Levis Township Community

Clark County, Wisconsin


Levis Community Hall (July 13, 1969)

This building was formerly known as the Bohemian Lodge Hall and was erected in 1928.

1981: The Levis Town Hall 

This was the former Riverside school.

1981: Levis Township’s garage

The old Town Hall was moved from the McAdams or Art Opelt’s corner and set on a cement slab where the new Town Hall now stands.






4-H Clubs


Levis Progressive Club


Meeting News

Happy Hour Club

(Click on this photo to enlarge it)

Happy Hour Club at the Fred Sears Home


Front Row, Left to Right: Irene Opelt, Max Opelt, Milton Page, Willian Ottow, ?, Leland Bandelow, Charles Neff, Sr., O. A. Crockett, Fred Sears, Ray Kutsche, Otto Liskow, Harry Anderson, William Richmond.

Back Row: Iala Bandelow, Ida Ottow, ?, Gretchen Anderson, Hattie Kutsche, Kaud Crockett, Elvira Neff, Versle Sears, Clara Shaw, Wilbur Anderson. 

Source: Levis 125 Year Book (1981); provided by "The Jailhouse Museum".


The Happy Hour Club was organized in the spring of 1923 at the home of Mrs. Gustave Kaddatz.  The group was composed of: Mrs. Herman Meier, Mrs. John Trinkner, Mrs. Charles Lueck, Mrs. Chas. Shramek, Sr., Mrs. Fred Krumpeck, Mrs. Joe Holub, Sr., Mrs. Fed Sears, Mrs. John King, Mrs. Gustave Kaddatz, Mrs. Ladd Shramek, and Miss Lillian Shramek.  Mrs. Gustave Kaddatz was chosen the first chairman and Mrs. Ladd Shramek became the first secretary.  This club has been meeting continuously since that time (stated in 1980).  The meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at noon, and all enjoy a fine dinner, which is furnished by the hostess and a part of the members.  Dues of 50 cents are used for gifts and floweres for the members besides contributing to charity organizations and help of the needy in our community.  The main purpose of the club is to learn more about and improve our homemaking.  We send two representatives to the center meetings at Neillsville where sewing-cooking-canning and many other interesting subjects are presented by the leader sent from the University of Wisconsin Extension service.  This is later presented back at our club meetings.  All Homemaker Clubs in the county have an achievement Day held in June, at which the work accomplished during the year is exhibited.  Each club decorates it's own booth.  Our club has grown until at one time there were thirty members.  At present, there are twenty-five.

Source: Levis 125 Year Book (1981); provided by "The Jailhouse Museum".

Homemaker's Club

(Click on this photo to enlarge it)

Homemakers Clubs--40 yr. Members (May, 1973)


Front Row, Left to Right: Lydia Frome, Ethel Schutte, Elsie Harder and Violet Anderegg.

Back Row: Mrs. Marvin Churkey, Mary Hedler, Millie Opelt and Elsie Hendrich.

Source: Levis 125 Year Book (1981); provided by "The Jailhouse Museum".

Sewing Circle

(Click on this photo to enlarge it)

Levis Sewing Circle--November 21, 1918.


Front Row, Messdames listed left to right (standing) Charles Luck, Dolle (sitting on step behind) Kip Schultz, Mable Wendberg, (sitting in front) Richard (Tillie Johnson) Lynch, Tony (Hazel Schultz) Hantke, Sitting left to right: John Apfel, MIss Edna Monson, George (Florence Weittgnant) Broiher, Frank Raether, Max Opelt Sr., Charles Musil, Carl Dahnert, C. Thompson.

Back Row:  Charles Austin, Charles Horton, Art (Laura) Opelt, August Anderson, Herman Dahl, Pearl Braman, Bea (Esther True) Beeckler (sitting on rail).

Source: Levis 125 Year Book (1981); provided by "The Jailhouse Museum".



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