October 20, 2021, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"
Extracted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Index of "Oldies" Articles |
Clark County News
October 21, 1937
Stock Market in terrific nose dive
Prices on the New York stock market took the worst drop in a number of years this week. The market had been sagging for a number of weeks, and new lows were reached ten days ago. Monday of this week the bottom seemed to fall out completely and issues dropped from 3 to 15 points. Tuesday there was a slight rally.
The fact that foreign investors are selling heavily with fears of war, the unsettling of industry because of strikes and the federal government running into the red under President Roosevelt at the rate of over 100 million dollars a month were the big factors.
Concrete walls for new post office building
The concrete in the foundation walls of the new $70,000 federal building in Neillsville was poured in exactly 12 1/2 hours Saturday by the Ebbe Construction Co. The newest type of mixer on the market was used and go-carts were used to wheel the loads of cement as quickly as mixed.
Zor Temple Shriners
The Zor Temple Shriners are planning the most extensive trans-continental pleasure trip ever to start from Madison to the National Shrine Convention at Los Angeles. Special invitations for the tour of Master Masons and friends are being prepared by officials. The tour will include side trips into Old Mexico, Canada and other places of interest. For information write W.L. Miller, Zor Temple, Madison.
Shot through window
Friday a bullet passed through a south window in Mrs. Myrtle Handke's home, apparently coming from the southeast. Luckily no one was in range. Mrs. Handke thinks that it was simply a stray shot and that no harm was intended.
Prize announced Nov. 14
The announcement of prize for naming flour, offered by H.H. Van Gorden and Sons, is set for Nov. 14, instead of Oct. 14. It will take that long to make a selection.
Written by students in Home Economics
The following is one of a large number of articles written by students in the Home Economics department of the Neillsville High School on timely topics:
One of the subjects which was studied recently by the ninth grade Home Economics class was the care of the hands and nails.
During the class recitation it was decided that to have lovely hands we must do three things: keep our hands clean, keep them soft, and keep out nails manicured.
It was also decided that dark colored nail polish was taboo. If lighter shades of polish were to be used the nails must be kept in perfect condition. Anything to the contrary would cause undue criticism from our friends and teachers.
Our instructor demonstrated correct procedure in caring for our nails and the students following her demonstration then gave themselves a manicure. Written by Lenore Landry Joyce Stanton
Poor honey crop
Wm. Lowery of Granton, bee inspector for Clark County, is the owner of a good many colonies of bees and keeps closely in touch with the honey markets. He states that the late honey crop was very poor, and many colonies are going into winter with a limited supply of food. Mr. Lowery predicts a strong market for honey, a view that is confirmed by reports from various parts of the country.
Osseo has horse show
The Osseo horse show, which had been postponed because of sickness among horses in this section, is being held October 21.
October 16, 1947
Homecoming to be held by high school Thursday
Annual event next week to include bonfire night before big game
The annual Homecoming celebration of Neillsville High School will be held next week.
Highlights of the event will be the huge bonfire on the Condensary parking lot at 8 p.m. Wednesday night, the Homecoming football game against Greenwood High's Cloverbelt conference team, and the Homecoming dance at the Armory starting at 9 p.m. Thursday night.
Preparations for the event will get under way earlier in the week, with the voting by high school students to select a King to preside over the celebration. The name of the winner will be announced at the bonfire and pep rally Wednesday night.
King to select
The King, unlike kings of yore, will be privileged to select his own queen, who will preside with him over the Homecoming events. Incidentally, the king and queen will be formally crowded at the dance which winds up the Homecoming celebration. Throughout the day Wednesday high school students will use whatever time they can find to scour the city for any material that will burn. This will be heaped into a pile on the Condensary parking lot in preparation for Wednesday night's big doings.
Bonfire Wednesday
The bonfire amply aided by kerosene, is slated to be touched off at 8 p.m., and a close watch will no doubt be kept guard against premature firing.
The high school pep band will be on hand to whip up enthusiasm. Talks by members of the football team, and group cheering - all pointed at the annihilation of the Greenwood invaders on the following day - will form the bulk of the program.
A snake dance will climax the bonfire and rally and will wind through the business district.
Character Day
Thursday will be "Character Day" at the high school. Pupils will dress about as they please, impersonating whomever their fancy dictates. In the old days it was called "Hobo Day," or something like that, recalls Supt. D.E. Peters.
Perhaps the change in name can be understood for that, since the coming of the bobbysoxers, rolled blue denim jeans and Sloppy Joe sweaters, it would be difficult to tell the difference between a hobo dress and the usual kind.
A pep assembly is scheduled in the morning Thursday, and teachers frankly don't expect that they will impart much knowledge during the morning classes. At the assembly the prize "Character" will be selected.
Play Greenwood
The afternoon activities will open with a parade, in which class floats, the high school bands, and the high school "characters" will pass through the business district and march on out to Dick Albrecht's field, which will be pressed into service for the gridiron clash. The use of this field is being donated because of the construction work now under way on the football field and baseball diamond at the fairgrounds. Game time is 1:45 p.m.
Homecoming dance
The grand wind-up of the Homecoming will be the dance at the Armory. Mary Ann Kintzele, general homecoming chairman, says that a good band has been secured, and she assures that a good time will be in store for all Neillsville high grads and boosters. The orchestra will start playing at 9 p.m. and during the grand march the Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned.
Landmark building is whisked to new setting
All shored up and hitched behind a truck originally built for reconnaissance work in the army, the former G.W. Trogner carpenter shop was whisked away to a new location last week.
The building, a landmark for 76 years, was moved from Grand Avenue, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, to a foundation already laid for it on North Bruley Street. There the shop will form the basis for a new house being erected by Mr. and Mrs. William Simek.
Very nearly a week was taken to get the building ready for its three-quarters mile trip; less than no time at all to do the actual moving. The building was erected in 1871 by Mr. Trogner; after his death several years ago, the building was used as a carpenter shop by John Moen and Arthur Kunze, and in recent years has been used for storage of building materials.
Flying spit puts boy in hospital
Donald King, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgar King of Pine Valley, has been in Memorial Hospital since Monday afternoon, when he fell from a bicycle injuring his head.
Donald was riding behind his brother, Maynard, 15, on a seat which had been provided, when it is reported "a boy riding on a bike in front," spit and hit Maynard in the eye. Maynard lost control. The bicycle skidded and threw Donald to the ground landing on his head. Donald was dazed and in considerable pain about the temples. He was taken to Memorial Hospital where he has been under care and observation since.
500-pound boar attacks man
Grant farmer comes out second best in action, treated at hospital here
Wasyl Ponomarenko, a farmer residing four miles east of Neillsville, came out second best in a tussle with a 500-pound boar that he was feeding at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. The bruises and lacerations he received were such that he entered Memorial Hospital for examination and first aid. "I have been feeding the boar pig for two years," Mr. Ponomarenko said Monday, "and he never attacked me before. I will not be able to keep it longer. I will have to sell him."
The injuries sustained were painful, but not too serious, and he is getting around again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ponomarenko came to America six years ago from Ukraine and located in Grant township.
Mrs. Seif to serve as guest Grand Page
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Seif are leaving this week for Albuquerque, N.M., where they will visit relatives. October 16 through 19 Mrs. Seif will attend the grand chapter meeting of the Order of Eastern Star of New Mexico.
Per The Press, October 17, 1957: "All eight youngsters of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Langreck of Neillsville, Rt. 1, were baptized in a ceremony at St. Mary's Catholic Church here Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Joseph Eisemann. They ranged from seven years of age down to seven days. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larsen, neighbors, who are shown in the picture taken on the steps of St. Mary's church immediately after the ceremony. In the picture, front row, are (l. to r.) James, 3; Gerald, 6; Diann and Donna, twins, 5; Patrick, 2; and John, 7; and back row Mr. Larsen, Mrs. Larsen holding seven-day old Dennis; Mrs. Langreck and Harold Langreck, holding Daniel, 1." Editor's note: The Press incorrectly reported in 1957 that all eight children were baptized the same day. Dennis was the only one baptized that day. The rest of the children were baptized shortly after birth. |
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