The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
June 13, 2007
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Old Items Taken from The Thorp Courier files of
100 Years Ago (1907)
Stanley Sunbeams – Boomer Creek, otherwise known as Tannery Creek is
polluted to an unpleasant if not unsanitary degree by the sewage from
the tannery.
Signatures are being obtained to a paper calling for the organization of
a LaFollette Presidential Club in this village.
Wm. Barrett with a crew of six men is peeling the hemlock logs in Nye,
Lusk & Hudson Cos. Mill yard here.
Anton Rybacki of Thorp, was fatally injured by his team of horses in a
runaway on Friday last, and died from his injuries on Monday evening.
The Commencement exercises of Thorp High School were held at the opera
house on Friday evening last. The graduates were: Lee Snyder, Etna
Hansen, Wallace Landry, Marie VanderHyden, Isaac LaGasse and Hazel
75 Years Ago (1932)
Baker R. E. Schmitt has added three new display counters to his already
fine and fully equipped shop.
Increased postage rates are to go into effect July 1 and July 6.
Postage on ordinary letters becomes 3 cents instead of 2 cents for the
first ounce or fraction.
Commencement exercises were held at St. Bernard’s Church Sunday evening,
June 12, at which time the twelve eighth grade graduates received their
diplomas from the Rev. Pastor.
In a church filled to its utmost capacity, eight boys and nineteen girls
received Holy Communion solemnly last Sunday morning in St. Bernard’s
Gilman – The Joseph Turek home was badly destroyed by fire Thursday
afternoon. Neighbors assisted in saving all of the furniture.
The fire was caused by the chimney.
50 Years Ago (1957)
Work is progressing on the rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish National
Catholic Church at Lublin to replace one destroyed by fire December 23.
Damages of over $500 were reported to the Chippewa Canning Plant in that
city last week after Edmund Licht, superintendent of the plant, found
144 window panes broken. The Stanley Police are investigating.
“The Rainmaker” starring Burt Lancaster and Katherine Hepburn arrives at
the Thorp Theatre this coming Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday riding a wave
of acclaim that marks it as one of the year’s great films.
25 Years Ago (1982)
Apparently two people made ten entries into Thorp businesses between the
hours of 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. on Wed. June 8, netting approximately $770 in
money, two bottles of liquor and one case of beer.
Relatives and friends helped Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson celebrate
their Golden Wedding Anniversary at the American Legion Hall in Thorp
with a supper and dance on Sat. evening June 5, 1982.
10 Years Ago (1997)
Among the many other talented young athletes competing for state
championship in La Crosse on June 6 and 7 were Shane Swope and Bryan
Leech. Shane took home a second place in shot put and a third in discus.
Bryan placed tenth in the high jump.