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Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI November 15, 1995, Page 32 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Good Old Days
News of 1895
By Dee Zimmerman
There is reported from the lumbering districts a scarcity of help. Agents are being sent out to hire and bring in lumbering crews, and lively times are experienced, by one agent stealing from his neighbor.
Greenwood – Sunday was a bad day for the deer. Herb and Chris Reichleau each bagged two and one of the Drinkwine boys three.
James Bibby of Galesville purchased of John Stewart 120 acres of wild land in the town of Eaton, and will clear it up and make himself a home. He has two brothers who will also settle here. We are glad to see them come, and there is plenty of good land waiting for the axe of the settler to be had cheap.
Columbia – The saw mill is moving steadily now, and turning out fine lumber. Some difficulty has been experienced in getting the dam to hold but it is now OK.
Mr. Donihue has discovered a new method of salting down fresh meat. Those wishing to acquaint themselves with the method may do so by inquiring of him. He has no doubt of having it patented.
Shortville – People should be very careful about setting fires, for it is very dry and they will burn almost as quickly as last year.
Everyone is wishing for rain, as the wells are getting very low. Some are already digging theirs deeper.
All of the men in town who have any spare time are taking advantage of the hunting season.
Someone entered the cellar of John Short one night last week and helped himself to half a hog that had been killed a few days before.
Humbird – A large number from Merrillan and Alma Center attended the dance at Markham’s hall Friday evening.
A large number were in attendance at the Free Methodist quarterly meeting Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Neillsville – There may have been some ladies who were not able to take advantage of last Saturday’s sale. The chance will be given them next Saturday to receive a present of a fine Eulalia Hair Curler with every purchase of 10 cents worth or more. H. Enckhausen & Co.
Joseph Gibson of Longwood was in the city. He has the contract for cutting all the timber on Black River belonging to the Sawyer & Austin Lumber Company, and banks each winter from 15,000,000 to 20,000,000.
Sealed proposals for furnishing 225 cords of 30 inch wood is wanted for the Neillsville Schools; 150 cords to be delivered at the south school house and 75 cords at the north side school house in the city of Neillsville, before the 20th of March 1896, will be received by the school board up to Nov. 11 at 2 o’clock. Wood must be smooth, sound, straight, hard wood, full 30 inches long. Black oak, elm, basswood or poplar will not be accepted.
While Mrs. John Ure of Lynn ws driving to the city yesterday one of her horses was taken sick, but the lady managed to get her team to town, where Veterinary Surgeon, R. M. Campbell, took the sick horse in hand and soon put it is shape to return home.
News of 1920
Neillsville – Beginning Friday, I will sell all my hats at half price. Come and look them over while the assortment is good. Mrs. D. O. Chapman.
To Car Owners – When you break a spring you need not lay up your car for several days waiting for a new spring. F. W. Kinstley, the blacksmith, can weld them perfectly and gives excellent satisfaction and work. He welds the leaves in his forge and tempers in oil and all his work has given fine results.
Candy Sale – There will be a homemade candy sale the day before Thanksgiving, Wed., Nov. 24, held at Mrs. Bruley’s millinery store.
Madison federal officers are using confiscated “moonshine” in the radiators of their cars to keep them from freezing up. No doubt the cars run lots better also, for what car wouldn’t (run) easier with a few gallons of hot toddy under its belt.
East Weston & West York – It’s been a busy summer of building in this locality this year. Wm. Buettner, Lucus Strangfelt (Strangfeld) Tom Joyce, Clarence Holt, W. J. Armitage, and Earl Robinson each had a new barn built.
Last week Wednesday, Miss Alice Korth and Frank Knoop surprised their friends and neighbors, when they were quietly married. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Knoop of Pine Valley, is running the home farm.
B. Dangers & Co. Specials – New York Fresh Oysters 30¢ per quart; New crop navy beans 7¢ per lb; Karo Syrup, 10 lb pail 75¢; Men’s strip overalls $1.98; Women’s fleece lined hose 39¢; Men’s heavy winter weight fleece lined shirts $1.10; Men’s dress shoes $4.98; Girl’s low heel, 8 inch top shoes $3.98.
News of 1945
G. W. Longenecker, 84, congregational minister will retire on June 1, 1946. That closes a pastorate of 38 years, one of the longest in the history of the Congregational churches in Wisconsin. Rev. and Mrs. Longenecker came to Neillsville in 1897. He left temporarily for eight months in 1905 when they moved to Berthold, N.D. and started farming on a homestead. They returned to Neillsville in 1916, after ministering to congregations in N.D. and Utah.
Lawrence Drescher, 29, a veteran of World War II has taken over his new duties as night policeman in Neillsville.
FHA approves 20 houses for city to be obtained from the Badger Ordinance works at Merrimac. There will be an establishment of a local “Veterans’ Village” with hopes the homes can be ready fro occupancy before Christmas.
The Masons of Neillsville celebrated the incumbency of A. L. Devos of Neillsville as worshipful grand master of the Masonic grand lodge of Wisconsin.
An unseasonal storm struck late last week near Granton. The twister downed five barns. Farms hit were those of Blum Bros, George Rose, Clarence Sternitzky, A. F. Lee, Hugo Kobs, Henry Elmhorst, Sr., Ed Hillert, and Reuben Wunrow (old Chas. Lindow place).
This week’s movies at the Adler Theatre are: “Molly & Me,” with Gracie Fields, Monty Wolley and Roddy McDowall; “Boots and Saddles,” Gene Autry & Smiley Burnette; “Nob Hill,” Geo. Raft, Joan Bennet & Vivian Blaine; “Music for Millions,” Margaret O’Brien, Jose Iturbi and Jimmy Durante.
25 Years Ago
Deer season opened Saturday, Nov. 21 in Clark County. The inquiry for hunters’ accommodations has dwindled. It seems the out-side-of-area hunters are going to hunting out of campers and trailers – a new trend. The season’s opening, three day kill, totaled 404 bucks in the county.
The Northside Elevator located in one of Loyal’s Main Street landmark buildings was razed by fire on Nov. 20. Originally, the building was built by the Old Riplinger Stave & Heading Co. Other owners were Baltus Christman, Henry Etta and August Witt. Etta and Witt operated a feed mill in the building during their ownership.
One of Neillsville’s long time doctors, Dr. Sarah Rosekrans, 69, passed away on Nov. 15. Dr. Sarah and her husband Dr. Milton Rosekrans came to this area in 1927 where they opened a clinic and served the community for over 40 years.
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. – Will Rogers
A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. -– Laurence J. Peter
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A 1905 scene of Main Street (now Hwy. 10) in Lynn
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A 1905 scene of Main Street (now Hwy. 10) in Lynn
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On Lynn’s south side was the Lynn Heading Mill that operated from 1896 to 1915; Built along the railroad right of way that existed from 1889 to 1931. The heading mill was established by Edward Sternitzky as manager, followed by Henry Sternitzky, Ferdinand Helm and John Ure. The mill was dismantled shortly after 1915. The cheese and butter factory owned and operated by Otto W. Becker is seen in the Center of the photo. At that time 60 patrons sold 8, 000 pounds of milk daily with 10,000 pounds of milk during peak production. The cheese and butter were hauled to Marshfield for market shipment. The factory owners’ home is on the right.
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The town of Dorchester lost many buildings due to a fire in about 1910-1911; Three buildings on the north side of Main Street and an entire block on the south side. New structures were built to replace the losses. This view was photoed about 1912, shortly after the first concrete sidewalks were laid.
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