Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI June 12, 2019, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled and Contributed by Dee Zimmerman |
June 1899
The Gollmar Bros. circuss elephant created considerable amusement and not a little trouble, Tuesday morning, by breaking away from his moorings and meandering down the avenue on a sight-seeing trip of his own. His escape was unnoticed until the animal had gotten far out of sight, and the whole forenoon was consumed in the search for his whereabouts. He was finally located in the vicinity of Ross Eddy, quite a distance from town. The big fellow waded Black River, evidently having little faith in the strength of the bridge holding his ponderous weight.
The little people rejoice that vacation is near and after tomorrow they will not have to respond to the summons of the old school bell.
Dr. John Conroy, a recent graduate of the college of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and Chas. Conroy, have established themselves in Greenwood, the latter having purchased the Buland Drug Store.
The old Clark County Bank block, owned by Mr. Jesse Lowe, is undergoing a series of improvements, the chief among, which is a twenty-five foot extension to the rear of the building, when completed will be occupied by Gilbert Johnson, the clothing merchant. The store will then have a depth of sixty feet.
A disastrous fire occurred at Chili, last Wednesday afternoon, which destroyed one million feet of logs belonging to the Galloway Lumber Company. The blaze originated by sparks from the mill chimney and by reason of the heavy wind that day, could not be gotten under control. It was with difficulty that the village was protected from the fire.
During the electrical storm, last Monday night, lightning struck in several places just outside of town with trees along the roadside principally receiving the bolts.
The New Richmond cyclone was attended with greater loss of life and property than any storm of its kind ever recorded in the history of the United States. In the neighborhood of 100 bodies have already been taken from the ruins and the work of recovering the dead and wounded is not yet completed.
Messrs. Dave Ross and Emery Bruley have gone to New Richmond, the scene of the recent disaster, the former to ascertain whether his sister, Mrs. Maggie Scott, wife of the editor of the New Richmond Voice, had been injured, and from whom no telegraphic information could be received up to the time of their departure. It is reported that Mr. Scotts newspaper plant was completely demolished.
Several Neillsville people drove to Loyal yesterday to swell the crowd in attendance at the G.A.R. reunion.
The Field Day exercises, last Saturday, between Marshfield and Neillsville High School teams were greeted by a large concourse of witnesses, the day being unusually favorable for athletic exhibitions.
The result of the meet proved a victory for the Marshfield boys, but the home team made a splendid showing.
They participated in the following events: Quarter-mile bicycle race; Standing broad jump; Half-mile run; Running hop, step and jump; Shot put; 220-yard dash; Baseball throw; Running high jump; Half-mile bicycle race; Standing high kick; 440-yard run; Running broad jump; Hammer throw and 100-yard dash.
Active preparations are being made at the Neillsville Brewery to soon put on the market a bottle beer as flawless as that of the keg beer. Carpenters have been erecting a large icebox. Also Mr. Trogner has made a few hundred boxes for delivering the bottled beer. Bottles of the celebrated Loop Seal pattern and beautiful labels have been ordered, and soon, Neillsville will have a model bottle beer department to help swell the industries of the city and of which it can ultimately be proud.
Mr. Joseph Lowe has embarked in the furniture business, having placed in his Sixth Street store building an immense stock of furniture, fixtures and supplies, which he offers for sale at rock bottom prices. He invites inspection of the stock and entirely new goods display.
The Robert French sawmill in the Town of Day was entirely consumed by fire, last Friday night, along with 80 cords of shingle bolts and 10,000 feet of lumber. It is understood that the loss is complete, with no insurance on the property. Mr. French will at once put in a portable sawmill to finish up the work in his yards.
(Robert Frenchs sawmill was located near the Black River, one-and-a-quarter miles southwest of the junction of highways 73 and 95 then known as Day Corners, or three miles south of Neillsville. DZ)
June 1944
How the Class of 1944 Left Old Neillsville High School!
Fifty-four seniors received their diplomas at the commencement exercises held at the Neillsville Armory on the evening of Thursday, May 25.
The program began when Mr. Keohane played a march, to which the seniors entered the hall.
They wore, again this year, red, white and blue gowns. Following this, Rev. G.W. Longenecker pronounced the invocation. Miss Patricia Allen, the salutatorian, gave the address of welcome and the Girls Glee Club, under the direction of Miss Goeres, sang two numbers.
The speaker of the evening was Silas Evans, president of Ripon College for 29 years. Mr. Evans subject was, Loyalty to the Changeless Realities. He said that many of us are sure now we are living in a crisis, but the world is a series of crises; any time is not worth living in if it is not a crisis.
Mr. Evans pointed out some of the changeless things in this world, songs of birds, all music, water, and air. In the beginning God created all things and man merely discovers them and learns how to use them. The great and real thins in life always exist. The people change or the surroundings in outward appearance only, but the basis of it all has been the same for thousands of years and probably will be for thousands more. The fundamental laws, such as the law of gravity and the law of continuity, never change.
Mr. Evans cited the four loyalties that a country must have in order to exist, namely: home, church, school and state. He said you may never have a substitute for a home. In a home is the great triangle: man, woman and child. A country is never stronger than its hearthstones. Many go about complaining about youth delinquency, but it really is parent delinquency. If the parents were more careful and attentive to their children, there would not be half as many young people going wrong.
As to the second, he said we must remember that the church is an unchanging foundation stone, and people should learn to look at religion more.
In America, we have one of the best school systems; still many of us wonder why it is defective. The reason is simple. It is because it is run by human beings.
Last came loyalty to state, of which he spoke thus: People should love all nations, just as they love all people, but they should be loyal to America and love it best. Anything worth living for is worth dying for, such as freedom and justice.
Mr. Evans concluded by giving this closing word of advice: The world is not going to be as bad as you think, nor as good as you think. If you stand up for what you believe in, everything will come out pretty well.
The old Neillsville Armory and Opera House as it appeared shortly after it was built in 1892. The building, constructed at a cost of $10,000, was intended to be both a military and social center for the area in its early days. On Oct. 15, 1940, the local National Guard Service Company unit was inducted into federal service as war broke out in Europe. |
This weeks Clark County Press headlines: Invasion Its a Blazing Battle of Men and Machines Established Beachhead With Relative Ease Along 100 Mile French Coast, Clark County Boys Help in Eisenhowers Big Push.
When the people of Clark County heard the great news of the invasion effort in Europe, the thoughts of many of them were intensely direct and personal. To the extent unknown to them, their sons and brothers and friends were helping in that effort.
For instance, there is First Lieutenant Lowell Huckstead, whose service is known to be on a troop carrier in the air corps. Was he in the first wave of planes, towing gliders to the strategic point in France? And young Adolph Schaub, son of a local father of the same name; he is a paratrooper. Was he among the first to be dropped upon French soil, and was he engaged in that first sharp and vital clash with the Germans?
And Sgt. Kenneth K. Kannenberg, a glider mechanic; was he working day and night to make possible the rapid service of the gliders: and what of John Bauernfeind, a paratroop rigger in the ninth Air Force? Was he working to the limit to make sure of a safe landing for the boys who were jumping?
And how about the local men in the air service? Were they part of that mighty force, engaged in bombing and strafing, smashing the Nazi communications and wrecking installations? Quite a number of them from Clark County were known to be in England Staff Sergeant Raymond G. Giwojna, tail-gunner on a Liberator; Sgt. Norman Drescher, ordnance service of the Air Corps; Sgt. Jack Crothers, bombardier on a Flying Fortress; Sgt. Willie Vandeberg, waist-gunner on a Flying Fortress.
Others of this area, known to have been in England for the big push, are the following: Sgt. Robert Dahnert of the Army; Pfc. DeWayne Schweinler, member of a tank destroyer unit; Joseph Beaver, corp. technician; Pfc. Donald Gress of the Army ordnance; Capt. Oscar Gluch; Pvt. Al Nesbitt; Corp. Gordon W. Campbell, Sgt. John Genteman; Capt. William Ender; Peter Beck; Sgt. Arnold F. Elmhorst; Wallace F. Schwellenbach and Capt. Raymond Ackerman, both of the Army; Lieut. Arthur R. (Stir) Wagner; Staff Sgt. Allan Clouse; Pfc. Maurice Daniels of the Infantry; Pfc. Kenneth Bennett and Corp. Lloyd Sly of the Army; Marvin Benedict; S/Sgt. Fred Bick; T/Sgt. Frank Lesniewski, shop foreman of the automotive repair shops of the Eighth Air Force; Pfc. James Cotter; Sgt. Arleigh Davis of the signal corps; Pfc. Thomas Sonnentag of the Army; Corp. George Thiel of a service squadron; T/5 First Lieut. Harold VandeBerg of the Army; Staff Sgt. Louis Schmidt, Army combat engineer; Pfc. Robert Karl, Army; Cpl. John Christie, evacuation corps; Pfc. John Kaudy, paratrooper, who is probably in England.
This list is not complete. It is the best that we could get done on short notice.
(June 6 was the 75th anniversary of D-Day during World War II. It seems appropriate for us to take time out in remembering and honoring the many servicemen who served during that time. We, of the older generation, should share the World War history that we know, telling out grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Also tell them of family members who fought in our nations wars.
Recently a teenager asked me when World War II was and where it was fought. DZ)
(My second husband was in Europe in the Army, first in Alaska, and after a furlough sent to Europe, his one brother was in England and the other brother was in the Pacific, all at the same time during World War II. Dmk)
Stamps for the federal tax on autos have been placed on sale at all post offices. These stamps cover the federal tax of $5 per vehicle, due July 1, and the stamp must be affixed to the windshield not later than that date.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Davis have purchased the Ed Kedrowski house on North Prospect Street and plan to occupy it soon.
An urgent request has been received of the Red Cross workers here to hurry in making surgical dressings. This emergency grows out of the second front and the quickened temp of the war on all fronts. The estimate of the military authorities is that more than a billion dressings will be required in a single year. The total output in Neillsville, since the work started September 16, 1942, has been 464,100 dressings. Upon this work there has been about 45 faithful women, some of whom appear at several sessions each week. We need more help, in order that our quota may be quickly filled, said Mrs. Herbert M. Smith, who is chairman in charge.
Pfc. William Arch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Arch of Willard, has been wounded in action in Italy, according to word from the war department. In a letter, which arrived shortly after the war department notification, Pfc Arch told his parents that he was recuperating and had received the Purple Heart.
Harold Gall is back in Loyal for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gall, after having spent 25 months in the Pacific combat zone. His service was on a landing boat. The young man is the nephew of Ed and Ted Gall of Neillsville.
Marriage Licenses:
Alice Ampe, Town of Loyal, and Raymond Reinertson, Kelly, Iowa.
Ethel Hamann, Marshfield, and Harold Lindekugel, Granton,
Adeline Wehling, Town of Loyal, and Earl Koller, Kenosha.
Willys Builds the Rugged Jeep.
Its a Light Truck, Passenger Car, Light Tractor, & Power Plant!
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