrees and our thoughts turn to outdoor activities, when even cleaning up the yards around our homes can be fun as it allows us the escape (from) the indoors.
Those of us living in this area, can and do enjoy the four seasons even though we occasionally grumble about the snow, cold, too much or too little rain, etc. We live here because “we like it here.”
Looking back into the history of the area, photos and articles reveal how residents participated in camping, fishing, golfing and such sports through the years.
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The Schuster and Marsh families were outdoor enthusiasts when they lived in Neillsville. This scene was photographed when they were camping. Notice the wildflowers lying on the log. They appear relaxed and enjoying the campfire. In the front row are: Lute Marsh, Jeff Marsh, Charlie Lee and Mattie Schuster. Back Row: Edith, Carrie and Gertie Schuster. (Photo courtesy of Pat Struble) (Also, a correction: Mattie (Schuster) Marsh later lived in Kirkland, Washington, donating land for what is now Marsh Park on the shore of Lake Washington. Seattle is located on the opposite side of the lake, from the park.)
Clark County has had a wide program in improving local areas for recreation. The western area of the county had at one time, been void of trees after the logging days. We wouldn’t think so now when we drive through that area, seeing the forests and parks.
The following information was taken from and April, 1939 Clark County Press:
A program of planting 1,028,000 trees in Clark County’s forests areas were to be carried in that year, according to Allen C. Covell, the county forester.
The program was part of a long-time scheme designed to increase the county’s abundant recreational facilities enhancing it to be a great recreational spot in the State. Other parts of the program to be carried out included the planting of 4 ½ million fish in county lakes and steams by the state conservation department, as well as the planting of game birds by the county’s conservation clubs.
The tree planting program was divided into spring and summer plantings, with Norway, white and jack pine and spruce being planted on the County-owned forest areas. The year’s program plantings included towns of Sherwood, North Foster, and Hewett. The spring planting was done in May and a fall planting in September (with a confirmation order of 500,000 trees for serving planting from a state nursery) which required the hiring of 70 men to do the planting through the season.
The previous year’s (1938) planting on county-owned forest areas had a survival of 97% which was considered an excellent growing year.
Clark County streams and lakes were stocked with 4 ½ million walleyed pike, bass, trout and muskies in 1939.
The extensive stocking program was to have continued for the next five years. Alva Klumpner was the county game warden at that time.
Included in the stocking that year was a large number of German brown trout, of being the first year of planting that species in county streams. Walleyed pike were again planted in the Black River after three years of successful plantings when the walleye were found to adapt very well.
In the spring of 1939, 2,500 fishing licenses were distributed to Clark County anglers in preparation for the opening of the fishing season.
Fishing season in the county opened on May 15th, that year. One regulation change was proposed when a bill was introduced in state legislature requiring a license for cane pole fishing; but the bill hadn’t been enacted in time for that year’s opening. Resident licenses were one dollar and non-resident licenses were three dollars each. There were 37 agents through out the county selling – distributing licenses.
It is interesting to note the opening season’s daily limits and minimum length in inches for that year.
Black bass (season from July 1st to January 15) was limit of six, minimum size of 10 inches. Trout was limit of 15; Walleyed pike had limit of 7, and 13 inch length. Pickerel (Northern Pike) with limit of 8, and Muskellunge a limit of one and minimum length of 30 inches. Sunfish, perch and bluegills had a limit of 25 per day with 6-inch minimum length. The fishing season regulations of 54 years ago in our county
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Matt Gangler and Gerald (Butch) Hart had a very successful day of fishing as this photograph reveals the long stringer covered with an assortment of crappies and a couple walleyes. Matt lived in Chicago and would periodically visit his brother Nick and family, who lived in Neillsville. Gerald Hart was a son-in-law of Nick. Nick Gangler had a variety store business in the 500 block of Hewett street until 1936, when he discontinued the business, after that he had a grocery business at 1010 Hewett Street. When television reception ad the TV sets became available in the area, Nick’s brother, Clarence, operated a TV Sales & Service shop in the back of the grocery store bui8lding. Mrs. Gerald (Lillian) Hart now lives at Memorial Home. (A grandson, David Bedell provided the photo. Mrs. Harry (Elaine) Bedell, Mrs. Hart’s daughter gave us the above information.)
Compiled by Lori Liddell
“Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schleifer and family moved Saturday into the Loretta Anderson house on Sunset place, which they recently purchased.”
The junior class play was scheduled for April 4. Cast of “The Thread that Runs so True” was: Larry Opelt, John Svetlik, Steve Shemanski, Cheryl Foemmel, Keith Short, Dan Helwig, Margo Dankemeyer, Paul Ringstad, Jim Vetrone, Dennis Sischo, Sue Johnson, Janice King, Kay Lindekugel, Cindy Diercks, Toni Svetlik, Tom Lukes, Dave Olson, Harlen Jessen, Terri Guest, Lynda Flynn, Nina Haugen, Dick Schmitz, John Nickula, Diane Jordahl, Lorene Schultz, Lynette Karnitz, Judy Reinart, Emilie Schoen and Marcia Van Gorden.
The Warriors beat Marshfield 69-56 in the district WIAA basketball championship finals at Medford. Ken Van Dam was the coach. Team members were: Chuck Schlegelmilch, Bruce LaZotte, Wayne Schlegelmilch, Dave Roberts, Russell Karl and Steve Siebert.
“Violet Teeples has been elected president of the Hatfield Chamber of Commerce.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corey have purchased the former Red Owl Agency building from Margaret Farrand.”
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The excursion train was a common means of transportation near the turn of the century, the era before good roads and durable cars. The F. & N. E. (Foster of Fairchild) provided excursions for athletic events, fairs, Sunday outings, and in this photo, a day of blackberry picking. (Photo was taken in 1913 and appeared in Foster & Nobody Else’s.)
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