Township of Lynn
Clark County, Wisconsin
Source: "Clark Co. Illustrated" by Saterlee, Tifft & Marsh, 1890.
Lynn is located in the southeastern portion of the county, and is mathematically described as township number twenty-four, range number one cast; the fourth principal meridian forming its western boundary. This is also one of the older towns of the county. Among the names of those who first settled the town, the following occur to the mind of the writer: George Ure, Sr.; Bartemtus Brooks, and his sons, Alonzo, Daniel, and Erwin; Wm. Yorkston, the Sternitzkys and the Gearys, many of whom are still residents of the town and have fine large farms and dwelling houses. The town has been gradually settled up by people from other states, and by those of different nationalities from Europe, until the town i-3 about half settled up and about one third of the land in the town is cleared and under cultivation.
The surface of the town is similar to that of' the surrounding towns already described, the southern portion being more nearly level and the northern half being higher and more rolling. There are no large streams in the town, but the small streams are quite numerous. The source of the Cunningham, which is quite an important stream, is in this town, and there are several other streams in the town, as may be seen by referring to maps. The best of drinking water is procured with but little trouble and without digging to any great depth. The amount of rainfall during a season, whether it be great or small, has but little effect on these wells.
The northern two-thirds, of the town is almost, entirely hardwood, Where it has not been cleared by settlers, is still covered with a growth of maple, birch, basswood, oak, elm, ash and other timber of a like character. The southern third of town was formerly covered with a growth of heavy pine timber, interspersed with the common hardwoods, a portion of which still remains standing.
The soil is very productive throughout the Whole town, but especially so with the northern portion. Wheat, oats, rye, barley, corn, potatoes, grasses and other crops, are produced in abundance. The southern part of the town is better adapted to grazing purposes, as it grows immense crops of grass. Ensilage is also being cultivated quite extensively.
Wherever the town is settled, and in many places where it is not, good highways have been constructed and graded up, so that travel, about the town is made easy, whether the season be wet or dry. Up to less than one ear ago the products of the town had to be drawn by team across the country ton or twelve miles to Neillsville, or sixteen or eighteen miles to Marshfield, to get it to where it might be sold or shipped.
In August of last year, the Milwaukee, Dexterville Northern railroad was built into the town, and completed as far as the south line of Section number five, is a reference to the map will show. A few months ago this road was purchased by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Co., and will be built across the center of the county to the village of Thorp, in the northwestern corner of the county, on the Wisconsin Central Railroad. The road between these two points is now being graded. This road coming into the town has, of course, greatly improved the commercial situation )f the town and it is being settled up much more rapidly than heretofore.
The thriving little village of Lynn has been built since the road entered the town, and it has given new life to the whole town. The village of Lynn already has two large general stores, a hardware store, a meat market, a hotel, a livery stable, a blacksmith shop and two saloons, several other business places are in the course of construction. Mr. D. C. Geary, of the village, is the postmaster. The town hall, which is a large new building, is also located in the village. The building is made from the very best material and was constructed at quite an expense to the town.
The schools of the town have received much attention and are in fine condition. The school near the village of Lynn will probably be graded and separated into two or more departments within a short time. Owing to the fact that but a small portion (the northern part) of this town has been settled, the population his not been very large. In 1880 it was but 247; in 1885 it was but 334; and this year, 18901, it will probably be about 525. This last number is merely an estimate, but the exact number may be found in the table at the back part of this book. Herman Yankee, whose portrait appears on another page, is chairman, of the town and the member of the county board from his town; D. C. Geary, whose portrait also appears in this book, is the town James Sternitzky is the town treasurer, and John Hoover is the assessor. These men are all well-to-do farmers of the town.
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