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Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI August 16, 1995, Page 10 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Good Old Days
By Dee Zimmerman
Area News of 1895
The city water reservoir became so stale last week that it had to be emptied. O’Neill Creek is so dry that at places upstream it has stopped flowing. It looks as if there was need of prompt action to get a supply, and the new main ordered laid up North Grand Avenue will strike the river up in Dan Kennedy’s neighborhood, near where the witch-hazel man discovered the wetness.
The Norwegians are going to have a picnic next Sunday in Hewett’s grove for the benefit of the new church. Dinner will be served at 12 to 1 o’clock. Services will be held at the Grove by Rev. Gimmested of Eau Claire at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
The young people tripped the light “fantastic” in Joe Rondorf’s new house Friday evening until the wee small hours of the morning.
The Colby area reports a yield of 102 ¾ bushels of oats per acre. That is a fair yield for the northern portion of the county.
Many Neillsville families spent Sunday under the grand forest trees near town.
A. J. Bullard hiced (hived) a swarm of bees August 3rd and Aug. 23rd, the bees made 75 lbs of honey.
A patriotic citizen has offered to build a cistern or huge well south of town that will utilize the spring book known as Frantz Creek, free if the city will attend to pumping the water to the standpipe. If the common council will accept the offer, we will produce the money. The creek will never run dry and the water will be good to drink.
1910: Fair week starts Aug. 29 and promises to be the largest ever! The carnival, traveling in its own train, will have with it 300 people, 19 shows, three big free acts, including a high dive. There will be an 18 piece carnival band, the Greenwood band and two Neillsville bands providing endless music. The carnival will arrive here on Sunday, pitch its tents on the city street and hold day and night fairs. On the afternoons of the county fair the carnival company will move its shows to the fair grounds and show there all afternoon returning downtown in the evening. The secretary of the fair has been fortunate enough to secure an aeroplane as a free attraction at the fair, and this act will be seen every day at the fair and daily flights made, weather permitting, this will be the first time that a modern flying machine will be seen in this section of the state.
Special Premiums at Fair are donated by the merchants; A. B. Holverson will give a pair of $6.25 leather fly nets for best farm team.
A. B. Marsh, the flour and feed man offers one barrel Gold Medal flour, for the best two loaves of bread made from Gold Medal flour.
H. H. Eberhardt offers one nice easy chair or rocker to the oldest gentleman or lady attending the fair.
Matt Marx, one whip for best driving team.
T. E. Brandeld: $1 jardinière for best display of flowers.
P. N. Nelson: one dozen star-cut tumblers for young lady under 15 years making best doughnuts.
Tragsdorf, Zimmerman & Co.; one plush Morris chair for family purchasing the largest number of admission tickets to the fair.
W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co.; $1.50 silk umbrella for young lady under 16 making best loaf of bread.
Neillsville Tea & Coffee Store: 50 cents worth of spices to young lady making the best spice cake.
F. P. Hemp: Fine berry set for prettiest baby brought to the fair.
There’s a reason for increased ice cream and soda trade at Woelffer’s Drug Store. Here are some recipes we use at our Soda Fountain: Ice Cream – 18% butter fat cream 44 lbs, sugar 7 lbs, vanilla, 4 oz, mix and freeze.
Cones – Eggs 30, sugar 5 lbs, flour 10 lbs, ex vanilla 2 oz, ex rose 2 oz. Beat eggs, add sugar, flour and flavoring, and bake. Our fruits and syrups are prepared by mixing whole ripe fruit and sugar syrup.
Attention Dewhurst!-Dance, Dance! There will be a dance and box social in the Sherwood Town Hall Aug. 20. Dance tickets 25¢. Everyone come!
The lightning rod man was around Dells Dam area this past week selling lightning protectors. He sold some and will sell more.
The telephone man was down and moved the poles onto higher ground and straightened things up in good shape.
1920: Fishermen’s Dreams Come True – Every fisherman dreams of catching so many fish at one time that he could not carry them all. Such a dream literally came true here Saturday when the water in O’Neill Creek pond when (went) out suddenly, leaving hundreds of bass and pike stranded in the shallow water above the dam. In the shallow pools the fish were so thick that their fins stuck out of the water in their efforts of seek safety. The sight soon attracted the attention of young men, in a short time the creek was filled with men and boys who were scooping the fish out and carrying them home. Many fine fish were taken from the pools, some of them being five and six pounders. The smaller fish were carried below the dam and liberated.
Attention farmers! We will open a creamery in Neillsville opposite the Drying Plant on Sept. 1. Will pay you the highest price for your butterfat, and can save you the expense of shipping your cream -- The Neillsville Milk Products, Co.
Corn Huskers Wanted – A couple good men to start work week after Fair. Wm. H. Jacques.
Raising and moving buildings – I am prepared to raise and move buildings. Good work done. Fifteen years of experience. Phone Red 90, S. F. Gress
Marriages: Miss Mary Horak of Columbia and Jos. Prolemik, a farmer of Clay, married in August at St. Mary’s Church by Fr. Weber.
Cy. and George and Mart, three of Panther Creeks noted cow skinners and rope throwers, are down at Neillsville this week working with Otto Roessler on M. Lastofka’s new house. You must have had a Rip Van Winkle sleep to let a kid cattle buyer come down from Panther Creek and skin you all on a fine residence over on the corner of Clay and 4th Streets.
1945: Post War Trek Back to Clark County is Beginning: – The end of the war means an influx of people into Clark County. They will consist of returning service people, returning war workers and an uncertain number of urbanites who will seek safety and comfort in this rural area. Having lost more than 3,000 persons during the war, and declined in population from about 33,500 to under 30,000, Clark County will regain most of its loss, perhaps all of it, and may even add a little.
Nineteen rural schools of Clark County were without teachers as of Saturday, Aug. 18. Those without teachers are: East Beaver, Butlerville, Sand Hill, Prosperity, White, Hixon Heights, Dells Dam, Mack, Mayflower, Cleveland, Hilltop, Kippenhan, Wildwood, Holmes, White Eagle, Blueberry, Pioneer, Forman and the upper room of Pineland state graded.
Loyal Schools will be headed by Mr. Wicklund. Arnold Wicklund will continue as principal of Loyal schools. Warner Berry, Coach, mathematics and science; Carl Laurenz agriculture; Miss Rowene Hoppe, home economics; Miss Marilyn Marshall, commercial and library; Miss Iona Flint, English and geography; Miss Marjorie Dale, social studies; Mrs. Florence Klipstein, social studies, English and vocal music. The primary grades will be taught by Mrs. Marian Pagenkopf of Neillsville; intermediate by Mrs. Conrad Olsen of Loyal. The place left by Gilbert Tanner has not yet been filled.
The band will be in a circuit of four directed by M. B. Hamel of Arpin. The Loyal schools will open September 4.
A movement is on foot to re-establish a company of the National Guard. The need for the action was brought to the attention of Rotarians and Kiwanians at their joint session Monday noon at the fair. At that time Co. Herbert Smith referred to a state-wide movement, now on foot to restore the National Guard.
Thorp baseball team will meet Camp McCoy at Thorp Sunday afternoon. The Camp McCoy team has players of major league caliber and will be making its second and last appearance in Clark County. Thorp will offer as pitcher “Lefty” Winearscyk and Frank Gwiaydon, with Marvin Piwoni catching.
Events coming: – Chicken Dinner & Games, Sunday at Holy Family Church, Willard. Johnson & Newton wedding dance, at the Inwood Ballroom, with Joe Dvorak Band. Stables Night Club has dances every Saturday night from 9 to 1. Chicken Fries and hot sandwiches served. Bowling starts now at the Neillsville Recreation.
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Ernest Campbell farm was located north of Neillsville along Highway 73, near Cawley Creek. It was purchased by Campbell in July, 1916.
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Fishing back in the Good Old Days – Ben Schwellenbach caught a “big one” while on a fishing trip up north.
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A nice stringer of fish after a day’s catch by Ben Schwellenbach and a nephew. The sharp looking car in the background helps determine the era. (Photo courtesy of Ben Schwellenbach)
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Herman Neurtz (Nauertz?) donated some large pine logs cut from his land along the Black River near Neillsville (a short distance south of old Hwy. 10 on River Rd) for a Centennial celebration. Max Statz and a friend were hauling the logs with Max’s team. (Photo courtesy of Ed Statz)
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