Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin May 18, 2016, Page 24 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
May 1901
The farm residence of J. A. Pitts in the Town of Seif was destroyed by fire Monday afternoon, together with all its contents including household effects, clothing and such. A forest fire had been raging in that vicinity for a time and all efforts to save the property from the flames were futile. A barn near the house was also destroyed, the flames wiping out every vestige of building on the place.
Pat Kellys Rigs are always found at the head of the procession. Fast horses at lowest rates!
Get a rig and be in line. Stables are at 6th Street West.
Herman Ketel was operated on this week, for removal of crushed bone from his leg, by Drs. Conroy and French. Mr. Ketel has been at Ayers hospital since his accident several weeks ago.
The members of the graduating class this year are: Marvin Jahr, Fred Weeks, Clarence Klopf, Ed Schoengarth, Leland Balch and Minnie Ketchum, five boys and one girl. Rather an unusual division.
Work has begun on Gus Hoselys new residence on the North Side. H. W. Brown laid out the foundation Monday, and the work is in progress. Mr. Trogner has the contract and the specifications call for some excellent work, Mr. Trogner is the man to see it done right.
C. S. Stockwell lost a nine dollar pair of spectacles last week in section 9 township 29, 1 West, in the dark deep woods. He offers $2.50 to anyone who will go into the timber, find and return the glasses. Here is a chance for a loyal lad to earn some money.
During the thundershower of Tuesday, a bolt of lightning struck the barn of Frank Bauer, near Spokeville, setting fire to it and burning it to the ground. There were two spans of horses in it at the time and some calves, but they were gotten out. Some hay was burned. The barn had some insurance, though whether it was enough to cover the loss or not we did not learn.
Rev. John Willan will preach Sunday, 10 a.m. at Hewettville School, at brick schoolhouse 2 miles south of Globe at 2:30 p.m. and at the residence of Mr. Poppe, Ό mile west of Connors mill at 8 p.m.
W. G. Hyslop shipped 114 tubs of butter from his creamery at Pleasant Ridge on Tuesday. The tubs averaged about 65 pounds each or, in round numbers, the shipment amounted to 7,000 pounds. This is the product of the factory for one week. The daily receipts of the creamery and skimming station are in the neighborhood of 25,000 lbs. of milk.
W. G. Hyslop was in the city several days this week on the trail of some rascals who burglarized his creamery at Pleasant Ridge a week ago.
A $25 reward for information; leading to the arrest of the parties who broke into my creamery at Pleasant Ridge on Monday night, May 13, and stole four 60-lb. tubs of butter. W. G. Hyslop
This week W. W. Taplin sold a half interest in his foundry and machine shop to Oscar Eisentraut. It is reported that later the plant will be moved to their lot near the mill warehouse by ONeill Creek, and its capacity enlarged.
William Oldham of Neillsville and Miss Emma Roll were married May 18th, with Rev. Longenecker officiating. They will go to housekeeping in F. C. Wages house on State Street.
A number of trout have been caught in the creek back of the mound, north of our city, during the past week.
A jolly crowd of Neillsville-ites composed of L. G. Masters, H. J. Richard, Mort Tompkins, Magnus Johnson, Chas. Gates, Robt Boullion, Ole Linderud, Wm. Volkman, Fred Simpson and Wm. Heaslett went down to Dells Dam Saturday, to create havoc in enormous quantities among the Muskellunge, walleyed pike, bass, suckers, red horse, sawhorse and various other varieties that are known to infest the depths of Black River at that point. They camped out and enjoyed the outing immensely. Our reporter attempted to interview members of the party on their return and was told ten separate and distinct stories of the amount of the catch. It varies from 6 to 1,500 pounds. But the boys had a royal good time, and fish or no fish they were amply repaid for the time spent.
B. Tragsdorf met with quite a severe accident Sunday evening, while running a buggy into his barn. He slipped and fell striking his chin on a strip of sharp iron, inflicting a considerable cut.
Robert Garvin has an old-timer in the form of a silver coin or medal of the year 1726. It is well preserved and the Latin inscription is still plain.
M. C. Ring is building a fine barn on his stock farm east of the city. It will be 144 feet in length and as good a barn as there is in the county.
(The Ring stock farm was located one and one-half miles east of the city, on Ridge Road, north side, and the barn may be still standing on that property.)
The L. B. Pennock Spoke Factory was one of Neillsvilles lumbering associated businesses back in the late 1800s. Mills for sawing lumber; doing lathe, shingles, moldings and spokes, were numerous in the early logging days. (Photo courtesy of Steve Roberts) |
May 1946
The formal opening of the Neillsville Country Club will take place Sunday afternoon. A mixed foursome tournament play will get under way at 2 p.m., with prizes to be awarded. Sandwiches and coffee will be served following the tournament.
Herbert Borde has been chosen president of the Rotary Club for the ensuing term; D. E. Thayer, vice-president; Adolph Unger, treasurer; Arne Matheson, secretary.
The club discussed the promotion of the new school development and heard from John Mattson an estimate on the cost of the material for lighting an athletic field for night play. The estimate was $1,700 for a football field alone and $3,000 for a combination football and baseball field. Labor was not included. The operating cost was put at $3.60 per hour. Fields thus lighted for night play are in use now in Osseo, Black River Falls, Medford and Marshfield. It was stated that at Medford enough was made in two football games to pay for the installation.
By invitation of the club, at the instance of Lewis Bradbury, Wells F. Harvey discussed a program of development of the school site, favoring the early preparation of an athletic field, equipped for night play. It was maintained by Mr. Mattson that this could be done without curtailing the present rate of growth of the building fund.
Mrs. John Flynn, wife of the city clerk, and their infant daughter arrived in Neillsville Saturday evening from Brisbane, Australia. Mr. Flynn met them at St. Paul, Minn.
White houses without fences, small boys in long trousers, and the large stores were the three things which, upon her arrival in the United States, most impressed Mrs. John Flynn, war bride of Neillsvilles city mayor.
At her home in Brundeberg, Australia, houses are usually oiled, and if painted, a cream color is used, Mrs. Flynn tells The Press. One rarely sees a white house or one without a fence around it. In that respect Australia is like the Neillsville of the 1870s.
Seeing our small boys wearing long trousers, much like their fathers fascinated Mrs. Glynn, because boys in Australia wear short trousers until they are men.
In the stores in St. Paul, Minn., she was amazed at the things you could buy. She saw displays of articles, which stores at her home never had, even before the war, China, curtain materials and other home furnishings were a few articles she mentioned that cannot be purchased at the present time.
They, too, have their shortages of food and clothing, both being rationed, but these are less expensive than in America. Gasoline is very expensive, which is one reason for the use of bicycles as the favored mode of traveling. Instead of a family getting into the car to go for a jaunt, as we do here, each gets a bicycle; those too young to ride alone are provided with seas with mother and father. It is a very level country well suited to cycling.
Mrs. Flynn saw snow for the first time upon our snowcapped mountains. She is accustomed to a mild climate, where only lightweight frocks and coats are needed during the winter season and where beautiful gardens are gown the year round.
Large families are encouraged in Australia, with bonuses and child endowments paid by the government. Approximately $45 is paid for the first child, and $1.25 per week is paid for every additional one. Excellent health clinic have been furnished to aid in the care of the children.
The 10,000-mile-trip to America was completed by Mrs. Flynn and her infant daughter, Gail, in four weeks. She said everything possible was done, by officials, to make the trip pleasant and comfortable.
Marriage Licenses:
Fern Finch, Village of Loyal, and Stanley Crawford, Town of Warner,
Inez Smith, Town of Fremont, and Carl Lichte, Village of Granton,
Caroline N Oryszczyn, Town of Withee, and Peter Gwiazdon, Town of Roosevelt, Taylor County,
Ruth Kuenkel, Town of Hendren, and Tony Ulesich, Town of Hendren
S.O.S. The AlAboard - Needs Help! Wanted - a woman to help cook and a girl for general work. Call in the morning and ask to see J. Reber
Dance at Merry Ol Gardens Satruday, May 18, Wedding Dance in honor of Mae Veurink and Norbert Bruchert. Music by Roger Johnson.
Located on Hwy 73 south of Withee
Public Card & Bunco Party at the York Town Hall, Tuesday Evening, May 21st. Everybody Welcome; Lunch served. Sponsored by the York Farmers Union.
Dance at Stables Night Club every Satruday night. Music by Louie & Art Nemitz - sandwiches served
As long as the Hens Dont Strike, Well keep on buying eggs at the highest prices. Quality Egg Co., Neillsville. Open Fridays til 9:00 p.m.
Ed Podobnik hurled the Owen city team to a 4 to 0 win over Antigo Sunday in the Clark County teams debut as a member of the Wisconsin Valley league. Podobnik went the route, giving up only four hits. Owen meets Merrill at Owen Sunday.
(Emil Podobnik, a native of the Willard-Greenwood area, was well known for his pitching skills on the area baseball diamonds during the late 1940s. DZ)
Every student in Neillsville High School has had some sort of job, either at home or away from home, in the past school year. This fact has been brought out by a survey of the out-of-school activities of local students. The survey was made a few weeks before the end of the school year, and the results have just been announced by D. E. Peters, the superintendent.
When the survey was made, 233 students were present. Of these, 104 were from the city and 129 from the country. But whether they were city children or country children, the answer was the same, that all of them had some outside work to do.
It cost Clifford Riedel of the Town of Lynn $18.50 to haul his car out of the mire on County Trunk B this week. Thats expensive hauling, but the worst of it was the fact that he had to do the work himself.
With spring in the air, and all that it does to a young fellow of 21, Clifford struck out one night last week toward Humbird to see a girl who was slightly more than a nodding acquaintance. But all the romance in the air vanished in the quagmire of County Trunk B. His car not only got stuck; it was virtually floundered.
And there he sat.
Clifford attempted to find a farmer who would risk tractor or team to help him out of the hole; but, according to Undersheriff E. H. Snyder, there was no help to be had.
Finally, Clifford spotted a county highway department caterpillar tractor, which had been used that day on the road. With no other help available, the cat looked like a gift straight from heaven. And, being a young fellow who knows how to handle such things as tractors, and cats, it became, he thought, his salvation.
So he started the county-owned equipment and off he went with it to pull out his car. This he did and headed back for home without so much as completing his journey.
The following day it became apparent to county employees that the cat had been used during the night. And the under-sheriff was called upon to find out about it. His sleuthing brought results. One clue led to another, and finally to Clifford.
Clifford was brought to Neillsville to face a charge of driving a vehicle without the owners consent. But when he told the story to Justice Glen Haven, the law showed it had a spark of romance left. For the charge was dropped and Clifford was freed on the payment of $18.50 cost incurred by the county and the justice in investigating and handling the case.
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