1946-47 Owen High School

Cloverleaf Year Book Index

Yearbook property of: Elsie (Lipprandt) Anderson

Transcribed by Robert Lipprandt


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Owen High School Activities


Annual Staff

(Page 2)


Seated, Left to Right:  F. Neibacher, E. Johnson, P. Hamm, A. Devine, B. Mattson, G. Parkinson. 


Standing, Left to Right:  D. Thompson, Miss Boyington, S. McMillan, S. Stolp, D. Lulloff, B. J. Kraut, D. Long, D. Clifton, S. Toraason, I. Hofmann, B. Schwarze. 


This committee of seniors has worked throughout the second semester to prepare this publication. The new venture assumed by its members was to acknowledge all types of credits earned in Owen High School through expanding the period of time covered by this year book.




(Page 24)


Seated, Left to Right:  V. Otto, J. Madsen, E. Bjornstad, P. Karup, F. Baxter, V. Smith, M. E. Allen. 


Second Row, Left to Right:  J. Ackerman, P. Hacker, N. Crowley, B. Arola, K. Buchholz, R. Sluzewski, P. Bladl, W. Piotrowski, E. Glenzer, L. Maki, B. Marking, N. Hamm, E. Gay, B. Hull, J. Welker, A. Mills, D. Thorson.


Third Row, Left to Right:  B. Hilts, L. Schneider, A. Burhop, H. Plummer, K. Roohr, M. Stuve, D. Thompson, D. Clark, J. Stuve, A. Arp, F. Buchholz, D. Gudex. 


Fourth Row, Left to Right:  D. Long, M. J. Heibsch, P. Hamm, Il Hofmann, J. Klabon, J. Wollum, B. J. Kraut, I Ciokiewicz, B. Allen, N. Horn, M. Barnaske, B. Johnson, J. Samek, E. Smith, R. Bingham, J. Mahoney, Mrs. Schulze, F. Meinhardt, D. Southworth, H. Erickson, B. L. O’Dell. 


This year the high school band, under the direction of Mr. Schulze, consisted of fourth-four members. The students worked hard and presented two concerts, in each of which entirely new arrangements of number were introduced. 


The first concert was on December nineteenth. Both the band and orchestra played. The selections included Christmas numbers and popular airs. 


The second event was a March concert in which the band played several overtures, some Boogie Woogie and a few compositions of modern music. We also worked on two musical narratives, “A Bed Time Story,” and “A Little Bit of Pop.” 


The march we have chosen for the annual music festival at Eau Claire is “Marching Band.” 




(Page 28)


First Row, Left to Right:  V. Otto, B. Kraut, A. Wilksman, D. Laabs, D. Clifton, B. Marking, A Schafer, M. J. Hiebsch, N. Crowley, T. Devine, D. Long, N. Hamm, S. Toraason.


Second Row, Left to Right:  D. Gudex, J. Arndt, P. Bladl, L. Maki, R. Purgett, P. Hamm, V. Lott, M. E. Anderson, E. Glenzer, S. McMillan, W. Piotrowski, Miss Nolan. 


Third Row, Left to Right:  J. Stuve, P. Sugden, D. Thompson, M. Barnaske, M. Stuve, D. Southworth, H. Erickson, B. Johnson, M. Bernsee, J. Wollum, D. Klemetson, J. Klabon. 


Fourth Row, Left to Right:  B. Hull, E. Gay, V. Gilbertson, L. Schneider, E. Gay, M. Smith, W. Wesevich, G. Southworth, A. Smith, F. Baxter, V. Ivey, D. Hull, J. Madsen. 


Sidney Toraason, Accompanist



(Page 18)


Patricia Hamm - Typist. Mary Stuve - Junior Representative. Darlene Lulloff – Typist.

Miss Boyington – Sponsor. Herbert Ewan – Senior Representative. Arlene Mills – Freshman Representative. Anita Schafer – Sophomore Representative.


Each member of this group had a specific duty for the entire year. The senior officer was in charge of all editorials and features articles; the junior representative took care of all special articles; the sophomore members gathered all the news items; and the freshman worker was responsible for the humor. 


Only one substitution was necessary during the year. Gerald Behringer served as the sophomore member during the first semester but resigned because of pressing work. Anita Schafer was elected to fill the vacancy. The work of this group was to edit a column of school news each week in the local newspaper, “The Enterprise.” An additional duty was to care for and acknowledge all exchange publications. 


Events Calendar

(Pages 36 – 37)




  3        School began today. We haven’t decided whether we’re glad or sorry.

  5        Oh, oh! Look at the green brigade!

16        Football is here again. Today our team plays Neillsville.

23        The Mason animal show came to O.H.S. to entertain us. This was the first number on the forum program.

24        Monthly class meeting were held.

27        Owen meets Cadott on the “green” today. Freshman! Oh, what an initiation you were given!




  4        Owen boys play Thorp.

  8        Class meetings were held in the afternoon.

  9        Owen plays Greenwood.

18        Owen and Cornell play today. The sophomore return party is held this evening.

21        All seniors go t Wausau to have their pictures taken for the annual.

22        Several O.H.S. girls helped with the inoculation program this afternoon. 

24        The proof’s of the senior’s pictures came this morning. Quick work!

25        A school inspector gave us the “once over” this morning. Withee and Owen tussle for the pigskin. Homecoming celebration today. They certainly were good, those lads. The “O” Club gave a homecoming dance, with Guy Woodford playing.

28        The Curtis Publishing Company’s salesmen was here today. You know what that means? Work kids, work!!!

31        The Halloween party emerged tonight with a bonfire, games, stories, wiener roast and all the trimmings. What fun! 




  5        Class meetings were held just before noon. Owen and Loyal play basketball tonight.

11        Armistice Day. An assembly program was held.

12        Our basketball boys went to loyal and let that team beat them. For shame!

15        The inoculation program is on again this afternoon.

19        Owen Boys travel to Abbotsford tonight.

20        Mr. C. E. Jones put on a very interesting demonstration of electrical power. It was the second number of our form entertainments.

21        A heavy storm is responsible for postponing an Athens-Owen basketball game.





  2        Class meetings again, Owen plays Loyal.

13        Thorp and Owen Play. Tough luck!

20        Hurry! School closed with a big party. Stanley defeats Owen. Tough going boys!




  6        School began. Oh boy is it hard to concentrate!

14        “Abby” beats us. This is getting monotonous!

17        Owen beats Neillsville. At last a victory!

21        We took another trimming from Withee.

22        Greenwood F.F.A. gave a party and invited us.

24        Our local F.F.A. and F.H.A. joined forces to give a party. Very nice too!

28        Thorp tangled with us again!

31        Stanley played. Oh me, they beat us again! What can we say?




  4        Class meetings are here again. The annual is on its way. A big headache it is too!

  7        Here we go again, Neillsville is the victor this time.

19        The basketball tournament opens tonight. Lots of luck fellows!  We’ll be thinking of you.


Future Events




F.F.A. banquet will be given on March thirteenth. We hope you boys will eat something for the rest of us.




The Junior Promenade is planned for May second. Get your man gals! Bobby Bryan is playing. Will the juniors have a headache before they’re through? Remember our fun seniors?



(Page 21)


Seated, Left to Right:  F. Samek, C. Smith, E. Gay, L. Phillips, F Neibacher, F. Hoeper, W. Maurina, B. Devine, D. Southworth, R. Garfield.


Standing, Left to Right:  V. Peterson, H. Frane, H. Peterson, H. Laube, M. Smith, E. Sluzewski, O. Steinke, E. Gay, B. Hull, K. Buchholz, W. Hansen, Mr. Milliren.


Third Row, Left to Right:  D. Hull, P. Devine, F. Pawlukiewicz, R. Seufzer, R. Creg, K. Hacker, G. Behringer, G. Southworth, D. German, K. Roohr, A. Smith, G. Behringer.


The Future Farmers of America is a nation-wide organization of farm boys enrolled in vocational agriculture.


The local group was reorganized this year at the beginning of the school term with Mr. Milliren for the new sponsor. The first activity was to send officers to a training school in Medford. Three judging teams represented out chapter at the County Dairy, Fat Stock and Grain Judging Contest which was held at the County Farm.


The selling of garden seeds was a profitable project which was followed by a joint F.F.A. and F.H.A. dance. This entertainment was held on January 24th with music furnished by Ted Wirth. 


March 13th will be the date of the Father and Son Banquet. This social event has not been held for the last two year. A meal will be served by the F.H.A. girls of the Home Economics department. The main speaker will be Mr. C. H. Bonsack Executive Secretary of the Wisconsin Association of Future Farmer. We are sure the Banquet will be a success. 


Below we present a list of awards earned this year:


Letters – Edward Sluzewski, Richard Seufzer, Kenneth Hacker


Emblems – David Hull, Leslie Phillips, Ernest Gay, Floyd Neibacher, Melvin Smith


Milk Testing Awards – Melvin Smith ($12.00), Ernest Gay ($8.00), Gerald Behringer ($5.00), George Behringer ($5.00)


Kiwanis Contest Awards – Edward Sluzewski ($25.00), David Hull ($15.00), Ernest Gay ($10.00), Richard Seufzer ($5.00).



(Page 20)


Bottom Row, Left to Right:  M. Bernsee, V. Woik, E. Lipprandt, M. Skutak, w. Lindau, A. Schafer, M. J. Hiebsch, N. Hamm, D. Laabs, B. J. Kraut.


Second Row, Left to Right:  D. Gudex, O. Woik, S. Stolp, M. Maurina, L. Maki, B. Johnson, J. Arndt, M. Barnaske, T. Devine, Miss Tanz. 


Third Row, Left to Right:  J. Wesneski, M. E. Johnson, E. Glenzer, A. M. Wesneski, P. Hamm, B. Krug, J. Ackerman, D. Thompson, J. Stuve.


The Future Homemakers of America, which is a national organization, aims to reach the following goals:


1. To work toward better home and family living.

2. To increase opportunities for the development of leadership.

3. To provide intelligent participation in home building, which is needed in society today.

4. To provide wholesome individual and group recreation.


This organization has a Christmas Silver Tea for the parents and all high school students. Everyone who attended spent an enjoyable afternoon.


On Friday, January 24th, the F.H.A. and the Future Farmers of America sponsored a dance.  Ted Wirth’s orchestra furnished the music. Students from several neighboring schools were invited and attended.


This organization has done many things during the past year to further education in home living for the girls of tomorrow. 



(Page 19)


Seated, Left to Right:  M. J. Hiebsch, J. Stuve, J. Arndt, J. Wesneski, A. M. Wesneski, O. Woik, A. Schafer, V. Otto, M. Stuve.


Second Row, Left to Right:  H. Frane, J. Madsen, D. Klemetson, J. Samek, B. Johnson, M. Barnaske, P. Sugden, D. Thompson, J. Klabon, Miss Boyington.


Third Row, Left to Right:  E. Sluzewski, D. Hull, A. Smith, K. Roohr, M. Smith, G. Southworth, E. Gay. L. Schneider, E. Gay, K. Buchholz.


My mind’s so infested with theories of men,

Philosophers, sages, professors and then,

Conservatives, radicals, liberal men.


My mind’s so confused I could easily go,

To the Tropics or North Pole – all covered with snow,

And live in a cave like the primitive men,

Never to listen to theories again!




Honors Page

(Page 10)


This year, the Cloverleaf is initiating a new Annual year for the publication. Heretofore the contents have been confined to events that took place between the first of September and the first of March. This was necessitated by the fact that all copy material had to be in the hands of the printer by the latter date. Because of this fact, former annuals have been unable to record any honors and awards earned after that early date.   


The members of the present junior and senior classed decided to make the forthcoming issue of the annual cover events from March first of the junior year to March first of the senior year.  In accordance with this decision, we are presenting awards and honors earned in the spring of 1946.


In last year’s forensic contests Violet Otto took first place in Dramatic Declamations; Dorothy Thompson won second place and June Klabon was given honorable mention. 


Among those who competed with Humorous Declamations, Mary Jane Hiebsch took first; Ernest Gay, second and Una Belle Stephens was given third mention.


Below we list the selections chosen by each contestant:

Violet Otto – Bobby Shafto

Dorothy Thompson – Captain January

June Klabon – Mary Ellen’s Star

Mary Jane Hiebsch - Ma’s Daily Doesn’t

Ernest Gay – Blue-Eyed Sheik

Una Belle Stephens – At the Church Supper


The annual award for good citizenship, scholarship and character sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary was granted to Loretta Smith for the year 1946.  A similar award to boys, sponsored by the American Legion went to Henry Mauel.


The state award, which is given to the D.A.R. went to Eunice Marking. This award includes a conducted tour to Washington, D.C. for the one girl from each state selected from the representatives of each section.  Eunice was the candidate from Owen.


At last spring’s Music Festival held in Eau Claire, the local high school captured first and second places in several entries. We give the list of junior and senior awards;

First Place, Vocal Solo Work: Betty Greech, Betty Kraut and Dorothy Long.

First Place, Instrumental, Cornet: Betty Greech, Lois Madsen.

First Place, Instrumental, Trombone: Eunice Marking.

First Place, Baton, Loretta Smith.

First Honors, group, concert work and parade: Band

Second Honors: Chorus, Mixed Chorus, Glee Club. 


The following students have consistently remained on the honor roll during their four years in high school.

Betty Jean Kraut, Shirley McMillan, Sidney Toraason, Galen Parkinson.


Bonnie Marking, 1946 Prom Queen

Eugene Johnson, 1946 Prom King



(Page 25)


First Row, Seated, Left to Right:  M. Smith, P. Bladl, N. Nason, B. Hilts, J. Stuve.


Second Row, Left to Right:  D. Long, S. Toraason, E. Sluzewski, I. Ciokiewicz, B. Allen, L. Schneider, J. Madsen, V. Otto, M. E. Allen, D. Laabs.


Third Row, Left to Right:  B. J. Kraut, P. Hacker, A. Smith, M. Barnaske, F. Levine, E. Gay, T. Gay, L. Maki, E. Glenzer, B. Marking, N. Hamm, K. Buchholz, W. Piotrowski, F. Baxter, E. Gay, D. Thorson, H. Plummer, D. Thompson, F. Buchholz, D. Gudex, S. McMillan, Pianist.


Standing, Left to Right:  M. J. Hiebsch, P. Hamm, J. Wollum, A. Wilksman, B. L. O’Dell, Mr. Schulze.


Orchestra Officers


President – Melvin Smith

Vice President – Dorothy Thomposon

Secretary – Sidney Toraason

Treasurer – Judy Wollum

Reporter – Jerry Madsen


The Owen High School Orchestra has completed a successful year under the direction of Mr. Albert Schulze, who returned to us after an absence of four years, during which he was in he Armed Services.


During the school year, the Orchestra presented two concerts, a Christmas Concert and an Early Spring Concert. The Orchestra Ensemble played for many school and city events during the year. 


The Orchestra chose as its major work for the year, transcriptions from Tchaikovsky’s fifth and sixth Symphonies, Beethoven’s second and seventh Symphonies and Hayden’s eleventh Symphony. Besides these heavier works, American folk music and incidental numbers completed the Orchestra’s repertoire for the year. 


Pep Band

(Page 26)


Bottom Row, Left to Right:  J. Madsen, M. J. Hiebsch, L. Maki, B. Marking, N. Hamm, D. Thorson, M. E. Allen, V. Otto


Top Row, Left to Right:  Mr. Schulze, P. Hamm, D. Gudex, F. Buchholz, H. Erickson, M. Stuve, D. Thompson, P. Hacker, D. Long.


The Pep Band is an energetic organization, whose purpose it is to give a little – let’s say oomph to the student body and to the sprit of our boys that play in sports. 


This group appears at the P.T.A. meetings, at Band Mother’s plays and at school parties.

The personnel consist of fifteen embers all of whom play in the regular school band. 


String Ensemble

(Page 27)


Seated, Left to Right:  S. Toraason, B. Hilts, M. Stuve, P. Bladl, M. Smith, S. McMillan.


Standing:  J. Wollum, Mr. Schulze.


The string ensemble has completed another successful year. This year it is under the direction of Mr. Al Schulze. One of the few public appearances was made at the Christmas Party, given by the Kiwanis Club. The players enjoyed the occasion as much as did the club members and their guest.


Even though the group dies not get together for practice as often as could be desired, several selections have been mastered. Some of the favorite compositions are; “When Day Is Done,”  “Play Gypsies,”  “Dance Gypsies,”  “Night and Day” and  “Lover Come Back To Me.”


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