Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin April 5, 2017, Page 10 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
April 1877
We received a copy of the Wadena, (Minn.) Tribune, published by P. A. Gatchell, formerly of Black River Falls. It is a lively little sheet, and we wish it success.
By request, Rev. W. T. Hendren will peach No Dancing, No Lotteries and No Card Playing, at the Presbyterian Church, tomorrow, morning and evening.
The dreadful predicted at the Methodist Church las Sunday evening for ladies who attended dances has no advanced the interest of the Christian religion in this community. Evil be to him who evil thinks.
(Hmm If the speaker were to come back now for a visit, he would be pleased to see that the activity of dancing has, for the most part, disappeared. But, he might find other faults. DZ)
Scarlet fever still prevails at Greenwood among the little ones. So far, we have heard f but one fatal case.
The Arcadia Leader office, with all its contents, was destroyed by fire last week, and the Leader is now issued temporarily, from the office of the Trempealeau Republican.
There isnt enough water in the Black River to float a bean pole. And the prospects of getting logs to market on the spring rise grows less every day.
The ice is all out of the ONeill Creek pond, but there is no more prospect of getting logs out of that stream, than there is on the river.
Lumbermen are hopeful that they will be able to have a log run in June.
The season for croquet and baseball ae upon us. Full outfits for those sports can be found at Crandalls.
Clean up your door-yards and make flower gardens of them. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
George Lloyd has broken ground for his new building on the corner opposite Hewett & Woods.
(George Lloyds hardware store was on the northeast corner of Hewett and Fifth St. DZ)
The commission from this county to the Black Hills, which will start the first of next week, will consist of Messrs. Jas. Furlong, W. C. Goss, and W. W. LaFlesh of this village, and E. D. Carter, Harry Howes, and O. G. Tripp of Humbird. These gentlemen ae nearly all well known to the people of the county, and number some of our best citizens. With wishes for their success, and safe return, we bid them Godspeed on their journey to that land of gold and injuns.
A law of state requires, under penalty of no less than $50, that all persons solemnizing a marriage shall within thirty days report the same to the register of the county in which the ceremony was performed. Physicians, under similar penalties, are required to make returns of all births, and deaths occurring in their practice. Blanks on which to make these returns are provided by the state and may be obtained from any register of deeds in the state, without cost.
The annual removal of rubbish from the streets, the accumulation of the winter, should take place without delay.
Its no sign that a fellow doesnt want to be an angel, if he does swear when he gets swamped on some of the abominable street crossings to be found in this village.
Sawyer has in his aquarium, at Laceys, an odd representative of the finny tribe, taken from the creek, near this village, for which he can find no name. No one here has ever seen anything of the kind previous to its capture. Its general complexion is blue, but it shows many other very bright colors, and is a beauty as well as a novelty.
(Could it have been a rainbow trout? In the early 1900s trout were found in area creeks. DZ)
Last Thursday a drunken man crawled up the stairs leading from the street to the rooms over Johnsons saloon, and fell from the landing to the ground, a distance of about 16 feet. Aside from being badly stunned, and the breath knocked out of him by the sudden appearance of the ground, he sustained no severe injury.
The moral of the tale is, if tales of this kind have morals, is that drunken men should keep their level, which is never one of elevation.
During the first of the week, a middle-aged woman, hailing from somewhere, and claiming to be nearly blind, also quite hard of hearing, did the best job of begging ever done in Neillsville. The purpose she wished to accomplish was that of raising money enough to purchase a cheap yoke of oxen that her son, a youth of 22 summers, and lately married, might be able to work a farm of which she claims to be the owner, and thereby support her in her old age.
A law of the state that every room above the third story, in any hotel, shall be provided with a rope or other means of escape for guests, in case of fire. The law has been pretty generally disregarded in the past, but the recent disaster at St. Louis, Mo., calls loudly for its observance in the future.
No better investment of time or means can be made than in planting shade trees for the adornment of your home.
Constantly worrying over hard times will not make them any better. Take off your coat, and go to work with a hopeful disposition, and there will be found little cause for complaint.
Lay in a stock of industrious old chicken hens for service in your neighbors garden, if you owe him a grudge; they can do more damage during the next month than during the balance of the year.
Farmers in the Town of Lynn area are busy sowing wheat. Owing to the failure of the wheat crop last year in this county, farmers are determined to raise their own flour this summer, if possible. Consequently, there will be a greater breadth of wheat sown in the county than ever before. Winter wheat looks well. The spring frosts do not much hurt it.
April 1942
Three Town of Seif boys took a wild ride down Black River on a cake of ice last week. They escaped with their lives.
The three boys were telling of an exciting excursion on a cake of ice in the swift Black River last week, and were fortunate to be able to tell their story themselves.
The three boys were Clarence Ziegler, Orville Griep, and Clarence Brandenburg.
For three hours on March 23, they waged a grim, thrilling fight for their lives against the cold current of Black River, while the ice cake on which they were floating was ground ever smaller as it was dashed against rocks in the riverbed.
Along with Jim Griep, Orvilles brother, the youths went out to inspect their beaver traps along Black River. It was a warm, spring-like day, and ice on the river was breaking up rapidly.
To get to the one trap, they had to go out onto the ice over the river. Under their weight, a large cake of ice broke awaty from the bank, and carried all except Jim out into the stream.
For nearly a quarter of a mile they rode the ice cake. It became ever smaller each time it dashed against a protruding rock. The cake was still large enough to hold their weight, however, when they reached a rapid.
But there it was quickly ground to a pulp, as it was thrown against rock after rock. Finally, their weight was too much, and the ice cake was broken smaller and smaller. When his companions jumped onto the rock he scouted around for something with which to help them get to shore. It was not long until he had found a wire. Keeping one end on shore, he threw the wire out to the stranded boys.
Clarence Ziegler and Orville Griep awaited their chance and jumped onto a large ice cake as it came by. Then they used the wire to pull themselves ashore aboard the cake of ice.
Clarence Brandenburg decided to swim for the shore. He started out with powerful strokes; but his strength waned rapidly as he struggled against the current and the cold water. As he reached a point a few feet from the bank, he companions saw that Clarence was about to give up. Quickly, they grabbed a poke from the riverbank, and extended it out over the water toward him.
It came just in time, Clarence declared later, for he was just about ready to quit. He clutched the pole, and his companions pulled him ashore.
The Neillsville Milk Products Cooperative has purchased the property to the west of its present location, and is about to develop a cheese factory of importance. The purchase includes the tile building formerly occupied by Degener Hardware, with its site measuring 25 x 96 feet, running from Seventh Street to the alley. The Cooperative has also completed its parcel by the purchase from Harry Roehrborn of a strip in the rear measuring 10 x 56 feet.
The purpose is to construct a new building, to the rear of the present tile structure, which will be of one story and will measure about 32 x 54 feet. This will be a make room, which will be connected with the older building to the front. The older building will be used for curing and storage of cheese.
A permanent home has been purchased for The Clark County Press. The building is known locally as the new Zbinden building, located on Seventh Street, west of Grand Avenue. The building is really now new, but it bears the designation ibn contrast with the old Zbinden building, which was on the corner and which has been wrecked.
Penneys Store Founders Feature 40 Years Ago, We sold thousands of stiff-collars, stiff bosom shirts. But men want comfort today! Now, Men Wear Top-flight Dress Shirts: Stripes, Figures, or All-White, only $1.19 ea.
The job of organizing Clark Countys active civilian volunteer units has been taken over by the American legion posts of the county. The jobs included under this set-up are such as volunteer forest fire fighters, fire-watchers, decontamination squads, etc. For the most part, these jobs are primarily set for cities and villages.
Sayings of a Sage:
Under a war production order there will be a ban on cuffs on trousers. We never did see the need of cuffs, but how far will the government go in this matter of trousers or pants?
(That ban was enacted so as to save cloth. As we think about it, the cuffless style remained, becoming the style, after World War II. DZ)
Now that the cuffless trousers are to be here, where will the boyfriends put their cigarette ashes as they sit on a sofa with their girlfriends?
(Only those of us, who lived during that era, will remember men putting cigarette ashes in a pant cuff when there was no ashtray available. DZ)
Attention Everybody!
If you live in the city or in the country, grow and harvest string beans for canning for the Loyal Canning Company, a Clark County Cannery.
Do your part for defense this year by producing this cash paying food crop.
For details and contracts see a Loyal Canning Co. agent:
Joe Parrish, Neillsville; Archie Lyons, Greenwood, Christie Store, Christie; Mrs. Campbell, Willard.
(The Loyal Canning Factory, built by Albert Sterr in 1924, started production in 1925 as a one-line pea factory. Another line of machinery for green and yellow wax beans was added in 1928; an additional line for peas in 1930, and a whole-kernel corn equipment line in 1946. Elmer W. Sterr was the manager, with Jerome Will as superintendent
The company employed over 300 people during a peak canning season, and one year in World War II German prisoners assisted with harvesting peas and beans for the country.
The Loyal Cannery was influential with the beginning of the annual Loyal Corn Festival, which began in 1958. The cannery supplied the sweet corn, which was served as buttery corn on the cob, free to whoever attended the festival.
The Loyal cannery operated with canning only corn in the 1960s, closing the factory in 1970s. DZ)
(I recall as a child, picking beans for the factory, and we took them to Joe Parrish in Neillsville. DMK)
The above photo is a late 1940s view of the Loyal Canning Factory in operation, which was located on the north side of Loyal, between Central St. and State Hwy. 98. The cannery started production on that site in 1925. (Photo courtesy of Jay Parker.) |
Difficulties in securing material to rebuild and repair barns in the Worden township area recently struck by a tornado were on the way to being smoothed out this week, officials hoped.
The difficulties were presented by the order of the war production board limiting the cost on farm buildings, exclusive of the house, at $1,000. All building work exceeding this amount must be recommended before a permit can be secured to go ahead with the building.
The problem of where to go for the needed approval and permit have been the sticker for some 15 or 20 farmers in need of new barns or out-buildings, the cost of which would exceed the amount provided for by the WPB.
The permit to buy materials, and construct the buildings must come through the federal housing administration. At present the administration is the only agency, which has the proper forms that must be filled out.
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