Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI August 17, 1994, Page 16 B Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Good Old Days" Articles
Good Old Days
By Dee Zimmerman
The Clark County Fair was held a month later in the early 1900s. In 1907, the Fair dates were September 17, 18, 19 and 20, same number of days, but much later.
Quoting from the Neillsville Times, that year, The Clark County Fair should have been held last week, when the weather was perfect. The storm King assembled all his rain clouds just over Neillsville, preparing to make another distribution. He started after another cloud and isn’t back yet, having forgotten about the mess he left in Neillsville. He has made an awful mess of it and spoiled the Clark County Fair.”
Despite the rainy weather, the exhibits at the fair are unusually good. There is an excellent display in the agriculture with the cattle, horse and sheep barns over-flowing. A large tent had to be set up to accommodate all of the cattle. About sixty head of cattle were entered to be shown. Among cattle exhibitors were Imig Bros, Guy C. Youmans, H. O. Huckstead, O. E. Counsell, Wm. Gerhardt; A. A. Huckstead, G. W. Swann, Geo. Crothers, Geo. Jacques, M. C. Ring and Mert Poloner, exhibits including pure-blood and Grade Shorthorn’s, Red Polled Guernsey and Holsteins.
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The Imig boys (Harold on left, Elton on right with the help of Ray Arndt in middle) halter training some of their dairy cattle. Imigs’ were active 4-H members, having entered many dairy animals in the Clark County Fair, through the years. The Imig farm was north of Neillsville, along Hwy 73.
Wm. West, John, Charles, Guy Youmans and Geo. Bandelow were among those showing horses.
The stock show is fine and all indications are that, with this upward trend of exhibits, it is safe to say that in another year, the fair association will be compelled to build additional barns to accommodate all entries.
In the speed department, an unusual but fine class of horses will be seen, and some very fast races may be expected about twenty-five horses are entered in various races and in spite of a muddy track some exciting races will be pulled off.
The 3rd regiment band arrived yesterday and is adding a wealth of sweet music to the scene. Through the energy of W. L. Hemphill, the business portion of the city has been decorated and lighted with strands of electric lights and with band concerts by the military band each night will be especially attractive and enjoyable.
A big attraction has been scheduled for Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock as P. Wallis of Greenwood has announced his intention of being married to Mrs. Redfield at the fairgrounds. Wallis 72 and his prospective bride, is 78. A $35 bedroom suite is to be given to the couple as a wedding gift.
Hopefully, the next two days will be of excellent weather and the fair will be a success. The old admission price of 35¢ still prevails.
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Many fair-goers were fascinated in viewing the first aero-plane to successfully land at the Clark County Fairgrounds in 1913. After a rough landing it came to rest against a woven wire fence that circled the race track. The first grandstand in the background was located on the east side of the track.
Other news of the Fair Week: Albert Shulz and Mayme West exchanged vows in a very pretty home wedding at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. West, on the Ridge. The ceremony occurred at 7:30 o’clock and was performed by Rev. Daniel Robrabough of La Crosse. Wm. West, Jr. and Miss Celia Hubing were the attendants. Following the ceremony a most bounteous supper was served to about one hundred guests.
Some subscribers have said they would pay their new subscriptions in wood, and it would be greatly appreciated if they would bring in the wood now before we would absolutely need it, for the frost is on the pumpkins and de winter am a ‘coming on.
Every boy in the county can earn enough to buy a suit of clothes and an overcoat for winter wear if he will go picking green cones from white pine trees. These cones bring 1¢ a pound. Sam C. Smith of Sparta was in the city Tuesday and made arrangements with the Luethe Co. to purchase green white pine cones. Each white pine tree has from 50 to 250 lbs. of pine cones on it. Just so much money wasted if you don’t get the cones.
Teams wanted, by the La Crosse Water Power Co. at Hatfield, Wis. $4.00 per day.
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Workers were busy with picks and shovels, excavating earth for the foundation of Hatfield Dam No. 7, circa 1910.
(Photo courtesy of Mrs. John Urban)
The Owen Advertiser has it that arrangements have been completed for the holding of Owen’s first carnival and street fair, September 27, 28, 29. A ball game is to be one of the sports features.
The Heller Bros. of Withee purchased the Guernsey bull which took first place at the Minnesota State Fair, paying a fabulous price for him.
Special: Colonist tickets on Sale daily until October 31, 1907 - $34.65, Neillsville to California, on the North Western Railway Line.
Paul Walk has been shipping apples out of Clark County this week, Duchesses and Crabs, all going to the Chicago market.
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