Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI August 31, 1994, Page 32 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Good Old Days" Articles
Good Old Days
Clark county Journal News of 1935-36
By Dee Zimmerman
The second week in October 1935 marked the change-over of Highway 73, from Withee to Neillsville, in being maintained by the federal government. Plans were then made for the roadway to be paved with concrete. Also, in the fall of 1935, Highway 98 was being surfaced with concrete. The 10.18 mile project required grading with several culverts and some bridges installed before the concrete paving.
There were nominations for new officers and directors at the weekly Monday luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis Club in Neillsville. Those on the committee were Roy Schmedel, A. L. Devos, George Zimmerman, George Crothers and D. L. Peters.
Carl W. Eisentraut, Neillsville, and Victor Jessen, Withee, Clark County students enrolled in the fifteen weeks short course in agriculture which opened at the Univ. of Wisconsin.
Miss Nina Stock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Stock, Loyal, and Julius Nysted, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nysted, Loyal, were married November 20, at the Lutheran parsonage by Rev. H. F. Leschensky. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroeder, Delmar Brodhagen and Miss Marie Frederickson were the attendants.
An advertisement: Free Dance at Tioga Tavern on Saturday, December 7. Music by Hettin’s Junior Orchestra (Place is heated).
Other marriages were: Oliver Happe and Iva Zimmerman, Fremont; Roy Portz and Neoma Mundt, Fremont; Herman Stark, Jr. Hixon and Myrtle Dearth, Hoard; Celand Melbinger, Owen, and Lois Mathewson, Longwood; Raymond Huzek and Garnet Kimble, Maplehurst; Joseph Gruber, St. Paul, and Lucille Schmidt, Warden; Erwin O. Boetcher, Augusta, and Erna Hangartner, Eau Claire; John Pryzbylski, Withee, and Angeline Przyware, Thorp; Anton Linder and Margaret Kreuser, Loyal; Emil Mech and Mary Zager, Hendren; Mathew Merlak, Loyal, and Anne Zager, Hendren; Otmer Schutte and Dorothy Sinclair, Beaver.
On Sunday evening, Dec. 15, the Silver Dome Ballroom basketball team defeated the Osseo team on the Silver Dome Ball-room floor, by a 26 to 21 score. The Silver Dome team players were: Carl Wegner, Bill Wegner, Dankemeyer, Chet Wegner, Friend, White and Seif.
The December 1935 Journal ran a news release that the state conservation commission refused a request from the federal forest service that an open season on deer hunting be proclaimed in certain parts of Wisconsin that year.
The federal bureau asked the state commission to permit the killing of 14,000 bucks, does and fawns in parts of the Chequamegon National Forest area, within Price, Sawyer and Ashland counties.
The state commission, guided by its findings in the conservation department surveys, said there would be no open season on deer that year.
A January 9, 1936, advertisement stated: “We expect a load of Minnesota and Iowa horses to arrive here about June 12. These horses are all gentle and well broke. All horses guaranteed. Try ’em before you buy em.” H. Svirnoff & Sons.
U. S. approves Wis. Social Security program—action unlocks Federal Funds for aid of State, January 9, 1936 headlines. Aid to the blind, old age assistance and aid to dependant children, were formally approved by the federal government.
A historic landmark, in Neillsville, was razed by fire: The old Barton blacksmith and wagon making shop, occupied by Carl Gassen welding and B & F Machine Shop, January 7, 1936, was gutted. The two-story brick veneered building suffered damages to equipment and interior.
The building had been constructed at about 1875-76 by A. Barton. The B & F Machine Shop was owned by Earl Bruhn and Max Feuerstein. At the time of the fire, the building was owned by the Kintzele estate.
Pancake Supper, Wednesday, February 5, at the Neillsville Masonic Temple: Pancakes, sausage, and coffee – all the pancakes you can eat – only 30 cents per person.
New industry in Neillsville – H. H. Van Gorden & Sons, have added to their extensive business – by the recent purchase of a fertilizing works to be installed soon. This will be the third plant of its kind in Wisconsin.
The Dells Dam garage and blacksmith shop burned. The business was owned by Floyd Hagie. The cold weather has brought other problems. Water meters have been freezing. City officials advise water users to let their water faucets drip during cold days to prevent the pipes or meter from freezing.
Will Huntzicker’s farm house, a few miles south of Greenwood, was destroyed by fire. Occupants of the house, Mrs. Joe Killean, son Elmer and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Christie were all ill with pneumonia, but were safely moved to a neighbor’s home.
At a contest sponsored by the Society of American Musicians of Chicago, Dr. Sarah Rosekrans, of Neillsville, was one of four chosen to compete at a public performance on March 6.
The “Neighbors” community’s news were made up of: Poppe’s Corner, Christie, Mapleworks, Loyal, Lindsey, Pleasant Ridge, Fremont, Heathville, North Granton, West Fremont, East York, Hewett, Fremont and York Town Line, York Center, Washburn, Weston, Levis, South Grant, West Pleasant Ridge, Humbird and Lynn.
Neillsville’s Champion Bowling Team consisting of Judge O. W. Schoengarth, Geo. E. Rude, James Musil, Victor W. Nehs and Willard Allen, defeated the Colby Champion bowling team with scores totaling 2,299 to 2,182.
District Attorney, John M. Peterson, received orders from conservation director to establish Hay Creek, Cameron Creek, Scott Creek, and Dickerson Creek, in Clark County, as fish refuges, starting May 1, 1936, through May 1, 1941.
April 16, 1936 Keller “Fireplace” west of Neillsville, being remodeled with new addition, a 16 x 50 foot addition on the north side. Several new tourist cottages will be built in the adjoining park. When completed it will be the finest equipped country dining place and tavern in Central and Northern Wisconsin. American and Chinese dishes will be prepared. Weekly floor shows will be featured.
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The July 3, 1907, tornado moved to the northeast, changing directions as it came over the mound, thus missing Neillsville. It crossed over Black River, doing damage in its path at the Bieneck farm.
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A late 30’s scene of Hewett Street, on the west side and near the 6th Street intersection; Wagner’s Café was on the corner, “Whistling in Brooklyn,” starring Red Skelton was showing at the Adler Theatre.
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When there was still boardwalk on Clay Street, circa ‘20s. This view is the west side between 4th and 2nd Streets. (Photo courtesy of Rosemary Anderson)
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The above photo was brought into our office by Herman Moen. Written on the back is “Clark Co. Picnic at Inglewood, Jan. 1936.” A lady in the front row is holding a banner – NHS Neillsville and a Wisconsin banner, with a Clark County banner visible in the background. We are assuming it’s a reunion of former Clark County residents who were living in the Inglewood, Calif. Area. It had to be a warmer climate as there are leaves on the trees and the children aren’t wearing coats. Do any of our readers know someone on this photo?
Former Clark Co., WI Resident #1 (removed to Inglewood, CA)
Former Clark Co., WI Resident #2 (removed to Inglewood, CA)
Former Clark Co., WI Resident #3 (removed to Inglewood, CA)
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