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Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI September 6, 1995, Page 28 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Good Old Days
By Dee Zimmerman
The Neillsville Times
September 5, 1895
Judge Richard Dewhurst has had a fine new iron fence put in front of his residence, and a new sidewalk this week. It’s as trim as a blackbird!
A Thorp Courier printer, McKee bicycled from Thorp to Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Augusta, Humbird and Neillsville last week, going hence to Greenwood and then home. Trips like thee make road cranks of men every time.
The campers have all disappeared from Ross Eddy. The nights got rather cool.
$4.00 will buy a good substantial men’s suit from Reitz & Haugen’s.
Luethe & Schroeder Co. have received and placed upon their shelves this week one of he largest stocks of dry goods ever bought in New York by Mr. Luethe himself, and inspection will convince you that he has bought what the market demands. Call, and look through this great stock, fresh from the east.
The Luethe & Schroeder Company to the far right. ca. 1900
This photo was been added after the publication of this article by Greg Wemple
All pupils wishing to take an examination for admission to high school will be present at the school building Saturday, Sept. 7 at 9 a.m.
The C. C. Sniteman Co’s front is up complete and the massive handsome cornice on. It is a very fine front. The Johnson front is also finished and is very nice.
Wilcox Community – Coon hunting is the chief sport these moonlight nights. Jess Mortimer captured three in one night last week.
Levis & Southern Pine Valley – W. H. Lowery has pipes laid underground from a reservoir 12 ft. deep draining a living spring, drawing water to the house by wind power.
R. R. McAdams’ two oldest boys will go in a week’s time to the orphans’ home at Sparta.
Lynn – A fire occurred at the place of Albert on Sept. 3 where J. Lautenbach was threshing. Soon after commencing work for the afternoon the fire, originating from the hot-box of separator burst upon them and the men had to hustle to get out of the way. Sternitzky lost his barn, several stacks of grain and a valuable pile of lumber. Lautenbach lost his separator, and three horses.
Columbia – The lumber yard is beginning to show up big with a fine grade of both pine and hardwood.
The mill closed down Saturday, owing to not having logs in the yard to saw. A dam will be put up this week to run logs from the north. When this is completed they will be in good shape for handling a large quantity of logs.
Mr. Schnell of Ill. was here Wednesday and made a selection of land held by the Graves Land Co.
The city of Neillsville has bought a piece of ground up on the north edge of town for a pumping station, and the $5,000 experiment will be tried of getting city water there. Alderman Korman labored hard with the Tentonic owner of the soil purchased, and screwed the price down to $250, getting an option on it at this price. There’s a whole 40 acres within a stone’s throw of the place that can be bought for not much more than that. Alderman Cornelius thought the city might as well not be too soft a dough-head and went at the matter himself. He got an option on the same piece of property the first whirl for $150, saving the city $100, and the city took the deed, or will take it.
The Neillsville Times
Sept. 20, 1920
Bert Dresden has put up a most convenient road map in front of his gasoline filling station. It is a large sized road map of the state and is hung on a spring roller so that it is in convenient form for any motorist who may need the use of it.
Saturday evening the ladies who have been employed in the bean snipping room at the canning factory got together and gave a big supper at the factory. One of the long tables in the room was converted into a dining table and it was loaded down with a generous supply of good things to eat. The bunch sat down at 6 o’clock and played havoc with the culinary preparations of the ladies. It was an enjoyable event and most especially so to the editor of the Times as there were sixteen varieties of cake and he sampled them all.
East Lynn – Threshing machines and silo fillers are keeping the farmers jumping side-ways like a monkey on a hot stove these days.
If a fellow would have as many friends all the days of his life as shortly before election, he sure would be well hooked up.
Janesville Settlement – The Globe Cheese Co. has hired Albert Susa to make cheese this year. Albert has been helping at the Eaton Center factory all summer.
Thursday while Mr. and Mrs. J. Buettner were away from home, their apple orchard was raided again. Also, Saturday evening the party that took the apples from the J. H. Stafford orchard is known. It’s bad enough for small boys, but when it comes to women, that’s going some.
The Clark County Press
September 6, 1945
Rosekrans home shelters first local refugees of the Great War – Mrs. Elizabeth Margaret Richardson and her son George Percy are living in the Drs. Milton and Sarah Rosekrans home. Mrs. Richardson has resumed her old post as housekeeper. The Richardson’s had arrived in New York on August 20 after spending 10 years in Germany.
Record crowd was at Municipal Airport for its Dedication. Estimates of attendance range from 5,000 to 7,000. Congressman Hull was the speaker.
Every eye was upon the Ercoupe which seemed to sit on its tail and climb into the air. There were more planes, too.
Two-way Police Radio is in sight for the county. Clark County will have a two-way police radio in the not distant future. Police officers will carry in their cars radio devices which will enable them to communicate with one another.
Alfred Magnuson on Labor Day caught a northern pike weighing 13 pounds. He got it in the East Fork of the Black River. His bait was a buck tail. Showing at the Adler Theatre – Humphrey Bogart in “Conflict,” Betty Grable, Dick Haymes, Phil Silvers and William Gaxton in “Bill Rose’s Diamond Horseshoe” Jack Benny and Alexis Smith in “The Horn Blows at Midnight.”
Marriage Licenses: Frank Borysiak, Thorp and Anne Bartosiewicz, Withee; Walter S. Latawiec, Chicago, and Leona L. Rogalski, Withee.
Marian and Bernita Wasserburger, who are employed at Wausau, were weekend holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wasserburger. Bernita is taking nurses training at St. Mary’s hospital at Wausau.
A&P Store Specials – Sugar stamp No. 38 now valid for 5 lbs. 34˘. Evaporated Milk, 4 cans 35˘ (now point free); 93 score Sunnyfield Butter (now 12 ration points) 48˘ lb., Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food (now only 4 ration points per lb.), 2 lb pkg. 71˘. Elberta Peaches, crate, $1.99.
Farm Auctions: Herman & Victor Pagenkopf on Sept 12; Geo. Begley on Sept. 14; Otto Steenberg on Sept. 10; Louis Knoop Estate on Sept. 11.
Gamble Store advertised 51 plate Varcon Batteries for $6.95 with your old battery as trade-in. Krisch curtain rods, all metal, are back. Price 10˘
Local War Plant in Re-conversion – B & F Machine Shop did a splendid job in producing fuses and parts for shells during war, meeting rigid requirements.
With war contracts ended, “Slim” Bruhn and Max Feuerstein are returning to their old activities, especially the manufacture of insulated bodies for milk trucks, a specialty well suited to the needs of the dairy community.
Men often mistake notoriety for fame, and would rather be remarked for their vices and follies than not to be noticed at all! – Harry Truman
Barbers who worked in the 118 East 6th Street, Neillsville, Barber Shop.
left to right: Carlton Free, Frank (Docie) Zimmer and Fritz Neverman.
The Neillsville Canning Co., building, circa 1920
The Dells Dam Bridge
On a transitional day, from winter to spring, with snow and ice visible on the Black River shoreline.
The Chili Park as its beginning: The commercial Hotel is in the background, on the left.
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