Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin August 29, 2018, Page 10 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
August 1918
The Red Cross ladies at Christie will have a dance and pie and ice cream social at the Mound School Tuesday evening, Aug. 2nd. Each lady is requested to bring a pie. Auctioneer C. A. Olson will auction off the pies. Everybody come.
L. Bedell of Tioga took his brother, Wales Bedell, to Neillsville Tuesday where he left to join the military service.
Hays Lambert has bought the Rawleigh medicine business from Joe Zilk and has taken possession. He will make the territory in the usual prompt manner and will take care of the needs of the Rawleigh patrons in the same careful manner as in the past.
(There may be some of you who remember the Rawleigh or Watkins traveling salesmen who went door-to-door during the 1930s-40s, selling products such as cough syrup, ointments, spices, vanilla, extracts, cold drink flavorings, etc. My mom always bought vanilla and spices from the Rawleigh salesman. DZ)
Mrs. Henry Hubing and baby came from Union, Mont., Monday to spend the summer with her father, A. Hake, as her husband has enlisted and gone to war.
Delivery of the new Clark County history is now being made. The volume is a very nicely printed and bound book and is an especially valuable history of the county, well written and quite authentic. The book is illustrated throughout with engravings of Clark County men and women with an abundance of biographical sketches. There have been histories of the county issued before this, but the present history is by far the most extensive and elaborate of any and is a book, which should have a place in most homes in the county.
(The 1918 Clark County history book is a 747-page two and a-half inch thick volume with county history starting from the countys beginning. Those whose biographies are in the book and to pay $25 to be included in the history book. A few of these books still remain within the community. DZ)
(I the transcriber am in possession of one of them, given to me by my mother, and whose Grandfathers bio. Is in it. Weve about worn that page out. And the hard covers are in need of repair. Dmk)
Dates of the 1918 Wisconsin State Fair are Sept. 9 to 14, inclusive.
The exposition will be open six days and five nights.
Admission during each day is 50 cents; during each night 25 cents.
Fred Neverman has reopened his barbershop and is now located in the Kappellan building at the rear of the Plaza restaurant. This room was at one time occupied by Mr. Kappellan as a shoe store and is nicely adapted for use as a barbershop, being well lighted, convenient and closed to the business center of the city.
(Kappellans building is located on the southeast corner of East Sixth Street. DZ)
Next Sunday morning, appropriate services will be held in connection with the dedication of the service flag of St. Johns Church. Services will be held at 10 oclock in both English and German.
The Fuel Administration called on the public, east of the Mississippi River to stop using gasoline for passenger automobiles, motorcycles and motorboats on Sundays until further notice. Unless voluntary action on the part of the public improves the gasoline situation, notice is given that the administration will be obliged to enforce prohibitory regulations.
Notice to all parents of School District No. 2 of York and Weston. All children under six years of age will be weighed and measured at the schoolhouse on Saturday, Aug. 31st, at 2 p.m.
On Wednesday of last week, Miss Joyce Dwyer and Ernest Snyder were united in marriage at the Presbyterian Church at Rockford, Ill. The groom has been at Camp Grant for several months and the wedding came upon the eve of his departure for active service. Mrs. Snyder is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dwyer, a graduate of Neillsville High School. The groom is a Neillsville boy who was born and grew to manhood here. Both the bride and groom have lived here since childhood and have a very large circle of friends who will extend to them their very best wishes for their future happiness.
(A few years after Ernie Snyder returned from military service, he started a recreational development near the Wedges Creek Dam, six miles west of Neillsville.
The original 1800s Wedges Creek Sawmill Dam, in the Town of Hewett was replaced with a concrete dam by Ernie Snyder in 1927. That dam was in place until 1992, when it was removed. Through the efforts of the Clark County Parks Committee Chairman Lawrence Behling and the collective efforts and contributions of many, the new Snyder Dam II was completed in 1994.
In April of 1929, Ernie Snyder announced that the Pinecrest 9-hole gold course, which he had developed on his land adjacent to Snyder Lake and Park, was ready for play. The Pinecrest Golf Course operated until 1936, when the courses clubhouse was destroyed by fire, forcing the courses closure. DZ)
August 1958
A yield of 92 bushels per acre of oats by volume and at least 100 bushels by weight, was reported this week as Clark County farmers went into the harvest of what appears to be the largest oat crop in in local history.
This record yield was reported at the Arthur Kuechenmeister farm, Rt. 1 Neillsville. There, 10 acres yielded 920 bushels by volume. With the kernels well filled and heavy this year, it was believed that the 100-bushel mark would be closer to the actual measure by weight.
In the early 1930s, small grains were threshed out by using machines such as that shown above. The threshing machine was powered by a large tractor with a drive belt that ran from the tractor to the thresher. The above photo was taken of Alfred Drescher who owned the threshing rig, going from farm to farm in a neighborhood, doing custom threshing with the farmers helping one another, grain hauling and pitching bundles into the threshing machine. |
Now Open For Business Country Resale Store, 4 miles West of Neillsville on Hi-way 10 & 1 1/2 mile north.
Selling Furniture, Stoves, Refrigerators, Dishes, Sewing Machines, Household Equipment, Kitchen Utensils, Clothing.
Opening Special: New Glass Berry Dishes, for only 25’ a dozen!
Mrs. Julius Martens, Proprietor.
Dollar Days!
Thursday Friday Saturday
Skinless Wieners, 2 lbs. $1, Sniders Catsup, 2 btls 29’,
Fig Bars 2 lbs. 39’,
Sunkist Frozen Orange Base, 7, 6 oz. cans 99’;
Natural Kay Cheese, 1 lb. 58’.
West Side Food Mart - Ernest Korth, Proprietor,
W. 5th St., on Hi-way 10, Neillsville.
Dollar Days at Model Laundry!
Thursday Friday Saturday
Mens Trousers, Cleaned, Pressed 2 for $1,
Unpleated Skirts, Cleaned, Pressed 2 for $1,
Located at West 6th St.
David Bragg has received his discharge from the Navy and arrived home last week, after about 16 years service. He and Mrs. Bragg will operate the farm they have purchased from Mrs. Braggs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ratsch, in the Pleasant Ridge community.
Two new homes are to be built in the Sherwood community.
The Norman Freedlunds are tearing down their old house, preparatory to building a new one.
Wayne Schwanebeck is busy hauling sand for a new house.
Members of the Zion Lutheran Parish of Granton raised the five main arches onto the foundation of the church now under construction at Windfall Corner. The raising took place last week, with from 30 to 40 men of the congregation turning out to make light work of it. Both architect and engineer are surprised at the speed with which the work is being done.
The old Jack Parrett farm home, opposite the former Oriole Hill School in the Town of York and a landmark of the area, is being razed.
The house has been bought by Herbert Kurth of Neillsville, who plans to use the lumber in building three cottages, to be erected near Hatfield.
The outbuildings on the farm were recently sold to Al Marg of Neillsville. One by one, they have been torn down and the lumber was sold or removed for other use.
(Oriole Hill School was located at the intersection of Chili Road and Curley Creek Avenue, near County Road C. DZ)
While Walter Roehl, Chili farmer, was a patient at Memorial Hospital, his neighbors got together and took care of his threshing. Mr. Roehl has been suffering from sciatic pains in his hip and leg and has been a patient at the hospital for two weeks. His wife and 18-year-old son, Gary, a senior this fall at Granton High School, are caring for the farm work and milking 25 dairy cows. Before entering the hospital, Mr. Roehl got the grain cut and in shocks, then neighbors came to have a threshing bee for him.
Neillsville Rotarians held a steak fry at Schuster Park Monday evening. The club accepted an invitation from Kiwanians to hold a joint meeting in October at which time the 30-voice Mens Chorus of Thorp will sing.
(The Mens Chorus of Thorp eventually included singers from throughout the county, and then became known as what is now the Clark County Male Chorus. DZ)
Approximately $500 was raised by the Neillsville Kiwanis Club at the Clark County Fair last weekend at their barbecued chicken stand. Every Kiwanian took his turn and the project was a success.
This report was brought to the club at the meeting Monday evening. This is the third year of the project, which is conducted for youth service and community betterment.
(After 62 successive years, the Kiwanis Club members were again at their food stand during the 2018 Clark County Fair, selling chicken to the fairgoers. DZ)
Marriage Licenses:
Charles Klieforth, Abbotsford and Marlis Ann Fenske, Abbotsford, to be married August 23 in Abbotsford,
Frank R. Soborwicz, Town of Thorp, and Marlene Ann Ciolkosz, Town of Hixon, to be married in Thorp, August 23,
Clark Bender, Town of Fremont, and Sally Jensen, Town of Fremont, to be married in Chili, August 23,
Wallace Garbisch, Town of Grant, and Patricia Martin, Marshfield, to be married August 30 in Granton,
Raymond Joe Miller, Town of Loyal, and Caroline A. Aumann, Loyal, to be married in Loyal, august 23,
Harvey D. Spangler, Neillsville, and Luanne Schmidke, Town of York, to be married August 23 in York Center,
Edward Schwellenbach, Town of Weston, and Ronda Lynn Ehlers, Town of Washburn, to be married August 23 in Neillsville,
Donald A. Aumann, Milwaukee and Betty Irene Pflughoeft, Town of Pine Valley, to be married August 30 in Neillsville.
Approximately 200 school desks and seats will be given away free, east side of the old Neillsville High School building Friday morning.
The unusual event will take place between and 9 and 11 a.m. at the east front door of the school, Supt. D. E. Peters, announced. They will be available to individuals, with a limit of three to a family. All sizes are available.
People after the seats and desks should go prepared to haul them away at that time.
The old units ae those formerly used in the old high school. With the modernization of school facilities in recent years, the board of education has found there is now a ready resale for such seats. Rather than to junk those for which use might be found, they are making the gratis offer.
The Neillsville schools have been changing over gradually to the seat-desk type., which is now the accepted standard in American schoolrooms.
Sunday, Dr. Sarah D. Rosekrans took part in the sixth event of importance to Mrs. Robert (Charlotte) Drescher, of the Town Grant.
She sang Brahms Lullaby at the christening of Mr. and Mrs. Dreschers infant son, James Robert, in the Congregational Church in Neillsville.
Besides presiding at the babys birth, Dr. Rosekrans also sang at the wedding of her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Covell, presided at the birth of Mrs. Drescher and her brother, William, and sang at the christening of Mrs. Drescher.
Excavation for the basement and foundation of a new telephone building to house dial equipment was started in Neillsville Tuesday.
The building will be located on Hewett Street next to the Farmers Store building in a vacant lot, which has been used as a parking lot.
Herbert M. Smith of the Badger State Telephone and Telegraph company that operates the telephone service here, said that problems, which have delayed construction of the automatic deal system were resolved last week in a visit he made to Washington D. C.
Clark County, one of Wisconsins great dairy counties, salutes Miss Barbara Haslow of Chili on her selection as Wisconsins Alice in Dairyland.
The new school building being erected east of Shortville on Highway 73 by a joint school district of Sherwood, Levis and Washburn, is nearing completion and is expected to be ready for fall term August 25. Mrs. Gertrude Reams will teach the sixth, seventh and eighth grades; Nancy Kuehn, Granton will teach fourth and fifth, and Mrs. Esther Ziegler will teach grades one, two and three.
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