Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI June 19, 2019, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled and Contributed by Dee Zimmerman |
June 1904
August F. Snyder Exclusive Clothing And Furnishings Store, From June 1st to July 1st
Will Give A gun Free! To Every Boy Purchasing a Knee Pants Suit!
There will be Sunday worship services at Shortville Church at 10 a.m., Dells Dam at 3 p.m., and Methodist Church at 7:45 p.m. with Rev. Griffs as preacher. Sermons topic will be What and Where is Hell.
The roll of paper enveloping cheap tobacco, opium and other tan-yard products, with a fire at one end and a fool at the other, have a few saying it is a good antidote for brain development and physical development in a child. Parents and teachers seeking help in countering this influence should and the right men to the next legislature.
North Grant News:
A large delegation of the community attended the childrens festival held in Neillsville Sunday. Also, there ere those who attended a picnic in the woods near Fishers Church.
Neighbors of William Schoengarth helped him with raising a large barn, Monday. The weather was fine, and the work progressed likewise.
F.S. Riedel had a sheep-sheering bee on his farm last week.
A group of young people went camping in Gottlieb Pischers woods last week.
Globe Community:
George Rupprecht is building a 20x30 addition to his store, making it a fine place.
The Clark County Butter Company let a job Tuesday, to build a new house for the butter-maker to live. It will be located near the factory.
Everyone is working on repairing the roads.
Fred Grap is building a 20x30 stone hog pen on his farm.
Mr. Donahue is running a small grocery store in his home in Ketel Hollow.
(A family with the name Ketel lived near the intersection of East 2nd and State Streets, that the name Ketel Hollow was used in identifying the location. It was sometimes also referred to as Dutch Hollow. DZ)
For Sale: 160 acres of Wildland, in Sherwood Township, Clark County, 8 to 10 acres wild meadow, Price $1,300. Address F.F. Wallace, Brook Post Office.
One of the coolest, cleanest places in town is at Listemans bottling house at the rear of the Neillsville Brewery.
Sunday afternoon, while Chas. Rason, wife and young son were out for a buggy ride, going down Seventh Street in front of August Storms saloon, a football with which some boys were playing, struck one of the horses that then shied around the corner, throwing the boy out, and the wife jumped out. No serious injuries from the incident.
A new wagon has been invented with two fifth-wheels with one on the hind axle, so when connected, the front wheels turn one way and the hind wheels turn the opposite direction. It is a great thing for short turning.
Don Hoffman, son of Horace J. Hoffman of Jersey City, N.J, formerly of Neillsville, will graduate from the Trinity School in New York City this week at the age of 15 years, standing at the head of his class with a marking at 98 per cent, and winning the principal honor of the class, the prize for oratory. This boy was born in Neillsville.
On the 4th of July, the women of the Congregational Church will serve warm meals, lunches, ice cream and cake in the diningroom of their church. Its a nice, cool and comfortable place to rest and take your meals.
A new solid brick store is being built on Seventh Street, adjoining the Klein store, 24x48 feet in outside dimensions. The second story will be used as an extension of Wasserbergers saloon and Klein store. Charles Wasserberger is the owner of the property and is putting up the building.
The cobblestone pavement on the citys main street is coming up to make way for the new macadam.
Some gutters have been laid from the merchants corner to the Hewett Street bridge and will be continued for some distance up on the north side of the bridge, then macadamizing will begin in earnest.
A magnificent monument of gray granite reached Neillsville from Vermont last week. Its weight is nineteen tons, one piece alone weighing eight tons, and it required an entire rail train car for its transportation. It is a tribute of the Eilert family to the memory of Ernest Eilert, the Neillsville brewer, who died at their home in Fresno, Calif., and was brought to the old hometown for burial. The makers of this beautiful memorial sent a man along to place the stone. It will be one of the most expensive monuments in Neillsvilles increasingly beautiful City of the Dead.
This is an early 1900s photo taken of an Omaha freight train while it had stopped near the Neillsville railroad depot, to leave a delivery item it was hauling. The last freight train to pass through Neillsville was in late 1981, after 99 years of service to the area. The Omaha railroad track ran between 7th and 8th Streets with its route being from Merrillan to Marshfield and back. |
June 1949
The entire study body of St. Marys Catholic School participated in the May crowning ceremony Sunday afternoon. Ruth Ann Burr was chosen as queen and the other members of the graduating class formed the court of honor. The queen and her attendants were in formal attire. Graduation exercises took place on Tuesday evening, May 31. The seven graduates were: Ruth Ann Burr, Frederick Dux, Louis Koran, Lorraine Meissner, Delores Statz, Joanne Wasserburger and Thomas Tibbett.
The former Episcopal Church building in Neillsville, recently remodeled into office space by W.B. Tufts, has been purchased from Mr. Tufts by the Lynn Mutual Insurance Companies. The purchase was made June 1, which date, incidentally, marked the 71st anniversary of the Lynn Insurance Companies. The building is located adjacent to the Armory, at the corner of Fourth and Court Streets.
The Dairy Divot Diggers are arriving in force for their big golf feature, which takes place here Thursday. They will play 18 holes of golf and will eat largely and pleasantly in the evening. The affair is strictly stag, with no women on hand to curb language or distract the attention. At the golf club, great preparations have been made, including special arrangements at the nineteenth hole.
The local committee, consisting of Hubert Quicker and Roy Neperud, has received a flood of acceptances. The Divot Diggers consist of dairy plant operators and salesmen of supplies. The plant men will come from a radius of 125 miles. Some of the salesmen will come from Chicago and the Twin Cities.
Since the dairy industry operates seven days a week, every week of the year, the surprise to some may be that there are so many Divot Diggers. But Hubert Quicker says dairy plant men just have to play golf; otherwise they would go nuts.
Grand Opening of the Pine Rich Tavern On Hwy 73,
4 1/2 Miles South of Greenwood or 10 Miles North of Neillsville.
Wednesday, June 15 Free Lunch Good Music - No Minors Allowed.
A Ten-Year Plan, Neillsville style, which is being completed in just 11 years, is the claim of Otto W. Lewerenz.
This weekend, Mr. Lewerenz is observing his 11th Anniversary as a restaurateur in Neillsville, and the completion of the 10-year Plan, which has made his service one of complete production from farm to stomach.
Starting a small restaurant on a side street in 1937, the Sweet Shop owner said this week that he had little then but dreams. As the restaurant prospered, the dreams were brought into reality, until now it is a complete farm to consumer operation.
In addition to the restaurant, there is an ice cream manufacturing business; two complete and independent locker plants; the operation of several farms; the mile and produce from which is processed and sold through the Sweet Shop outlet; a meat curing and smoking department, in which modern smoking and injection curing are employed; a pastry bakery, and other enterprises operating under one roof.
Marking the anniversary, Mr. Lewerenz is holding an open house in his plant Saturday and Sunday, when all people interested are invited to look over the 10-Year Plan that was completed.
The Northside and Southside Brownie troops gathered at the Ray Burr residence Thursday afternoon. Games were played, and each Brownie was given a pony ride. The Brownies entertained their mothers with a pet and hobby show. A picnic lunch was served and enjoyed by all. Mrs. M. V. Overman and Mrs. Kenneth Manz are the Southside troop leaders; and Mrs. Ray Burr and Mrs. Martin Feuerstein are leaders of the Northside troop.
A final workday to prepare the camp at Lake Arbutus for the summers program of activities will be held Sunday afternoon, it was announced this week. All persons interested in helping to put the camp in order are invited to help. The suggestion is made that each bring along a picnic lunch and join in a supper at the close of the afternoons work.
The workday will be the second conducted there this week. The first work day was held last Sunday afternoon when 23 Neillsville people joined forces to clean up the camp and start several improvement projects.
The mess hall and administration building were cleaned, a new flag pole was erected, a new door was installed, and the bridge was repaired. Other improvements also were started, including digging vaults for latrines.
Rabid Chili baseball fans cost their Bluebirds team a forfeit to the Neillsville Athletics Sunday afternoon, just as the Bluebirds were scenting victory in their Cloverbelt League game.
It was a near riot that followed a close plate decision in the seventh by umpire Swede Moberg of Neillsville. Griepentrog, running for Lindow, who had wrenched a knee in a play at first, scampered for home as Bert Voelker, Chili pitcher, hit to second.
Bud Bremer made the play at home, and umpire Moberg called Griepentrog out.
A dozen or so Chili fans swarmed abound Moberg heaping abuse upon him. Others nearby joined in. One grabbed the umpire by the collar. Another stood on the outer fringe of the crowd with a baseball bat in his hands. Fortunately, however, nothing more than a verbal barrage was unloosed.
Umpire Moberg called for the crown to clear the field, and then called for aid from traffic officer Harry Frantz. The Chili baseball team members tried to help; but the fans refused to leave the field to permit play to be resumed.
After an extended lapse of time, in the last half of the seventh, it looked like Chili had finally got to a wavering Jackie Leonhard, Neillsville mounds-man.
Voelker started the third inning for Chili and held the Athletics to three scratch singles in the five innings. Leonhardt gave up six hits.
Hank Lukes was warming up for fire when the game was called to end by the umpire.
A tightening of law enforcement is on at Greenwood. The plan includes a night officer and night sessions of justice court. The prompt result is a slowing down of traffic on the important highway running on the main street of the city.
The night officer is Kenneth Marden, a Greenwood man. The night court is presided over by Robert Johnson, justice of the peace. The policy of the court is to make justice available quickly, with the result that Justice Johnson is available to hold night court. He does not make the culprit linger long before the fine descends.
The efforts of Mr. Marden are added to those of Earl Sloniker, who has been chief of police and general utility man of the city for 15 years. Mr. Sloniker catches speedsters also, and the local labors of himself and his associated, Officer Marden, also being supplemented by Traffic Officer Lorris Dusso of the county traffic squad. The result is that Greenwood is becoming a spot of reference to which drivers need to exercise all due caution. The city rate of travel is 25 miles per hour, the same as the legal state rate of municipalities, and is not healthful to take a chance on driving faster, by either day or night.
A discovery as to the night speed enforcement was recently made by Marvin J. Hardinger of Marshfield, who sped through Greenwood at 1:20 a.m. To him, Greenwood looked like a quiet city, in which the well-behaved citizens were all duly and properly asleep; each in his own proper bed. But he failed to take Kenneth Marden into account. Officer Marden was awake and took after Mr. Hardinger, bringing him back to Greenwood where he eventually faced Justice Johnson and paid a total of $9.47, fine and costs.
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