Fire Department
Loyal Township
Clark County, Wisconsin
Contributed by the Loyal Public Library; transcribed by Stan
On Aug. 27, 1897, the Village of Loyal purchased its first steamer pump for $400, which was run by volunteer men.
In 1909 the village trustees wrote up laws for a department. They elected a Fire Chief. The chief in turn picked his first and second Assistant Chief. The steamer they used was pulled by horses or by the men. When there was a fire, they pulled it down to the creek and pumped it full of water. They also had a reservoir under the floor of what is now Dahlke's garage on the corner of Mill and Division.
One of the laws passed at that time imposed a fine for not helping at a fire when asked. The fine was not less than $1.00 or more than $10.00. also one could be fined for bringing beer to a fireman on duty.
They had a bell, which was rung whenever they had a fire, and in 1924 they purchased their first siren from William Daly and Co. for $328.
In 1924 the Fire Department was organized and consisted of 35 members. Edward Christianson was elected Fire Chief, followed in turn by Harry Palm, Martine Christenson, Jim Christenson, and our present Chief Mike Weyhmiller. From the original roster Percy Voight is the only one left who still lives in Loyal. Bud (Haskel) Catlin joined the department the year it was organized in 1924. Both are honorary members.
In July 1925 the department purchased their first truck, a Ford, bought for $263 and spending $1286.50 for equipment. Later another $64 was spent. They bought more hose when needed. This truck was later sold for $100 to the Village of Catawba.
In 1937 the department moved the equipment from their first fire hall (Dahlke's garage) to the Municipal Building. From there they moved to the present one which was built in 1965.
In May 1940, the department bought the second truck, a Diamond T., for $450. They also spent $210 for tires and $1859 for other equipment. This truck is still being used, along with four others, plus a panel truck, which is used for hauling equipment.
Besides the fire-fighting equipment that is used by the Loyal Volunteer Fire Department, the department owns a hospital bed and a wheel chair, which it lends to people who need it in the community.
Having the necessary equipment is only part of our Volunteer Fire Department. The other part is the men operating the equipment. The Loyal Fire Department is manned by 22 efficient and willing men, including two from the Town of Loyal and two from the Town of Beaver.
Source: LOYAL CENTENNIAL BOOK (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) 1870 - 1970
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