Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin July 21, 2010, Page 16 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
July 1900
Notes from the July 4th parade that passed along Hewett Street in Neillsville:
The Woodman’s Log Cabin float, drawn by oxen, was a noticeable feature in the parade. On the Woodman float there was a forge in operation, with workmen making an anchor and shield.
Marsh Bros. float and that of C. C. Sniteman Co. were too large to pass on the O’Neill Creek Bridge, so had to join the parade procession on the south side of the bridge.
The Savings Bank float had a fine display of dry goods.
For representation of a business in actual operation, Taplin & Son’s float took a prize.
A. S. Leason & Son’s float had a windmill and water tank with a fountain playing, which attracted considerable attention.
The Neillsville Brewery float had on it a bottling works in operation. Also the barrel organ, from the brewery, rendered classical music selections.
C. C. Sniteman Co.’s float had a drug store in actual operation on it.
George Ascott’s big mortar loomed up conspicuously in the parade.
B. Dangers’ float represented the Ship of State, with Miss Elsie as Columbia and Guy Matheson as George Washington.
Mr. C. Esselmann returned Saturday from an enjoyable trip abroad. He left in the spring taking in sights through Canada from Montreal to Portland, Maine, thence to Halifax, Nova Scotia, the northeastern part of Ireland, Liverpool, and London, through Holland to Munster, Westphalia, Germany his old home, where he found a brother and sister and many old acquaintances. While there, accompanied by his brother and a few friends they visited the Paris Exposition after which he returned to Westphalia, Oldenburg. Then going to Hanover and Bremen where he took passage on the Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse to New York. While at Milwaukee he called on relatives before returning to Loyal, fully satisfied that Clark County and especially the Town of Loyal ranked among the first in the raising of livestock and crops, saying he will be satisfied with the productions of he soil along 26 Road.
The N. C. Foster Lumber Company wants ten teams of horses and a lot of men to work on the railroad eight miles north-east of Greenwood in the Town of Beaver, Clark County. Also need some men to take contracts on work of building a railroad station.
A brakeman named John McPike slipped and fell from a moving boxcar on the through-line freight train Tuesday afternoon when it was near the washboard factory. He fell about 30 feet, landing in the mud and water, with bones of the left leg broken above the ankle and a dislocated foot. He was picked up and taken to Ayers Hotel where Dr. Conroy dressed his injuries. It is reported that he is getting along nicely.
Wanted; young man 18 to 20 years old, to learn the telephone business. Country boy preferred. Only those who wish to learn something, as well as earn something, need to apply. Inquire at office of Badger State Telephone Co.
Sims E. Blackman, one of the oldest residents of this county, died at his home in the Town of Grant last Friday night, after ten days illness, pneumonia being the cause of death.
The deceased was born in Benenden, Kent, England March 27, 1846 and came to America in 1871 settling in Clark County after a short sojourn in New York. He was married to Miss Mary Howard December 3, 1878. Six children, Ralph, Lottie, Evelyn, Elgia, Sadie and Clifford were born to them, and who with his loving wife survive him. He also leaves three brothers and two sisters in New York and five sisters in England.
Mr. Blackman was a mason by trade, having built many of the brick blocks in this city, which are evidences of his handiwork. He built the first brick block in Neillsville, the Hewett & Woods building, the Presbyterian Church, helping on the courthouse and other buildings. He was honest and square with all who came within his scope, a friend to one and all, ever ready to lend a helping hand.
The funeral occurred Sunday at the Pleasant Ridge Church, Rev. Scoville officiating.
Walk Bros. new annex will soon be ready for occupancy and will give that enterprising firm room for expansion. Dr. Frank will occupy the office being fitted up between their store and Dwight Roberts’ place and with the extension of Roberts’ fruit store that corner will be pretty well occupied.
Tioga rarely to be found, on even the latest maps, will in all probability before another year is ended be as familiar to us as Augusta, Humbird or any of the surrounding towns, for by that time it will be a pretty busy place if all goes well. Tioga is situated on the Fairchild & Northeastern Railway, about ten miles from Fairchild. Land agents are busy bringing in settlers and almost every day sees a considerable increase of population. A contract is about to be let for the building of a hotel to cost $2,000 and before long possibly more business houses will be built. A wagon road eight miles long is being built northward and will cross the Eau Claire River.
July 1940
Northern States Power Company offers an everyday cooking appliance that cooks everything, from a large roast or fowl, to perfectly baked pies, your cooking will be smoother work with a Westinghouse Roaster-Oven!
Plugs in anywhere. Automatic control eliminates watching, gives you more leisure time. Large Deluxe Model, 18-quart capacity; Special Sale Price is $29.90, Cash.
Includes Sturdy All-Steel Table Stand and Hall China Ovenware Dishes; (Terms slightly higher with $1.00 down and $1.33 per month with Cooperative Saving Plan, which may cost you as little as $14.90.)
Celebrate the 4th of July at Isaac Nelson’s Hatfield Pavilion, Hatfield, Wisconsin!
Ball games, Horse shoe pitching, Tug-of-war, Neillsville versus Black River Falls. Treats for the Victors!
Amusements & Games Galore for the Children! Free Picnic Tables & Roller Skating.
Ice Cream, Pop, Nickel Hamburgers & Hot dogs, and everything else that you will need for your picnic and amusement
Dan Cupid made his annual June raid on Clark County and retreated with a toll of more than 41 couples.
While 41 marriages were scheduled in the county during the last month, courthouse records showed, several couples were known to have taken the plunge in nearby states, where regulations are not as severe as in Wisconsin.
At the end of June a total of 86 marriage license applications had been made at the office of the County Clerk Calvin Mills.
Invasion of he Low Countries of Europe undoubtedly had some effect on the marriage situation here. For, on the day after Western front action got underway in Europe, marriage license applications literally streamed in at the courthouse. As a result the June total of marriages recorded here was nine above the number recorded in June last year; and five more than in the corresponding month of 1938, before the law requiring a Wasserman blood test went into effect.
(At that time it was believed that all married men would be exempt from the selective service draft if the U. S. became involved in the European war. D.Z.)
Dancing at Hake’s Barn July 3rd from Sunset to Sunrise, music by Earl Rhode’s Orchestra
Hilltop Pavilion, 1 mile south of Granton, has old time and modern dancing, July 17, music by Bennie’s Entertainers. Every Monday and Saturday is Party Night!
July 3rd marked the 50th wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. William Albin Leason at 143 Hewett Street.
As a boy, Dr. Leason worked for his father in the pump and windmill factory on Hewett Street. Early in life he became interested in dentistry and, after the custom of the times, he studied this profession under Dr. H. A. Pitcher, later completing his course in Milwaukee. He established a practice in Plymouth, Wis., where he remained for ten years, being the only dentist in that city.
On the third day of July in 1890, Dr. Leason was united in marriage to Miss Anna Griesch at the home of the groom’s grandfather, William Caldwell, at Adell, Wis. The wedding couple then took a trip, of 45 miles distance where they spent the day, having dinner at the old Republican House. Returning to Plymouth, they began housekeeping in a home, which Dr. Leason had prepared for his bride.
In 1892 they came to Neillsville. Purchasing a tract of land west of Neillsville, Dr. Leason created a fine set of farm buildings. For a number of years he carried on the farming operations successfully in addition to the dental practice he established in Neillsville. Later the farm was sold to William Crump of Lake Mills, and the Leason family moved to Neillsville.
Dr. and Mrs. Leason have two children, Jess A. of St. Paul, and Mrs. M. E. Bennett of Neillsville, and two grandchildren.
For about ten years, Dr. Leason was associated with George E. Crothers and F. J. Baer in the publishing business, operating under the firm name of The Neillsville Press Company, his son, Jess, represented his father in the business.
Clark County will be a playground this fall for modern Dianas of the hunt.
For the first season since the modern bow and arrow hunting of deer was started, the country of Clark County, as well as those of Jackson on the south and Wood on the east, will be opened for archers, if recommendations of the Wisconsin Conservation congress are followed by the conservation commission. And they generally are.
Pillet pounders in and near Neillsville this week were having an opportunity to straighten out their hooks and slices, and brush-up on their somewhat rusty golf games generally.
Behind the whole thing is Tom Dobson, WPA-sponsored professional, how started giving class instruction at the Neillsville Country Club Tuesday afternoon. Classes were to continue for a week, with women working over their games from 2 to 4 each afternoon, and men after 5 p.m.
Membership to the club is not required to receive the instruction.
Add to haying accidents the experience of Ruby Selves of Pleasant Ridge, who wasn’t injured, strange as it may seem.
Ruby, a twin of Ruth and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Selves, was setting the hayfork one day last week when, somehow, the rope twisted around her ankle. Up she went to the beam, dangling head-down-ward, and clasping the trip rope tightly.
It might have been described as suspended suspense.
Then she pulled the trip, releasing the load and, incidentally herself. She fell down between the mow and the hay wagon, a distance, which Ruby described as “a few feet”.
Uninjured, she got to her feet and sailed into the work of haying again.
(Helping my dad, as a youngster, I mistakenly put a hay-sling rope over a rack board, later in horror watching the back end of the hayrack rising toward the hayloft. D.Z.)
Zion American Lutheran Church of Granton was beautifully decorated for the wedding of Miss Irene M. Gluch and Donald H. Braatz both of Grant Township which took place at 8 p.m. June 30.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, Herman Gluch, wore a gown of sheer white marquisette, a long veil falling from a tulle headdress. She carried a shower bouquet of tea roses and swansonia, Rev. J. G. Buth performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Buth played appropriate nuptial music and Olga Buth sang.
The bride’s attendants, Misses Vivian and Lucille Gluch, Granton, and Gladys Bauer, La Porte City, Iowa, were dressed in white and carried colonial bouquets. Algernon Breseman was best man. Leonard Gluch, a brother of the bride, and Robert Braatz, a cousin of the groom, acted as ushers. The men wore Oxford grey suits and rose-boutonnieres.
An outdoor reception was given at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gluch, there being 125 guests. Dinner was served by the bride’s friends: Helen Braatz, Norma Schmoll, Velma King, Maurine Coates, Marshfield, and Verna Goebel, Dorothy Beilke, Clara and Eleanor Guk, Elaine Marg, Doris Borchert and Evelyn Winter.
Mrs. Braatz graduated from Wartburg College, in Waverly, Iowa, with class of 1938 and for the past two years has been the commercial instructor in the Readlyn High School in Iowa. Mr. Braatz will continue his studies at the University of Wisconsin, where he will be a sophomore. Taking time out for two years, he helped his parents on their farm.
(Don and Irene recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary! D.Z.
Buy of the Week!
Steel lawn chairs, red, blue, green and yellow! Only a few left. $1.98 each at Cochran’s Hardware Store
Hundreds of Clark County residents are expecting to gather in Neillsville next Monday evening, July 22, for exercises dedicating the new O’Neill Creek Bridge with a community celebration to follow. The ceremonies will begin at 8 p.m.
Governor Julius P. Heil will give the dedicatory address in response to invitations from the Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis Club and the city council.
Preparations are being made for the biggest event of the kind in Neillsville, since the celebration staged at the opening of the newly paved highway 10 several years ago.
The replica of a little log cabin was in the backyard at 29 Hewett Street for several years. It was a reminder of a visit that had been made by Benjamin Harrison when he was on the presidential campaign trail, stopping off at Neillsville in 1888 after an invitation from a friend, Homer Root. The city organized a gala parade making up one float that carried the miniature log cabin symbolic of Harrison’s life. Harrison served as our country’s president from 1889 to 1893. Afterwards, Root, A “colorful” Neillsville attorney, kept the log cabin replica at his home to be used in other parades and eventually a miniature golf course was built around the cabin in the backyard.
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