Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI July 24, 1996, Page 32 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles |
Good Old Days
By Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News
July 28, 1868
A Trip to the Mound – Everybody in this part of the country has heard of the “Mound,” situated about four miles northwest of Neillsville. Many have climbed its steep, rocky sides and viewed from its highest point the mightily and unbroken forest which stretches from its base in every direction, farther than an eye can reach. To gratify a long desire we availed our-selves of an opportunity to visit this high eminence a little over a week ago. Starting from town about 10 ½ o’clock one pleasant morning, in company of J. P. Thompson and Mr. A. B. Adams, amply supplied with eatables, etc, we went afoot from Weston Rapids (Weston Rapids was a small community, along the Black River, with Bieneck property on east side and Appleyard farm on the west side of the river) and after crossing the river on rocks projecting above the water, traveling through meadows and tangled underbrush, we reached the foot of the Mound about mid-day. Stepping from rock to rock we slowly ascended to the top, and there suddenly beheld more than even our imagination had pictured to us. The sight was at once grand and magnificent.
The Top of North Mound *The above photo was not originally part of this article. It was submitted by the family of Peggy L. Walter and was taken from a postcard booklet titled, "Souvenir Letter", Neillsville, Wis. |
As we stood viewing the magnificent scenery beyond, we could not but think how insignificant are the works of man, compared with those of the omnipotent Creator. With the aid of a spyglass, we were able to distinguish with clearness the court house, jail and other buildings in Neillsville, houses in Staffordville, besides many farm houses in small cleared patches. Resting for a few minutes, we started to find a desirable spot where we could sit and refresh ourselves before returning home.
Our village has been frequently visited lately by a number of Pottawatomie Indians. They have an encampment now on Wedge’s Creek. Some of them have been from house to house asking for food. This was a few years ago the hunting rounds of the Chippewa and the presence of a Pottawatomie at that time in this vicinity was sure death to a “Potta”.
More news about the great quantity of bear in the northern part of the county; they are still frequently seen around John Bigger’s logging camp on Popple River. The boys have a hog in camp which weighs about 600 pounds, with large tusks protruding from his mouth. He is too much for the Bruin, as he has already proved by numerous encounters.
The hall at Staffordville is being fitted up for the best ball room in two counties. It is 24’ x 82’, well ventilated, and has a ladies’ dressing room and a gentlemen’s coat room. When finished it is to be dedicated by a grand ball.
We learn that the storm which occurred one week ago yesterday was rather damaging in some parts of the Town of Loyal. 0ur reports said, a strip of country some miles in length and about a mile wide, was the scene of a fierce and destructive storm. A great number of trees were blown down. A new frame barn, belonging to a man named Smith, was destroyed.
2,000 pounds of choice butter wanted at C. E. Adams’. Also want 200,000 shingles. Adams also has stone crocks and churns of all sizes for sale.
The town board of Pine Valley will meet in the post office next Saturday at 1 p.m. for the purpose of letting road jobs.
The Black River Road – The County Commissioners appointed to section off the Black River road into sections of two miles each have completed their labors as far as Mr. H. Huntzicker’s, thirteen miles north of Neillsville and twenty-six miles from the south line of the county. The law requires that ten days notice shall be given for letting contracts, and notices have been posted today.
Land Statistics – We have obtained from Mr. W. T. Hutchinson the amount of Government land located in the county during the month of May through this land agency. The number of acres entered was 940; number of acres pre-emptied 1,502, and 760 acres taken under the Homestead Act. Total number acres, 3,202; about 1,000 acres of this were taken for pine timber, the balance for farming lands. There were probably over 6,000 acres taken by individuals at the land office during this same period of time. This is evidence of our fast growth.
Lumbermen’s Hotel, 1 mile north of Neillsville, L. R. Stafford, Proprietor
July 1896
When buying new furniture for you house, do not forget that Neillsville’s own furniture factory turns out most elegant bedroom suites, sideboards, dressing tables, with plat-glass mirrors handsomely mounted, etc. You can get a single, double or three quarter size bed, separately, or a dressing case, or commodes, in individual pieces as you choose. Both local pride and personal economy should lead all Neillsville people to go to the factory whenever they want a piece of furniture which our own factory makes. (Sideboards were pieces of furniture designed to hold dining utensils, dishes – now called hutches or China cabinets.)
Tests for Lovers – No other country offers such opportunities to those desiring to marry as America. In that respect it is truly the home of the free and the land of the brave, not to speak of the foolhardy. In some countries those matrimonially inclined have to get the parent’s consent, in others the prospective bridegroom has to show that he can support a wife. Uncle Sam throws no such obstacles in the path of true love. He recognizes every man’s right to starve a woman if she is willing, and provided one can raise the slight fee necessary for the license, there is northing to hinder him getting married if he can find a woman of the same mind.
July 1911 – Automobiles through Neillsville – Everything is in readiness for the big annual reliability contest which is to be held by the Wisconsin State Automobile Association beginning July 17 and ending July 22.
About 15 cars have so far been entered, among them a Cadillac, three Buicks, two Imperials, a Reo, a Ford, A Kissel Kar, an Overland, a Case, A Petrel, A Franklin, and an Auburn. More entries are expected, and, in fact, it looks as though the tour will include about 30 cars.
Among private owners who will compete is M. I. Stevens, driving a Kissel Kar roadster. Stevens will compete not only for the Schandein trophy for private owners, but he has decided to enter for the Sentinel’s sweepstakes and Milwaukee Journal Trophy as well.
There is a possibility that John Fraser, Jr., with his rebuilt 1908 Buick, and Paul Ellsworth with his rebuilt three cylinders- two-cycle Elmore, will compete. G. W. Andrae, Stevens Point, is considering entering an Oldsmobile roadster.
The car tour is scheduled to pass through Neillsville on Wednesday. (The following issue reported that the Overland broke down before reaching Neillsville.)
Hans Walk has a brand new motorcycle with which he carries mail and Bill Huntley says now those patrons of Hans’ who live upon the hills and high spots will be fortunate enough to get their mail.
Heintown and Christie had an exciting baseball game Sunday, the score being 7-6 in favor of Heintown.
July 24, 1941 - Rotary Club, with 20 charter members, started the ball rolling here last night under the capable supervision of A. D. Hill, past district chairman of Rotary International, and foster father of the Neillsville Rotary. The organization ws directed by Herbert Schwartz, past secretary of the recently organized Greenwood Rotary Club.
President of the newly formed club is A. E. Russell; Vice Pres, John Harvey; Secretary, A. C. Wagner; Treasurer, Harry Wasserberger; Sergeant of Arms, Carl Cahill.
Aluminum drive opens in Clark County today – county trucks to pick up metal at five centers Friday afternoon. Any old unused aluminum pots and pans can be turned in for scrap metal.
E. W. Kidd, county defense committee head, stresses that not a cent will be made from the aluminum by anyone along the line from the donor to the airplane manufacturers, who will use the metal. (Collecting scrap metals were one of the World War II national efforts.) This drive produced 6,000 pounds of aluminum contributions within Clark County.
One of Clark County’s remaining cheese factories can be viewed when driving along Hwy. 10, two miles east of Granton. It has retained its name, Lynn Dairy, in business on the original site for many years. The facility has been remodeled and enlarged through the years. A common practice of the 30’s-40’s, was to have the town or village’s name painted on a building’s rooftop visible to pilots of small airplanes as an aide to their flight plan. |
The Harold Huckstead Cheese Factory is believed to have been south of the Reed School, on Cardinal Avenue, one or two miles south of the Hwy 10 intersection. Huckstead’s farm was also near that intersection, west, their house was on the north side of the highway, a barn and outbuildings on the south side. |
One of Thorp area’s cheese factories was owned by Otto Hiller, not far from the city, one mile south and one mile east. |
The Township of Worden still has at least two cheese factories in business. The above photo was labeled West Worden, believed to now be LaGrander’s Hillside Dairy, corner of Broek Road and Fernwal Avenue. Another factory, the Cloverleaf Cheese Plant, is on Cty Trunk “N” and Koser Avenue intersection. |
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