The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
August 29, 2007
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Old Items Taken from The Thorp Courier files of 1907-1932-1957-1982-1997

100 Years Ago (1907)

The Laberge lots have been neatly graded and a tennis court laid out for the amusement of the young people.

Rev. T. F. Hannaman, who has been pastor of the M. E. Church here for the past year, left for Eau Claire on Monday, having finished his labors here.

A petition has been forwarded to Washington asking for the establishing of a post office at Lublin, twelve miles and a half northeast of this place on the Ladysmith branch, so we are informed.

Henry Baxter, who has been employed as a filer in a saw mill at Hannibal, returned to his home at Eidsvold on Monday, the mill having completed its seasons’ work.

75 Years Ago (1932)

The members of the Thorp Cash Club, with their families and the families of their help celebrated their organization with a big picnic at Pike Lake.

The contract for building the new school house in District No. 1, Town of Thorp, was let on Thursday last.  Asselin Bros. secured the contract for erecting the building, their bid being $2,051.

Clement Schmidt, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fr. Schmidt, last week was saved from possible serious illness by a successful operation performed at Rochester in which five pieces of a peanut the boy had swallowed two weeks ago were removed from his lung.

50 Years Ago (1957)

Fire of unknown origin destroyed the large Sheldon Co-op building at Sheldon Thursday night. An estimate of damage is still being made.

The State Board of Health allocated $160,000 in federal aid toward the 38-bed addition to the Stanley hospital, which will cost $400,000.

The city council accepted the offer of Lyman Lumber & Fuel Co. of $15,000 for the purchase of the city hall, which housed the city jail and council rooms. The sale also includes small parcels of land around the building.

25 Years Ago (1982)

Two new trophy case banks are in the process of being installed in the multi-purpose room of Thorp High School to house the many trophies from music, forensics, agriculture and athletics.

Frances Rosiejka, Lublin, will have her painting, “The Storm” in an exhibition of outstanding work by Wisconsin artists at the Annual State Art Exhibition and Conference planned for September of this year.

10 Years Ago (1997)

Crystal Romanowski, 16, a sophomore at Gilman High School will be crowned queen of the Gilman Fall Festival this weekend, Aug. 23.

Thorp residents must have thought they had entered a time warp when a vintage model locomotive puffed through the city last week.





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