Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin April 18, 2018 Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
April 1908
Monday night, a meeting of about 50 stockholders of the new Shortville Creamery Association met at the town hall and organized. The following officers were elected: Andrew Short, Pres., Paul Kuhn, sec., J. A. Short, treas. A new churn has been ordered and business will begin about the middle of April.
J. F. Creviston was at Hatfield one day the fore part of the week on business. He and his brothers, Charles and Roy, have purchased an acre of ground along the Hatfield pond that is an ideal spot for summer cottages, and they consider the investment a good one.
I have moved my Tailor Shop over A. Ungers Shoe Store, where you will find me ready at all times to take your measure for a $4.00 pair of pants to a fine dress suit, and I guarantee you a perfect fit and fine work. I am also ready to clean, press and repair your clothing, make them look like new and do the work promptly. Yours truly, Fred Reitz.
A contract has been entered into between James Paulus, who owned the ONeill House, and August Schoengarth, owner of the Omaha hotel, by which they are to exchange properties. Mr. Schoengarth will be receiving the ONeill House with its full equipment, including the barn and bus, in fact the entire hotel establishment, and Mr. Paulus taking the Omaha Hotel together with the lots west occupied by The Luethe Co., and a vacant lot adjoining the hotel lot on the east.
At the last meeting of the committee of the North Central Association of Colleges, Neillsville High School was placed upon the accredited list, which means that hereafter any graduate from this high school may enter any college or university in any state in the Midwest without examination.
It is reported that the saloonkeepers have entered into a voluntary agreement among themselves to strictly enforce all laws and ordinances, removing curtains and screens on the windows on Sunday so that the interior may be viewed from end to end from the outside, minors are to be excluded from saloons entirely, and an earnest effort will be made to comply with the law in all respects. The agreement goes into effect next Sunday.
The Ross teams of horses went down river Tuesday with loads of material for new cottages on the banks of Lake Hatfield to be built by A.H. Holvorson and Ed Holvorson.
Three cases of diphtheria having recently occurred among pupils of the two lower rooms of the North Side School, it was thought best to close that school for a short time to see if any new cases broke out among pupils exposed. The rooms have been disinfected and cleaned, and it is hoped there will be no new cases.
It is reported that a carload of young bass, pike and muscallonge is to be planted in the Hatfield pond, and that a large amount of wild rice is to be sown in the sloughs and bayous to induce ducks to frequent the lake. A good many ducks have been seen there this spring.
Earn three dollars a day yourself, which you are paying to the cream wagon and haul your own cream to the nearest creamery by changing off with your neighbor. We, the undersigned will pay for cream delivered at out skimming station as follows: for cream testing below 25 percent we will pay the same price as for whole milk, for cream testing between 25 and 30, Ό cent per lb. For fat more than whole milk, and for cream testing 30 and above, 1 cent more. Clark County Butter Co.
As a part of the great atmospheric disturbance, this locality was visited by a snowstorm Wednesday, April 29. The snow lay out a short time, but thrifty green grass sticking out through the snow made a fine contrast.
When in need of a hammock, rest assured Tragsdorf, Zimmermann & Company can supply your wants. You can have your choice from 90 cents to $4.50 and they are all bargains.
Ghost Towns
Spokeville, one of the oldest hamlets in Clark County, was located in the boundary, between Sherman and Loyal Townships, on the Soo line, between Marshfield and Greenwood. It had a sawmill, a store, a cheese and butter factory from which it got its name.
Veefkind, located in Sherman Township, intersection of Church Road and Veefkind Road, had a store, a cheese factory, a Catholic Church and sawmill, with the Soo line railroad passing through it.
Coles Corner, one-half mile east of County Y and State Hwy 98 intersection had a town hall, cheese factory and a school house.
Mohle was one and one-fourth mile north of County Road H, east of Fairhaven Avenue and Wood County boundary, a railroad stop on the Soo line.
A west side view of the Hatfield Dam while it was under construction in 1907. The project in building a dam on the Black River at that location provided a nice lake and recreational area that is still enjoyed by many. |
April 1948
1st Lt. Douglas Hagie, who has been stationed in Tokyo, Japan, for about two years, arrived in the states last week on temporary duty. He arrived home Sunday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hagie and family. He came by plane from Tokyo to California and another plane to Chicago. He has to report for duty in California the latter part of the week.
Free Wedding Dance, Tuesday, April 6, to be given by Eddie Rueth and Florence Schmidt.
Music by Howard Sturtz Orchestra at the Silver Dome Ballroom, Neillsville.
Lawrence Stanley was knocked out of his shoes Sunday.
He suffered severe lacerations with a long leg gash, when his motorcycle and a car driven by M.E. Bennett of Neillsville, collided Sunday at the Reed School corner on Highway 10 three miles east of Neillsville.
The impact was one of such force that Lawrences shoelaces were snapped as he was hurtled over the car, Traffic Officer Harry Frantz reported. The heavy ankle-high army shoes he wore were picked up from the wreckage.
Lawrence was thrown over the car and into a ditch, traveling 47 feet through the air from the point of impact, Officer Frantz said. It probably was the soft mud in the ditch. Which saved young Stanley from more serious injury.
He was taken to the Neillsville Hospital for x-rays and treatment and was removed to his home the following day.
Aiding Officer Frantz in traffic control at the scene were Sheriff Ray Kutsche and undersheriff Frank Dobes.
The furnishings of St. Lukes Episcopal Church of Neillsville were taken Tuesday to Our Saviors Church at Lugerville, Wis. This is a parish near Phillips and is served by Deaconess Helen Hill as field worker.
The removal of the church furnishings was directed by the Right Rev. William W. Horstick, bishop of the diocese of Eau Claire. With him was Dr. K.O. Crosby, vicar of St. Katherines Church at Owen, who is in charge of the Neillsville area.
The removal of the seats and furnishings probably marks the passing of old St. Lukes as a place of worship. Bishop Horstick understands that this was the first church building erected in Neillsville. It was used as an Episcopal place of worship for a long time but has not been used for many years. For quite a time, it was used by the congregation of which the Rev. H.E. Webster is in charge, but that use discontinued two years or so ago.
The old church building stands as something of a problem. Its superstructure has in it lumber of value, but the foundation is evidently pretty well worn. The floor resembles the surface of a lake in weather mildly windy, and the walls give some evidence of accommodating themselves to a changing world.
The property has been offered for sale but there have been no takers. For all these years, the Bishop has been paying insurance on it. He would like to relieve himself of the responsibility.
Until a year or so ago, there were two Episcopal communicants in Neillsville, but one of them moved away.
(The Methodist was the first church built in Neillsville, in 1858.
In 1881, a lot on the northwest corner of 4th and Court Street was purchased. In 1877, James ONeill Jr., Freeman, Stanley Chubb and D.B. Dickinson gave $400, then the mission inaugurated to start construction immediately. There were 20 communicants and 11 family members. DZ )
A lease covering a 22-acre site for the Neillsville scout camp was completed here Tuesday, John Mattson told Rotarians Tuesday evening.
The lease covers the two-acre plot of the original scout camp and increases the area of the camp on lake Arbutus by approximately 20 acres. The enlarged camp area has a shoreline of about 1,055 feet, he said.
The land belongs to the Wisconsin Valley Public Service Company, which owns the Hatfield Dam. It has given a 10-year renewable lease, which is now in the hands of Herbert Smith, chairman of the scout camp improvement committee, which was formed about a year ago.
Fire almost destroyed the old Jefferson tobacco building in Black River Falls on Wednesday morning. Heavy loss was experienced by Bruce Van Gorden, owner of the building, by the Nelson Muffler Co., which occupied the greater part of the building, and by Upton Distributing Co., which handled produce.
The building was a large wooden structure, almost 200 feet long, consisting of basement, two stories and attic. The fire broke out at about 5 a.m. At that time, the night watchman and fireman, having attended to their duties, were in the office. When they heard the fire alarm, they did not know that the fire was in the roof of their building.
A green light for the Mead Lake project of Clark County was given by the public service commission at Madison last Thursday. While the formal order of approval was not immediately issued, assurance was given the delegation from this county that the project is acceptable and that the order will follow.
The presentation was briefly made by a group consisting of Arthur Stadler, chairman of the county board; Mike Krultz, Jr., county clerk; Al Covell of the county forestry service; Lowell Schultz, chairman of the park commission; Emil Noah, chairman of the Town of Mead.
The action of the commission will open the way for the construction of the dam, which will hold back the waters of the Eau Claire River and create a lake in the Town of Mead, available for resort purposes.
The Rev. Jess Norenberg, preaching Sunday morning at the Congregational Church, came on with his sermon just after Dr. Sarah Rosekrans had sung an impressive solo. At the start of his address, Mr. Norenberg said that he was thankful for two things. The second of those things was serious and did not make quite the impression that was made by the first. The first thing he was thankful for he said, was that the solo was sung by Dr. Sarah and not by Dr. Milton.
It was 50 years ago, on April 28 that the local soldiers, known than as Co. A. Third Wisconsin Infantry, left for the Spanish-American War.
Castle Hill is located on the Main Boulevard between Merrillan and Black River Falls.
Serving Refreshments, Steaks and Sea Food. From 6:00 to 12:00 p.m. Daily.
Dancing by Wurlitzer to the latest dance pieces.
(During that era most nightclubs and taverns had a hardwood floor area for dancing and a jukebox that provided a choice of the latest recordings. Customers didnt just sit, before and after eating, they wanted to dance. DZ)
The city of Greenwood has been designated as the location of the prospective home for old persons of Clark County. This action was taken by the county board. A resolution to this effect was introduced at the instance of Supervisor Baird of Greenwood and signed by himself and supervisors Brinkmeier, Zallar, Schultz, Rasmussen and Braatz. Upon the vote, there was no opposition; members from all parts of the county extending this expression of goodwill to Greenwood.
Nine consecutive strikes by Charles Barr of the Kiwanis Club Monday night cost the Neillsville Rotary Club about70 dinners and the highly prized interclub bowling trophy.
Barr, a 124 bowler, was hotter than the proverbial firecracker when the Rotarians and Kiwanians went into their third, and deciding, game of their annual challenge match.
At that point Rotarys three teams were leading by 145 pins, and it appeared that they had the situation well in hand, barring accident.
The accident they failed to bar was Barr, himself. Charley took an eight on the first frame, then let loose a torrent of 10 consecutive strikes. He finished off with a spare and a total of 279 pins.
In as much Barrs performance was 155 above his average, and the Rotary bowlers fell by 101 pins, the latter had tentatively decided Tuesday to present the interclub bowling trophy to Charley, personally, rather than to the Kiwanis team.
Kiwanis three-team total for the three games was 7,387; Rotarys, 7,286.
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