Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin July 28, 2010 Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
July 1885
The new firm of Furlong & Johnson, composed of Francis Furlong and Chester Johnson, is doing a general merchandise business at the well-known Furlong store on the north side, which they have thoroughly overhauled and remodeled, and where they are doing a lively business. Both gentlemen are popular citizens and understand the art of catering to the wants of the public. They are constantly receiving new goods and invoices showing they have secured rates, which enable them to sell right down where buyers smile. They will be found to be square and fair.
(The Furlong building continued to be used by various owners well over 100 years, with the last being Nick Gangler who operated a grocery store there for 30 years, locking the doors in June 1966. The building was later razed. D. Z.)
The new cheese factory in our city is up, enclosed and is an immense structure. It stands west of Gallahers mill.
The newly planed pine sidewalk in front of the city hall is an improvement worth mentioning. The city building is to be sided soon and the inside work upstairs is nearly completed; also the walk at the west side and stairs at the rear of the building.
With poll tax, pound and 14 saloons at $200 license each; Neillsville is certainly on the high road to somewhere or something at a pretty swift canter.
(Pound was a basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom, also called a pound sterling and with many first Clark County residents being English, such as the news editor, this reference was occasionally used in his writings. D.Z.)
Quote: The young mans fortune is not to be found in inherited wealth or social position. His youth, his energy, his hope, his very lack of the conservative judgment, which age brings, are his fortune and they bring more happiness than gold brings to the millionaire.
John Vanderberg (Vandeberg) of York brought his brother Garrett and Albert Understal to the forenoon train yesterday and they have gone home to Fond du Lac County after working in York for a year. We learned from Mr. Vanderberg that his father-in-law, Mr. H. A. Lawrence, has torn down his log house and will build a commodious frame dwelling on the same site in the meantime living in a detached wing of the old house.
Mr. Daniel Gates, one of Neillsvilles oldest and most respected citizens, died at his home Monday morning, June 29, 1885. For several months Mr. Gates had been in poor health and his family knew his death was an event that was close at hand.
The deceased was born July 11, 1818, and therefore lacked but 12 days of being 67 years old. His birthplace was in Washington County, New York. He came to this state and this county in 1854 and has resided here since, having been actively involved, identified with the business and enterprises here up until a year or two ago, at which time declining health compelled him to lead a retired life. His business enterprises brought him a good share of this worlds goods and he was always in sympathy with movements for the advancement of the interests of the city and county.
He leaves a wife and five children, three sons and two daughters; Charles, James and Edward, and Mrs. R. J. MacBride and Miss Nellie, and also a large circle of relatives in various parts of the county.
The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, with services at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Hendren presiding.
Thus far, every month of 1885 has had its frost and if July and August are like June, September will see to it that no month escapes.
A high time is planned for the July 4th celebration in Dan Neffs grove not far from Hutchings. It will give the citys party a lively pull for the first place.
Some of the Washburn people have made up a plan for a basket picnic at Kunishs farm on July 3rd, so they can dance all night, into the 4th.
Shop at J. H. Thayers, New Lawn fabrics, only 5’ per yard; Good Roasted and Ground Rio Coffee at 15’ per lb.; and an assortment of Womens Corsets, half-price, only 25’.
Alex Halversons son took a tumble the other day and twisted his arm in a bad manner. A physician gave him chloroform and bent the arm back. The bone bent instead of breaking. The chloroform didnt strike in and the boy underwent terrible pain.
July 1930
The American Stores Dairy Co. has built a stone wall along the south bank of ONeill Creek to protect it against high water. During the recent flood much of the fill was washed out and threatened to wreck the rail line into the plant.
Bill Farning has about 150 aster plants growing in the triangle just north of the railroad track on Hewett Street. The flower garden is maintained by Mr. Farning in his spare time and it is a commendable project for which he deserves the appreciation of the public.
On Thursday the Clark County Highway Committee met with Chairmen H. C. Portz of Fremont, Elmer Andersen of York, Louis Rach of Lynn, Herman Braatz of Grant, and Geo. Larsen of Pine Valley and let the contract for building bridges in the respective towns as follows: The Geisler and Siems Bridge in Pine Valley to J. C. Moen; the Schoengarth Bridge in Grant to Wm. Ludtke of Augusta; the Hayden Bridge in York to Mr. Ludtke; The Anding and Schuelke bridges in Lynn to J. C. Andraska of Loyal; the Lindow and Foemmel bridges in Fremont to Adolph Portz of Chili. Work on these bridges will begin soon.
Plautz brothers have been hauling gravel the past week to put on the Champa and Stermickles road located in the Gorman area. The gravel is being taken from the Frank Hribar pit.
Dr. Horace Frank, who has just completed his internship at the Marshfield hospital returned to Neillsville last week and will engage in the practice of medicine with his father, Dr. J. H. Frank. Dr. Horace Frank comes highly recommended by the surgeons and physicians with whom he was associated in his hospital work and the community is fortunate in having a young medical man of his training and ability to select this location in which to practice.
A number of Neillsville people who purchased unfermented fruit juice from an oily tongued salesman about six weeks ago are wondering what happened to their orders.
The salesman who gave the name of Shoemaker took orders for the juices and assured the purchasers that within a short time after they received the kegs they would have a wonderful wine with a kick like a kangaroo. In some cases he promised he would come back within a few days and help the customers set the batch and see that it got the proper kind of a start. He also showed them a handsome sketch of a glass water valve to stick into the keg to allow the fermentation to go on without allowing air to enter the keg. The valve was free and given as a special favor.
From reports Mr. Shoemaker had a profitable day and is believed to have collected about $200 from residents who were taken in by his honest appearing countenance.
A shower was held Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lautenbach south of Granton in honor of their daughter Laura, who is to be married Thursday night to Fred Wall of Neillsville. More than 100 friends and relatives of the couple were present and many splendid gifts were received. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. J. G. Booth of the Grant Lutheran Church. After a wedding trip through the southern part of the state the couple will make their residence in Neillsville where Mr. Wall is manager of the Deep Rock Oil business.
Mr. Horn and daughter Rachalla of Eau Claire were callers in Neillsville on Thursday. Mr. Horn started the Overall Factory here, later selling out to C. Rabenstein. Then Rabenstein, in company with Mr. Blum, built up a large business in the overall line in Eau Claire. Mr. Blum states that for more than 25 years their factory has never had a lay-off nor missed a payroll on Saturday night.
A Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel and Chari-O-Plane is set up on the McBride lot, opposite the County Courthouse and is available every evening.
Rug & His Entertaining Band will be at Bartons Barn, 8 miles north of Neillsville on Hwy. 73, Thurs. July 10th.
The baseball game between York Center and Romadka was called off last Sunday because so many players had to help vine peas.
Unemployment is practically wiped out in Neillsville and vicinity. The highway 10 paving project has absorbed a considerable number of hands, the country road crews are all working, the Pea Cannery is busy on its second run of peas and the Bean Cannery started Tuesday with the crop of early beans from Hatfield and Black River Falls.
There is some shortage of help on farms for haying and this will probably continue as harvesting bids are to come on early. Rye is already being cut, barley is beginning to ripen and early oats will soon follow, apparently there will be no slack in work on the farms until after the silos are filled.
The Northern States Power Company is reported to have 200 men employed in building a new line from Wausau to Chippewa Falls, across the north end of Clark County, following closely along Highway 29. Headquarters for the construction are at Owen.
Huntley and Kutchera last week finished placing the Underwood monument at the Neillsville Cemetery, one of the handsomest pieces of work ever put up there. It is a monolith of dark grey Vermont granite, the single stone weighing between nine and ten tons. The piece was transferred from the railcar to Sherman Gress moving truck by the big crane of the Lex Construction Co. Mr. Gress engineered the job of moving the stone to the cemetery and he assisted Huntley and Kutchera in setting it in place on the Underwood lot. On the stones face appears, in the center of a polished panel, the names of Stafford and Underwood; on the back in a similar panel is carved the names of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stafford and all of their children. Mrs. Fred Underwood who died just a year ago is buried in the family lot, having been a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford.
Neillsville coal dealers are busy these days filling up the cellars of customers who wish to take advantage of low summer prices on coal, in readiness for the coming winter.
Mr. Buster Larsen and Miss Gerelda Thompson were united in marriage at 2:30 oclock Wednesday, July 16, at the Congregational parsonage, Rev. G. W. Longenecker officiating. They were attended by Mr. Gordon Sharratt of the town of Washburn, a friend of the groom, and Miss Helen Free of Neillsville was bridesmaid.
The bride wore a dress of pale pink silk chiffon and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas; the bridesmaid wore green silk chiffon and she also carried roses and sweet peas.
After the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. Bertha Thompson, with 15 guests, relatives and close friends of the bride and groom. That evening the young couple left by auto for a honeymoon trip to Chicago and other places.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Larsen of the Town of Washburn. He is a young man of fine character, vigorous physique and well liked by a wide circle of acquaintances. He grew up on the home farm and a few months ago bought the Stanley Battersby farm in Washburn. He has been carrying on the farm with hired help this summer, continuing to drive his truck on a milk route for Neillsville Condensary.
The bride came here from Milwaukee with her parents when she was eleven years old, entered the city schools and graduated from the commercial course in high school in the class of 1927. She was employed two years in the office at the Condensary and for several months past had a similar position with the Neillsville Milk Products Co. She is a young lady of quiet manner, courteous and efficient in her work and has many friends.
On their return from their wedding trip they plan to begin housekeeping at once on the grooms farm.
By a vote of 266 to 22 the citizens of Loyal decided at special election last week Tuesday to sell the village light plant to the Northern States Power Co., for $18,500. With the plant goes also Loyals equity in the line running to Neillsville. It is understood that the Northern States Power Co. plans to expend about $25,000 in remodeling and improving the system.
Quality Market Specials: Swifts Picnic Ham 17’ lb; Marshmallows 1 lb 19’; Oatmeal, large pkg. 19’; Chocolate Drops 2 lbs. 29’ at Prochaska Bros. Owners
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.: Iona Brand Pink Salmon, 2 tall cans for 35’; Powdered Sugar, in bulk, 3 lbs. 25’; Lucky Strike, Old Gold, Chesterfield or Camel Cigarettes, 2 for 25’, or carton of 10 pkgs. $1.25
W. G. Woodward Co. of Neillsville Specials:
Big Joe Overalls, made of 8 oz. Denim $1.49; Mens Underwear, made from fine cotton yarns, with long legs, short or long sleeves, 69’; Work Socks, 5’ or 10’ pr.
For Sale: 120-acre farm, 3 ½ miles west of Neillsville on Highway 10, $4, 000. See Charles Diers.
New Ford Low Prices:
Roadster $435; Phaeton $440; or Tudor Sedan $495
The A & P Tea Co. store was located on the corner of East 6th and Hewett Street in 1930.
A barbershop was in the basement with steps going down along the Sixth Street side of the building.
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