Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

September 22, 2010, Page 16

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

June 1910


A desirable home for a retired farmer, near Catholic Church in Neillsville, house with an acre of land, 100 growing fruit trees, includes all kinds of small fruit varieties.  Also block containing 18 lots on North Grand Avenue, and 3 ½ acres fine pasture land, just east of the water works.  This property will be sold cheap for cash.  See Charles Hudson


For Sale Cheap – nice little house and lot, barn for two cows, hay shed, chicken coop and woodshed, all for $350, if sold this week. See Paul Walk                                                                             


Sherman F. Hewett, all his acquaintances call him Frank, was born in Augusta, Wis., in 1865.  He came to Neillsville, Clark County, when about a year old and has resided here ever since.  He is a son of James Hewett, who came to Clark County in 1856, and who was engaged in lumbering, farming and mercantile business for many years.  The principal street in Neillsville and the Town of Hewett are named for James Hewett.  He opened the first large farm in the Township of Loyal on the 26 Road, on the southwest quarter of section twenty.  He was well known to all the early settlers, many of whom he aided when they greatly needed help.  He was the first mayor of Neillsville.


Sherman F. Hewett attended the common and high schools in Neillsville and then became bookkeeper in his father’s mercantile and lumber business. He was city treasurer of Neillsville five years and is the present county surveyor of Clark County.  He is a candidate for Clerk of Court.                                                           


A quiet home wedding occurred Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. West on Pleasant Ridge, when their son, William West, Jr., was married to Miss Emma Pexa of Alexandria, Minn.  About 50 relatives and neighbors witnessed the ceremony.  Rev. Chapman officiated.  Mr. West recently purchased the Nelson Waterman farm and will move onto it within a few days.                                                                                                


William Garvin of York Center, who spent the summer with his son, A. E., at Dawson, N.D., is home.  He said he doesn’t like North Dakota very well.


Heibel & Gullick the hustling cheese men of York Center have purchased the Christie creamery and will open it up for business in a few days.  They are preparing to equip the creamery for the manufacture of both butter and cheese, and will give the farmers of that vicinity careful and profitable attention. The gentlemen have made a very great success of the York factory and are now seeking to enlarge their field of operations.         


Last week was a pleasant one for the members of the Pine Valley Creamery Association at Sydney, as the mortgage, which the company incurred in starting the cooperative idea, was paid off.  The company is now out of debt and has a most modern creamery.  The payment of the mortgage was made in two years, which speaks well for the prosperity of the business.                                                                                                 


Last Monday, an unthinking farmer tied his horses’ reins about the hub of his wagon wheel, with the result that when the team backed up a little the reins were drawn about the wheel, backing the team into the doorway of the First National Bank.  It might be well to say that there is a city ordinance against leaving teams unhitched on the streets.


We think another cyclone struck Hewettville Monday morning.  There are four boys missing, as well as a beer keg.


All grain threshing in the Clark County vicinity is finished for this year.


Tuesday, John Wolff purchased the interest of his partner, Frank Dwyer, in their meat business and now has full ownership of the business.  Mr. Dwyer has not as yet decided on his future activities.


Tompkins and Pool have just finished the decorating of the McCarl Schoolhouse in a very neat and tasty manner. A steel ceiling was put into the building this fall by Will Poate, which makes the schoolhouse now one of the best in the county.


Christie has a fine school this year with Claude Mills as its teacher. The children can’t help but learn, for Claude has a way of teaching children so that they remember. We wish him success all through the school term.


A harvest dance was held at Heintown hall Friday night. Those present reported a fun time.


The next time Forest Rowe and George Mortimer wish to take a couple of girls home, maybe they should provide a better way of getting the door open, as it gets tiresome waiting outdoors. (Or maybe that was on purpose? D. Z.)



September 1940


Dr. and Mrs. Albert M. Lemburg, enroute from Baltimore, Md., to their home in Fargo, N. Dak., were callers here Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Lemburg, who is grand medical director for a large insurance company in Fargo, was born in Maple Works in 1880 when that little settlement was being built up around the four corners.  He was here looking for some of the old settlers who would help him secure a birth certificate, as the record of his birth and baptism in the Neillsville Catholic Church could not be found.


(The Maple Works community is now Granton. The early Catholic Church records may have been destroyed when the first church building burned after being struck by lightning on June 24, 1923. D. Z.)


Social Security has grown to a giant in its first five years.  In the business world, a concern that half a decade had built up a total of nearly 64,000,000 accounts, with disbursements of almost $3,000,000,000, would undoubtedly be considered a tremendous success.


The yardstick of business is not always used, however, to measure success in the field of government enterprise.  Hence, as the fifth anniversary of the Social Security Act last Wednesday approached, stock was taken in some quarters of the political, social and economic effects upon the life of the nation of federal government’s first venture into the field of old age and unemployment insurance.


The consensus seems to be that expansion, rather than curtailment, will mark the future course of the program, although changing conditions and the exigencies of the shifting political control may bring alterations in the methods of its administration.  No one who speaks with the voice of influence has yet asserted that liquidation of such a concern should be attempted.                                                                                          


There will be a progressive Rally at Grant Town Hall Monday, Sept. 9, starting at 8 p.m.


Paul Alfonsi, Progressive candidate for governor will be the speaker.


A dance and entertainment will follow the address.  All are welcome.                                                                                        


Harold Mattes has constructed a stock shed 70 x 154 feet for the Mattes Livestock Market, located five miles southeast of Thorp.  The building was initiated at the third anniversary sale of Mr. Mattes, held Sept. 4 and 5. The building will care for 1,000 head of livestock.


At the anniversary sale stock to the value of $21,000 was sold in the two days.


At the opening of the sale Mr. Mattes received a large wreath in the form of a horseshoe, presented by the Thorp South Side Improvement Association, of which he is a charter member.          


“Loyal Days” – Friday, Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 13, 14, & 15


Entry Day Friday, Sept. 13; Carl Lawrenz, chairman, Exhibits Committee


“Golden West” Carnival, with 6 Rides, 6 Shows


Lang’s “Blue Ribbon” Heifer Team in harness, to be driven same as a team of horses.


Bands – Loyal High School Band on Sunday; Colby German Band will play Saturday and Sunday.


Exhibits – Amateur Show; Pet Parade – Races


Comical cop, Saturday; Baseball Game, Sunday; Band Concert Sunday evening, 7:30 p.m.


The Loyal High School baseball diamond will be the scene of the final game of the Southeastern leagues’ 1940 season Sunday afternoon, Sept. 15, when the champion Loyal Black Hawks entertain the league’s All-star team. The game is to be played as part of the annual “Loyal Days” celebration, getting under way at 2 p.m.


The baseball game results published the following week were:


Loyal whips the All-star team by a score of 15 to 6.


The All Star players were:


West 3b, of Shortville; Bremer 3b, Neillsville; Ott rf, Neillsville; Billman of Granton; Drescher  rf, Neillsville; Milbreit, c Neillsville; Crothers c Granton; Crandall cf, Granton; G. Kleinschmidt lf, Chili; w. Kleinschmidt Chili; Mott lf, Neillsville; Elmhurst lf, Granton; Podobnik, Globe; Grosnick 1b, Granton; Bracken 2b, Neillsville; Searls 2b, Globe; Lindsey 2 b, Shortville; Henchen ss, Globe; Schoenherr, p. Globe; Matonich p, Shortville and Voelker, p, Chili.


The Loyal Black Hawks:


Helm 2b,; *Noah; *Oestreich 2b; Vogel cf; Hills ss; Clouse rf; Raab c; Nowak 3b; Lawrenz lf; Berg lf; Stumpner 1b; Knoll p.  *Noah, pinch batter and Oestreich pinch runner.                                  


About eight carloads of relatives and friends from Waukegan and North Chicago arrived last week to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petkovsek on their 25th wedding anniversary.  Many Gorman community neighbors attended the party and a five-piece orchestra played for the event.  The out of town guests remained for the Labor Day weekend.


C. C. Sniteman, Wisconsin’s oldest active druggist and Neillsville’s oldest businessman, observed his 91st birthday Tuesday.  It was a quiet observance, however, marked only by considerable congratulatory mail and gifts from many friends far and near.  But, as far as Mr. Sniteman was concerned, it was just another day.  He started the day’s work in the drug store at 9:30 a.m. and stayed until about 4:30 p.m., as is his usual custom.


Some of the rural schools around Southern Clark County area that are once again in session are: Cannonville, Audubon, Sleepy Hollow, Kippenhan, Decker, Ross, Wildwood, Lone Pine, Happy Hollow, Foreman, Hemlock, South Washburn, Pine Valley Mound, Dells Dam, Janesville settlement, Franklin School, Cozy Corner, Heathville, West Eaton, Lyon, Meadow View, Butlerville, Grant, Forest Side, and Blackberry.


Word received by Captain W. B. Tufts yesterday indicates that the local Service Company will be called into Federal Service October 25, 1940.


Present plans call for the unit to remain at the home station for three to 10 days to complete records, start basic training and complete physical examinations of officers and men.


The unit will then proceed to a mobilization center, probably Camp Douglas, after which the regiment will move to Alexandria, La., for winter training.


It is probable that the strength will be increased to 109 men prior to mobilization, in which case approximately 40 additional men can be added to the rolls and go into service with the local unit.


The company has at present, in addition to the 57 men authorized by present orders, 14 men on the inactive list. Any other men, single, between the ages of 18 and 35, who would like to enlist at once to go with the local unit, are urged to do so.


George Laffe was born in Germany January 2, 1860 and passed away at his home in Humbird early Friday morning, September 13, 1940, at the age of 80 years.


He came to America as a young man and was a resident of Humbird for 58 years.  He was a charter member of St. John Reformed Church of Humbird.


His marriage to Lizzie Eisenhart occurred October 26, 1886.  The couple celebrated their Golden wedding anniversary four years ago.


He leaves to mourn: his wife, four sons: Louis and Henry of Humbird; Leonard of Egg Harbor, Fred of Marshfield, and two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Emma) Hagg of Melrose, and Mrs. Hugh (Mary) Iffland of New London and 12 grandchildren.


Funeral services were held from the Laffe home Monday afternoon at 1:45 p.m. and at 2:15 p.m. from St. John Reformed Church at Humbird, Rev. Wilson M. Bixler officiating.  Burial took place in the Humbird Cemetery.


Miss Letha Pietenpol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pietenpol of Granton and Clarence Ganther of New Lisbon were united in marriage at Sunset Point in Neillsville, Saturday, Sept. 14.  Rev. G. W. Longnecker performed the ceremony.

The couple was attended by Leslie Waters and Elaine Pietenpol, a sister of the bride.  Mr. and Mrs. Pietenpol were also in attendance.


The bride has been employed in a beauty parlor at New Lisbon where the groom conducts a filling station.


Specials at H. H. Van Gorden & Sons of Neillsville: See what $1 will buy – Country Girl Flour, 49-lb. sack 99’; Malt Sprouts, 24   5 Protein, 100 lbs. $1.00; Barley, 100 lbs. $1.00; Salt 100 lbs. $1.00, it can be used for pickles, preserving meats and all household uses; 2 gallons Fly Spray, $1.


Vote Melvin R. Laird for State Senator of 24th Wisconsin District, (Clark, Taylor and Wood Counties) Republican party, September 17, 1940


A little son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hoppa of the Town of West Weston.




The above photo was taken in 1930, when Alfred Drescher who owned a threshing machine and steam engine, was custom threshing for a farm customer.  Grain farming in the early 1900s required a threshing machine to separate the grain from the chaff/straw.  In the late 1800s and at the turn of the century, steam engines were used to provide power for turning the large drive belt that set the threshing machine’s many other belts into motion, turning the inside mechanisms that separated the grain, which ran out of a spout on one side of the machine and blew the chaff/straw out of a large pipe at the back, that collected into a large stack.  The farmer’s kids were warned to stay away from a freshly made straw stack, to wait until it settled before trying to climb upon the top, as there was the danger of sinking, disappearing into the fresh straw, being trapped and unnoticed.  In later years, tractors were used to provide power for the drive belt.  Combines have since taken over grain harvesting. (Photo courtesy of Drescher family collection)





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