Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin January 31, 2018 Page 10 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
January 1878
The most pleasing evenings entertainment of the season, in Neillsville, either public or private, was the meeting of the Episcopal Dime Society at Jas. ONeill, Jrs, on Thursday evening of last week. Their splendid residence was thrown open throughout, and the hearty reception extended to all by Mr. and Mrs. ONeill, made every heart glad, and the occasion one of general enjoyment. So pleasantly did the time pass that the wee small hours were well nigh passed before a single guest thought it time for departure. As they reluctantly took their leave, all were of one mind, that in the art of entertaining, Mr. and Mrs. ONeill have few equals, as their home is the place to visit for a good time. May their lives be as full of happiness as that evening spent under their roof was of enjoyment to all present.
One of our citizens left here last Tuesday morning suspiciously, and recent developments establish the fact that he is fleeing the state of single blessedness, and that upon his return he will be a Benedict.
(A Benedict is a married man. DZ.)
Al Brown is a better weather prophet than Prof. Tice. He knew January would be a cold month when dog days came in December.
(Dog Days are an old reference to hot summer days in the month of August. DZ.)
Our friends of Jackson County are to have a new twenty-thousand-dollar court house and a five-thousand-dollar jail, proved the money, or a portion thereof, can be borrowed from the state.
At an evening session of the County Board, held last Wednesday evening, a lively discussion was had for a short time on the question of organizing a new township out of portions of the towns of Hixon and Thorp.
The first of the week, Tom Philpott, the boss high sheriff of this county, went to Jackson County in search of a team of horses belonging to Al Brown, which he lent to a Norwegian last spring to work during the summer for their keeping, and which, he, the said Norsk, traded them away and left the country. One of the horses had been traded to five different parties, but Tom tracked them out, and both horses are now in the possession of their owner.
Several of our citizens report having witnessed the explosion of a meteor on Thursday evening of last week, which it is claimed made a report similar to the discharge of a heavy piece of artillery, and a flash of light resembling lightning.
A bill providing for the division of the Counties of Clark and Marathon, and the erection of the County of Forest, was introduced in the Assembly last Tuesday. Its the same old song, but it will never get through.
Thomas Morris (Mallory) is going to be a lawyer. He is now reading law in the office of J. R. Sturdevant. May the divil fly way wid him if he dont come up to our expectations and make a dasent member of the profession.
You can t always tell by the looks of a man whether he will work or not, as Bussell found out to the tune of the greater fraction of the dollar of our daddies, last Saturday, when he offered Horace Weston and Peter McLow fifty cents if they would pile up several cords of wood left at our office in trade for subscription. The work was well done, but wed like to give some man with an able bodied step-ladder a job of bringing the top of that wood pile down to the reach of ordinary mortals. Pete did the high piling on a sure foundation laid by Horace, and again we are forced to borrow wood from our neighbors during the evening.
Indian summer has been of too frequent occurrence during the past few months to be fully appreciated.
Why not celebrate the Fourth of July one of these fine days? Well never have more time to devote to the cause. No work can be done in the logging due to not enough snow.
With the lack of snow, Doc French thinks they should try sprinkling water on the logging roads, which will then freeze over, and make good sledding.
(Doc Frenchs idea was implemented later, when tanks of water were hauled on sleds, traveling over the logging roads with a sprinkling system so as to ice the roadways. This enabled moving cut logs out of the woods and to the skid-ways along the rivers edge. The logs could then be slid into the river during spring seasons high waters that carried them down to market at the La Crosse sawmills. DZ.)
The prospect of a heavy ice crop in this locality is not flattering for this season, and those wishing to lay in a stock for summer should not depend too much on the cold weather to come.
The Greenwood Band is becoming quite popular with our dancers and deservedly so. Its members are of the finest musicians. May their future visits here be many.
The altar manufactured by Mr. Sterns of this village, and presented to the Odd Fellows Lodge, is of the greatest workmanship and finish throughout, also the finest piece of furniture of its kind we have ever seen.
The Best Place to Buy Drugs and Medicines is at Dr. W. C. Crandalls. In the Regulator Building.
Always in a store a complete variety of Drugs and all the most popular Patent medicines, including: Ayers Family Medicines, Jaynes Family Medicines, Benedicts Preparations, Allens Lung Balsam, Kennedys Medicines, etc.
And also, may be found a full assortment of goods usually on hand in a First-Class Drug Store!
Drakes, Hostetters and Robacks Bitters.
Paints, oils, brushes, school books, wall paper, wax for flowers, dye stuffs, show-case goods, toys and confectionery, tobacco, cigars and pipes.
Musical Instruments
The preferred choice of Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.
Prescriptions neatly and carefully compounded.
W. C. Crandall, owner.
January 1958
The Romadka School District in the Town of York, with $402,000 equalized evaluation, will become a part of the Granton School District next July 1.
This consolidation move was voted unanimously by the Clark County School Committee last Friday following a public hearing.
The addition will give the Granton District nearly 50-percent more valuation, increasing the total to slightly more than $1½ million.
Comprising seven sections of land, a larger area than that of the original Granton School District, the Romadka District becomes the first full district added to Granton. Other consolidations with that district heretofore have involved only portions of other districts.
The county law enforcement committee Monday afternoon accepted the low bid of Fel-Gross Chevrolet, Inc., of Neillsville for three new cars for the county traffic police.
The cash price, plus trade-in of the present units, is $1,779.
Delivery is scheduled within 60 days.
The cars will have black tops with white bottoms, plus several special feathers (surely this was meant to be features.)
Members of the law enforcement committee who made the selection are: H. R. Baird, chairman of the county board of supervisors; Herman Schoenherr, Town of Weston; Richard F. Gaffney, city of Owen; Bernard Neumann, Town of Unity; and George Schmitz, Town of Lynn.
Trinity Aid met Friday afternoon in the parlors of Trinity Lutheran Church in Loyal. The Bible study was led by the Rev. Pfohl and devotions were in charge of Mrs. Verland Dux. Slides of New Guineas were shown, also a few slides showing California flowers. The society approved donations of $25 to Lutheran Welfare, $10 to the Polio funds, and $10 to Lutheran Orient Missions.
Members were reminded to each pay 50 cents to Mrs. Reno Herdrich for their subscription to the Outlook Magazine.
On January 14, members are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. Howard Sturtz, Sr., to sew for New Guinea missions. A potluck lunch will be at noon.
Hostesses were Mrs. Elmer Zimmerman, Mrs. Edwin Anderegg, Mrs. Delmar Bartsch, and Mrs. Elmer Bender.
Members of the Loyal City Council were meeting Wednesday afternoon with Melvin Zettler to resolve questions and formalize his hiring as city police chief.
Zettler, a substitute rural mail carrier working out of the loyal post office, was the unanimous choice of the council when it met to select a new chief Tuesday night. His name was at the top of the list of four recommended of the police commissions list of 12 applicants.
On the applications, according to City Clerk Lawrence Davel, the question of expected salary was raised. Most of the applications listed a salary of around $300 per month, Mr. Davel said and Zettlers application listed that figure.
In addition to the salary, a car expense of $40 per month also will be provided. The chief is expected to provide a car for his own use.
Gerald Cornelius, 15, son of Mrs. Peter Sickles of Wisconsin Rapids, an Oneida Indian Youth, who has graduated from the Winnebago Indian School of Neillsville, has decided to become a Lutheran Minister. Gerald a student from the fourth grade through the eighth grades at the Winnebago School, Neillsville, is now in his second year of study at the Lutheran Academy at Wahoo, Nebr. The academy is a preparatory school from which Gerald plans to enter a seminary. In appreciation of the assistance and help he received at Neillsville, Gerald spent part of his New Years vacation visiting at the school and renewing friendships with the faculty. Gerald gives much credit for his success to Mr. Ben and the Rev. Jack Grether, who befriended him and assisted him during the five years he was a student here.
A 1926 photo of the Winnebago Indian School four or five years after it was built. It was located at the end of West 4th Street, near the Black, River in Neillsville, and was razed after being vacant a few years. (Photo courtesy of Steve Roberts Collection) |
Ed Polnaszek of Thorp was in Neillsville Monday lining up teams to participate in the eighth annual county American Legion bowling tournament, which will be held in Thorp Sunday, January 26. From 16 to 20 teams representing all American Legion posts of the county are expected to participate. Included will be at least two teams from Neillsville.
(There are those who remember Polnaszek when he owned and operated the bowling lanes in Thorp. He was always congenial, seeing to it that everyone had a good time while bowling. DZ)
Childbirth in the home today has become almost as rare as it was common in Clark County just a decade ago.
That was the striking thing about figures reported by Henry E. Rahn, Clark Countys register of deeds, just a few days ago.
Where, just a few years ago kettles and tubs of water were heated on the kitchen stove as all in a family awaited the birth. Todays Clark County children are born within the cleanliness of a hospital.
At least thats the way it was in 896 out of 901 births recorded in Clark County in 1957, Mr. Rahn revealed. For 896 were born in hospitals of the area, and but five were born in Clark County homes.
Members of the Immanuel West Side Evangelical and Reformed congregation officially changed the name of their church to the Immanuel United Church of Christ at the annual meeting Sunday afternoon.
The change is in line with the union of the Reformed and Congregational Church, which has taken place on a national scale; but which will require a considerable time to be implanted on the local levels.
Thus, Immanuel becomes another church group in Clark County to make the move toward the unity of the two congregations when Zion United Church of Greenwood recently took similar action.
Sonny James, recording star whose Young Love record swept the rock n roll world, will appear at a special teenage dance at the Silver Dome Sunday afternoon, January 26.
James, who has appeared in the Ed Sullivan television show, rivals Elvis Presley, but disdains some of the gimmicks employed by Presley. Called The Southern Gentleman, He neither drinks nor smokes. His Young Love recording has reached nearly two million in sales.
The dance will be a truly teenage affair, and for it, Fred Munkholm, Silver Dome proprietor said the bar in the Dome will be closed. Only a soft drink will be available.
Accompanying James will be the Five Strings, a modern rock n roll string, quintet, which forms the background for James.
Neillsville will be host to the regional Alice-in-Dairyland contest, sometime between May 10 and 24, it was announced Tuesday by Donald W. Johnson, secretary of the Neillsville Chamber of Commerce.
The chamber was notified of acceptance of the citys bid for the event by telephone from Wayne L. Wendorf, marketing specialist of the state department of agriculture.
This year the number of regional contest will be reduced from 13 to 10. The local contest will be for entries in region eight, which includes Dunn, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, St. Croix and Taylor Counties in addition to Clark.
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