Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI April 17, 2019, Page 8 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled and Contributed by Dee Zimmerman |
April 1909
Chas Decker as was at Eau Claire Monday and purchased an International auto buggy. It was brought here Tuesday over land.
Neillsville Bock beer, brewed from the finest hops and malt money can buy, and stored six months in ice cold cellars, now ready, in bottles. 24 bottles for $1.25, delivered.
Gilbert Johnson and Len Howard received a carload of Reo automobiles Saturday, and they are busy injecting the automobile fever into a few possible purchases.
Circa 1915 through the 1920s, Len Howard owned and operated the Howards Studebaker Sales and Tire Shop that was located in a two-story building on the southwest corner of West Fifth Streets. Previous to that, he had been in a Reo dealer partnership with Gilbert Johnson. |
Robert McCalvey left Tuesday for Clark, S.D., where he will spend the summer with his daughter, but will return in time for the homecoming this fall.
A Boston firm recently offered a prize for the best definition of what constitutes success. A Kansas woman was awarded the prize, and this was her answer: He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earths beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.
J.J. Servaty of Owen was here over Sunday. He made a pleasant call at the newspaper office Monday. Mr. Servaty is now employed by the Owen Lumber Co., in selling their lands, and, and he is having great success in settling up the north end of the county. As an illustration of the way settlers are coming into Owen. he says that there are five families from Ohio waiting there now for the weather to settle so that they can move onto farms in this area.
Gen. William Booth, founder and commander-in-chief of the Salvation Army, celebrated his eightieth birthday on Saturday, April 10, and the event was made the occasion of rejoicing all over the civilized world. The Army itself held big meetings in every city and town where it is established, and these were participated in by hundreds of thousand of other citizens who were glad to do honor to the distinguished philanthropist.
Gen. Booth himself presided over several monster mass meetings in London. His advanced age and the fact that he was operated on recently for cataract did not deter him from his devoted life.
William Booth was born on April 10, 1929, in Nottingham, England and was trained for the Methodist ministry, which he entered and became of the strongest evangelistic forces in that church. He grew dissatisfied, however, at reaching only those with some religious training and conviction. He felt that there were thousands whose need was far greater, and he gravitated to the east end of London where wretchedness of all kinds was rule.
In a disused burial ground on Mile End Road he pitched an old tent and the first Salvationist meeting was held in the tent in 1861. The fiery eloquence of the earnest young preacher caught the attention of a crown of poor Whitechapelers and before that first meeting was over he had made several conversions, a performance that he has been repeating throughout the world for 47 years.
Mrs. Wm. Tragsdorf and baby and her sister, Miss Olena Flagstot of Harmony, Minn., are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Tragsdorf for a few days before starting for the Panama Canal, where Mrs. Tragsdorf will join her husband. Bill will also a have a chance to interview his first-born son for the first time.
Shortville News:
Floyd Hagie sawed wood for C. Hall Saturday and for Arthur Wilding Monday.
Mr. Knutsons family arrived last week from Lester Bay. Knutson and son have been staying alone and taking care of the livestock since Bruski left.
H. Wagners team took a little run while Herman left them on the corner while he went into the Shortville Store as he was brining a cow and calf home. We think the team wanted to give the calf a ride for his life.
Wm. Swan is building the belfry on the schoolhouse in Dist. 1 this week.
Tioga News:
Rev. Roberts of Eau Claire was here Tuesday for the purpose of organizing a Sunday school, appointing Mrs. Mary Schwamb superintendent.
Mr. Phillips sold his farm to Elmer Mund and left here Monday with his family and household goods, going to Beloit, Wis.
Quite a number of farmers are busy making maple syrup. Mr. Ziegler has made about 35 gallons of maple syrup and some maple sugar.
Mr. Ziegler lost a valuable cow one day last week, caused from drinking sap.
Mrs. Bigelow has the first baby chicks of the season in this locality.
Steve Marlin is cooking for Dave Woods sawmill crew.
(At that time, every farm had a flock of chickens. Each spring, baby chicks were ordered from a local hatchery, or some had their own setting hens that hatched out baby chicks. Through the summer, the young chicks grew up to replace colder laying hens, and a few were for fryers. Dom rog the eggs the hens produced went for home use and the rest were an income when sold or exchanged for needed items at a local grocery.
One of my farm chores was to keep the chicken coop clean, feed and water the chickens each day and gather the eggs, that had to be cleaned, then stored in the 30-dozen crate kept in the cool cellar, ready for sale at the market on Saturday. DZ)
March 1949
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Quicker won the mixed doubles bowling on the Neillsville recreation alleys last Sunday night with a handicap score of 1,295. They were approximately 60 pins over the nearest competitor.
Mrs. Quicker paced the hubby-wife team with a total of 543 pins, with a rousing 240 game boosting the total. Mr. Quicker bowled 541 for a total of 1,084 actual pins. Their handicap was 211 pins.
The new uniforms of the Granton High School band will be given their first public showing at a concert next Tuesday evening, at 8 p.m., in the village hall. The chorus also will participate in the concert program..
Silver Dome Ballroom Announces Opening of 1949 Dance Season.
Easter Sunday, Apr. 17 Pat Lautenbach & his Varsity Boys Orchestra Admission 50’.
Dancing Every Sat. Night Starting April 23.
Now Booking Wedding Dances,
Call X6511, or See Us in Person at the Supper Club, Neillsville.
Rev. N.J. Dechant confirmed 14 young people at Zion Reformed Church last Sunday morning.
They were Wayne Grap, Roger Henchen, Elaine Henchen, Betty Pflughoeft, Margaret Reber, Janet Seelow, Mary Pflughoeft, Nancy Francis, Paula Bradbury, Gene Zaeske, Hubert Quicker, Jr., and Hans Harder.
These members, Kurt Hediger, Ilene Henchen and Roger Schemenaur received baptism. Each member of the class was presented with gold crosses, a gift from the church, and their confirmation certificates.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Richmond and family left Clark County for a ranch in Whitetail, Mont., Wednesday morning.
They shipped three box cars by rail, with household goods: a tractor and some young cattle.
Floyd Alstot furnished two trucks in which their milk cows were transported. Chester Turville and Frank Wilson went along to milk the cows and care for them on the way.
Herman Hediger, on whose ranch the Richmonds will live, accompanied the group. He drove through with his truck. Mr. Hediger and two friends from Switzerland will build a milk house on the ranch before returning to Neillsville.
James H. White, and Clara E. Brussow, both of Loyal, were married by the Rev. Chadwick in Appleton last Satruday. The marriage was the second for both of them.
Coast-to-Coast Stores Fishing Tackle At Low Cost!
Casting Reel $2.39, Casting Line From $1.09 to $2.19,
Tackle Box $2.89, Minnow Bucket $1.89
Casting Rods From $2.89 to $9.85.
Herb Bordie, Prop. Neillsville.
With a five-man council sitting for the first time, the Neillsville City Council and mayor Tuesday night completed organization for the conduct of city affairs for the next year.
Making his first appearance as a member of the council was George Tibbett, who is the first alderman of the new fifth ward. Other councilmen, all of whom served during the year just past, are Ernest C. Karnitz, first ward; J.H. Hoesly, second ward; Arthur Carl, third ward; and Arne Matheson, fourth ward.
Kenneth Dyre, of the Trondhjem community near Greenwood, escaped serious injury last Friday when he jumped as the tractor he was riding overturned. In the jump, however, he injured his shoulder, arm and suffered a head cut, which required a few stitches to close.
Mr. Dyre was backing the tractor down an incline at the time. The tractor backed onto soft earth on one side, and that side settled on the incline causing it to overturn.
Two casualties resulted from an early-season baseball game at the Shortville School last week. Billie Hansen suffered a sprained ankle, and Roger Phillips suffered the fracture of a couple fingers.
(A sure sign of spring was when the rural school children were out playing games of kitten ball, now known as soft ball, during noon recess. All ages were out, the older students letting the little ones play as extra outfielders. That was the rule in the small country school that I attended. DZ)
The Clark County board of supervisors, Wednesday afternoon, appropriated $40,000 additional funds for the development of the proposed Mead Dam. The vote came after two and a-quarter hours of discussion. Forty supervisors voted for the appropriation: 17 against.
The Presbyterian Missionary Society, which has functioned for the last 19 years without an active congregation or church, will meet hereafter but once a year.
This was the decision of members at their meeting April 12 at the home of Mrs. Adelaide Lowe. The one meeting per year will be an annual Christmas party, which is held customarily at the O.W. Schoengarth home.
The society has continued to function since the Presbyterian Church was razed by fire February 1930.
The membership includes Mrs. H.L. Albright, Mrs. Ed Allen, Mrs. Fannie Bue, Mrs. Florence Counsell, Mrs. Walter Beilfuss, Mrs. Oluf Olson, Mrs. Adelaide Lowe, Mrs. Albert Holt, Mrs. Schoengarth, Mrs. Dave Taylor, Mrs. T.M. Winters, Mrs. P.M. Warlum, Mrs. Marie White, Mrs. Ed Wahl and Mrs. A.C. Martin.
The high school girls bowling banquet was held at the Merchants Hotel party room Monday evening.
Pins were presented to the two first place teams, Lucky Strikes, whose members are captain Ardith Suckow, Leta Lindner, Geraldine Reinart, Dorothy Pflughoeft, and Gretchen Korth, and Bowlerettes, members being Captain Mary Ann Smith, Midge Audorff, Elva Schaefer, Alice Buchholz and Mary Ellen Holt.
Honorable Mention was given to Carole Wang, who had high average for the year of 131; and Alice Buchholz, whose 183 game was high. Thirteen girls were cited for perfect attendance.
New officers for the 1949-1950 season are Elva Schaefer, president; Alice Buchholz, vice president; Shirley Shaw, secretary; Betty Voigt, sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Ell Lee has been the leader of the organization and will continue as such for the coming year.
The hiring of Henry Lukes, La Crosse State Teachers College senior and baseball star, as physical education director and coach for the Neillsville Schools, was revealed this week by Supt. D.E. Peters.
Among his other duties, Mr. Lukes will be in charge of summer playground activities here and will begin this work about June 15. The summer playground will operate for both boys and girls during the summer months in much the same manner as it did last year.
A veteran of the European Theater of World War II, Mr. Lukes will come to Neillsville with a fine record in competitive college sports. He has been a member of the La Crosse State Teachers College baseball team for four years and has been the varsity pitcher for the last three years. In 1948, the La Crosse team won the Teachers College League championship.
In addition to baseball, he has been a member of the varsity basketball team for the past four years and has been a member of the football squad. He is physical education major and has taken a complete coaching course during his college career.
W.W. Witich, director of the La Crosse school, commended Lukes to the school board as one of the outstanding seniors.
Lukes is married and has one small child.
(I knew Mr. Lukes in my high school days at Neillsville High School from 1953-1957, thus I changed the name in the article from Lukas to Lukes. Dmk)
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