Clark County Press, Neillsville, March 24, 2004, Page 14 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
March 1909
Monday afternoon, at the invitation of Guy C. Youmans, the Neillsville City Mayor, aldermen, city officials and members of the Press went out to the Youmans dairy farm on a tour of inspection and education. Mr. Youmans had a hayrack fixed up with padded seats and the group went out to the farm in style.
The barn shone and smelled sweet, the cows were slick, clean and busy in their chosen vocation of making yellow cream. The butterflies in the haymow were working over-time making buttermilk.
The visit was made especially to get an idea of how sanitary milk should and can be produced. The milk was followed from the time it was drawn from the cows, untouched by unsanitary hands but taken by the milking machines, through the separator and thence to the creamery. At no time were there any unsanitary conditions to contend with. The city officials could see that the butter and milk produced at the Youmans farm was as absolutely free from contamination as the scientific conditions allowed it.
All of this was an object lesson and an education for the city officials, for they are contemplating the passage of an ordinance compelling all persons who sell diary (dairy) products, in the city, to have their dairy herds tuberculin tested. They now have seen the example of a tuberculin-tested herd and a sanitary barn. They know how easily milk can be contaminated and how diseases are spread. The trip to the Youmans farm was highly enjoyable, as well as valuable and instructive for all the guests.
For Sale, 40 acres of land, adjoining the plat of the city of Neillsville; this choice piece of land may be purchased for $1,000. The present owner is Harry M. Gates.
Monday afternoon, the roof on one of the ice-houses caved in and caught three men beneath it, James Schummel, Ben Wagner and Henry Marg. Schummel was badly injured, his head being caught between two timers (timbers). He was extricated with considerable difficulty. Wagner and Marg were also injured, but not as badly as was Schummel, who is laid up as a result. The heavy snow caused the roof to cave in.
Work has commenced on the store of John Gerdes, at Spokeville, east of Loyal. Workers will rush to complete the building. Mr. Gerdes will then handle a full line of general merchandise.
The middle of March and there is snow, snow, snow, Wednesday morning, the train left Loyal and did not arrive in Marsh-field until four oclock in the afternoon. It then left Marshfield at six oclock and did not arrive in Loyal until ten oclock that night. They reported snow drifts something fierce. The section crews from Loyal were called out when the train was stalled at Spokeville. They accompanied the train to Marshfield and several times were called upon to shovel through the drifts. Judging from the looks of the section crew, the engine and coach, they must certainly have had a hard time of it.
This was the worst snowstorm of the season in this locality, the snow being about 20 inches deep on the level.
Neillsville Bock beer is brewed from the finest hops and malt that money can buy. The latest brew has been stored six months in ice-cold cellars and is now ready for the customers. It can be purchased, 24 bottles for $1.25, delivered. Anyone may phone No. 42 to place an order.
The German Sewing Club, Gemueltlickeit will meet Wednesday, March 10, at the home of Mrs. Frank Dwyer.
The clubs last meeting was held at the home of Mrs. John Wolff, in the shape of an old style costumes social. A full number of members were in attendance, each attired in old costumes, including the crinoline skirts and the Puritan and Quaker dress, including bonnets. All who were present mutually agreed to the good time, the main endeavor of the club.
There will be a basket sociable at the schoolhouse, District No. 1, Town of Eaton and Seif, Saturday night. We invite the ladies to come, bringing a basket and the men to come, buying the baskets. Everyone is invited. There will be a program of speakers and singing. The proceeds will go toward buying an organ for the schoolhouse.
There will be a dance at Columbia hall next Friday night. Everyone in the Town of Pine Valley plans to be there.
A Sunday School was organized last Sunday at the East Washburn School. There is nothing to hinder the folks of that area from having a fine Sunday School, if the people only will go and try to make it a fine success.
March 1949
The Neillsville Athletics, coach Victor Lehmann and Manager Roland Jenni were guests of Herbert Borde at a steak supper, last Wednesday night, following their game with Gilman. The steak supper had been promised to the team, by Mr. Borde, if they won a championship in the recent invitational tournament of the Neillsville Athletic Association.
Sadness entered the hearts of the Peter Shaer family, of Greenwood, last week for their Bambi was taken away.
Bambi was a buck fawn, which had been raised and cared for by the Shaer family for several weeks. During that time they nursed the fawn back to good health. The fawn had become quite a favorite and an object of curiosity among the Greenwood people.
Weeks ago, the fawn was found in a drainage ditch near Greenwood, by a member of the family. He was nearly dead, according to the story told by Warden Carl Frick.
Last Thursday, Warden Frick loaded the fawn into a carrier and took him to the Conservation Departments district head-quarters, at Black River Falls. From there, he was taken to Poynette, to the state game and fur farm.
The fear of the conservation authorities is that an animal, which has not been shifting for itself for a long time, will not be able to care for itself in the wilds.
The addition of a new fifth ward, to Neillsville, was made officially by the city council, Tuesday night when it adopted unanimously an ordinance redistricting the city.
Residents of the area, comprising the new ward, will elect their alderman and supervisor at the spring election.
The area included in the new fifth ward is carved from the present first and second wards. It includes the entire portion east of Hewett Street, between Fifth and 16th Streets and east of North Grand Avenue, between ONeill Creek and West 10th Street.
The ordinance also provides for minor adjustments in the boundaries of the third and fourth wards.
The move to establish the fifth ward was inaugurated by Alderman Arne Matheson, of the fourth ward, late last fall. The first step was the taking of a census of the city, which was done by the civics class at the Neillsville High School, working under the direction of Earl Ruedy and the supervision of Supt. D. E. Peters.
When the population was established at slightly more than 2,700 by this census, Alderman Matheson drew up an outline, redistricting.
The Public Property Committee of the Clark County Board of Supervisors heard with favor, last Saturday, the suggestion that the county take over the Bruce Mound winter sports area and develop it as a part of the county park system.
The suggestion came from officials of the Half Moon Ski Club, which undertook the development of ski slides, tows and other facilities for skiing there during the past winter. The clubs efforts were successful and during the comparatively short skiing season, the natural facilities of the slide gained wide reputation in Wisconsin.
Lowell Schultz, chairman of the county boards committee on parks, toured the Bruce Mound sports area, Saturday after-noon, with officials of the ski club.
Should the committee act favorably on the suggestion, the matter then would be brought before the county board of super-visors, in all probability at the spring session, which opens April 19.
A large tract of the land, on which the present slide is laid out, is owned by Joe Pasek, of the Town of Dewhurst. Before the county could develop the area for winter sports, it would be necessary to gain control of this area either by purchase, trade or long-term lease.
Harold Mortimer has purchased the Warren truck and milk route. For nearly 25 years, Mr. Warren has maintained a milk route, nearly all of that time hauling to the local Condensery. In a point of years and service, we believe he can truly be called a veteran milk hauler.
More than 2,500 railroad ties have been piled up beside the tracks at the Omaha depot here in recent weeks and the number is growing.
The ties will be used on the Omaha road, between Merrillan and the eastern terminal. They are hardwood and are coming from two locations within a few miles of Neillsville.
One location is the 120-acre woodlot on the old Palmer farm on the River Road, southwest of the city, in the Town of Pine Valley. This operation is being carried out by Herbert Nickel, of the Town of York. The cutting operations on this piece of property will be completed this week.
The other location is the old Gault farm, east of Hoeslys corner, in the Town of York. This cutting operation is being done by Rudolph Volk of Willard, who bought the farm, sold the land, but reserved the timber rights.
The ties will be taken to Minneapolis, where they will be creosote-dipped to delay deterioration.
Sams Daisy Farm is a peculiar name for a farm. As a matter of fact, it is just faintly nostalgic.
Probably more than one person driving by the place, 3 ½ miles south of Neillsville, on highway 95, has seen the name painted on the silo and wondered what it was all about. But Samuel Mosiman and the neighbors know. They know that the farm once was the best local example of how to grow a tremendous crop of daisies.
When the Mosiman family: Sam, Mrs. Mosiman and Leland, their son, came in October of 1946 and settled there, the farm was growing nothing but daisies and doing a wonderful job of it.
The neighbors twitted Sam about his daisy farm and told him he would be able to grow nothing but daisies there, ever.
The Mosimans took the chiding with good humor. After all, they were city-bred folks who had known nothing for city life and industrial work. But they tackled the fields of daisies the next spring with determination.
Mrs. Mosiman took as her special province the 12-acre field, which was to be put into oats. She pulled every daisy by hand; it took her two weeks and how many steps she will never know.
They plowed, disked, cultivated and fertilized.
The oats came up evenly and without a daisy.
In the 10-acre corn field, they cultivated that first year as long as they could. Then the Mosimans took after the field with hand hoes. All through that laborious summer, they hoed.
We found nine daisies that first year, Sam recalls ruefully. Last year, the field was free of flowers.
Asked whether it might not have been easier to use a commercial weed killer, Sam told of talking with a farmer from near Black River Falls. This farmer had a three or four acre patch loaded with daisies on which he experimented. When he used commercial weed killer, the daisies died. So did everything else. And the next year, the only things to come back were the daisies.
At present, there are about 35 acres of the front 40 under plow. Sam doesnt go so far as to say that he wont have daisies on any of it this year; but he believes that he has them whipped.
Wilbur Joyce and Earl Holt have purchased the cement block factory, in Christie, from Mr. Richmond.
The Neillsville County (Country) Club will have a professional in charge during the coming golf season. The officers and directors of the club have made this arrangement with Tony Sylvester of Winter Haven, Florida, according to an announcement by George Zimmerman, club president. Mr. Sylvester will arrive in Neillsville for the opening of the clubs season and will remain until the closing in the fall. He will take the lead in promoting golf in the community; will, in cooperation with the directors, take responsibility for the club activities; will give private lessons in golf; will repair and sell golf equipment and fit clubs to individual requirements.
Tony Sylvester is a veteran in golf business. He began golfing as a caddy at the Wilmington County Club, Wilmington, Delaware.
The former Greenwood Baptist Church has been purchased from the Greenwood Legion post by the Wisconsin Rural Missions. The undenominational home missionary organization endeavors to reopen closed churches, establish new work and provide Sunday School and summer school for children. It is Bible-centered in all its activities, stresses evangelism and is similar to the Baptists in doctrine.
The March of Dimes campaign contributions has neared the $5,200 mark, as of Wednesday, with a few reports remaining that may push it over that figure, for the county.
The choir of Holy Family Catholic Church, Willard, will present a concert in the parish hall at 8 p.m., Sunday, under the direction of Father Odilo, pastor. The choirs program will consist of Slovenian folk songs and American songs.
The choir is composed of 20 voices. Mrs. Angeline Ruzich is the organist. The program will start with a play by Willard school children.
A scene of hustling, bustling Hewett Street in 1946, at the intersection of Fifth Street; with the Highway 10 sign at the corner also. The J. C. Penneys store occupied the Hewett-Woods building at that time, with the Rexall drug store next door. The Adler Theater sign located in the 600 block is also visible. (Photo courtesy of Wyatt Kinnick)
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