Curtiss State
Graded School No. 4 shortly after being built (circa 1910)
The first
schoolhouse in Curtiss was a wooden frame building built in the late
1800's. Some of the early teachers were: Miss Gunda Thompson, T. H.
Barber and Christine Matthias. In 1910, the new school was built.
The old building was moved across the street and was used as the
village hall for many years. A part of it was used for the library.
The first librarian was Tom Wilson, a black man. Other uses for the
old schoolhouse (village hall) were: banking business, store, jail,
personal residence
and is currently the Bowen Hardware Storage (1982). The school
was known as the Curtiss State Graded School No. 4. In 1930 an
addition was built for a two-year high school. This was discontinued
about 1943. The Parent - Teacher Association was active, with Mrs.
Minnie Green being the first president. In 1935 the P.T.A. joined the
national organization. In the 1960's the Curtiss Graded School was
closed and consolidated with the Abbotsford School District. The
school building was purchased by the village of Curtiss, and now serves as
the community hall. (this text was supplied by Armin Peterson for
the Curtiss Centennial Booklet and the photo was submitted by Roy Ostenson,
Sr.) |